The Backrooms - Explained

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It’s an ordinary Tuesday afternoon at an  ordinary office building. Grace, an intern,   gets on the elevator in the garage. She’s  bound for the Ceo’s office on the 10th floor.   Just as the doors close, Rob, a junior sales  agent hops in. Previously, Grace has been a victim   of one of Rob’s little pranks: pressing all the  buttons right before he gets off on the 1st floor.   This made the elevator stop on every floor and  caused Grace to be lectured for returning from   break a few minutes late. Today she’s ready. First floor. The elevator doors open. Rob   steps out and turns back to run his hand down  the button panel. In a move worthy of a ninja,   Grace maneuvers around him and lightly shoves  his shoulder. Surprised, Rob stumbles back into   the elevator. Grace tosses him a smug grin  as the doors close. Sure, she has to wait   for another elevator, but it’s worth it. Annoyed, Rob repeatedly mashes the ‘doors   open’ button. The lights in the elevator flicker  and it pauses for an almost impercetible second   before it continues to rise. Rob doesn’t yet  know it, but he’s just noclipped out of reality.  The elevator beeps for the 2nd floor. The  doors open. Rob leaps out. He looks around   in sudden confusion. On either side of him  are long hallways. In front of him is a large   empty office space. He can’t remember  what color the walls in his office are,   but he’s sure that they weren’t a dingy sunshine  yellow. He turns around to go back in the   elevator...but the wall behind him is solid,  no elevator. Disbelieving, Rob feels the wall,   it’s cold, almost damp, but smooth with no cracks. Rob doesn’t know how they did it, but he’s sure   it’s a joke. He turns back to the empty office  and walks forward. ‘You got me, guys’ he says,   fully expecting a bunch of co-workers to pop  out with their cell phones, recording their   amazing prank. His voice echos slightly in the  vastness of the empty space. There’s no answer.   The room is still except for the loud hum of the  fluorescent lights. It smells quite unpleasantly   of old paper, stale coffee and mildew. The annoying buzz from the lights is   making Rob’s head throb--if it keeps  up, he’ll have a migraine. He takes   out his cell phone. His fingers are slippery  with perspiration as he texts. The message   icon just spins, it can’t send his message. Rob tries calling, but the line is dead...his   phone doesn’t have any bars. He walks all  over the office space holding his phone up,   trying to see if he can get better reception.  Squish. His expensive leather loafer sinks   into the soggy tan carpet in the right  corner of the room. In fact, a patch of   carpet is so wet, tiny toadstools are sprouting. A sudden odd grunting, growling noise makes Rob   spin around. A chill skitters down his spine.  Across the room is...something. It looks like   a human crawling on its hands and feet, but the  elbow and knees joints are bent the other way.   Its face is surrounded by shaggy, matted dark  hair. The creature tilts its head up and sniffs   the air before making the grunting growl again. At first Rob is frozen, but he gets a hold of   himself. Hugging the wall at his back, he begins  to sidestep towards the entrance to the next room.  The creature hangs back, it seems to be  intimidated by eye contact. Its cold black   eyes stare back at Rob; it has a weird aggressive  smile on its face, but it’s not coming closer.   Rob is almost to the entrance when disaster  strikes. The moist, mildew smell wafting from the   carpet makes him sneeze. He breaks eye contact. The creature grunt-growls and charges toward him.   It has a strange, quick gait. Rob turns and runs. The next room is the same. Overly cheerful yet   dingy yellow walls, moist tan carpet and buzzy,  glaring fluorescent lights. Rob dashes across the   room, the creature’s gaining on him. This room  ends in a t-shaped hallway. Rob zags right. He   slips, barely managing to stay on his feet. His  loafers weren’t made for running on moist carpet.  Rob runs down the hallway passing several  rooms. They are all the same. Yellow and tan.   There’s a loud growl behind him. Rob looks back.  The creature has been joined by a second beast.   They’re gaining on Rob, they can’t be more than  20 feet away. Their toothy grins are terrifying.  Up ahead the hallway dead ends. Rob barely  has time to turn around before they attack. He   kicks one in the face, its head snaps back and it  whimpers. The other creature claws at Rob’s chest.   He pushes it away and kicks it too. The creature  gloms onto his shoe, sinking its teeth into the   leather and yanking it free. It chews on its prize  while the other creature growls at Rob menacingly,   but doesn’t come any closer as Rob stares  at it. Without breaking eye contact, Rob   reaches down, takes his other shoe off and  tosses it. The creature springs after it.   Rob manages to sidle past the first creature  who’s engrossed in ripping apart Rob’s   hand stitched loafer. He ducks into a room. Once out of sight of the creatures, he runs   on socked feet through one room, and then another  and another. Several rooms later Rob collapses in   a heap on the floor. His heart’s galloping a mile  a minute. What were those things? Where is he?  The room he’s in is the same as all the others  except for one difference. In a corner is a five   drawer file cabinet. Once Rob catches his  breath, he wanders over and tries opening   each of the drawers, sadly they’re all locked. Rob walks into another room. He feels gross,   he has wet patches on his slacks from when he  sat down. His socks are clammy. His cell phone is   missing, he lost it while escaping the creatures.  