The Banshees of Inisherin 😯 Ending Explained

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I wanted to talk today about the banshees event sharing the dark comedy the banshees of innishair and it leads the leads no I wrote this film for Colin Farrell and Brennan Gleason Mark McDonough I owe you so much man um I can't believe it the movie is about two friends Brendan Gleason's character calm lets Podrick played by Colin Farrell no I don't want to be friends with you anymore I just don't like you no more he's made it clear that he doesn't want to waste any more time in his life because he wants to write music he wants to have a lasting Legacy he talks about Mozart and how people remember Mozart hundreds of years later for his music and you can see that that's what he wants and he can't waste any more time speaking to a limited man a dull man the other night two hours you spend talking to me about the things you found in your little donkey shake that day well it wasn't me little donkey shows me Pony shite which shows how much you were listening and this of course causes a lot of consternation for Colin Farrell's character Podrick who for one thing is very hurt but his friend doesn't want to be his friend anymore but also questioning himself in his own intelligence and his own depth as a person you do like me I don't like me yesterday so this is what the movie is about on the surface on the surface it's about two men and how this relationship is crumbling and falling apart at the very beginning of the movie uh Colin Farrell goes and knocks on the door and then the window of his friend column and he sees him there smoking a cigarette but he doesn't respond are you coming out to the pub like he doesn't come out he doesn't go to the pub with him which apparently is a thing that's been happening every day for a very long time to the point that the people at the pub are confused when Colin Farrell shows up without his friend and they say where's Colin is column not with you no Come Close Richard I know have you been growling I don't think we've been rolling so it's like you've been around he goes home his sister is also befuddled because she's like what are you doing here what are you doing home brother I knocked on calm Sunny Larry he's just sitting there have you been rallying I wouldn't ask the door to me maybe he just doesn't like you no more so this is what the movie's about on the surface but there's a subtext and if you pay attention you can see that like all great stories there's something bigger happening in the background of what's happening in the foreground in this case about 13 minutes into the movie you see Colin Farrell near the water and he hears gunfire and he sees hears explosions and he looks across the water and sees smoke rising and it's the Civil War that's already been mentioned before that's going on between I guess Protestants and Catholics and he makes it a lot he says something like would you look at yourselves what are you fighting about this confusion of we're we're in this together right we're on this island together we're brothers we're all Irishmen why are you fighting and whatever their answer is it wouldn't be a good enough reason for shooting and killing one another would it there's a scene in the movie where Brandon Gleason goes to the priest and the priest says to him why aren't you talking to parent no more that wouldn't be a sin though with the father no but it's not very nice either is it it's made clear by the priest and by the sister this isn't a good enough reason to not be friends with someone hey what's going on with you me brother he's Donald Siobhan but he's always been done because they're dull because they're limited I mean is this really a good enough reason to end a friendship I just don't like you no more Salt Lake living Rowan and you see that's the question that's the subtext when you see the war going on it's like is this a good enough reason there's a scene where Brendan Gleason is talking to the cop the the policeman in the town and he says he's going to be going and he's going to be presiding over some some hangings and he's going to be paid well for it and so Colin Brendan Gleason's character says well you know which side's doing the hanging and he he can't even answer he says it's the IRA and he goes well where is the I is the other side I can't remember he's like you don't know which side you're going to be with and he makes this comment like well for the amount of money I'm getting paid who cares you don't even know why we're fighting what's the point of this fight and that's what's played out through the film in this conflict between these two men Patrick's character talks about what it means to be nice and how I'm gonna remember my mom and my dad because they were nice I'm gonna remember my sister because she was nice and then there's the opposite reaction the opposite of viewpoint I should say by column who says no one's going to remember you that you were nice but they remember Mozart because of his music you know who we remember for how nice they was in the 17th century oh absolutely not here we all remember the music at the time everyone to a man knows Mozart's name I don't so there goes that theory you see this theme come in other movies as well there's a scene in Whiplash one of my favorite movies where can you even read music the same kind of idea where someone worked so hard for their art form for their craft that they neglect everything around them what you're remembered for is not how nice you were but the impact that you made with your art and that's why you see so many artists over the centuries that are tortured they're tortured people and they have failed relationships because they've spent all of their energies into the thing they're creating many people have wondered what's the ending about well it's it's interesting that the Banshees of in a Sharon the title comes from a piece of music the music that now column is free to write since he is no longer wasting his time listening to conversations dull meaningless chats with Podrick there's a point in the movie where Brendan Gleason says if you speak to me again I'm going to cut off one of my fingers and I'll keep cutting them off until you stop I have a set of shears at home and each time you bother me I'll take one of my fingers off with them starting from now and this is where you realize this thing that has started as something silly and kind of ridiculous is getting serious and getting crazy see now you really are on Patrick's side from the beginning because you feel like he's being treated unfairly but then once he's been warned and he continues to make dumb decisions even the other people are like Patrick just don't talk to him just stay away from him he doesn't want to talk to you it's getting ridiculous it's getting seriously and you start to realize that there is some stubbornness in this man and maybe he's not the brightest person he storms into his house and speaks to him and this is after Brennan Gleason's already cut off a finger how are you fatty Johnson with your dog is it what did you come here for I just came to kick your door and give you a slagging this is when we find out the name of the piece of music is the band she's a minister and he says I'm thinking of calling it The Banshees of Sharon and Patrick says but there are no matches of ministry but in that statement he basically shows you there's been a bansheeing and a Sharon from the very beginning of the film he used to be the best of friends we're still the best of friends no you're not who says we're not said somewhere else the little lady that who looks like death who dresses in black who's in the background this blurry figure in Black now I love the way Mark McDonald never focuses he never changes the focus so that it remains in the background and it means blurry but you know who it is you see her looking at him and then you see her eyes shift to something else that she sees and the look on her face changes to one of horror almost she was a Banshee been to Sharon because banshees portend death they are going to prophesy that they are going to let you know that death is coming she frightens Colin Farrell's character on the trail one day and she says to him there will be a death on the island maybe even two deaths and that's exactly what happens as you find out there's two deaths the donkey dies by throwing those fingers out the donkey tries to eat them the donkey dies and you see a change come over Podrick he's no longer the pleasant man that he was before now he's full of anger he's full of rage and he wants revenge and he gets his revenge in his own way she proved to be prophetic and you see at the end of the film as the two men are standing against the on the beach looking at the water boasted alive amazingly after everything that's happened Brendan Gleason says I guess this means we're done and he says well if you'd stayed in your house that I have set on fire we would be done but you didn't this relationship no matter what could happen in the future is fractured it's like a civil war it has damaged both of them to the point that they can probably never go back to where they were before and as they separate as one walks away from the other you see in the foreground seated and watching the entire thing the lady in Black the banshee I've been a Sharon [Music]
Channel: MovieKhans
Views: 25,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: b1lsmjchJ14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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