The Audacity to Get up

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] look [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do not have one one would be provided for you we should be in church for about 1 hour and 30 minutes feel free to join in worship as you feel fit a friendly reminder the bathrooms are located on the first floor in the rear of the sanctuary behind the choir stands and in the main hallways we are also asking that when church is over please use one of the three exits genesee street moran street and kirkland road as we are trying to get everyone out in a swift fashion church will begin shortly let's grab our seats and enjoy worship [Music] all ministry announcements must be submitted by noon each tuesday in order to be included in the sunday announcements join us on this journey of supporting enid through our capital campaign drive we are asking for individuals to prayerfully sow a sacrificial seed offering to support various developmental projects on the physical building and infrastructure of the church please see any of our trustees for more information bible study has resumed on mondays at 6 30 p.m an in-person bible study will resume within a few weeks after labor day deacon and deaconess day will be sunday september 19th join morning worship the 126th annual session of the empire baptist missionary convention will be october 19th through the 21st single mothers sunday will be sunday september 12th from 12 to 1 pm in the parking lot we will honor singer mothers who have led their children through the pandemic with love bags and giveaways to provide community encouragement the enid health ministry formed and fit meets every wednesday in the parking lot at 6 pm men and women are welcome to come and work out deaconess training will be september 14th at 6 pm with pastor mcreynolds please remember to pray for our church community and pastor let's stay connected with god our ministries and each other [Music] me [Music] there is nobody [Music] [Music] morning this is the day that the lord has made how many of you really understand that this is the day that the lord has made it goes on to say and i will rejoice in it good morning how many of you got activity of your limbs this morning hold in your right mind can see can walk can hear i will give god praise this morning because i don't know about you but he's been real good to me hallelujah oh glory to god i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord and then it goes on the word says make a joyful noise unto the lord all he lands serve the lord with gladness come before his presence with singing knowing that the lord he is god guess why it is he that has made us and not we ourselves we are his people and the sheep of his pastor it says enter into his gates with thanksgiving somebody should be on their faith by them and into his consciousness be faithful unto him and bless his name why why because the lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth endures through all generations if that's not good enough praise the lord praise him according to his excellent greatness of the praise praise him with the start in the heart praise him with the temple in the dance praise him with the seed the spring instruments in the morgan praise him upon it says if you are breathing if you are breathing if you are breathing give thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you yes thank you so so hallelujah so hallelujah let's continue to give him the praise the enemy trying to stick himself on you that don't belong to you but you when you begin to praise we give him the phrase hallelujah hallelujah god is good hey so oh hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] most gracious and everlasting god we come to you this morning giving you thanks and giving you praise you are the author and the finisher of all of us oh god you are the everlasting and everlasting you are the god of abraham isaac jacob and even us you are the almighty you are the alpha and the omega you are the beginning and you are the end your word man that says in the lord and can forget about what we're trying to do but just trust you oh god and you will make the way we thank you this morning for your people all over the land some are in our physical presence and some are out there in tv land however oh god we thank you for your blessings upon all you let the rain come down on the just and the unjust oh god you don't make no difference between the two but we thank you thank you this morning oh god for making a way out of no way oh god we thank you this morning because you have been so good and so merciful oh you have been merciful oh god you have been merciful you have looked beyond way beyond our faults and you saw our needs o god and we call upon you and give you thanks this morning as we continue in the service this morning oh god may it be a sweet savior to you oh god that we offer it up to you that is acceptable in your sight oh god that which we do and that is to worship you oh god we thank you this morning we thank you for your forgiving power this morning we thank you for your resurrected power through jesus christ we thank you for the holy spirit that resides within us oh god leading guiding and directing us through oh god we just thank you for this day as we continue oh god we ask a special prayer upon those who are sick and afflicted for those who desire to be able to come this morning oh god but we're not able to but oh god i know that you still will make a way that the word will be received by them because you said your word will not go off will not come back forward so i know that it is touching and it is doing that's what you sent it to do god as we continue to do what you asked us to do this morning and to hear the word and to hear the instructions that you send through the man of god oh god we thank you in jesus name we pray amen i would ask that you would please stand for our hell of meditation following that will be present praise and worship and the welcome thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] there are some things that i may not know there are some places i cannot go but i am sure of this one thing that god is real for i can feel him is yes god is is in my soul i cannot tell [Music] just how you feel when jesus washed your sins away for god has been real foreign oh yes that is is oh yes god is oh yes god is real for i can feel him in my soul sing it again like you mean it because god is yes is praise god we gonna stay right there where your heart your spirit is open and you're it and we are now going to have the scripture from reverend samson then followed again by praise and worship amen [Applause] good morning today our scripture will be coming from proverbs third chapter verses one through six and it reads as follows my son forget not my law but let thine heart keep my commandments for length of days and long life and peace shall they add to thee let not mercy and truth forsake thee bind them about thy neck bind them write them upon the table of thine heart so shalt thou find favor and good understanding in the sight of god and man trust in the lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding in all thy ways in all thy ways in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall he shall he shall direct thy path the word of god for the people of god we've got to please everybody give him a praise the song simply says oh give thanks unto the lord oh oh oh oh oh oh wow hallelujah amen [Music] good morning good morning good morning to all of you my inanen family and to all who have joined in on this praise this morning we welcome you for we have come into this house we have gathered in his name to worship him we are here to praise our true and living god and we're thankful today that the lord has placed an angel in this house none other than the bishop over our souls dr jonathan mcreynolds we give god the glory for him at