The Back Story of Selling our Home

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[Music] okay ready cue smile okay that's better welcome back to the channel today we got a special vlog and something a little bit different because we want to move it is january 6 2020 the new year and that means we've been in our home for one year which is pretty crazy it went by really fast we've gotten a ton of work done in the house and just to give you guys a perspective of when this video clip is taking place we are um in the middle of mavericks bedroom renovation our son's room basically we just got the floor down the kitchen isn't done we had no kitchen no living room and our bedroom is still half painted so we're we haven't gotten a whole lot done very early on but you guys will be seeing this clip way in the future after all of this is complete we just don't want to share this yet publicly on our channel about our feelings about the property and our decision to move so soon because it's there's just so many personal things that we have to sort out and work out and i think we just cause more confusion on our channel than anything you know so we just want to keep this personal right now we're going to be vlogging it kind of behind the scenes for you to watch in the future which you're watching it right now and we're gonna just try to capture this whole moment of us deciding to sell and hopefully moving selling our home finding another home all that stuff so we're going to hope to find to capture this for you guys we don't want to leave you out but we just don't want to show it yeah until we're ready to show it yeah so we've been in the house for one year now and we just wanted to talk about our experience our one year in review and why i guess i guess just our feelings of deciding to move already so the property is awesome we have a house a barn two barns 14 14 acres yep beautiful land beautiful woods no poison ivy that was actually one of the things we were looking for in a property believe it or not we toured the property we were looking for poison ivy and we didn't see one speck of it and we still haven't after a year no poison ivy that's important to me because i'm really allergic to poison ivy and whenever there's poison ivy it just takes over a property and then i don't like to go outside so we thought that was really cool like zero poison ivy yeah like also very little mosquitoes we like that so don't like basically no mosquitoes no poison ivy um pretty mild weather that's a good thing and a bad thing for us we'll talk about that but um the property is beautiful there's a lot of wildlife um the house has been really cool we like the house it's not perfect but for for what it is it's yeah it's been for it's a little over a thousand square feet good size good layout and we've been able to make it our own pretty pretty easily and even though the property is awesome and we like it and we like the house we really don't feel in our heart that this is our home we just don't feel it here we never expected to move to michigan first of all right it's actually been a state we've been avoiding even since before we left new york yeah we've always avoided michigan we ended up here just because we were kind of kind of rushed to find a property desperate and looking for something in our budget with the land we wanted with the features we wanted and when we couldn't find it in indiana and some of the other places that we were looking we just started we said well what what if we did look at michigan we started looking at michigan and then it looked so beautiful we had so many people telling us how wonderful michigan was and we kind of said this could be really cool let's try it we did find a property up here that was affordable and nice and everything but we don't really care for it we don't like living up here part of that is just the feels you have to feel a property you have to be like this is home this is it and even though this property is cool we don't feel that we just you know but it's more than emotional we've been having a hard time accomplishing things that we want to accomplish up here this state has a lot of hunting and that's it yeah so we don't hunt and you know there's a lot that it's lacking in our opinion for example we got chickens there's no like nobody's buying chickens up here it was really hard to get rid of chickens and nobody buying or selling and there's also no butchers when we wanted to get our meat processed nobody within two hours of us would butcher a chicken we've had trouble finding everything from hay to chicken feed to fencing supplies to everything there's nothing there's just nothing here and that really bothers us because when we want to go on craigslist and find a good deal there are no good deals there's zero and when we want to get an animal or we want to buy an animal or we want to sell an animal or we want to do anything there's yeah we'd have to go in like other states to look because there's nothing remotely around here and you can't sell many farm products up here because people are just like the people who do sell eggs they sell them for like two dollars a dozen which is you lose money on every dozen you sell it's it's silly so we feel like we're lacking opportunities and things we want to do and we just feel like oh yeah like stuck also the weather the weather here is very similar to where we came from in new york originally where we grew up so we're pretty used to it it's got a long winter short summer it's no different than any other northern state we want to say that because everybody talks about michigan winters it's average at best yeah it's it's not that impressive it's not overly snowy compared to other states it's not overly cold compared to other states it's just a northern state but we don't we find that we don't really care for it we never liked it when we lived in new york we never liked it when we lived in