'Avatar: The Last Airbender' Cast on Seeing Appa in Real Life | Entertainment Weekly

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knock over someone's cabbages and ruin their day I feel like a character has done that God I wish cabbages were [Music] real I think we wanted to make them feel like real people with real emotions avatar the Last air bender is a fantasy world so I think we really got to have fun in bringing all of the bending all of the unique animals and uh the environments to life yeah I think giving it a new level of emotion in the OG you can't really see as much emotion on a face like as you can in like real life so it's like it's it's fun to bring that to life as well and like build new layers into scenes that we already know and love you know I think it kind of just happens naturally like with uh the way that the story is told where we're having more relationships and getting to see like some of those like conversations and like building character on its own um it's cool to like be able to be funny in a in a way that like real people would be funny and uh feel those real emotions of like what the character is actually going through I mean I think the visual effects like I know I'm always talking about the visual effects but like I think it's really going to shock people like just seeing like such an amazing iconic show brought to life the Fire Nation is embarked on a dark path and the world might never [Music] recover the world needs the Avatar who needs you and I felt like air when I was doing fight scenes it's just really cool for Zuko's character I felt the most in my element probably on my boat with Uncle iro traveling around to all the different Islands chasing after this guy over here that was certainly the closest to fiery banished Zuko Prince I think it gets when we were going somewhere like sitting on Opa or something like that like those those days just felt so comfortable and so like so easy you know like that I really was like in my element that's what I was going to say too the OPA days Opa days where where I was in my element I was like we had like a little setup up there like we were all getting we were like trapped together in like Close Quarters for the whole day cuz like takes like 15 minutes to get down from it yeah so we're having our sibling rivalries and trying to go over lines and stuff it was really fun yeah yeah I feel like we all felt the most in our element when we were with each other yeah yeah or for you guys and then for me with Paul um we share the most scenes together if our nation has destroyed everything in their path if the world is going to have any chance it's going to need aim right there goes the savior of the world there was certain things that I would see um as we were going along that were like surprises and like as a fan of the original show like seeing these things come to life like every time I got to see something new I was like almost in tears because of just how incredible it was so seeing Opa like pretty much life-size and like furry and like the saddle and everything it's just took my breath away you know I remember going into the stage for the first time seeing Opa and they were like yo you want to see Opa just finish and I was like yes and I like run over run over to the other stage and like run slide I'm like right in front of opa and he's like faceless and legless and I was like wait this is so sick but like when is it done he's like no it's done it's done rest is V effect so I was like it was awesome though cuz then we got to ride it and they like wait like as like cuz obviously they're not going to go like as hard as they possibly can like while shooting but they like set me up they were like yo we're going to bring the stun team out and they like threw it as hard as they could oh that's right cuz they don't actually move the camera during those scenes they move move people like push like flying so so they brought out like everyone they were like yo we're going to go to 10 my experience was almost the same with Opa where I like they were like come check out Opa and it was only his like right leg I was like okay he [Music] [Music] hey the element I would want to bend it's between it's between water and Earth mhm I want to say water but it's hard because Earth is so like they're both competing you know air you could like fly oh you can fly I have a glider I a glider seen him do that yet you really think about it air bending could just be like telekinesis I could just like air bend whatever I want to me which probably wouldn't go well because well I take advantage of it but it'd still be pretty fun you know in ways I feel like the Avatar you know in a lot of ways just like all the elements but um I'm in the same boat I feel like my serious answer like a practical answer would be Earth the whole elevator thing like where you can just like lift up and be like on a different story but like the water's kind of the fun answer back in the pool trying to water like a like sking the top of the water that was l so maybe maybe water the right answer the thing that Saka is unaware of is that he's like wants to be like so that guy but he's like emotional I'm the self-aware version of that I like me and water like I feel like they're the goofiest low key too like they're the most they have the most fun I have the most fun with my wolf tow Warriors fire just looks the coolest like let's be honest and Thena has blue flames bro I just got like jetpack my feet and arms like fly around I just dude it's fire did did you never like like sparkle lighter and you're like trying to like low key bend it or like by the stove the element that I think represents me the most in real