the 175 genesee street in rochester new york 14611 and if you are here we welcome you on this labor day weekend to just join in on the fellowship for those who are worshiping virtually we still want to come in your house the way of spirit that by his spirit changes can happen and in the name of jesus we want to just lift him up today in our praise we welcome those who are even traveling that might be listening to us if you're in the city stop by if you can't stay just wave your hand for there's a blessing waiting for you in the name of jesus we welcome you all we welcome you all we welcome you all god bless you look at your neighbors neighbor tell him i made it out all right tell him say i made it come on come on give god a please come on put your hands together come on oh all right thank you thank you i'm scared i made it i made it already thank you one more time one more time i made it thank you i'm still hey i made it all right we he made it we made it we made it we made it we made it we made it i oh me oh hallelujah oh hallelujah thank you jesus if you know the lord brought you through only what he could bring you through i said only what he could bring you through you ought to give him a praise right now oh man let's give a handclap of celebration to our music ministry we are grateful for them setting the atmosphere we're grateful for your presence here today in the lord's church and i don't know about you but i wake up with great anticipation on every lord's day because i don't come to the lord's church just to do church but i come to have an encounter with him perhaps i'm not as strong as you are but i go through some stuff in the course of the week i deal with some issues and i deal with some folks and i deal with some storms and i deal with some pain and when i come into the lord's house i don't come to play around but i come because i need the lord to touch me and my situation is there anybody in here that can say preacher you're talking to me because you have no idea i was about to lose my mind but somehow the lord brought me here to me and while i'm here i'm going to please him don't don't touch nobody don't touch somebody but just look down your role and say i came here to praise him i can't i can't speak for you but all i know is [Music] on this side on this side of the pandemic something's different about me something's different about my relationship something's different about my phrase something's different about my preaching because every time the lord does something in your life it ought to take you to a different place [Music] there is a word from the lord today found in the gospel of john john chapter 5 verses 2 through nine john chapter five verses two through nine when you have it say amen if you don't have a bible if you don't have a gadget it's on the monitor amen we thank the lord for the trustees investing in technology amen amen pretty soon they're going to get us a nap amen we can just have eating on your cell phone amen i'm speaking it into existence amen everything i speak into existence charles thomas makes it happen amen so we need a nap is coming john chapter 5 verses 2 through 9. we want to be in prayer for all of those in our family church family that are traveling this weekend we have many that are traveling we have many guests that are here from virginia from florida different families we want to keep in our prayers reverend poinsett he lost his grandmother on yesterday we will keep the bowling family in our prayers and our letters that are going through john chapter 5 beginning with verse 2. now there is in jerusalem by the sheep gate a pool which is called in hebrew bethesda having five porches and these lay a great multitude of sick people blind lame paralyzed waiting for the moving of the water for an angel went down at a certain time into the pool and stirred up the water then whoever stepped in first after the stirring of the water was made aware of whatever disease he had now a certain man was there who had an infirmity 38 years when jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been in that condition a long time he said to him do you want to be made whole the sick man answered him sir i have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up but while i am coming another steps down before me jesus said to him rise take up your bed and walk and immediately the man was made well took up his bed and walked and that day was the sabbath i want to preach from this thought today just for a few moments the audacity to get up the audacity to get up somebody just say the atmosphere get up heavenly father we thank you for this word today we thank you for what you are doing in our midst lord we thank you for both in person and virtual worship today we'll ask that you will touch those who are in our sanctuary we ask that you will touch those who are watching us virtually lord we pray that your holy spirit will just open our ears make our hearts and our souls receptive to your fresh revelation lord i pray right now that someone will be saved healed delivered and set free lord i pray that you stand with me as i preach your word lord i need your presence i need your power and i need your anointing and lord i pray that as your word comes forth that the redeemed of the lord will say so lord we just speak faith into the atmosphere lord we speak prosperity in the atmosphere we speak healing into the atmosphere in jesus name we pray amen you may be seated in the presence of the lord the audacity to get up the audacity to get up the billionaire tv personality oprah winfrey said we can't become who we need to be by remaining who we are we can't become who we need to be by remaining who we are she made this statement from the context of someone who suffered lived under a stigma and had to overcome great odds in order to become who she is in life oprah winfrey the product of a broken home sexually abused background and poverty made a conscious decision that she would not be a slave to her past rather she would be willing to pursue a future that was void of the pain and brokenness of her past other words she had a willingness to place some things behind her and not allow what was behind her to hold her back she had the audacity to believe that her past would not define her future she ignored the chatter of people and entered a career field in nashville tennessee in tv broadcasting where she was often told she was too black her hair was too nappy and she was too overweight to find success in tv years later because she had the audacity to get up she had the most successful daytime talk show in history owns her own production studio owns her own cable network she is one of the wealthiest women in the world and was even talked about as being a good prospect to possibly run for president at one time all because she had the audacity to get up consider where she would be today had oprah winfrey not possessed the audacity to get up the dreams that would have never been fulfilled the careers that would have never been launched the voice that have never been heard and the impact that would have never been experienced thus i contend today that many in the world in the kingdom miss success miss prosperity misdeliverance and existential impact all because they lack the audacity to give up many lives stay in bondage and neutral and anger and frustration all because individuals made a conscious decision to dwell in their broken state rather than making a conscious decision to get up from their circumstances consider my friends how much time is lost how many dreams are aborted and how fatigued and frustrated some people remain because they choose to remain in a state of brokenness rather than possessing the audacity to get up from their broken condition i've learned the sad commentary in life is that there are some individuals that don't want to get healed in the kingdom they don't want to be delivered by the power of god