The Art of Living is Loving (1 Corinthians 13) - Pastor Daniel Fusco

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so I'll never forget when I went to college my parents everybody much everyone said oh wait for it you're gonna gain the freshman 15 you know what that is it's like when you go to college and all of a sudden you can go to eat the cafeteria and everyone gains 15 pounds you know and so and parents love that kind of thing because they just pay like the meal plan and then they can eat as much as they want to eat so I heard about this for a long long time and you know and being all Italian from the East Coast everyone's like listen you know once you start to bulge out it's never gonna stop so so as I was getting a good hard time and I remember I got to college now being all Italian from New Jersey I was raised by people who really did a great job of cooking so like in my family growing up food is a love language so like you know you see my grandma she feeds you my dad tells the story what he wanted to marry my mom he had to go meet my mom's grandmother who would be my great-grandma who we knew as nonny and and my dad nan he kept giving him food my dad was all times we just kept eating and after he left the house he went down the block he threw up you know I'm like dad that's nasty like but it was so good I didn't mind eating all of it but I couldn't anymore so so food was a love language when I grew up and so like literally you grow up you know my mom she could cook you know my grandma she could cook every aunt uncle every family member if I wasn't really sure if they were a family member all of them could cook right and so then I go to college and sure enough it's like okay the freshman 15 I walk in and there's like this buffet of food and like the chicken was rubbery the meatloaf was had like a green tint to it a little bit and it kind of freaked me out like a lot you know cuz I remember thinking like this is not what this is supposed to taste like so I had a bright idea I was gonna become a vegetarian now I didn't do it for social reasons this was long before hipsters were anti you know industrial food complex and stuff and say I just didn't want to eat meat that was not me like and so I remember when when I went home for my first break from college you know my grandma was just like what is this that I hear that you have become a vegetarian what is wrong with you you know and I mean and I'm like what you don't understand I mean like you know you and mom you guys cook so well and it's just amazing everything tastes like it's perfect you never have to eat out and and then I went to college and she started laughs like Oh everything's nasty on I'm like yeah and she's like we can fix that I'm like oh yeah she's I'm gonna teach you how to cook so I thought to myself this is a good idea I'm a single guy if I know how to cook and I'm kind of handsome you know I got a college degree I might have a shot here you know I'd sosamma okay grandma you got it and so me and my grandma we sit on down and my grandma's like the first thing you need to know how to make is you know how to make sauce cuz you're Italian and so everything goes good in sauce so she's like and so she started to show me how to make this thing right and so I'm making and she's like talking me through and it's really beautiful cuz my grandma means she's an Italian grandma so she doesn't she's not working off a recipe book she's not measure anything out you know half the time she's eating what's in the pot and she's like my dad he's a little more of this it was totally gross unsanitary but it tastes delicious you know and so so sure enough my grandma made my first pot of sauce but it's not quite right it's not perfect and so I'm eating it and and like I grew up literally my grandma's sauce was so good that we would walk into the kitchen and we would take bread and we throw it into the sauce thing like learn from across the room because if you got it in there then you had to go fish it I had to eat the bread with the sauce dripping all over it was so awesome you know so my grandma literacy and then she's like running after you with the wooden spoon it was beautiful life you know and so and so I tasted my grandma it's missing something grandma what's it missing and she got a big smile on her face she's like ah I forgot to tell you the most important ingredient you gotta put a lot of love in it and she got this big smile on her face and she gave me a big sauce bread kiss ran outside of my face you know I gave me a big hug and she said all I love you and she gave me this big warm hug and I've never forgotten that story because in a lot of ways that's the key to an extraordinary life I mean if you think about life like so like like I had to write this book up were doing one and out work because I wanted to write a book about life a life that we're all living and can we make sure that we get the right ingredients they're right I mean look a good sauce you need the right ingredients she needs your you need your basil and you need your garlic you need your olive oil and you need your salt if you really like it that way and sugar if you're don't know how to really make a sauce no I'm just kidding I know that's a big thing right now like do you are you supposed to put sugar in the Italian sauce we can talk about that later and talk about the acidity of the of the tomatoes and it really needs sugar or we just like sweet tooth's and almost anyway so if you want to have an amazing life and I believe that you do because it's the only life that you get to have here so it's like it you better get it right you need the right ingredients but even if you have all the right ingredients if you don't have a lot of love in it it's not gonna be an extraordinary life and what's beautiful about this is that we've learned that from Jesus why because when they asked Jesus what the greatest commandment