indiana and we don't like it here but we've always been trapped in the north because of our budget to finding a house and our requirements for you know things we look for in a state as far as freedoms and cost of living and laws and taxes and all that stuff to find what we needed we've always been trapped in the north we've come to this like revelation i guess this this point in our life where we said maybe we don't need to be trapped in the north maybe it would be better for us if we found something a little further south now personally i love indiana i was sad to move a little bit and i miss it i think indiana is awesome but i think we're going to try to go a little further south than that because we want to try something new we want to try something different and this is something we've actually been wanting to do since before we moved from new york yeah we wanted to move south but it was just like seemed impossible yeah it did we couldn't find any good properties yeah i think it just comes down to cost and again the laws and stuff but we couldn't find the properties because it was too expensive for us you know we live in a very low budget we feel like if we push we save we work hard we can make this happen just force it to happen we have made some pretty impossible things happen in our lives so we feel like we can do this and so we're really gonna be pushing um maybe over the next year or so to really move our lives in that direction to making this a reality of moving further down south one of the things that really frustrated me over this last year of living here was we had a weird year weather-wise and i was so excited to grow a garden even though i didn't have any time to do it even if i had the time it would have been impossible because we literally had two months of warm weather i would even say a month and a half of summer yeah um spring was extremely cold and you couldn't plant you just couldn't plant and then the two months went by so quick barely we were back into cold again yeah there was barely enough time for anything to grow and that kind of frustrates me for somebody who wants to grow a garden that every year i'm going to be fighting this tiny time frame that we have to hurry up and get them in and if you're late even at two weeks no garden you have to wait another year people don't realize like how difficult it is to grow stuff in the north if you miss it it's over and i know a lot of you guys do and you do it successfully but um especially as a beginner gardeners i that's just another challenge that we have to fight around to try to make it work you know and i see so many of you with grow lights and heating pads and starting seeds and doors and all this stuff which i know is just part of it but just to make it try to make it successful you know and also we just enjoy being outside and when it's like always cold it like we're stuck motivates you yeah and i like bike riding and like the time frame to do that is very limited so we feel like also for our mental health and mental well-being and physical well-being that we feel like we are the type of people that would rather have more warmth than than cold yeah we don't do anything in the winter we don't like skiing we don't like snowshoeing we don't like doing anything we don't ice skate we don't i used to do all that when i was young not the snowshoeing but i mean we don't hate the snow i've never hated the snow i think the snow is actually the best part of winter but it's the cold that we don't like yeah in the low daylight hours yeah and this is bigger than the weather and bigger than you know our anything it's it's really just about us finding our place in life we don't feel like this is our place so with that being said we want to move some of you guys are probably going to say that we're house flipping we've actually never flipped a house in our life um for some reason people always say ask us if we're flipping in an insultive way as if house flipping is a bad thing it's it's not uh there's a lot of people who flip houses make good money at it we don't flip houses so we we do buy homes because we we need a place to live and we do invest in our homes because we feel like it's always good to make your home better it's smart yeah we don't buy a property with the intent like oh we're gonna buy it fix it sell it make profit move do it again like flipping a home is about buying a home fixing it quick selling it quick for profit um we actually make very little profit when we sell our homes even if it looks big because we put so much into them over many years we put excess excess into them we go above and beyond we work hard we put a lot of hours into it there's really if you look at the hours there's no profit being made but yeah we we definitely like fixing our homes just who we are and what we do it's not about that it's not about selling this home to make money it's not anything in that line of thinking and it's not about a financial struggle this time we're actually doing okay right now we just have to feel right here and we just want to move somewhere better okay so long story short this is not our forever home i'm sorry if that disappoints anybody but we got to do what makes us happy so we're going to be moving and we're working toward that right now we're going to keep working on our home though we're going to keep doing everything that we want to do here there's no cutting corners and we're just going to do what we're doing and when the time is right we're going to sell and move someplace else and it's going to be really awesome so we got a really crazy adventure ahead of us that we can look forward to and we're going to be keeping you guys up to date in this vlog so basically this is like i said january 6 20 and the next time we have an update we'll let you know what day it is what's going on it won't be for a while though but we wanted to share this now because this is our one