The Art of Action - Marko Zaror - Episode 1

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obviously the fights undisputed three and five main here which I consider to be my top best fight scene if I think about it for various reasons you know obviously fighting you the fact that it's long but it's not long for the sake of being long it's long and all of its great and then number three it delivers with the story you know I think people really rooting for Boyka and he's got the knee problem and would tell a story through the fight so for me I think that in fighting undisputed three it's probably the best fight I've ever done I know I always made everybody here they call me the lore Boyka like it's just crazy I'm small-town is it has anyone ever come up to you Marco and said I have your chocolate a yeah all the time all the time all the time yeah yeah they also say a but all about what happened with your leg boy brought you broke your leg or something and the thing is it didn't it didn't even look that real be honest I still remember man remember that first rehearsal when were when when I we were doing the kick and I keep doing the phasing mistake Oh people about that and I've asked Lana if he's got that footage he said he did at one point but what the first rehearsal I remember what I was doing like like a fake spin kick into a wood spinning wheel up kick remember and there was something off in the timing where you came up right on my heel like boom I faced and came up too early I went down and came up to you hadn't even started to kick when I was ducking I came back and there was your kick you hit me hard I couldn't do it like I was like damn okay I'm ready I got I'm going back to Chile you know but then you took it born show Haledon I didn't it hurt yeah and then you know it's a hard kick when you get hits in the top of the skull but it gives you a nosebleed yeah never you didn't go down I was in character you know I I'm actually doing my lip my low-budget movie is going to festivals and all that and suddenly I saw this guy Scott Adkins in undisputed to doing some crazy stuff I'm like okay it's the first guy that I go doing something right little guy additions to make you trying to be harder to be this is the thing that I would like to do you know suddenly as a magic thing I have received a call from I said but at the beginning I was very hesitant you know I was like ah this is the typical thing that they're gonna use me to - do you know just kick my butt and and just don't let me do my stuff you know it's like you know how it is you know yeah yeah yeah yeah and I was and I was doing you know my movies I'm like and then I took with you and I remember you told me Marco you know we're gonna do the best fight you know let's do it let me just say that I remember obviously we've done undisputed - and I've been received very well and we were gonna do the boyk of version boy here on his own and I remember the conversations of who were gonna get for the lead character and I don't remember talking about anyone else but you for the for the main guy I mean maybe we did I say I remember I always remember that because we'd seen kilt row and how he wearing that and you know we were aware that you know there's this guy he's tall he's built and he's an incredible martial artist well what's his screen fighting like well you could see from kilt row that you know you're great screen fighters oh that was exactly what we were looking for so I remember right from the get-go it was like we should try and get that guy from kill try your says sit to look at you if you don't I mean when you see when your movies your very intimidating so you know I was a little bit nervous to me here like what's this guy gonna be like is he gonna be okay and now we've done a few films together and we know actually we're actually very similar I think yeah let's see just tell everyone what's your martial arts background there well yeah me I've been I started with karate Taekwondo then I did of course kungfu because of a big fan of Bruce Lee and you know I kind of wander around different styles different teachers and and when I left to Chile I left from Jay to Mexico from Chile I kind of start bored going into the deep understanding of human performance so I start studying a lot different in sports right now we see UFC and people are doing this like now you see that they're not their athletes right but when we we're talking about you know our 40 I mean like for this early 40 so I'm like back then there were martial artists still think oh if you train with wait so you go to the gym it's like who's gonna make you slow or it's not good for yours for for martial art there are still that kind of thing I thought right and every school had different training metals and stuff like that and and back then I started like studying very deep into high performance and hide the guys for the sprinters do to get better and to run fast or the guys at jump on you know the basketball players and and I start adding those type of workouts and training into my martial arts routine to kind of improve my own limitations you know to go over might be on my limits and and I guess that's why I kind of I got a little bit you know like with my height and my weight I'm able to kind of do and move the way I do it's kind of like I didn't approach a little more they say but you know that but seem that everybody everybody talks about is the dialogue that we have before the fight when I go the champion of the toilets laughing maybe showering over me you're so small yeah who's this tall guy behind me make him look short with that line I think I I altered the line the line wasn't as I said it I made it but even more vindictive and