THE AVIATOR : Adelaide Biplanes

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[Music] a great sound isn't traffic champ 5982 rolling Runway 32 for second traffic Martin and gayen Smith started adelay bip planes here at odingo in 2005 the vision was and still is to provide a hands-on experience of what flying was like during the Golden Era of Aviation the main business here at aday Banes is flying these authentic old um lovely aircraft like the tiger moth the wco the great lakes and the specific aircraft of a bygone era it's a privilege and a joy to be allowed to fly these vintage aircraft ranging from anything to 40 to 80 years old it's real SE of your pants stick and rud flying as it used to be and this year sees that Vision take flight and even further with the Aviator in here I want things like the Panola um this kitchen will have to be further down but a plan to build a bespoke vintage only flying field next to the existing field at odinga The Aviator it has become a dream um I'm not sure what moment it was conceived but it's become a dream and we are on the journey now cuz this could be absolute magic so The Aviator is um a Family Vision I suppose that that we've come up with the dream to operate biplanes in the Vintage era um at a block that we own that's near Old Dinger Airfield um so that we can take people from all walks of life all over the country all over the world that come to visit us and and they get to experience the beauty of the Vintage aircraft with the beauty of the the um South Australian coastlines that we have access to around here I was really excited it's something that you don't see in Australia we haven't seen it anywhere in uh other really outside of the UK for a long time having a beautiful old vintage 1940s style strip with everything inspired from that era um it just leads to that inclusive experience that we just don't have in this country thanks M great thank that was actually quite that was good fun given the amazing atmosphere and creation that Martin and and Galen have put together here at Old dinga uh with Adela Banes to see that replicated and expanded uh in something like The Aviator is just incredible it would be an icon of aviation in this country cool and just in the flare there needed to hold off a little bit longer um that initial b M Wheels only it's done a lot it's done all over the world there's multiple aerodromes close to other aerodromes in fact a lot of aerodromes big aerodromes within the world have four five six conflicting runways um it's generally if managed appropriately not a problem the idea with The Aviator is that the fiar will blend into the landscape as if it's always been here this Landscaping as well is at the moment they're doing it for Council actually showing the trees that we'll be panting so it'll be medium to large size trees so all this land all these buildings get softened The Aviator will not only bring together vintage aircraft but any activities that are vintage related I love a cloudy horse I think think that um sort of uh Twist on things with with the aircraft and and that would be pretty pretty special other things that are vintage inspired like vintage car rallies uh lost trades fairs all the old classic um you know great things that we're missing in today's [Music] life I really support anything that promotes the preservation of of the classic era of Aviation well in fact aviation in general but particularly takes us back to that Golden Era tiny little bit of back pressure hold it there come back again back again see that drift right on left rer that's it don't add power just keep it coming down that's it just hold it there fall back The Aviator will build on Adela Bane's long-established cozy and welcoming atmosphere as anyone who drops in for a coffee or their famous homemade cakes already knows he's coming over coffee it's bringing out um vintage Aviation and history to where you can actually touch it and smell it and feel it and get goosebumps from [Music] it
Channel: StephenTurnersFILM
Views: 642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ft9PMXbulkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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