they don't want to move to a higher state because they have found it relationally profitable to stay broken to stay frustrated to stay angry to stay mad at the world because it feeds and fuels an emotional void that they don't know how to feel through their relationship with christ well sometimes i hate to say and hate to sound condescending but sometimes i feel like we waste our time praying over some people that don't want to be delivered sometimes i'm slow to leave my dinner my roast beef my honey my fried chicken to go and talk to someone that really doesn't want to get better in their lives have you ever encountered any people in your life that you've talked to them over and over and over month after month year after year decade after decade you've given them every tangible solution of how to make their life and their situation turn around for the better but they refuse your advice they refuse your counsel they don't even want to hear the word of god because they really don't want to get delivered from the state they're in because they like remaining in a state of brokenness uh some folks make a career and just being angry being frustrated being broken because sometimes they get more comfortable in being broken than they are in being delivered you know how it is some people are like a broken record each time you see them before they open their mouths you already know what they are going to say i'm a preacher like i feel like you might as well help me they are going to complain about life they're going to complain about others they don't complain about their situation they are continually engaging in this state of mental and spiritual anguish and bondage because they refuse to possess the audacity to get up from their condition they would rather live a life that seeks the pity and attention of others than seeking the abundant and restored life in jesus christ and i don't know about you but when i think about all of the hades i go through in life i don't want to spend an extra day an extra hour in a broken state in a depressed state and a bound state but i want to get everything that god has for me if god says he's going to set me free then i want to be free if he says he's going to heal my body i want to be healed if he says he's going to deliver me from sin i want to be delivered if he says he's going to renew my mind i want to be renewed if he tells me he will bring me out from the unclean thing i want to come out from the unclean thing if he says if i am a new creation in christ that all things are passed away and all things are made new i don't want to live a double life or carnal lifestyle i want to be made brand new oh i wish i had somebody here that could just give a sign or some evidence that you want the same thing in your life you you want god to really do what the word says he'll do you want to be made over you you want to get up from your broken stage you don't want to waste time being broken being disgusted being tore up being someone that's filled with tears and pity all of your life thus emerges the life marker moment for many of us today the moment when we are confronted with the following the voice of jesus are choosing to remain in a broken and bound situation today i contend that too many lack the audacity to get up someone is called to determine this is the day the last day that and season that you will be bound and driven by what people say about you this is the last day in the last season that you're gonna be healed about old sins this is the last day that you gonna keep playing church some folks crack me up you so spiritual in the microphone on youtube in the spotlight and then you get out on a friday night and you know you don't forget all about your testimony somebody say preach back you you ought to decide this is the last day that you're going to be bound and driven by the limitations placed on your life by the brokenness of your past this is the last day you're going to be bound by your haters your detractors and liars this is the last day that you're going to be bound by illness and physical infirmities this is the last thing that you're going to be held back by fears and apprehensions and rather someone is called today to have the audacity to get up and determine in your spirit that you shall rise above your conditions uh i said you're gonna rise above your conditions you ought to have a certain measure of faith to believe that where you have been is not where you're gonna always remain in your life i don't care maybe you like this man at the pool of bethesda maybe it's been 38 years but 38 years is your last year maybe it's been a decade but this is your last decade maybe it's been a long time but your time is up because the bible says there is a time and a season for everything under the sun and i i firmly believe yes we'll go through some seasons of infirmities we'll go through some seasons of brokenness we'll go through some seasons of tears but the bible says that weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning there's a season of where things have to turn around in your life i wish i had just three or four folks and i preached like a baptist preacher i had just about four folks in this section that helped me over here there's a time in your life when things have to turn for your battle this soul is so perplexing and so perplexing journalism how some folks can live from their 20s and thirties their forties and and now be in their fifties and they're still broken by the same old thing you've been praying you've been worshiping you've been running you've been snotting you've been falling out in the floor you've been greased up by the preacher but you still have the same old dispositions that you have for the last 20 years but god is a deliverer god is a healer god is a wonder worker i wish i was in a baptist church god is a god that specializes in doing the things that we didn't need done the most and the concrete reality is that many of us are walking breathing advertisement of what the lord can do i i know we look good on the first sunday we're ready for the lord's supper we're ready to be very religious but if we could just roll back the hands of time to 10 years ago 20 years ago 30 years ago or maybe even last night when we looked at where we are right now what the lord has done somebody ought to be able to give him some praise because god brought you out of what you were in all because you had the audacity to get up thus we discover the central figure of the text today a man who is not named by his historian scholars or even by josephus we are introduced to a man who has become identified for 38 years by his condition over his identity he has presented to us as a man who sat by a pool in the midst of influence in the midst of people that were broken in the midst of people that were waiting to be healed waiting on what scholars say is a fable of an angel that would come and trouble the water igniting healing for whoever gets in the water at the time of troubling the bible presents this man is someone who defines his prolonged brokenness as yet remaining because watch this he has no one to get him into the pool at the time the angel appears he defies his prolonged brokenness watch this because he has no one to get him in the pool at the time when the angel appears in other words he defines his prolonged condition as not being his fault but rather he cast the blame on others who did not move fast enough on his behalf that's not like your cousin this man possibly wasted 38 years because he chose to blame others for what he had the power to do himself it is amazing at how some people take comfort and brokenness because they would rather cast blame on others than assume personal responsibility for their own healing and their own deliverance when we consider how this text unfolds jesus and the man have two totally different perspectives of the man's condition at the pool the man looks at himself