was Jesus said you need to love the Lord your God with all your heart soul strength in mind I need to love your neighbor as you as yourselves as you implied as you love yourself that's we get upward inward and outward from right like upward is loving God and then inward is loving yourself because God loves you and then outward you live out from all of that love out into the world but upward inward and outward I like to say it that the art of living is loving love is the ingredient like you can have everything in your life together you can have health you know you can have a good family that you came from you can have a career that you find fulfilling you can have all these ingredients but if you do not have a ton of love in the midst of that life it might be a good life but it's not an extraordinary life so I wanted to make sure that as we're kind of breaking this open that we give due attention to something as simple as the necessity of love now let's do this show hands how many think that the world could use with a little bit more love yeah I see you guys in Portland as well they have an importance like who everyone online put those hands up right we all agree that the world needs more love in it and here's the thing because of who Jesus is we have access to the most extraordinary love in the world and as the followers of Jesus we need to make sure that love is the centerpiece of the ethics by which we live we need to make sure that at every turn whether it's upward with God whether it's the way we view ourselves because of God's love for us and as we move out into the world that love is essential and necessary and primary on who we are now what's amazing is if you think about that I know and I've thought about that I realize all these ways that I don't do a great job loving and what I love about God is that he knows we're all in process he knows that none of us have it all together so I want to call to our remembrance today the necessity of love because you could have all the right ingredients in your life but without a lot of love in it it's not gonna be an extraordinary life so in order to unpack this I want to unpack this with the most famous passage of the Bible about love first Corinthians 13 cut open up your Bibles there you probably some you don't even need to open up your Bibles there because you've been to enough weddings you got this thing memorize but I want you to go to your Bible there because even if you haven't memorized I want you be able to read along first Corinthians it's easy to find you to bring a Bible with you to church I know some of you I didn't do that those books on the seats in front of you all of them are Bibles they're not phone books to not romance novels I heard that in one of the Bible's there's a hundred dollar bill at first Corinthians 13 now I'm just kidding sinners first Corinthians 13 it's easy to fight in your New Testament you have Matthew Mark Luke and John right and they have the book of Acts the Acts of the Apostles then you have Paul's letter to the Romans and then first Corinthians so all those books Matthew Mark Luke John acts Romans all longer books and then first Corinthians and of course I still have to say chapter 13 is between chapters 12 and 14 just to close in all those loops I want you to read along it begins this way first Corinthians 13:1 though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels but have not love I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal and though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains but have not love I am nothing and though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor and though I give my body to be burned but have not love it profits me nothing so we begin with this reality that love is better love is better all the things listed here and each one of these verses they're good but love is better now the Apostle Paul begins by first saying though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels so the idea is though I have all the eloquence that a human can come up with though I know all these different languages even if I know the language of heaven but if I don't speak with love I become a sounding brass and a clanging cymbal now think about that for a second I mean even take a moment notice here at honor crossroads Vancouver stage we have our little house for the drummer and the reason we give the drummer house is because we realize that drummers don't have the house unless they marry somebody every drummer knows exactly what I'm talking about so we got the drummer a house here so you wanted to give the drummer a little sum and we realized if he didn't have a house he'd be in trouble but notice has anybody here complained about the sound of this cymbal since we gave the drummer house no how many of you complain about the sound of the drums before here across let's don't raise your hands see cymbals are loud right I've been playing music my entire life and went eyes the bass flashed him right next to the drummer and I have a ringing that comes in and out of my ears because the overtones of those cymbals are so loud especially when I was playing you know rock and roll and heavy man on those drummers like you know no sense to hit the drum to make news you gotta slam that thing so the thing goes like this and and it sounds crazy and so so your ears get all jacked up right now how many of you like standing next to a symbol all day long every day anybody likes love that like I just want that symbol ringing in my ear 24 hours a day some of you do I bet your spouse feels the same way about you no I'm just kidding I'm just kidding but listen if you speak with the greatest eloquence you have the language of heaven but you have not love you are just a headache waiting to happen that's what this means so eloquent speech is good tongues is good but love is better from there notice what it says and