The Battle of 'Ain Jalut | Mongol vs. Egyptian Mamluk War

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some of the footage I used in this video comes from today's sponsor story blocks it's unlimited access to over a million stock videos songs and more all in one subscription more on that later after the tears and screams fields of Bones were left buried in Silence the Butcher of Baghdad hula gukan has left this land his eyes fixed on Syria the Sultan of Aleppo and Damascus al-nasir Youssef has failed to go to hulugu in the Mongols in submission Mongol envoys now go to him with a warning destroy your fortresses and submit to the great Khan in the East or suffer his wrath some in the Sultan's Court favor surrender but the sultan believes his cities can weather a Siege one Commander called babar's beseeches the sultan to Rally his armies to meet the Mongols in the field His Eyes silvered by a cataract this hardened Warrior from Egypt warns that walls will not Avail against the Mongols the the sultan disregards him and so babar's gathers his followers and leaves Syria to its Doom death arrives in early 1260. [Music] the Mongols breached the walls of Aleppo within a week from the high Citadel The Defenders are forced to watch the massacre of their people The Garrison holds out for weeks before surrendering another Fortress in the region also relinquishes the fight and it is written they came down under amnesty but hula gukan was extremely angry with them and ordered them killed at once along with their wives and children al-nasir has fled and Damascus surrenders without resistance Mongol appointed administrators promptly established control over Syrian cities thereby uprooting the last of the ayubid dynasty only a decade before the Islamic ayubids had triumphed over the Crusaders in the ongoing War for the Holy Land capturing and holding for ransom the French King Louis IX amidst the glow of Victory the ayubids were ousted from Egypt overthrown by their Elite slave soldiers called The mamluks Who in turn set about fighting amongst each other for power is himself a distinguished meme look had fled for his life as his Rivals ceased control now he returns to make peace with his Nemesis the man looks Sultan of Egypt kutus if the Winds of War are Brewing on the horizon Bay bars will not flee again oh the boy he and his tribe native to the Western step fled the swords of Invaders and refuge in the Crimean Peninsula his people were attacked by a regional warlord many were killed babar's was sold into slavery was brought to Egypt sharpened raised to fight as a mamluk the Invaders who displaced his people so long ago were the Mongols and now envoys arrive in Cairo with a message from hula gukan from the king of kings of east and west the Supreme Khan let kutus know that we are the soldiers of God on Earth that he created us in his anger commit your faith to us before the veil is torn we will not be touched by Tears [Applause] you have heard that we have purified the Earth of the disorders which defiled it and that we have slaughtered most of the inhabitants it's up to you to flee what land will offer you Refuge which road can save you your prayers to God against us will not be heated hurry to give us an answer before the Flames of War are ignited and its Sparks are cast upon you he advises kutus to warn his people say to Egypt hulugu has come with swords and sheathed and sharp the mightiest of her people will become humble he will send their children to join the Aged in death kutus has the four Mongol envoys publicly cut in half he hangs their heads from babszuela the southern gate of Cairo in the Army rides out for war hulugu has moved to cooler pastures in the north with the main Army in the recent death of the great Khan manka will further divert his attention from the front he has left only around ten thousand Mongols in the region under the command of his General kitbuka camped across Palestine the land held Holy by Jews Christians and Muslims the Mongols have pillaged and made little effort to establish control the word of the mamluk advance reaches kitbuka and he rallies his Warriors curtus and the Muslim memluk Army meanwhile make Camp outside the Crusader city of acre vowed adversaries of Islam some Christians the Georgians Armenians and more recently the ruler of Antioch and Tripoli have submitted and taken to fighting alongside their Mongol overlords kibuka himself is a Christian the Franks here and acre refused to throw in their lot with the ruthless Mongols the Crusaders send out supplies to the mamluks a stifled show of support riding ahead babar's is located the Mongol force not far from a spring called einjelut as Twilight gives way to Dawn over the hills of Southeastern Galilee the mamluk Army beholds the Mongols free troops including Bedouins and syrians the core mamluks are men who are sold as boys raised in Islam and relentlessly drilled to be professional Warriors Adept in horse archery and melee often clad in male and lamellar armor along with their horses across the plain Mongol heavy troops Menace In elaborate armor either native to Mongolia or pillaged along the warpath it standard Mongol Warriors ride light with little to no armor they've known horsemanship archery and War since infancy personal Reserve horses grant them inexhaustible nobility on the battlefield first blood is drawn by the Mongols heavy Cavalry smashes into the mam-look line followed by a terrible burst of arrows mamluks fall all around kutus feels the fear in his men he shouts for them to hold position to fight for Islam and to answer with a charge of Their Own in the course of battle in the ubid prince serving on the Mongol left deserts with his troops the man looks likely swarmed this open Edge and the Mongol horde becomes entrenched in a bloody melee Warriors in the eye of the storm tear each other apart with swords axes and Spears horse archers exchange kills on the edges at length the Mongols begin to crumble some leap from their mounts for a Last Stand General kit Buca is overrun and his head is taken as a trophy by kutus babar's hunts the remaining fleeing Mongols and Slaughters many in the Hills when the man looks find Mongols hiding in a field of reeds they set the field on fire word of the defeat at eindelut Echoes across the land [Music] Maria abandoned conquered cities and the mamluks overtake them kutus then rides South to return to Egypt he had deposed