as being a victim of a lack of compassion and benevolence of others while jesus looks at his condition as a platform to be an advertisement for the power and the glory of the lord the man looks at his condition and position as a means of seeking public sympathy for his prolonged brokenness but jesus looks at his condition as an opportunity to display the power of the most high perhaps the problem that we have in our existential brokenness is the perspective in how we look at ourselves perhaps we're looking at ourselves with pity when we should be looking at ourselves as sitting on a platform let me say that one more time perhaps the problem is we're looking at ourselves with pity but we should be looking at ourselves as sitting on a platform i don't know about you but i don't have time to complain about my situation i don't have time to be frustrated i don't have time to be disgusted because i have to go in my prayer close and put on my war clothes and declare that no i'm not going to be in a state of pity but i'm sitting on a platform of where god is about to move in my life somebody say i'm on a platform i'm on a platform because god is about to move in my life the status of our condition lies within the perspective of how we view ourselves we can look at our condition and feel limited feel offended abused and broken or we can look at ourselves as being strategically positioned in a place for a miracle i don't know about you but i'd rather be optimistic than being pessimistic i don't know about you but i rather believe that god is about to perform a miracle rather than believing i'm in internal condemnation and judgment i'd rather believe that it is greater ahead of me than what is behind me i wish say hell just four or four today i'd rather believe that god is about to shift and turn things in my future rather than always looking behind me and complaining about what i went through about what somebody said about me and complaining about what happened to me but i would rather believe that god is in the midst of turning something for my better if i'm preaching to anybody in here just wave your head and say preacher i believe that god is about to turn things around yes i've been broken i've been rebuked i've been scarred i've cried some tears i almost lost my mind i felt like turning around but in spite of what i've been through i still believe that the hand of the lord is on my life don't don't don't don't stop watching me now because the hand of the lord is on my i'm preaching your testimony you ought to take somebody today that's been waiting for you down for waiting for you to cave in and you ought to tell them don't take your eyes off of me yet because the hand of the lord is still on me oh somebody missed that shouting moment i just told you that the hand of the lord is all your life and your situation you were messed up all week but the man of god just told you at the hand of the lord is all your life and it's about to turn somebody's sickness is about to be healed somebody's poverty is about to get an increase somebody's brokenness is about to be mended somebody that's lost is about to be saved somebody that was cast out is about to be brought in because the hand of the lord is upon you [Applause] you are strategically positioned in a place for a miracle i can't speak for you today however i'm not going to waste time and miss opportunities by holding on to a perspective that denies my potential growth my potential healing and my miracle i choose this day to have the audacity to get up from my condition i'm not choosing to make everyone around me mad because i'm mad i'm not choosing to make everyone around me broken because i'm broken i'm not choosing to make can't bring chaos in my environment because it's chaos field in my life i don't have time to waste on what has been or on limited conditions because i'm too busy looking ahead of me that's why paul said i'm forgetting those things which are about i was at a bible reading church today paul said i'm forgetting those things which are behind me and i'm pressing my limitations and tragedy and utilize the miracle platform that the lord has placed in my midst i dare you to tell someone to watch out whether you want to be here or not you're in the midst of a miracle platform i'll tell somebody watch out come on tell them let's have some interactive church tell them watch out then you should have went to the presbyterian church down the street around the corner over the bridge because of 175 genesee street it's a miracle platform we we come in one way and we leave another way we come inbound and we get set free we come in sick and we leave out here we come in devilish and we leave out holy we come in one way we go out another way you come in quicker and you leave out straightened out i wish i had somebody in here that understands that this is a miracle platform right here on genesee street we're not playing with the devil anymore i told you we something's different on this side of the pandemic oh it's a miracle platform i i i declare the things things things are about to change the lord is about to show up i'm we're in the midst of being transformed somebody's being healed delivered and set free somebody's saying in their faith today i'm i'm getting up i'm getting up i'm getting up from my condition let me execute this text jesus viewed this man at the pool of bethesda sitting on a platform for a miracle it is interesting because up to this point jesus had not performed any public miracles uh y'all know i know my bible now i was teaching doctors because last week i know i know the book i know the book all of the miracles at this point had been in private or small group settings this text unfolds in the midst of the feast of the jews which is one of the larger gatherings of the nation furthermore jesus and this man are positioned by the sheep market at the pool which the bible says is surrounded by five porches that are filled with people their atmosphere was filled with the religious the lame the sick the broken and sinners bethesda means the place of mercy there is no greater place for a miracle than a place identified with mercy this is the reason why some people miss their miracle in church it is because they don't view it as they play the church as a place of mercy because they choose mess over mercy let me say it one more time let me say it let me rewind it in case you missed it that's why some folks come to church and they stay the same year after year after year because they don't recognize the church as a place of mercy because they choose mess over mercy oh come on somebody say preach it back i'm going to take my shoes off now because y'all going to make me work hard today amen that's why some folks stay full of hell decade after decade year after year because they don't recognize the platform they hold the church is a place of mercy of where god wants to intervene and do something dynamic in our lives within the text within the text let me execute this text and i'm getting out of here jesus gives this man a clear choice somebody say clear choice he gives him a choice of either being healed or remaining in his condition let me say that one more time he gives him a choice of either being healed or remaining in his condition before you get too critical of this man that same choice has been put before us many times in our lives do we want to be healed or do we want to remain in the same condition do you want to forgive or do you want to keep on holding on to something do you want to love or do you want to keep on being hateful do you want to edify or you do you want to keep on tearing down do you want to be sick or do you want to be here don't talk about this man get your mouth off to get your mouth off don't you talk about this man because we are faced with the same clear choices on a regular basis in the house of the lord [Applause] he has a choice of either being healed or remaining