though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains but have not love I am nothing see now what he says he's like listen not only is is is is eloquence good but love is better but now all sorts of spiritual giftings prophecy the ability to understand mysteries unique supernatural knowledge even the gift of faith that jesus said if you have the faith of a mustard seed you can say to this mountain be removed in the sea and will go but if you have not love it says you're nothing so spiritual gifts are good but love is better wow this reminds us of course 1st Corinthians 8:1 where it says knowledge puffs up but love edifies Wow in a very educated society like ours love is better you could be the wisest most credentialed person in your profession but if you do not have love it says notice I am nothing and then verse 3 says and though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor and though I give my body to be burned but I have not love it profits me nothing now this week's of all sorts of sacrifice whether you are exceedingly charitable with with the resources that you have to help people who are impoverished even the most ultimate sacrifice for somebody to give up their life for their faith in Jesus says if I have not loved it profits me nothing see sacrifice is good but love is better surmise me Jesus said John 15 verses 12 and 13 this is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved you greater love has no one than this than to lay down one's life for his friends and Jesus lay down his life for us he lay that it was like for you because jesus is saying in a sense what you need to realize as things are good we shouldn't neglect eloquence we shouldn't neglect spiritual giftings we shouldn't neglect all sorts of sacrificial living but love is even more important now are we cultivating that see it's a love the choice that you make love is a decision that you make in the moment to be different about what might come naturally and Jesus's idea for the greatest commandment is I want you to live in what is best or better for your own lives now from there in verse 4 first Corinthians 13 we learned something really important that's the fact that love is specific love is specific why because the Apostle Paul defines love he doesn't want to leave it up to chance he doesn't want you to think for one second that any idea you have about love love he's saying I want to define it for you and the love that's being spoken about here this love that is better is very specific now I'm gonna read it to you look what it says in verse four it says love suffers long or some of your translations say love is patient and is kind love does not envy love does not parade itself is not puffed up does not behave rudely does not seek its own is not provoked thinks no evil does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in the truth bears all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things love never fails now there's no kind of a powerful definition of love isn't it now there's a couple of things that you need to know about this first the definition of love is all described using verbs which speaks of the fact that love is something that you do right they're all verbs here and this is what happens is this who we become when the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit this specific definition of love this self sacrificial love this love that is not needing to be deserved to be given but is given proactively it's the work of the Spirit that's where the fruit of the Spirit is love but not only that these verbs are all in the present continuous tense in the Greek which denotes actions and attitudes which have become habitual that are completely being repeated over and over again so what that means is that this love is not something that you understood or practice in the past it's something that may be a great it happened in the past it has to be happening right now and I think what happens for us for many of us is we can look back on a time when we were really committed to the art of living that's loving this specific love in the Bible but now that love begin to grow cold maybe in certain areas of your life right now that love has been growing cold where there was a time maybe on your wedding day right I love when I see couples when they're getting married I always tell people as a someone who's officiated many many weddings when the bride comes around the corner I never look at the bride I always look at the groom cuz that is the best moment of the entire wedding when a man is standing there and his eyes see his bride in her wedding gown and listen I've never once been at a wedding or officiated a wedding where they didn't say I'm gonna love you with everything I got for the rest of my life never want anybody defender betting like that our wedding that that they don't say that but then you fast forward like two years or 20 years and all of a sudden what happens where is this I am gonna pursue you with all that I have see I could see it in my own life I love my bride Lane we've been married for 13 years and it's unpreparedness I'm like man I could look like that time when I was more passionate to pursue my wife's heart than I am right to now and I'm like oh Lord okay you need to do a fresh work what I need to get back to the most important things and I confess that before you all because I know the same is true for many of us see the love that God wants us to have is specific it's important now and it's something that needs to be practiced today now what's fascinating is Carl Bart was a very well-known theologian now you guys know this when I quote somebody doesn't mean I agree with everything they've ever said and you know it's we live in a weird day and age where so if you quote somebody everyone thinks old they're agreeing with everything a person ever did which is nuts it's just a good quote all right Carl Bart's brilliant but I don't agree with