year anniversary of being here and we just know we know that this isn't the place you have no idea the level of anxiety i have that i've never had before living somewhere else as being here well we're we're making quick progress to get out of here i have never been so angry depressed and anxious in my life i'm nervous i have a lot of anxiety right now we put our house on the market nobody knows this at this point and today is our first showing any minute now a buyer should be showing up so i probably sound nervous i get a lot of anxiety when i have to do these kind of stressful situations we're doing for sale by owner no agents involved so i'm going to be here i'm going to give them the tour i hope it goes well wow we put our house on the market and within one day we had what i think three showings lined up we have a showing today well this morning we were showing right after that we have a showing scheduled for tomorrow another agent called and asked some questions getting a lot of interest crazy but i just wanted to share this moment capture this moment because i don't know what today's gonna hold i'm not expecting anything big but i just hope it goes well now this is kind of that moment before the showing where you're nervous and you're just waiting and you're watching the road and you're just making sure everything's clean and everything's ready and what did i forget i'll let you know how it went okay so i'm right in the middle of the showing right now i'm getting a little nervous because it's running long and there's supposed to be somebody else coming and i don't even know what time it is but i snuck away because um i'm letting them just tour the property on their own i showed them around showed them everything and now i backed off and i'm letting them look on their own take their time talk to each other and just walk you know it's awkward when you're with somebody and you feel rushed so i just want to give them that time they seem really interested really excited but so many obstacles ahead so we can't get too excited about anything the first showing we're not going to rush it i think one of the biggest obstacles is the fact that our home is classified as a hud sectional basically a double wide and some banks are really picky about loaning on double wides or on any mobile homes really this is what it comes down to is they could love the property they could make an offer for the property but if the bank won't fund it it can't work doesn't matter how much they're willing to pay if the bank won't fund it so um we'll see we're hopeful feel good though and so far the show has been pretty comfortable not too bad i always get anxiety but it's going good okay quick update the potential buyers just left they loved the property in fact they said they would make an offer right now if they knew they could get the money for it again just that mobile home thing it's it's tricky we're gonna have to see what happens but they really loved it and that's great that's great it was a perfect perfect showing nothing went wrong that's happy that's good right now on the side of the road is the next buyer they're here for the showing they're waiting for the agent so this is the buyer the agent is going to come with them the agent's running late they said they had car trouble so it buys us a couple minutes can't take the anxiety they're just waiting and this is showing number two it wasn't too bad showing the house ourselves without an agent like i said we're doing for sale by owner a totally new experience for us but we figure with diy we got to try to do it ourselves at least once and see how it goes a little update about like what we're doing since everybody's home during the showing we decided to go unconventional in america most people they leave their home they go they get in their car and leave while the house is being shown and it gets shown without you there i find that very kind of weird and invasive like i'm the home i'm the homeowner like this is our home we shouldn't feel like we don't belong here so um we're doing it a little bit unconventional for what happens in the us and we're staying here while they show and then if they have questions or whatever we're here but also we can keep an eye on things and nothing weird is going on so we're here and what ashley's doing is just playing outside with the kids pulling them around on the mower and i'm kind of walking with the buyers and just showing them around and giving them the tour i try not to give too much information i'm not trying to overwhelm them i just show them here's the kitchen here's the living room here's the bedrooms take a look take your time that's it you don't want to go crazy and point at every little thing and stress people out you know they just let them take it in naturally that's the best way you know just say well here down the hallway is the bathroom and then step back and let them go in and look you don't have to be in there you know opening the tub and everything else just that's my tip i'm not a pro but that's the way i see it that's how i want to be treated it's just show me and back off and let me check it out so i guess i don't have any more updates for now uh like i said i'll come back after the second showing i'll let you know how it went but i'm just glad i can talk to you guys because it just kind of takes the stress off to be able to talk share ven and talk about what's going on and calms my nerves so that we can get through this so like i said i'll be back soon [Music] what okay this is exciting it's such a roller coaster of emotion selling a house so crazy it's like it's nerves and anxiety and excitement and you know just everything so this is crazy we just had our second showing today one back to back and went good again they want time to think about it they said in a day they should know they're going to think it over went fine though no problems uh and then so i got online