THE A.T. ONE YEAR LATER + First Wedding Anniversary

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[Music] when I think about yesterday my my my my kids and so I did [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I feel unbreakable [Music] so Luke sent me to get a massage this morning didn't seatbelt which is something that I never do I think I can count on one hand the amount of massages I've had in my life so anyways is wonderful massages are a little awkward to me but it felt good massage I was short with you in the phone earlier okay so today is one year exactly since I finished the Appalachian Trail and also my one-year wedding anniversary hopefully you guys don't mind that I'm working while I'm filming this because I have time I need to get done so in this video I just wanted to talk about how life is a year later I honestly don't even know where to begin I haven't put that much thought this but let's see what we've been up to for the last year um we've done a couple fun things we went down to Tennessee and had a little reunion with evidence and then Luke and I also went to Colorado over the winter did a lot of snowboarding I did a couple of trips to LA for work and then Evan was up here for a while hiking through New Hampshire so I met up with him a bit I did videos on all of these things so I'll link them down below but anyways that's kind of the fun stuff we've been up to this year otherwise honest to god we have just been working so much which probably doesn't sound like that much fun but I don't know I think I I think part of it was I was overcompensating a little bit for last year just being away for six months and feeling the need to come back and move forward with my business but it's also just been really good it's been my next like thing that I'm focusing on I always have to have some sort of a goal something that I'm working towards and the Appalachian Trail really consumed me for a few years so now it's really just been time to like put that energy towards my career I miss the easy a lot more and more actually the further in the past that it is it's one of those things that's like I think they call it type 2 fun where when you're doing it it's really hard and it doesn't feel like that much fun but after the fact now that it's in the past looking back it was so much fun and I really do miss it I did a video about that also all the things specifically that I miss and don't miss about the 80s I'll link that one below I didn't get a chance to do a ton of hiking this year I actually feel kind of guilty about that I did a couple of day hikes and I did one overnight hike with Evan but we just had a lot of other things that we were focusing on and so that's been kind of hard I really do feel like guilty um and I'm not sure why I think it's just something I love to do and I think it's important to make time for the things that you love to do and that's something I've been struggling with I think since I've been home is balancing my time although I am pretty good at multitasking as you can see hi Lucy kale do you wanna go for a walk oh yeah pee on that hydrogen okay so I think the big question that everybody wants to know is did the eighty change me and would it change you and I don't know that I have the like deepest most intriguing answer to that question I mean it definitely changed me in a lot of small ways I wear a lot less makeup now I eat a lot more fruit I pack a lot lighter but in a big way I think I'm still figuring that I hope I don't feel that different but I'm sure that I've grown a lot as a person I really thought that when I finished like I think I subconsciously thought that I was gonna feel like oh accomplished or like at peace that I did what I set out to do and I think I was a little disappointed afterwards that I didn't really feel that way not in like a huge way and so I've been doing some soul-searching this year and I think I've realized that I am someone who is very competitive and I am always looking to the next big thing and I just am never really like happy and at peace with where I am in the moment I'm always living in the future and the 80 definitely made me realize that it made me realize that I'm always so focused on achieving something bigger doing something better that I'm not ever proud of what I'm doing and where I am at the moment and that's something that I really I'm trying to work on I do love my life now and I needed to like take it in more and enjoy it more if you have a good walk [Music] okay after I literally just said earlier that I don't do my makeup anymore I don't usually I just today is our anniversary and I got a hot date hey hey hey happy Anniversary happy anniversary [Music] what do you think about the laughs here about the 80 year marriage I think last year's been things done our goals have changed a little bit from last year take Taylor this is daycare take two so this time I'm going to shorten up a little bit because the last one it's three bullets there's a bullet style video so three bullets and first bullet is happiness we've been very happy this past year's been wonderful great everything's good busy work fun try to buy a house boom two but goals have changed dammit cut take three there's been a lot of change in this past year for both of us I think we've both grown together in in a lot of different ways and I think a lot of it has to do with the 80 and how we got through a lot of the situations within that this past year has been awesome you know we haven't been out doing as much as we did last year for the hiking world and stuff like that but you know we've been out around and working a lot and head down and trying to obtain some of the goals that we really set out to do in our first year being mayor so overall I think the past year has been great we're doing what we planned and you know it's just a balance of life and fun and and figuring all that out and that's and that's kind of what we're on our way to do so too many more years and and hopefully will give us some hiking video soon enough give that plane flip focus Bassam so moral of the story werlla story eighty was great it's different and now I happily married happily married I've figured out sometimes it's just easy to say yes so we're going to dinner today and where we are going this is the first place I ever took Liz when we first started eight the first date that we ever went on which was how many years ago seven years eight years between seven and nine years ago we went to this place for dinner I got a haddock sandwich and it is supposed to be a surprise but if you told me earlier I said where we going and he said I'm not telling you but it's subway what'd you say meetings what happens mean with woman always rude snap just try there's no reason for pride just say okay yeah so we go to that dinner place it'll be good it'd be yummy it's exciting fabulous really kind of there's something got the way you make me feel inside I'm counting down the days till we fly away heading to the Sun only human another day gene stuck in this place [Music] just like our lose control place on the radio
Channel: Liz Kidder
Views: 7,301
Rating: 4.9504642 out of 5
Keywords: appalachian trail, thruhike, nobo, backpacking, vlogger, AT vlog, daily vlogger, french bulldog, wedding anniversary, dreadlocks, dreadlock extensions, makeup, evans backpacking, alyse parker, homemade wanderlust, the trek, appalachian trail gear, post trail videos
Id: vuLTormQcZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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