He doesn’t know what to do so he keeps walking.  He goes into the next room and the next. It’s  a veritable maze of yellow offices with tan   carpets. Suddenly he hears something. The sound is  faint, but somehow familiar. Rob strains to hear,   but the sound stops. He walks in the direction he  thinks the sound is coming from. Two rooms later,   hee hears it again. It’s a telephone.  It’s ringing. The ringing is echoing.  A ringing phone means communication.  It means other people. Perhaps it even   means a way out here, wherever this place  is. But first Rob has to find the phone.  Rob takes off his socks. He’d rather walk barefoot  on the gross carpet, moist socks freak him out. He   also takes off his belt. He wants to be prepared  in case those horrible creatures show up again.  The next room, of course, is the same as  the others, but has a lone desk. The desk   drawers are not locked. One has paperclips,  several ballpoint pens and a highlighter.   Rob tries writing on the wall, but the chartreuse  highlighter can’t be seen against the yellow. The   other drawer is empty except for a crumpled  half full bag of stale tortilla chips.  Rob suddenly realizes that he’s not hungry.  Or tired. In fact he’s lost all sense of time.   He looks at his watch, it’s stopped.  How long ago it’s hard to say.   Rob walks on. Sometimes the rooms have an  item or two, but most times they don’t.  As he walks he has conversations in his head with  his coworkers. The kind of chat one has when they   find themselves in the breakroom waiting for  their coffee to brew. How about those Dodgers   last night? You’re gonna surprise the wife  with a 20th anniversary trip to Tahati? That   sounds amazing. It sucks that little Kaitlynn  needs braces, our dental plan isn’t that great.   Rob also talks to Grace in his head. Sorry about  the elevator. I was just blowing off some steam.   You’re pretty, I wish I knew how to talk to you  instead of resorting to juvenile pranks to get   your attention. He wonders what magic Grace did to  transport him to this desolate yellow hellscape.  Rob can hear the phone ringing loud and  clear now, although it’s still hard to   know where exactly it’s coming from. He sees the  creatures a few more times, he stares them down   and cracks his belt at them. They reluctantly  slink away. He also sees a lady in a power   suit with a shell shocked expression, but she  scurries away before he can say anything to her.  Then, almost unexpectedly, he steps into  a room just like all the others, except   there’s a black business phone on  a desk in the center of the room.  Rob sits down to wait. It’s not  long before the phone rings.  His hand trembling, Rob picks it up. “Hello?”  He's surprised to find that his voice is rusty   from disuse. He clears his throat and  tries again. “Hello.” The line is buzzy,   the connection not the greatest. It takes a moment for Rob to process   what the woman on the phone is yelling about,  it’s been a long time since anyone has spoken   to him. A technician was supposed to come to  her house between 9-4. It is now 4:17 and no one   has showed up, what is he going to do about it? Rob sets down the phone. He gets under the desk   and lays there in the fetal position. He doesn’t  care that his button up shirt is getting wet.  ***** The backrooms.  Depending on whom you ask, there are over  a hundred levels of backrooms. Each simply   waiting for some poor, unsuspecting soul to  somehow glitch out of reality and get stuck   in a horrific maze. Some levels have horrible  humanoid monsters, some levels are gaily   decorated with balloons and bunting that says  ‘Happy Birthday’. Of course were you to show up   for a birthday party in the backrooms, chances  are you would not survive the killer clowns.  Some purists insist there’s only three  levels to the backrooms. I’m inclined   to believe that only a single level exists.  When the image of an empty office with cheap   tan stain resistant carpet, fluorescent lighting  and yellow walls was posted in a paranormal forum   it resonated with so many because it  spoke of our existential nightmares.  It’s a metaphor for the horrors of modern life.  That for many of us our job is meaningless,   unfilling and rife with endless bureaucracy. The  ultimate horror isn’t a werewolf who wants to use   your left shin bone as a chew toy or a vampire  that wants to drain you of your blood or any   other made up horror, but a soul sucking job. But what do I know? I’m just an overworked,   caffeinated, underpaid writer sitting in  a drab cubicle with nothing except for   my laptop surrounded by other overworked,  caffeinated, underpaid writers sitting in   their drab cubicles, each of us manically  typing away striving to meet deadlines.  Now go watch the crazy results of a  1940s experiment by Russian scientists   or watch this to find out about the real  life event the Purge came from Click one now!
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 2,059,523
Rating: 4.9201279 out of 5
Keywords: the backrooms, backrooms, creepypasta, creepypasta the backrooms, scary story, nosleep story, scary stories, creepypasta explained, the infographics show, the backrooms creepypasta, backroom, explain, explained, the backrooms explained, infographic show, infographic, infographics show, infographics, backrooms theory, back rooms, the back rooms, backrooms explained, what are the backrooms, infographic show scp, backrooms creepypasta, the infographic show, what is the backrooms, info
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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