the previous Sultan and taken the throne less than a year prior before then his allies had slain the companions of babar's an account overseen by babar's himself recounts the journey home babar's had already made arrangements with a small group of his followers riding beside kutus and talking with him he suddenly seized his hand and his sword and then Drew back from him and struck at him the result was his death and removal as had been decreed by God babar's did he did himself touting his victory at eindge loot in his triumph over kutus babar's receives the support of Egyptian commanders and becomes the Sultan of Egypt Khan does not think einjelu to crush in defeat but a Prelude to vengeance his massive Army is untouched and eager for battle but animosities have grown between hulugu and another Mongol Prince to his North berka disputes over sovereignty and land have been further inflamed by berka's prior conversion to Islam and consequent desire to punish hulugu for his Massacre of Baghdad and its caliph the Empire has begun to fracture into distinct khanates a Mongol Civil War to establish a new great Khan rages on in the East and now War erupts between hulugu and berka when babar's learns of this he shrewdly forges an alliance with a fellow Muslim berka and his golden horde khanate whereby berka permits the ongoing slave trade from his lands to Egypt which serves as the lifeblood of the mamluk army engaged on two fronts hulagu seeks his own allies in a letter to King Louis IX of France the Mongol Prince boasts that he massacred Baghdad in Aleppo that he captured al-nasir Yusuf and suspicious of his loyalty at the man's head stuck atop a gate into Breeze these attempts at European Mongol alliances survive hulugu's Death In 1265. His Son abaca succeeds him as head of this ill-canate he marries the illegitimate daughter of the Byzantine emperor Michael VIII and later threatens Bay bars reminding the former slave you are a mamluk who was bought in siwas how do you rebel against the kings of the Earth so when Lord Edward of England leads a crusade in 1271 abaca answers his call for Aid he sends 10 000 Mongols to pillage Syria yet Crusader Mongol efforts toward Alliance to rarely amount to effective cooperation babar's emerges with his army to find the Mongols have already returned North he clashes with the Crusaders and by some accounts sends into Zaria is melee assassin to kill the Future King Edward the agent stabs Edward possibly with a poison dagger Edward kills the assailant but decides to abandon the Crusade such are the means of survival in a web of Islamic Christian and Mongol interests Complicated by internessian divisions [Music] the Mongol promise of Revenge still looms and in 1277 nearly two decades after the Fateful battle at einjelut babar's musters the mamluk Army and takes up his sword once more the Sultan's Visage betrays long years of war the journey North feels more labored than it once did trekking through sand and mountains the mamluk stopped to camp in the moonlit Hills near Elba stand Mongol territory the Mongols Gather in a nearby Valley and inaugurate the day of battle with a vengeful onslaught the mam look left cracks men fall mangled by arrows babar's hastens to reinforce the flank and shouts for a counter-attack the Mongols cannot stem the mam look tied the mamluks cover them in blades and arrows the tapestry of Mongol dead spreads thick over the whole plane following the Elation of Victory is heightened by the Islamic holiday of Eid but babar's forbids his men to play celebratory drums lamenting how can I Rejoice I had believed that if ten thousand Horsemen of my Army were to meet thirty thousand Mongols I would defeat them but I met seven thousand Mongols with all my Army the Mongols aroused panic and my Army lost heart without Allah's Grace they would have defeated us babar's dies later that year represented a halt to the Mongol advance but it had been the cunning Bay bars who held the line thereafter and built a fearsome man look Army four years after his death a massive Mongol Army invades Syria in the mamluks vanquished them notwithstanding one major defeat in 1299 the mamluks continued to thwart further Mongol conquest in the region Mongols engaged many worthy opponents on the remote edges of their empire including the Knights of Europe Samurai of Japan and the mamluks of Egypt but even costly offensives did not break the Mongol horde the greatest enemies the ultimate undoing of the Mongol Empire are the Mongols themselves inward the very avarice brutality and claims to power that built the Empire turned the cons against each other the vision of unending conquests dreamed by the long dead Genghis Khan fades years ago in the midst of his civil war against hulugu Berke Khan wandered through cold heaps of Mongol dead and lamented Mongols are killed by Mongol swords if we were United then we would have conquered all of the world the footage of Mongolia you're looking at right now and several Clips in this video came from storyblocks seriously if you do anything creative or for a business this is a great deal and I found it to be a massive Time Saver I love that at one set price subscription cost storyblocks gives you unlimited downloads of professional content to use anywhere royalty free forever expensive pay by the clip pricing can force you to balance creativity with cost instead storyblocks gives you access to a seemingly endless catalog of HD stock footage templates images and sound effects you can download at any time and whether or not you have experience animating you can really spruce up your projects with Sleek Motion Graphics and titles that work easily with editing programs like after effects Premiere Pro and apple motion to get started with unlimited stock media downloads at one set price head to historydose or just click the link in the description
Channel: History Dose
Views: 607,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Qutuz, Qotuz, Genghis, Khan, Hulagu, Hulegu, Ayn Jalut, Ain Jalut, Baghdad, Egyptian, Egypt, Mamluk, Mamluke, Stopped the Mongols, Mongol defeat, defeating, Aleppo, Syria, Damascus, Crusader, Crusades, palestine, jerusalem, holy land, acre, knights, Ayyubid, Saladin, destruction, revenge, baybars, baibars, sultan, caliph, golden horde, ilkhanate, ilkhan, abaqa, civil war
Id: K59YdccsRu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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