Inside the New Tecnam P2006T: The Lightest Twin Aircraft Four Seater Plane
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Business Planet
Views: 8,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: businessplanet, tecnam, tecnam p2006t, tecnam twin, tecnam aircraft, p2006t aircraft, tecnam rotax, rotax engine, rotax 912, tecnam p2006t plane, p2006t plane, luxury world, p2006t, lightest twin aircraft, twin aircraft, four seater plane, 4 seater plane, aviation, twin tecnam p2006t mei, aircraft, #p2006t, p2006t review, tecnam p2006, airplane, tecnam twin engine, twin engine airplane, twin engine aircraft, tecnam multi engine, cheap multi engine aircraft, cheap small aircraft
Id: 8B4EXfV31sE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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