in his condition and i contend today that many make the wrong decision somebody say wrong decision we have too many people in the world that choose to remain in their condition when jesus is clearly giving them an opportunity to have the audacity to get up i had a sobering meditation this past week sobering meditation this past week reverend what as i reflected on my 30 years of preaching ministry i asked myself a very painful question how long i don't want to discourage the young preachers but i said after 30 years of preaching how long do i have to keep preaching about faith for folks to get faith [Applause] after 30 years how long do i have to keep preaching about forgiveness in order for people to learn to forgive how long do i have to keep preaching about love in order for folks to love how long do you have to preach about unity for folks to get along at some point people in church have to choose to do the basic things so that we can move on to the deeper things let me say that one more time because i i believe if i would go back and find some old tapes of reverend greer and reverend cherry they were preaching a whole lot about faith to some of y'all preaching about love for somebody else preaching about forgiveness y'all better help me in here this could be an image i'm just saying what i'm saying and some folks still don't get it and we can't move on to the deeper things because some folks refuse to embrace and make a clear choice to just learn how to love so we can go on and talk about spiritual gifts and anointings [Music] prosperity and overflow signs and wonders but we can't advance to that stuff because you're still in elementary 101 trying to learn how to love somebody and it really ought to be easy all you gotta do is look in the mirror and say i'm gonna love them just like jesus love me [Music] before before jesus could move this man's life to a place of experiencing prosperity gifts and anointings and the deeper things of god the first thing he had to do was to have the audacity to get up thus the rhetorical question is posed to us today by the spirit of the lord how long before we have the audacity to get up how long do you want to stay in your condition how long do you want to remain broken how long do you want to stay bound by what you've been bound by how long do you want to still be given to the same old sin how long do you want to be given to the same old mess it don't matter if you put on deaconess missionary white preacher collar a deacon black suit or choir robe they don't care if you sing dance prance whatever how long before you make your mind up [Applause] but you're gonna stop playing with this thing and you're gonna get what god has for you somebody said it's time to get up this man at the pool of bethesda teaches us some key principles on how to have the audacity to get up number one the first thing the man did is he removed his focus from the activity of others and focus on himself he removed his focus from others and he focused on himself so many people miss their blessings because they spend too much time worrying about what other people do can i say that one more time some people miss their blessings because they spend too much time worrying about what other people do when jesus asked a man if he wanted to be made whole watch this the man never answered him look at your bible he never answered him the man began to talk about what other people had done or not done let me say that one more time jesus asked him do you want to be made whole he never answered him he began to talk about the activity of others what they did and what they didn't do well jesus they nobody picked me up and got me in the pool no that's not what he asked him he asked them do you want to be made whole you see sometimes you miss your blessing your healing and your deliverance because jesus is trying to talk to you and you spending too much time looking at other folks [Applause] [Music] he don't care what other folks are doing he asks you what do you want to do help me judy bermudez he wants to know what are you going to do and at the end of the day i'm glad that other folks and their activity has nothing to do with my relationship with the lord it has nothing to do with my miracle it has nothing to do with my deliverance because what god has for me god has it for me and i don't have to worry about who didn't help me get over who didn't help put me in the pool who didn't bless my life because at the end of the day i'm in the presence of the lord and if the lord asks me if i want to be made oh i'm gonna say lord yes i want to be made whole i'm not gonna say lord somebody talked about me they lied on me they gots about me i'm not gonna say lord they wrote their eyes at me they unfriended me on facebook i'm not gonna say oh lord somebody walked off and left me because lord you're sitting right here with me [Applause] some of y'all watched folks more than you spend time reading your bible then have the nerve to worry me and the deacons of death about everything that's going wrong in your life when's the last time you read the 23rd song reading facebook more than you read the bible [Music] worrying about who unfriended you and you ain't spoke to the person sitting next to you in church [Applause] y'all might as well help me i'm just a country preacher from kentucky amen i say what i say amen worrying about other folk they didn't write your name in the lamb's book of life they didn't shed any blood to wash away your sins they're not the offer and the finisher of your faith they're not your way maker so baby why are you losing sleep over what somebody else said about you what somebody did to you they don't mean a healer b [Music] stop watching others when you should be watching the lord [Applause] it was said best by coco chanel coco chanel said this mother has she said i don't care what you think about me i don't think about you at all oh that's what you need to start telling some folk that are always trying to say something about you always trying to limit you always trying to define you always trying to belittle you always trying to smear your name tell them i don't care what you say because i don't think about you at all sometimes in the pandemic i gotta remind myself of who some people are because they so far out of my mind don't y'all don't y'all look at me like that point number two i'm almost out of here the man at the pool had overcome the apprehension of past failures he had to overcome the apprehension of past failures 38 years he lived with a broken condition can i mess with your minds today can i show you my fancy education beacon floor can i mess with you can i extract something from the exegetical context of the scripture 38 years the man had a broken condition watch this deacon floor miss pearl i'm gonna mess him up cause he gonna go home and look at this all night we assume the man couldn't walk everyone always teaches and preaches this text from the perspective of the man couldn't walk because he was sitting by the pool uh-huh this is because after the man's healing the text says he picked up his bed and woke but that don't mean he did he couldn't well before however the texts nor scholars ever say that he could not walk they just said he's set by the pool am i right dr austin you got a fancy education too am i talking right all references just say he sat by the pool and he waited for someone to put him in the water he was sitting by the pool the bible never says that he was crippled in his legs by the pool see an educated preacher mess you up am i right reverend training thank you reverend shane the bible never said the man couldn't walk there's no biblical evidence historical evidence even in the writings of josephus they said the man couldn't walk the bible just said he was sitting by the pool wanna be am i right brother samson perhaps he sat by the pool in a state of depression perhaps he sat there lamenting his condition