everything that Bart stood for and but what's fascinating is Carl Bart broke down this passage into three different ways he said first from verse 4 to the beginning of verse 5 that it deals with love and darkness within ourselves and then from the middle of verse five and verse 6 it deals with love and the darkness and others and then verses 7 in the beginning of verse 8 love and the apparent darkness and God now as funny as as years and years ago I wrote this that that framework down and I and I see it to be true first it's us and then it's others and then it's how we do we deal with who God is but you know what I realize just studying it for this message is that Carl Bart broke down this specific definition of love into inward outward and upward Oh so I think if Carl was here today he did endorse my book I don't know this specific definition of love is powerful now here's what's here's what's really powerful you guys want some homework to do for the rest of your life nobody raised their hands okay so if you're a follower of Jesus this is your homework for the rest of your life okay I'm gonna give it to you right here I want you to take verses 4 to the beginning of verse 8 and every time you see the word love I want you put Jesus's name in there check it out Jesus suffers long Jesus is kind Jesus does not envy Jesus does not parade himself Jesus is not puffed up Jesus does not behave rudely Jesus does not seek his own Jesus is not provoked Jesus thinks no evil Jesus does not rejoice in iniquity but Jesus rejoices in the truth Jesus bears all things Jesus believes all things Jesus hopes all things and Jesus indoors all things Jesus never fails can I get an amen to that mmm that reads like hand-in-glove and that is why Jesus is Savior and Lord and that is why Jesus was an acceptable sacrifice unto his father for my sins and for your sins that is why I am more grateful today than on the day that I got saved to say that I believe in Jesus because Jesus never fails and Jesus is so patient he's so kind and Jesus doesn't keep records of your wrongs and she doesn't rejoice in iniquity but Jesus rejoices in the truth and that is why Jesus deserves our allegiance and our loyalty the Bible says that we bow the knee to Jesus we say Lord you are worthy of my praise you are worthy of my life and that is why Jesus laid down his life for us because when it boils down to the specifics of what true real love is Jesus is rock solid and if you've never put your faith and trust in Jesus why would you not want to follow true love why not I mean what would hold you back from following true love I know it holds us back the fact that true love absolutely transforms our lives and for many of us we don't want our lives to be transferred we're nervous that certain things that we like Jesus is gonna ask us to step away from me you know what I've learned that's exactly what he does because certain things that we like are not right certain things that we like are not loving no I know remember your homework now I want you to put your name in there put your name in this definition daniel suffers long and how many guys ever seen my impatience at work don't raise your hands just pray for me you know is Emma right now though they come on let's go do this thing there's something to follow me right I have all the reasons what Daniel is kind and you haven't seen me before coffee in the morning nothing funnier when I'm making coffee if I if I ain't when I if I see either Linda the kids and they're like morning on my you know it's good to see you now you put your name in I mean some of you are incredibly patient and some of you are incredibly kind so maybe you make it through the first two characteristics but by the time you read the list you realize that all of us fall short of this standard these this specific definition and my friends that's the point that's the point of the gospel the point of the gospel is that when true love is the standard when pure self sacrificial life-giving love with no expectation of anything in return is the standard all of us fall short in some way how do you ever kept records of wrongs for someone you love like they got something wrong and you're not gonna let them live it down right it like is it no yeah no guy will move past that I know I get I could work this one for hours you know what I mean because we all have that but then it says love doesn't keep records of wrongs how many times have we behaved rudely just didn't respond the right way see Jesus's love is specific and God is interested in transforming us from our failed attempts at love to become more and more conformed to his love and that's why the fruit of the Spirit is love because the spirit of god as he dwells in the life of a believer begins to cultivate an environment where the love of God is the first response but it's not there naturally it's because of the the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives and that's why believing in Jesus when we put our faith and trust in him we are justified which means we were guilty but now we're not guilty we were outside of God's family and now we're inside God's family and at the moment a person puts their faith and trust in Jesus then the Spirit of God takes up residence in their life and begins to change the entire environment internally in a person because of the spirits presence and now all of a sudden these shoots of fruit of love starts to boil up in our lives no sermon on love is gonna make us love as Jesus loved only the Spirit of God who came because of Jesus's love we'll do that and if you've never put your faith and trust in Jesus wrongly give you an opportunity to do it by the end of this gathering and listen I want to tell you you should run into the arms of Jesus because the the love that you deeply longed for will never be found in a person who you're attracted to or or this thing that you've always wanted a like when I