what does it make you my neck I don't think kick the [ __ ] out of you was in the original script I just thought it'd be nice to touch it was a big ring undisputed to we had a really small ring and I think this ring is actually bigger than the one we had in undisputed for it was a massive space to perform in wasn't it yeah yeah it was very cool very comfortable but remember with the lights of the set the something there the floor was burning we were like fighting guys that were like bouncing him booth Grecia out like sandpaper and the heat yeah they would burn your feet but actually being in that heat with just a shorts on and me top off and it's like being in a sauna almost I was always loose and always felt ready to perform I could stay warm for most of the day well I found find it hard you get more injuries on movies where you like running around with jeans and shoes on on the hard floor after at least three like we took like three days to shoot this move this fight right and then I had a fight with the ear alarm and then I have my fight against there the guy is there and he was like man very intense remember who it was that ten-hour shoot non-stop pure adrenaline that's what people don't realize is they think yeah you know here they can have time to rest and recuperate once we're in the location that has the ring we have to stay there you know if we're going to go to different locations it's we can't go there and come back we're in the ring we've got to stay there so all the fights have got to happen in those days that we're there in that week it may be two weeks and for my character I was this was a bit easier for me undisputed three because a lot of other guys having fights and it wasn't all on my shoulders but certainly for undisputed for I just had to keep fighting day after day after day and it's it is difficult yeah people think oh I just a movie fight huh yeah yeah man you if you're not trained as an athlete like a movie is like going to the Olympics you're fighting 10 hours a day you're gonna perform and you're gonna be explosive and you gotta look sharp because the fight is gonna be ten minutes three minutes but that you were fighting three days for ten hours so how you keep up that adrenaline and that speed and all that it's like you know it's crazy man remember how we rehearsed this we would rehearse the whole fight every night right yeah always I was obviously working more than you because it was in more scenes but we would always go to the gym after work in the manawa because you've got to look a certain way I got to keep that muscle on and I remember I would train in the gym whether he were training or not you would meet me after the gym and we would go through the whole fight from beginning to end and obviously we wouldn't do the crazy kicks because yeah I can save that for the day but we would walk all the technical combinations and isn't it right that we did something where we would say right we're gonna go from beginning to end and if we make one mistake we go back yeah yeah so we've done the whole thing and got all the way to the end yeah I remember on being on the outside some days we did it in the grass in the grass area remember and we were like just a random time is like what are you doing oh I got I got some you when you're like with more available time you're like Marco where are you I'm just here chillin okay I got some time let's do let's go up let's do a pass and I go I walk down wind in whatever area you were and we start and we do it and then we keep doing it if we make a mistake and we did that for many days it was pretty cool [Music] well Zbornak some food will work that was all that was all rid of it was Weissach loves the crane so we're in the bulgarian studios and they've got all the toys millennium films so I think it's we had the techno crane and he was really enjoying using that as much as it could they're quite wide open shots and then here you can see him going up to the to link these guys to the fight and he would always link the fight to something else with me now this was the big the big section that we had down and had to do in one shot you're throwing a lot of back first man I needed to change where you I couldn't be the same kid ball you know you were very traditional yeah boom boom you know I wanted to do a little more of you know to have the and some dancing yeah awesome move me some movement you know you're very good at the Wing Chun she can touch stuff anyway so yeah well actually remember the lore the interesting thing of that character that when I read the script they wanted to be they want me to be a beast they want me to be like oh you were like strong and you were like a big guy and then the script was totally written like that on my character but then your Boyka man like your karta was a very strong he was you know huge and like I'm just you know I'm gonna keep this [ __ ] out like that type of character so I'm in my I was with acting coach and he told me Marco just do the opposite I think it's cool man it's pretty cool and then here I like I say I remember on the day that I was not meant to do the side somersaults in this shot we were gonna do it in the next shot but I just in the heat of the moment I just really anyway yeah it was you know it was it was pretty cool and then yeah because it works perfect with all is switch you know the the footwork people people really appreciate it I was I always like this bit you can see here it's it's almost funny because you're meant to grab my arm and swing it away it's almost like you miss and then you grab it again you've got to have the gum shield flying out sports camera in a undisputed film I remember what used to happen is I used to climb towards