perhaps he sat with mental illness perhaps he was a victim of abuse perhaps he had some other physical ailment perhaps he was just sitting there mourning some condition we really don't know all we know is he was sitting by the pool whatever his past ailment may have been jesus told him to get up he had to have enough faith and audacity to believe that no matter what his issue had been for the last 38 years his time of suffering was over and before you look at him very quickly many of us have been depressed for many years some of us have been had some infirmities in our body for many years some of you look good on sunday morning but you go home to hell from monday through saturday some of you look good today but nobody sitting next to you knows what you are suffering with you're sitting by a pool in your existential experience you're not lame in your feet but you're lame in your heart because you never got over somebody walking off and leaving you you never got over how your parents treated you you never got over your divorce you never got over your brokenness you never got over your bankruptcy you never got over your addiction you never got over your sexual issue oh i said that i'm sorry you never got over whatever had you down [Applause] i just helped somebody in here today you find some scholarly proof of where the man was crippling his legs digging floor to give you 200 old man the lord sent someone here today to realize that whatever your bondage and affliction may have been it's time to have the audacity to get up and declare it's over somebody class over uh come on somebody to tell us over you you've been going through for a long time but it's it's it's over you've been shedding tears for a long time but it's it's over you've had some infirmities in your mind and your spirit but it's it's it's over you've been criticized you've been a talk of town for a long time but it's it's over you you've been the black sheep of the family for a long time but it's over you've been talked about discount and walked over but but it's but it's over you have some sickness in your body but it's it's it's over i want to have some help in here i'm still one of them old school backers i believe that you can have a service in wheelchairs can be left in the church after the service and crutches can be thrown away i i believe it's it's it's over even though you have suffered for 38 years even though he had suffered for 30 years he could tell that something was different this day because you are in the presence of the lord something is different this day this man has set by the pool he did not have to process and dialogue with jesus about what was going on but he knew that when jesus said rise up and walk he knew that something has shifted in his life and shifted in his atmosphere and i don't know who i'm preaching to this morning but while somebody's been sitting in the sanctuary you feel that something is different in your life something's different in your spirit since you came in here at 10 30 this morning you feel that something is shifting something is turning in your life and you believe that something is different somebody say this day it is my day to get delivered this day is my day to get here this is my day to be loose from what's had me bound this is my day that i'm gonna walk in the newness of life i wanna have some faithful folk y'all looking at me like i'm talking chinese but i'm trying to preach your deliverance today i'm trying to put something in the atmosphere that'll make you better this week than what you wanted last week you want to touch yourself and say this is the day that the lord has set me free this is the day that i'm being delivered from my sins this is the day of when my mind is refocused this is the day that my family is coming back this is the day that my joy is coming back this is the day that my health is coming back this is the day that my marriage is coming back this is the day that my children are gonna get right this is the day that the doctor's gonna give me a different report this is the day that my bridge is gonna be built over my troubled waters and then here's the last thing that i'm going to say and i'm getting to my seat the man the poor had to be willing to demonstrate a public faith somebody say public faith that the man made an immediate move of faith the bible says immediately somebody say immediately that he was made whole and he took up his bed and he began to walk what i love about the narrative is that the man didn't take time to talk about jesus and say jesus help me up jesus how do i walk that's why i continued that i don't believe this man was crippled anyway because it was too quick of a turnaround because if my angel says that immediately he got up from his bed he picked up his bed he put it under his arm he put it over his back and he walked away he didn't have a response like many of us he didn't complain about whether others had done to obstruct his healing he didn't seek pity for his years of suffering but rather when it was his time he moved in an immediate fashion i said when it was his time he moved in an immediate fashion and i want to put somebody on notice today to understand that this is your time to move in an immediate fashion look at somebody and say neighbor it's time to bust a move i look at somebody and say neighbor this is the day that i'm getting up from my condition look at somebody and say neighbor this is the last day that i'm gonna go home depressed neighbor this is the last day that i'm gonna live a season of poverty this is the last day that i'm gonna live in the state that i am because i heard the voice of the lord and the lord said immediately in other words the lord said right now it's time to get up somebody shall get up it's time to get up from your broken state it's time to get up from your secret shares it's time to get up from your brokenness i wish i could just capture the mindset of this man that he felt something moving through his body he felt something moving through his spirit and he said i feel the spirit of the lord moving in my body moving in my mind and i don't care about my last 38 years because i'm looking forward to my next 38 years is there anybody in here that can say this is my season to get up right now i dare you to show some sign that the lord is working in your life i dare to show some sign that you know you're in the presence of the lord i dare you to show some sign that the lord told you to get up and rise above your situation is there anybody in here that doesn't mind being a public display of what the lord can do i dare you to tell somebody look at me and you remember way back when some of y'all been in here a long time together and you remember the days when you used to run the streets together you remember the days where you used to drink together you remember the days of when you used to fight together you remember the days when you used to smoke some funny cigarettes together but now look at how the lord has turned your life around is there anybody in here that has a testimony of what the lord can do once you get up is there anybody in here that can say i am a product of a great getting up i am a product of the lord speaking in my life i am a product of the power of god touching my brokenness somebody ought to say i'm broken no more i'm lame no more i'm sitting down no more because the lord told me that it is my time to go a little bit higher somebody shouted higher i'm going higher in the lord is there anybody in here that believes the lord wants to take you higher i believe it because i believe his word because his word says that the lord is my shepherd and i shall not rule i believe it is because the lord says that he prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies i believe that it's time to get up because the lord said by his strengths that we are healed i believe it's time to get up because the lord said that he'll make