and i checked my email i had two message of the messages that i missed while we were doing those two showings so i go to check them okay and the one is a guy from century 21 he's an agent he wants he wants to ask some questions it turns out he wants to put in an offer right now without even looking at the house the buyer wants to make an offer because the market is so hot that they're they said that they they live downstate from us or you know they live a ways away and they keep missing properties because they sell before they even view them you know they're selling so quick that they they say oh i want to get an inspection let me schedule this a week out the house is sold so they didn't want to miss out they said we're making an offer before we even look at it we're going to make an offer because we love it we looked at the pictures we're happy contingent upon the inspector coming out with them they have a 10-day period and seeing how that goes so we haven't accepted anything yet i'm just telling you he's submitting the offer to us right now on the computer and and then after that the second message was the woman who first came the first showing she already submitted an offer so we're gonna have two offers on the first day of showings crazy the first offer was above asking price really good offer we're excited i'm so nervous though i don't want to accept it not because i don't want it i would love to accept her offer the problem is i'm worried about getting an offer that's solid like i said this all comes down to financing the banks will they give a loan on our property i'm trying to be as honest as i can what our house is look into it make sure you can get your your financing and if we accept an offer i just don't want it to fall through because they couldn't get their financing so it's going to be hard it's going to be a really hard decision to accept an offer but it looks like we're gonna have two to choose from today we have a showing tomorrow and who knows how many more messages we're gonna get today we're getting a really good good response and i'm excited so that's the update and i'll keep you updated if anything else happens all right this is day two of showings and i should have done some updates throughout the day but it was a crazy day so we didn't but we had five showings we had four scheduled and then somebody else just randomly showed up so i was just another showing i was in the middle of a showing well the beginning of a showing yeah and i saw some a couple walking through the backyard and i said well who is that so i i kind of said okay let them know hey i'm going to go check out the see what these people want and then i went outside and they just decided to stop by and look at the property they just thought it'd be fine because they said they saw people in the driveway parked so they thought it'd be fine for them to just stop by and look at the property too that was kind of weird yeah uh but they were interested and they told me that those people that came unexpected actually said that they were going to make an offer today we haven't gotten it yet so we'll see in fact yesterday we were told the same thing that they were going to put in an offer but then we never got it so we only had one offer yesterday today we got another offer so we we do have two offers on the table both good so yeah five showings all of them went well everybody loves the house everybody loves the land i think it's so cute i would say only one of them today didn't work out because i i feel like the guy he was disappointed about the pole barn he wanted a barn with a 10-foot door because he has a tall boat and that's all he's looking for is can he fit his boat he needs it like 10 feet tall 20 feet deep so they were measuring the barns they're trying to see if they could work and it wasn't really working he loved the property but he didn't have a spot for his boat yeah and people can always build something but they're not always willing to do that we had some first-time buyers that looked at the property a young couple we had all kinds of people it's been a really interesting experience tonight we're going to be going in and making a decision on what offer we're going to accept because i feel like we have some good offers and we can up one yeah and we'll see if any more come in we put our house on the market on friday today's sunday and we already have two offers plus there could be more so tonight's to cut off we're going to make a decision yep okay here's the big news the biggest news huge news i hope it was the right news we accepted an offer last night at nine o'clock we sat down and said time to make a decision yeah because we already had two amazing offers and we took one of them yep um while i'm telling you this was actually really a hard decision for me personally because i'm bad at big decisions it puts a lot of stress and anxiety in me because i want to do the right thing and i hate messing up i hate regret i don't like that feeling so i tend to overthink things so i'm not messing up and this decision didn't just affect us it affected two other people well more than two but we had to decide who was gonna buy our house and who was gonna miss miss out and lose it potentially that was the hard part for me because because they're both i knew they wanted it so much and they loved it and they were excited about it and it hurts to be that person that kind of you know doesn't let it happen yeah the take away like kill that excitement and to to tell them i'm sorry we chose somebody else so that was hard and and also trying to make that right decision that you're giving it to the right person who's gonna love the house and use the land and enjoy the property because that was important to us we've done so much work here that we would hate for somebody to move in and the land just gets neglected and i don't know it's hard to know what's going to happen we can't control