life is fire similar to Zuko I try to take a lot of things really seriously and sometimes I'm not always the best at listening to people and the advice they're giving me because I'm so tunnel vision sometimes tooo FOC focused on what I'm doing I wish like all of our characters had like a signature like move like a superhero and we like yell it out when we do it like guitar has water water whip [Music] okaying learning to bend we we did boot camp a month before we started filming it was definitely intense and something I'd never experienced before but I do think it helped me connect to my character because in the beginning of the show she's still like learning how to bend and she really doesn't know that much about it so it's like made me feel more connected to her as the series went along and I got more comfortable with the movement and like so did she and it just felt so connected that way a lot of the stunt crew would refer to me as like an Energizer Bunny at the time so it was pretty easy for me to pick up what I had to do and it was just really awesome because Ang is such a high energy character and I could bring that into the show with stunts and training and all that with a ton of jelly beans and whatever sugar I could get my hands on he's also like already really naturally athletic and you pick up on things really fast definitely jelly beans helped that I'd say my experience with bending was probably the most fun I've ever had on set I got to collaborate here and there with the stunt team on some of the choreography um and then I also got to do everything myself I'm glad that I was able to also help out Gordon during his fight scenes and I think in a way like during our fight specifically it's crazy how much it relates to like real life where you were getting really good at your water bending moves and Zuko is like I mean he's not an exp exper fire bender but he knows how to fight right and so when we had first interacted um you were just a beginner still figuring out the moves on Koshi Island but then when we come to the northern water tribe and we fight I get my ass kicked whereas like in real life but also like as a character you grew and then for me I kind of plateaued and then got my ass kicked by you and he was so pissed about it the most difficult part for me is probably um actually like reacting like Imagining the Benders attacking me and trying to evade them without making myself look goofy cuz you had to imagine all of these elements coming at you and sometimes we didn't really know what that effect would look like the size of it and how much force would be behind that specific move probably all the air stuff just cuz the timing was so awkward for me like cuz it's very um like taekwondo is just more like fire yeah or like similar to karate air was very like like super fast and then like slow at the end which is like the opposite of like what my mind thinks of when like doing movement is like slow and then fast at the end and then pull back yeah I guess with a is like the change of pace that was like the most diff difficult part to gr yeah cuz it's really fast and then slow and then you slow down he got the he got it down though got like my favorite part though yeah I think Gordon's probably the most like his character but Dallas you're probably the furthest because you're so kind and perfect and awesome but uh you definitely have that dark you dark sexy side you know that Z has that's where you can relate Ian's like probably one of the funniest people I've ever met so that's why I relate him so much to Saka this dude be like making me laugh and I'm like like actually doing an ab exercise you see those abs you can thank me you don't have to do this world me Tara and a flying ball of fur what more do you need most likely to do like a crazy side quest and find a buried Library buried library that sounds familiar I feel like I have I have an answer but it's it's it's funny and it do work oh boy I want to say my dad because he's wait that's a fact right that's a fact actually every time we were filming my dad's like exploring somewhere and he's like you know taking pictures he's seeing stuff that I'm not seeing he'll come back and have all these cool stories and like where when you know shout out Cory I feel like every time I'd be on set he'd be like he'd be like yo did you see the like new set they built like yeserday like I was like what like yeah he's like it's half done yet and I walk in I'm like how have I not seen this literally who would accidentally hallucinate on Cactus Juice allegedly I mean accidentally is one way to put it y some really crazy knock over someone's cabbages and ruin their day I feel like a character has done that God I wish cabbages were real my cabbages who do you think probably me bro like if I'm being honest I feel like if you did though you'd be like oh my God I'm so sorry yeah yeah I'd probably like eat all the cabbages with him or something like afterwards just we feeling bad [Music] [Applause] n
Channel: Entertainment Weekly
Views: 480,058
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Keywords: avatar the last airbender netflix, avatar the last airbender reaction, avatar the last airbender cast, avatar the last airbender cast interview, avatar the last airbender cast reaction, Ian Ousley, Katara, Kiawentiio, Prince Zuko, Aang, Sokka, Gordon Cormier, Dallas Liu, gordon cormier interview, gordon cormier martial arts, gordon cormier aang, kiawentiio interview, kiawentiio tarbell katara, dallas liu interview, ian ousley interview, netflix avatar, avatar live action
Id: g0vqdrG0rz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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