us like the tree that's planted by the rivers of water that'll bring forth his fruit in his season and whatsoever fruit we bear it shall be fruitful is there anybody in here that believes this is your day you ought to say i heard the lord tell me that he's opening up the windows of heaven and he's pouring me out of blessing that i shall not have bloom enough to receive it i don't know about you but i'm glad i served that type of lord what type of lord do we serve we serve a lord that loved us so much that he sent his only begotten son come on i need some baptist help in here down through 40 and two generations he sent his son jesus down to be born out of a virgin in a manger he loved us so much that he allowed jesus his only begotten son to suffer on a cross to him nails in his hands to handles and his fear to be passed in his head and have piercings in his sight and the bible says that blood and water ran down for the remission of his sins and he said father o father into thine hands i command my spirit and he gave up for ghosts and then the bible says they placed them in a bottle of june where they stay for three days and nights but i'm so glad today that all the synoptic gospels tell me the same story the early one sunday morning as reverend graham will say my midnight rhinestone my wheel in the middle of the wheel my heart tower my rolls are sharing with all power in heaven and in earth in his hands is there anybody in here that knows he got up with all power is there anybody in here that can say i am a product of his power is the lord able to get you up is the lord able to shift your situation there's the lord able to turn things around is the lord able to heal your body is the lord able to regulate your mind there's the lord able to be free when you're hungry is the lord able to be a covering in your storm i just want to ask you one question can i ask you one question today can i just ask you one question won't you won't he keep on blessing you over and over if he's blessed you over and over you ought to hold up your hand and say i am a witness that the lord will keep on blessing you over and over when i think that he's through blessing me he keeps on giving me another blessing if he keeps on blessing you just keep waving your head let the sinners know that we serve our god that will bless you over and over if he's that good say yes say yes lori bless you over and over won't he make your life brand new won't he give you another chance won't he wash your shirts oh wait can i ask you one more question if you did all of that why are you just sitting there if you did all that why you're not praising him if he did all of that why you're not surviving him if you did all of that why you're not stomping your feet if you did all that while you're not clapping your hands if you did all that why is that a tear running down your face if it's not if you didn't do all of that you want to tell your neighbor you better scoot down and get some social distancing because i'm about to wear my hands i'm about to run a neighbor you dance have got six feet away from it when you came up in here because i just had a flashback of how good god is tell your damn neighbor get out of my way because when i think about the goodness of jesus and everything he's done for me i have to say hallelujah and bless it be the name of the lord can you bless the name of the lord can you bless the name of the lord can you bless the name of the lord so if he's being good to you you are crazy as the ministry workers come we extend to you an opportunity to give your life to the lord i promise you when i get up every sunday i don't i don't want to sweat and hollow jump around but when i think about my salvation when i think about everything the lord saved me from when i think about what could have been in my life and watch this when i think about what should have been so when you're spiritually immature you can talk about what should have been what the lord really should have allowed to happen to you because of who you were and what you did it provokes a response and i just want someone here to understand that if you don't have a church home if you don't have a relationship with jesus christ we want you to have a relationship with him we want you to surrender your life and be saved and have a relationship with him it's not about joining church because guess what joining church doesn't change you joining church doesn't change you that's why some folks do act like they do as long as they've been in church the bible says that the wheat and the tale will grow together and in the end the lord gonna tell some folk reverend dr deacon prophet trustee usher i don't know you but when you have a relationship that's what transforms you that's what seals your life that's what writes your name in the lamb's book of life and we offer you a relationship with him today whether in one of the balconies and the overflow the main floor we we give you time to come and meet us at the altar we won't make you say a whole bunch of stuff in front of the church we just want you to take a walk of faith and surrender your life and we'll take you to the room upstairs and pray with you and get you started in your new walk with christ but i believe there's someone here today that needs to develop a relationship with the lord [Music] someone here needs to fix or renew renewal relationship with the lord you ought to have the audacity to get up today you ought to have the audacity to say lord i hear you speaking and i'm not gonna wait on someone else to walk first i'm gonna walk on my own and i'm gonna i'm gonna come down and give my life to you won't you come won't you come won't you come amen hey man here comes one yeah yeah yeah will someone else have the audacity to get up and come to the lord yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah welcome home welcome home hope won't someone else have the ambassador get up and come to the lord we want you to be saved we want you to be saved god is trying to speak to someone today you you might be just like that man in the text everybody think you can't walk everybody think you crippled ain't nothing wrong with you you just gotta make your mind up you just gotta make your mind up that you're gonna get what god has for you won't you make your mind up won't you get up and come to the lord and i promise you just as he saved others he'll save you won't you come won't you come won't you call we just want to cover your soul we want to cover your life perhaps you you're only here temporary you're in school your [Music] are there others that will give their life to the lord by [Music] amen amen [Music] that is good [Music] everyone should have a love supper cup if you do not have one hold your hand up and identify yourself and the deacons will get you one here's a hand down here amen if you have not been sold please identify yourself amen got a couple in the balcony up here the new balcony when these deacons were young ladies sneaking burrows or somebody can sprint up to the balcony man got two folks in the balcony that need to be served all right you know okay oh balcony too hey man hey man amen they're coming to you while they're doing that mark your calendars mark your calendars for the first sunday in october at 8 30 a.m first sunday in october against october the third i believe at 8 30 a.m we're gonna have an ordination service here at the end and we have new deacons that will be ordained and clergy amen they've been studying for two and a half years studying theology biblical studies church polity practice they they've gotten a seminary education for free amen same thing i teach at the seminary i've been teaching them man for two and a half years we're not making them deacons we got one more down here they can borrow we're not making them deacons because they can sing and lead devotion but we're making them deacons because they have to teach they have to serve they've