get that then I'll really know love know it's in Jesus it's in Jesus and listen to what it says Paul ends great Romans chapter 8 verses 37 to 39 this way getting all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us for I am convinced that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers or things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other created thing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord amen what that means what that means is that God no matter what happens nothing can sever you from the love of God because through the finished work of Jesus you are umbilical II connected to his love nothing can separate you no angel no demon nor height nor death nothing in the past nothing in the present nothing in the future nothing can separate you from God's love because no one can pull you out of his hand and that is the good news of the gospel my friends that's the best news ever you know when when love starts to reach a person's heart all of a sudden their life changes they become obsessed with this love they're always say they're Facebook stalking people and you know and their wait look at their phone as the text coming in it's the text coming in and you're you're waiting for the next thing and that's the way we should be with Jesus amen we're we're just so enraptured by this love that he has for us this love that would cause him to lay down his life for us but not only it's love better not only is love specific but look what it says answer says love never fails but whether there are prophecies they will fail and whether there are tongues they will cease whether there is knowledge it will vanish away for we know in part and we prophesy in part but when that which is perfect is come that which is in part will be done away with when I was a child I spoke as a child verse 11 I understood as a child and I thought of the child but when I became a man I put away childish things for now we see in a mirror dimly and then face to face now I know in part and then I shall know just as I am known what this teaches us is that love is eternal see all these other things that are listed here they're all good things but none of them are eternal things see he already used ideas of spiritual giftings tongues all these things in verses 1 & 2 and then he comes back to him whether there are prophecies they will fail whether there are tongues they will cease knowledge it's gonna vanish away now before I move on this because some pastors want to take these verses to mean that the gifts of the Spirit don't work today my friends that is not what this means at all don't look like and these are people who like some of the pastors who espouse this view they love God they love the Bible they're very serious about the Bible but it completely misses the point of what this is talking about what is saying is that prophecies are for here and now tongues are for here and now no this is for here and now and there's a time when that stuff's not going to be necessary because when Jesus returns when we know as we are known then all the we'll be is the love of God that agape of God and all these other things like it's not like we're gonna be having afterglow sessions in heaven with the Lord we're all gonna be waiting around for like holes isn't that glory that you know that that time this got spoken it's like they we're gonna be the presence of God in totality those things will cease because God will be all in all these are temporary measures for this side of eternity but really what this is saying its emphasizing once again that God's love is the most important thing and us walking into so that's why I call the art of living as loving because their each one of us walk away today and say I want my experience of God's love upward and he returning that love to him I want to love God more I want to experience more of God's life and then because of God's love that he loves me I want to learn how to love myself more and if you say and I want to learn how to love everybody else around me more then to me this is the most important message you'll ever hear the book breaks open how to cultivate upward inward and outward love I'm gonna be over the next three weeks and be taking one for upward one for inward one for outward just to give you a little tease at a taste of it but the beauty is as paul links this love to maturity notice what he says in these verses in verse 11 when I was to move back to verse 10 and went and when that which is perfect has come or that which is complete or fully mature has come then that which is in part will be done away when I was a child I spoke as a child I understood as a child I thought as a child but when I became a man I put away childish things now listen I love my kids but my kids are childish and they're supposed to be god bless them you know what I mean but it's like like when I look at my little Annabelle so she's three and I look at Maranatha and she's nine I look at Obadiah when he saw when they're being childish I realize that that's a temporary condition and I say thank you Jesus I said oh praise God like like Annabelle's in that age right now where she just wants to take everything out and once she takes everything out her purpose is done and no matter how much I say an evil one you clean up all this stuff why now I know some of you are still in that stage where like your that's your house looks like bomb hit and that's how you live and that's praise God but we're hoping that our kids are gonna make their way out of that thing because there's nothing worse than when you step on a lego can I get a Amen those of you don't have kids yeah you wait till you step on your first set of Legos we'll see how long suffering you are I was gonna be the kind of dad ever I stepped on a like you know I was like oh is this a know somebody Sam but you know that this child likeness is childishness is temporary but we always have to