THE BANSHEES OF INISHERIN Movie Review - Breakfast All Day

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top of the morning to you I'm not Irish I'm not even gonna try of inner sharing is opening Friday in limited release but obviously we'll be platforming out it's going to be I think uh one that we wind up talking about a lot during award season it's Martin McDonough reunited with Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleason thank June he used to be the best of friends we're still the best of friends no you're not who says we're not said somewhere else I love this movie so much I'm just gonna put this out here and say it's one of my absolute favorites of the year I had a total blast watching this that was also horrified watching this I went through a lot of emotions watching banshees event Sharon but I definitely loved it so yeah as you mentioned Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleason once again with Martin McDonough who directed them in In Bruges um they had spectacular chemistry in that movie and they do hear as well in a very different way in a much lower key a much more somber kind of tone um less bickering and more sniping it's just it's a little it's a little different but the energy is definitely still there that camaraderie is still there this takes place in April of 1923 on an island off the coast of Ireland Colin Farrell is pot egg and Brenda Gleason is column and they are lifelong best friends in this incredibly insular place and Martin McDonough besides being an incredible writer which is a really sharp and specific ear really sets the tone own here it has this very rich Vivid sense of place Ben Davis shot this who also shot three Billboards for Martin McDonough he shot several Marvel movies you can feel the chill of the Mist you can feel like the mud and like the stone the cold of the stone it's a very Vivid evocative um sense of place here and it's just this insular Island where everyone knows everyone's business and that sounds charming and quaint but it also is a place where with in the midst of all this tight-knit community there's a sense of isolation and a sense of loneliness and so each of these guys is the other's only really true friend and so when column all of a sudden just like ices out pod egg and just won't talk to him and won't meet him at the pub at two o'clock for a pint as usual it just really sets them on edge and the whole rest of the movie is how that relationship evolves as Farrell's character tries to get back with him and Gleason's character pulls farther away um you've got all this fantastic supporting players here Carrie Condon is great as Colin Farrell's sister who actually reads books it has aspirations and Ambitions outside of this insular little place um Barry Keogan is like always the the Wild Card always like the weirdo but what's interesting about his character here too is that in some ways he tells the absolute truth in the way that nobody else will what does he not want to be friends with you no more what is he 12. and he's smarter than he looks maybe but also a little off um I was horrified Colin Farrell broke my heart um I also just found it hilarious a lot of the time because there's a great Rhythm repetition to the language to the dialogue um it's really singular and I loved it this is definitely McDonald's wheelhouse as far as the sort of melding you know humor and brutality and these really intense uh characters in their relationships I I like that a lot I think if I like it less than you it's because there's something about the whole Central premise that feels so theatrical not that the movie feels stage Bound in any way but just the the premise and the way these characters suddenly decide that this thing is going to happen and and the Fallout from it feels much more like the setup of a play than a movie somehow but uh within that I think it's handled really well I made the joke before that you know before I was supposed to go to Venice but then I got coveted instead uh in like two days I saw tar don't worry darling and this and I kind of thought of them as the consent Trilogy um because because Colin Farrell here is playing a guy who will not take no for an answer he has given a boundary and he is given the what his friend wants and how his friend wants to move forward and what his what his desire for his life is going to be and he cannot accept it he can't take it he keeps looking for a loophole he keeps thinking if he pushes enough you know like the other person will get over it and give him what he wants and he just can't take no for an answer and but he's so Sunny he's so like happy-go-lucky and said it comes from a pure place don't you feel for him I mean yeah no look that's the thing I mean and it's not like oh he's terrible and and you know uh uh Brendan Gleason is so great I mean like they're both they're both a mess and they both have a point you know so that's what's interesting about all this and that's what makes these characters fun to watch but I just it just in terms of seeing those three movies back to back I just thought about like sure the idea of consent kind of came up in my head as a thing but yeah you're right it looks great um a very deep bench of cool character actors you don't really know where it's gonna go no or like how far they're gonna take it you know which is another sort of Martin McDonald thing we're like okay you've set up an already pretty crazy premise how far are we going to go here with this I know some reviews have said what it is I don't want to say oh no no no no like the extremes to which this story goes sure in the seemingly Gentile quaint Charming setting I love that contrast the shock that contrast is endlessly interesting yeah there's there's a breed of like matinee goers who are gonna go to this movie for the sweaters and be like why you know but speaking of the costume design is really great so it is well it needed because it's warm but like there's one coat that Kerry Condon wears that really pops and it tells its own story about her matters to her so that's really interesting too yeah you're mentioning that the supporting players Pat short is really great as the pub owner David Pierce as the priest I love the confessional scenes because they do not go where you expect them to at all they are like profane and so wrong and hilarious Gary Leiden very hissable as uh the local cop right he's not a good person and then Sheila footton as Mrs McCormick who was sort of like this spectral figure almost like a witch wandering around and she knows what everyone's doing and uh and so that is entertaining as well Carter did the score and the Animals the animals are great Jenny Jenny is like a co-star Jenny the donkey he's like a coaster but that again like that could have been a twee kind of hilarious thing but it is a deep reflection of what matters to Colin Farrell's character and how like sensitive and empathetic and kind-hearted he is yes for sure that's what that is about yeah I mean it's about loneliness it's about sense of place it's about their interactions but it's also about just like the depth of existentialism right in a place that looks beautiful and picturesque like just the idea that you could be someplace so beautiful and still be so miserable within it is a fascinating explosion and it reminded me a bit of um Cavalry the Brendan Gleason film Cavalry where he's a priest in I know it I have not seen that one yeah just it's just impeccably made yeah I never knew where it was going all like top-notch performances I like this more than In Bruges like in a totally different way I love him Bruges um but like that relationship feels so much more deeply felt here and so much more substantial here and they both Brendan Gleason is heartbreaking in his own way like it's just it's kind of perfect so I'm giving it a 10. wow okay well God now I feel like I'm dragging us down with the seven and a half but I like it a lot and I think people should see it so I hope they do you should see it you should see it in the theater for the spectacle of it and just to immerse yourself in these performances and to hear that score and and the silences I think are important too and and that you something you really that really lands in the theatrical experience so yeah if you can see it on the big screen if you're if you're able to do that recommended for sure
Channel: Breakfast All Day movie reviews
Views: 19,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie review, film review, film criticism, the banshees of inisherin, banshees of inisherin, the banshees of inisherin review, banshees of inisherin review, banshees of inisherin movie review, the banshees of inisherin reaction, banshees of inisherin film, banshees of inisherin film review, colin farrell, brendan gleeson, martin mcdonagh, in bruges, colin farrell banshees, brendan gleeson banshees, martin mcdonagh banshees
Id: gErWeub-Rps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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