been trained amen so we're excited about our deacons and ministers that are being ordained amen it's everyone been served the word of god says in first corinthians chapter 11 verse 23 for i have received the lord that which also i delivered unto you that the lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and we had given thanks he break it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this dude in remembrance of me after the same manner he also took the cup when he had sucked saying this cup is the new testament in my blood this do you as often as you drink it in remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the lord's death till he come wherefore whosoever shall eat of this bread and drink of this cup of the lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the lord but let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup for he that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh damnation to himself not discerning the lord's body for this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many are asleep heavenly father we thank you for this opportunity to partake of this lord's supper we're grateful for the body of our lord jesus that was broken on our behalf we were grateful for his blood that was shared for the remission of our sins as we partake of this love someone help us to love one another help us to forgive one another help us to walk together in unity help us to perfect ourselves and perfect the church until you receive the glory in jesus name we pray amen let us take off the bread let us partake of the cup amen look at somebody say it's giving oh time a quiet shopping all day look at this myself it's giving time hey man amen this is the time of when we open the floodgates for god to bless us in our lives the bible raises a question says will a man rob god he says wherein will he rob god in tithes and an offering and the lord said bring me all the ties into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house and prove me now here we have said the lord of hosts if i will not open the windows of heaven and pull out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it and then watch this next verse goes on to say when we do that faithfully the lord will rebuke the devourer for our namesake you ever been there when it seemed like the lord bless you with some money as quick as your money come it goes out the door come on now don't y'all mess with it now you ever been there seem like you make more money on your job but you have less money to deal with on a week-to-week basis your transmission fall out your pipes begin to leak you gotta go bail cousin baby out of jail get unexpected meals in the mail and you realize the lord blessed you to make 500 last week and you gave the lord a dollar that might be why [Music] you didn't fulfill a biblical principle malachi 3 11 of where the lord can rebuke the devour for it's like i i'll give you my testimony the more i give to god the less the less financial drama i have in my life i start getting stuff in the mail i wasn't looking for amen so we want you to be a blessing and to be obedient to the lord we want you to sow good seed in the good soil this is good soil in the lord's kingdom and the enigma baptist church as i say all the time we we always bless the lives of people that are hungry that are needed that's our first mission we fulfill acts chapter 2 verses 41 42 is that they had all things in common we've never turned someone away without trying to meet their needs here at this church [Music] look around this is a beautiful church amen [Music] one let time this is a beautiful church amen hey man that new carpet windows are pretty you got air conditioning blowing in here amen got all this technological gadgets up here got a brand new basement been refurbished got a fancy church van out there that's paid for somehow we're clapping and praising god right now oh man folks have deaths in the family we write them a check and we bless them we we we write scholarships to young folk this is this is good soul amen somebody said good soul trustees do a good job at the inning church amen give me trust these are handcuff of praise they may do a good job hey man good job baby come here let's do better than that trust me do a good job old man amen they do a good job amen they take care of the church take care of what god has placed in that trust and take care of the employees take care of the community amen they do a good job amen so we want to be a blessing on our way out to trustees are strategically positioned to receive your ties your offering you may also give digitally if you are watching us virtually or if you here you'd like to do digital giving on cash app at enid signing mbc or you can go to our website but we want you to be blessed by giving today man you know i'll say this and then i'll close i like to go to macy's to go shopping i get shoes at macy's and uh and and i get i always get my wife's shoes what's that store i go to print so i get your shoes what's that store behind my about the rhyme and she get mad and she said i paid too much for it but i go to buy more and i buy her shoes was like i want to see her feet in a man but watch this if i go to ron mark get her some shoes or give me some shoes at macy's and i run out the door with the shoes what's gonna happen i'm gonna get arrested siren's gonna go if alarms are gonna go off if the lord blesses you and you don't give the lord what you owe him there's gonna be some heavenly alarms that go off so we want you to be a cheerful giver let us stand as our closing prayer as we bless the seed and bless our lives as we go out i know we're in a season we're not hugging people we're not congregating as we leave we're trying to go out of the building as quickly as you can uh i told some of the leaders we're gonna start a new ministry this week called the sidewalk ministry you can sit on the sidewalk and talk all day if you want to oh man you can bring a picnic basket if you want to sit on the front yard as long as you want after the benediction ain't there nobody bother you i promise you hey man but we want to get out of here as quick as we can amen because we have staff to come in and they sanitize they clean up and we just want to be respectful amen so you can you can do the sidewalk ministry the front lawn ministry as long as you want amen amen but we want to try to keep our walkways our exits uh accessible so that those that are handicapped area are not trying to navigate through people to get out amen so can you help me with that amen heavenly father we thank you for this worship experience we thank you lord for allowing us to come to your house of worship we thank you for the world that has been deposited in our heart and our spirit we thank you lord for those that are faithful givers those that are sowing into the kingdom those are obedient givers we pray god that you bless the offering bless the tithes but we pray that you multiply them and increase them so we can do greater works for you lord i pray right now that you just bless our lives we enter to worship but help us to depart to serve now unto him that is able to keep us from falling and present us follow us before the most high god with exceeding joy is the power of the glory and dominion now henceforth and forevermore and that all of god's people say together amen and praise god until we meet again [Music] thank you for spending part of your weekend with us in worship today we ask that everyone leave the sanctuary swiftly as we are still trying to observe cdc guidelines thank you and see you next sunday at 10 30 a.m [Music] you
Channel: Aenon Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 383
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: EyY-HSeQzLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 6sec (6786 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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