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Glass Onion is finally here we've had so much hype about it so many trailers so many sneaky little looks at it we have a full on movie for you this is going to be a spoiler free review of Glass Onion Alonso is going to do his best to describe it to you is that on Netflix uh but oh no it's in theaters for a week yes it's in theaters for a week around Thanksgiving and that's going to be on Netflix in December we will eventually do a full-on live spoiler talk like we did for wakanda forever but for now Alonzo what can you tell us about this sequel I wish you're dead will we still be able to talk to you yeah I'm not playing dead the whole weekend dude this is truly delightful I will say if you can see this in a theater with an audience it's worth it uh so Benoit Blanc is back it's May of 2020 there's a lockdown but a group of people including a politician played by Catherine Hahn a sort of Lifestyle Guru played by Kate Hudson a men's rights influencer YouTuber played by uh Dave Batista scientist played by Leslie Odom Jr and a businesswoman played by Janelle Monae receive a mysterious invitation boxes from someone they know and Benoit Blanc also receives an invitation um from someone he doesn't know to uh travel to Greece to the private island of gajillionaire Edward Norton who has planned a fun murder mystery game for his Pals and of course nothing ever quite goes that smoothly when Ben wall Blanc is around and um suddenly things start getting dangerous and mysterious and what we think we know we don't know and who done it the thing with the first Knives Out is it was such a huge hit like a giant hit like it was enormously entertaining and made hundreds of millions of dollars and not unlike black panther I feel like anything that would follow it up would be a bit of a letdown right I know you like this better than the first one I I do and and I mean the thing is the first one I mean part of why it was so successful is that it was you know not IP it was an original concept and characters but it's it you were you're given this detective much like quarro Miss Marple like of these sort of great you know Sherlock Holmes even that you can then plug into other situations and so I think a sequel doesn't have the same burden of let's do that again whereas let's do it again in another location with a whole new crew of suspects you know well for me I think I'm looking at it totally inversely like because he first one was so original one so exciting that anything else is going to feel little sub subpar by comparison like again it's so fun it's really really fun and what Ryan Johnson has done here to try to top it is to expand it like the thing with the first Knives Out was that the vast majority of it took place in this house this stately mansion and the sense of claustrophobia kind of added to the tension of it and is this this old money family and it's entrenched with secrets and and here we have you know it's expanded in every way in terms of the storytelling in terms of the settings in terms of the the way it spans time it um it's bigger in every way and that's fun sometimes but I feel like it also it depletes it of the the tension like the percolating pop boiler tension that made the first one a lot of fun like it just feels like I'm not going to say anything about anything but it it doubles back on itself and reveals more about these people in their relationships than we saw the first when we first got introduced to them and there almost feels like there's a a repetitive nature to it like a sagginess to it it didn't have quite the zip of the first one having said that a lot of the dialogue is hilarious once again he is skewering the rich we have this whole trick of films right now between triangle of sadness and the menu and this about you know how awful extremely wealthy people are whether you were already that way or the money made you that way just sort of obscuring the the carelessness and the selfishness and the vapidness of all these people um but there's also a a superficiality to them that didn't exist with the characters in the first film especially like Catherine Han's character and Leslie Odom's Junior character there's nothing to these people at all and the actors who are interesting and do substantial media work and I feel like the characters that they're given don't allow them to show all that I don't know I mean see I maybe I didn't I didn't love knives out as much as a lot of people did when it came out I thought it was fine and then I watched it again a few years later because we we did a last of Sheila episode with it on a film in a movie and I was like okay I I get it I see what it's doing here and and I think everything that you're accusing this movie you're doing that one does as well there are characters in that film that who's really all we get to know about them is why they wanted to kill the person who dies and what what their agenda might have been and I think even the repetition it's much like the moment in in knives out where we kind of circle back to a thing where we thought we knew what happened but actually we didn't do we find out what really did and how that affects and and I think that's just what that's the kind of puzzle building that that Johnson likes to do here you know and so the the this is why he cites films like the last of Sheila and um sleuth and you know Evil Under the Sun specifically now that we're in the Greek Islands um as being films that that influence him and Inspire him so