anything we just got to do what's best for us that's what we did we looked at the offers and the one offer was significantly more than the other one it was it was even still hard because the the lower offer was potentially safer but the big one the extra value was just hard to turn down because if it goes through if they get approved if they get their loan then we're going to walk away in a much better position so it's kind of worth the the added risk of yeah maybe it'll fall through but we hope not it's nothing weird it's just a totally normal loan but they want a septic inspection a well inspection and the appraisal they wanted to come back at or higher than the offer yeah so they gave us an offer above what we're asking but the house has to value for that amount which i feel like it will yeah so yeah a lot of things have to come up come together uh they also want an inspection the other person they didn't want to well test they didn't want to inspection they didn't want to septic test they were just like let's do this that was the safe route but again i feel pretty confident that we'll pass any inspection the well and septic has been perfect for us i don't think we'll have any problems with that if anything we'll just have the septic tank pumped if it needs to be emptied that's not that expensive it's not a big deal i don't think it's going to need any repairs or anything like that so anyway that's the update right now we accepted an offer we're waiting for signatures and then it starts processing at the title company and they start scheduling things the closing and stuff so that's really really intense and we we just look forward to seeing what happens it's exciting the good news is the house had so much interest that if for whatever reason this good good offer falls through doesn't pan out then we can just probably easily find another buyer we should be able to pop it back on as long as the market stays good and do another quick sale i don't think it'll slow down anytime soon yeah the market anyway that's the update and hope it works so here's the story right now raw moment i just had a super stress anxiety moment because we told you we accepted an offer we're so excited it was over asking price it was like 20 000 over asking price it was amazing it was like crazy the financing fell through they were devastated it wasn't the buyer's fault what happened was the same thing that we run into time and time again the bank wouldn't loan on it because it's in 1974 and they won't loan on anything an fha loan on a mobile home has to be i'll say manufactured home it's a manufactured home 1976 and newer they won't loan on anything below old yeah older than 1976. no ifs ands or buts doesn't matter if you rebuilt the whole thing and it's brand new they don't it's it doesn't matter that we have the affidavit of a fixture yeah none of that matters all that matters was it's a 1974 so no loan they were devastated they had to cancel their offer and then we were like oh no so i started calling people who also put in offers and the first one was somebody who really wanted it and i went to her first she was excited but then it didn't sound like she was ready and she told me the company she was going through uh which was a mortgage company and she's telling me she's got to sell her house first and it starts sounding complicated after we get off the phone i feel bad because i told her okay we'll go through with it we'll see what happens so after i got off the phone i actually called the mortgage company she said she was using because i was feeling funny about it like and i told them the situation i said i'm selling a house the buyer said she's going through you guys i wanted to make sure that she could get the loan and it wouldn't fall through again so i just told them we have a manufactured home 1974 they too i gave them the address they looked it up they said no we won't we can't do it they don't loan on any manufactured homes they all they said it doesn't matter if it's on a foundation doesn't matter what's been done to it once a manufactured always manufactured and they don't loan on manufacturing they're just not interested in that so the buyer is under the assumption that she's solid she's gonna get a loan and if i didn't double check that i would have went into another bad offer where she wouldn't have been able to get financing and they basically explained it as manufactured homes are built to hud standards stick built homes you know site built homes i mean are built to local local code and that's why you see a lot like for example this is where the problem comes in you see a manufactured home built to hud standards and it goes down and somebody buys it and they put it on their property on the gulf coast and hurricane season comes in and it rips the house apart look at the maps gulf coast is like everybody's got a tarp on the roof you know and that's because it wasn't built to the local code those homes weren't locally built so they weren't able to handle that so i think that's why they don't want to loan on them because even though this house has been here 45 years and we're not in any kind of tornado or hurricane they just have a general rule for that because they prefer to loan on houses are built to local code because they're built to better specs for that area makes sense so anyway so even though i told her that i would accept her offer after finding out that she wouldn't be able to get her loan that's gonna be done to the other offer i called the next person which honestly is the best offer we've gotten and i would have accepted it probably but it came in late it came in after we accepted the other offers it came in right after we accepted the first offer yeah like a minute and it's a cash offer cash full asking price no loans no banks i called him up and i told him that they withdrew their offer and uh i wanted to see if he was still interested before i