remember that God's love is meant to be experienced for us like children its first John chapter 3 verses 1 to 3 says behold what manner of love the father has bestowed on us that we should be called children of God therefore the world does not know us because it did not know him beloved now we are children of God and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be but we know that when he is revealed we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is and everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself just as he is pure I love that verse what manner of love the father has bestowed on us that we should be called children of God and then he says and the world does not yet know what we're gonna be because it hasn't reached its culmination yet so so we learn here that love is better than really good things love is specific it's uniquely defined and that love is eternal that so many of the things that we have a tendency to focus on right now are temporary but we should focus on the biggest ideas the most important thing and then first Corinthians 13 ends with the one of the most famous verses in the Bible where it says and now abide faith hope and love these three but the greatest of these is love so we end with this reality that love is the greatest these Triplets of Christian piety face hope and love but the greatest of these is is love think about how powerful that is for a second I mean we know that faith is what saves us the ability to trust God as we move through it's essential to how we make our decisions right you think of the hope God has spoken of as God of all hope see it's the ability to look forward into life with joy knowing that our future is in the hands of God I mean anything some of you right now your faith is languishing because you're not choosing to trust the faithful God you're worried about tomorrow or you're worried about your circumstances not knowing that your father is good in Jesus he's bestowed amazing love on you and that you're his child and he's got you hope being able to look down the road of life I like to say hope H ope having only positive expectations does that mean that everything is gonna go on exactly the way you think it's gonna go on the future no it means that no matter what goes on God's gonna be with you because God is with you it's good that's what hope is hope is being able to live today hoping and knowing tomorrow because God is God is gonna be good and faith is essential and hope is essential but love occupies that supreme place god is love and reminds me of the other most famous Bible verse next to abide these three faith hope and love in the greatest of these is love and that's John 3:16 and for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever would believe in him shall not perish but shall have everlasting life why did Jesus come because God so loved the world Jesus came on a rescue mission that is rooted in God's love and Jesus knows that all of us every single one of us have made mistakes all sorts make some huge mistakes and other ones slight mistakes some mistakes that we made because we felt like being rebels and other times because we didn't even know that what we were doing is wrong God knows that about us and he still says I'm because of my love for you I'm gonna take care of you because of my love for you I'm gonna send my son who's gonna live perfectly who's gonna win the specific definition of love he's gonna live it to the tee and because of that he is gonna be a perfect spotless sinless sacrifice who was worthy to be sacrificed on the cross in accordance with all of the Jewish sacrificial system to conquer sin once for all see the reason the art of living is loving for you and for me is because God loves you because God is love and God wants us to learn how to walk in that love and the only way a person can truly experience the love of God is by putting their faith in Jesus and I believe that there are many of you who are here today you've never said yes to Jesus before and you're hearing this message and you're saying I want to know that love you're saying yourself I want to walk in love and I want to learn this art of loving upward inward and outward I want my life not just to have the right ingredients but I want my life to be extraordinary because it is filled with the amazing incomprehensible love of God and I'm gonna give you an opportunity to say yes to Jesus in just a moment but listen for those of you who are already followers of Jesus listen to me God wants us to love more radically more reckless recklessly and more profoundly than we ever had as the world continues on its course it's so easy for us not to respond with love but to respond with anger and frustration but that is not what God has done when the world was lost God sent his son because of God's great love so that anyone who would believe in him would come back Christian brother Christian sister my family listen we need to love now more than we ever have we need to love more passionately and recklessly than we ever have not with the some summer some not defined love but with this specific love this agape this love that God has for us and I pray that we would all say Lord will you grow expand my heart that I might receive more of your love and return to you living upward and that because of your love that I would love myself through the lens of the cross of Jesus Christ I might really love myself that I might love my neighbor everybody the world needs this today and I believe God by his spirit is driving us to love can I get an amen let's bow our heads in our hearts as we pray together
Channel: Crossroads Community Church
Views: 21,697
Rating: 4.8540144 out of 5
Keywords: Crossroads
Id: TzJPUpi4g7M
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Length: 40min 40sec (2440 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2017
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