I mean I I agree with what you're saying but I also think that's baked into this franchise as we know it two films in that this is how he tells the story and what he does and so again I think that this isn't a sequel in the in the way that we think of like oh you know in the way that wakanda forever is where where it has to be like you know bring in the same characters and going through different you know you know similar arcs or whatever this is more like the continuing Adventures of Benoit Blanc and I can you know he's going to be on the North Pole he's going to be on the moon whatever and it's just going to be the thing that happens around him so I feel like he's doing it as well if not better than he does it in Knives Out interesting so I will say this though it is really really fun a lot of the time and the read nothing if you can avoid it because there are so many great little cameos so so many great little details that are just laugh out loud funny I like Craig and this role even more this time around actually because he's kind of playing slight shadings of Benoit Blanc depending on what the situation calls for is that you think you know who this person is and uh there's more revealed that I won't say but he's he's very canny as far as the version of himself he's presenting to the world in various situations and so to see you know Daniel Craig's technical Precision with just the slight differences here and there is is a lot of fun the clothes are of course spectacular um Kate Hudson's a total hoot and she gets to not only be like the Dizzy blonde in the mold of her mom but also you know bring the depth and the I don't know I don't want to say vulnerability but there's something darker and sadder yeah but no this thing like dark and sadly there's a scene by the pool where she is talking to her assistant it reminded me of some of the vulnerabilities she showed in Almost Famous and so there are surprises to them to the people here too it's fun to see Dave but he used to play somebody who was just totally unlikable yeah right because as Drax and in other movies he's a lovable kind of sweet Force yeah you know and here he's just he's Joe Rogan yeah and Steve gedlin shot it who was Ryan Johnson's usual DP shoots all of his films so like the scenery is fantastic both within this big gaudy mansion and also on the the grounds of the estate the the production design is gorgeous it's you know it again it's like I think you know Johnson's figured out this is a genre that people like and that no one's really been tackling for a while and so he's give you know and I think he's frankly I think he's doing it better than Brana is right now as far as these kinds of All-Star you know exotic location murder mysteries if nothing else because these movies feel tangible like the house you never feel like people are standing in front of a green screen which are you're constantly getting and like you know the the branopuaro movies and stuff so yeah of the two I think if these are the guys who are are Reviving this I think that that Johnson is breathing new life into it and and you know Brianna more often than not is kind of reanimating a corpse you know so given the choice I would say this is the way to go yeah I thought this was a lot of fun and and just based on the audience that we saw it with I think that again if you can catch it in the theater during this one week run before it goes to Netflix there is something about the crackle of this and the shock and the surprise of the reveals along the way that's fun to share with other people right we were also in a very friendly audience also true yes and you know but it earns all that it earns all like that kind of response because it is an exuberant experience for sure um we have not yet sung the Praises of Janelle Monae she gets to show a ton of range yes she's doing a lot of that she really is and just so charismatic and uh so subtle she's just got that thing she's just you can't stop watching her and then Madeline Klein I thought was was very good also in what could have been kind of a thankless kind of bimbo role oh for sure yes there's more to her here yeah I mean people they get moments I just said because everyone is so good what's that honey Jackie Hoffman Jackie Hoffman is so great I'm not gonna tell you who she is in this but she's every line she says is just perfection she's great in it yeah it's a great Supporting Cast it's a hilarious cameos in just the smallest of roles yeah you get the feeling that probably everybody had a really good time making this movie so it's fun it's just it didn't quite meet the Heights of knives out for me so I'm saying a seven all right I went eight uh but again I think maybe like if if you if you thought that what knives out was fine but it didn't rock your world then I think you might like this one better but also vice versa
Channel: Breakfast All Day movie reviews
Views: 10,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie review, film review, film criticism, glass onion, glass onion trailer, glass onion knives out, glass onion review, glass onion movie, glass onion movie review, knives out, knives out 2, knives out sequel, glass onion film, glass onion film review, glass onion spoiler free review, glass onion no spoilers review, rian johnson, rian johnson glass onion, rian johnson knives out, breakfast all day glass onion, daniel craig, janelle monae, dave bautista
Id: flkpQRDKyi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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