could even finish my sentence he said we want it yes sold i'll take it was in the background saying yes we want it i mean literally i said well the offer fell through he was like we'll take it sold it's on like he said like he just said that over and over i'll take it i'll take it what do i need to do he said we want it yeah he just wanted to know right away i said all you got to do is you got to extend your offer because his offer had expired by now uh and he pulled over on the side of the road and he's like i'm doing the offer right now i won't he's like i'm not leaving this spot until it's sent i'm gonna do it and his wife is again in the background saying we want the property we want it like they were excited so and they they had sent us their um bank funds that showed they do have enough money proof of funds they have cash they have a lot of cash and ready to go and we could close any time we asked to them to give us 30 days just so we can make sure we get everything yeah because we have to figure out a moving truck and other things yeah so we'll see taking it as it goes that's the update for now wow roller coaster okay we wanted to give you guys another quick update because as you know we accepted a cash offer at our house things are going smoothly with that they put their earnest money down everything's going good but today is inspection day so we're cleaning the house we're getting everything ready for the inspection we've also been packing so the house is so empty it feels weird but inspection day they're gonna be doing a septic inspection house inspection they might do a wall inspection i'm not sure they're doing everything so we dug up the uh lid on the septic tank yep just so they did it find it a little easier for them and um just getting everything ready let's walk through the house really quick show you the progress so this room is looking pretty normal still we didn't touch that too much kitchen pretty normal but books let me back up here yeah books are packed so that's looking empty mavericks room is pretty normal we haven't touched the toys yet bathroom nothing to pack in there but look at belle's room just empty empty no art no hanging things her art wall is gone her desk is gone chair is gone it's so empty in here and even our room is well we didn't have anything in here to begin with but we've been emptying our closets emptying out this closet which is basically empty so we're being like super serious about this this is go time we're making it happen we're packed up we're ready to go almost and we only have a couple more weeks here so we got to get going yeah so anyway we're going to go the inspector is going to be here very soon hopefully it goes smooth we'll let you know here's the big update it's been a while we've been super busy packing and getting ready to move we just got the email last night was it last night yeah we have a closing date and it's like a week away so we have less than a week actually right now we have six days to get out of here we're packing in a frenzy so we've been just kind of going non-stop while working on the bus and getting the bus ready and fixing the engine and going through all kinds of problems and packing and editing videos for you guys and keeping it going behind the scenes curtains and just oh man it's been crazy but we're still on track and we're keeping it all going so that's good closing a week away hopefully everything goes good it looks like everything is on track that's the update for now [Applause] today we leave we always say [Music] ugh so these are all user manuals for pretty much everything in the house so oh that was wrong empty today is the big day that we're moving today's closing day this morning we're just waiting for that to happen we're all packed up ready to go the house is empty and it's our fight is our last time in the house so pretty weird pretty strange that we're gonna be out of here yep what do you think belle cool yeah okay guys it's time we're done we just signed all of our papers and the house is sold this is no longer our property we're getting on the bus and we're heading out of here let's hope we have a safe trip and everything goes well wow and today we're finally going to be leaving michigan we're going to be heading into indiana wow this is crazy yeah it's scary it's big so it's really exciting i'm glad it's over with and that we made it through the process yeah it was definitely a journey it always is so yeah everything's packed up the house is empty yep we're going i can't believe we're leaving the driveway for the last time it makes me feel like we're forgetting something i know that's how i keep feeling like oh what am i forgetting because we're going to be driving for a while i'm going to take some stuff out of my pocket just to lighten the load all right hey guys we're leaving for the last time here i want to have a loser too oh i forgot i'm scared bye property okay okay this is scary oh you're recording yeah we're home we made it we're on the property we have not gotten on the bus yet everybody is excited and the road looks beautiful the property looks cartoon place yeah welcome so what are you feeling right now it's really cool so far we haven't even gotten out of the bus yet we literally haven't stepped a foot onto the property i'm nervous i get like really scared about stuff like this we're looking around and like everything looks so cool we're excited so we're gonna go explore we're actually gonna put the camera down so we can just explore then we'll film later but we made it we sold our house we left michigan let's go outside yeah and we're making this happen wow awesome you
Channel: DIYfferent
Views: 97,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, DIYfferent
Id: Ib-T02O20cY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 5sec (2585 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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