the ropes and in undisputed - and in this one thing would catch my nipple on the ropes all the pain that I went through in undisputed sue an undisputed 3 I don't think anything was as painful as my nipple on that road I remember this shot I wasn't I wasn't happy with my first back but for summary I don't know I remember moaning about it but now I look at it and it looks absolutely fine the rhythm though because you're charging you know and you're charging and look the background how it's moving we're like going you know I'm defending going backwards pretty cool cool short and then here is a very people don't Spector what I break your knee everybody like it's this looks pretty cool though yeah it's sound oh everybody's saying it's it's a little fake but you recover from that injury by this okay it's a movie it's a movie I'm gonna put a mop round Monday in a minute yeah do you remember how many days we had for this fight yeah so we leave three full days of a 10-hour 10-hour some some days we went over overtime we did 12 hours three full days of just I'm just by simple fighting yeah from like yeah 10 hours non-stop Lee remember we didn't have a time to drink to drink water man where were fighting yeah live literally physical like away in a way I prefer to just keep going like for me a two day fight scene two days is good for a fight scene if you get three days great but man that third day normally you're aching a lot I remember run it man for coming in on the third day in the morning really stiff and okay I was younger than I mean there's 15 years before but I member seeing my stunt double doing all these crazy kicks I'm thinking are not today today yeah yeah it's true but you know I remember we split it up it worked out pretty good because the fight starts very explosive and all the tricks and all the crazy stuff it's kind of even towards them beginning in the middle but then there's a long part that is more of the MMA when you start beating me down and you take me to the ground that's less over over jumping and explosiveness and and you know you can take it a little tired you know it says it it's cool so actually you work out pretty good but it's true a good portion of the movie was just for me was just getting that mean yeah and smashed up which pretty much starts now of the fight yeah like I'm I wanted to show change of rhythm you know I wanted to I wanted to get out of the choreography and start interrupting your timing you see you're coming you come in and they go one hoop and I and I stop your your timing with with some attacks so kind of change that that rhythm of what people were seen in during the fight so I like that will learn l we work pretty good speed as well the speed you go and what people need to understand is it's very hard to sell punches to make a punch look like a hit from a side on profile angle which you're doing brilliantly here I mean you're able to put the fist either to the side or pass my head and it you know with those back fists and everything it's hard to be precise and get it you've got to come quite close to my face a lot of what's in the right place there yeah yeah I think I didn't react it was a very fast and that yeah I like this part because it's very dynamic it's like you know it interrupts the boom boom boom you know it's a I like that I like that right because it's got that don't that bang and then surround since limo and you get that blood flying down and everything and the impact me hitting the floor it all just works the man that was a good reaction man come on like you make you make it look awesome man you took it but you took a hot you took it a thousand percent there man yeah it's a night you know nice flip into the kingdom is pretty cool and this one is pretty cool too like I remember this one was crazy man this one remember old that very well because I remember just hit pretty hard man I wanted you to hit me harder because I knew I was gonna go back anyway so it wasn't gonna be the full force and I wanted you to just put your car straight into my chest up and then and I remember having the gum shield in I remember putting a load of blood in my mouth and I remember thinking I want to tell him to hit me hard so remember going what what I remember I'm trying to say hit me hard hit me hard but it's coming down like this [Music] yeah there we go that was that the only reason you got that kick on me was because I was confused by the salsa dancer I like how I so good shot this one yeah you know you're going to my back you know do a takedown what is that new gold I don't know it's like a flash into an ax key it's a flash with a hammer to a special ya Samarco special what was important for me was and my outlook has always been that I want to look the best that I can look but I also want you to look the best that you can look you're the main villain of the film and I understand that the better you look the better I look when I finally added you you know exactly where the law looks the better boy who looks overcoming those insurmountable odds you know this guy hanging a beam is doing crazy box cutters and flipping Arabian axe kicks and whatnot it's so I want you to look as good as possible and you know I'm sure that wasn't lost on you and I think that's what I said to you on the phone was like no actually actually only that actually you told me that this bit when I you duck under and batfish me there that's a great shot oh yeah yeah I love the back fist me and the way the blood flies out of my mouth I mean yeah Isaac loves the blood flying at the mouth in slow-mo yeah yeah though there's a pretty cool this is pretty good changing the angles and then I'm pushing your accommodating you are you know gentlemen and gentlemen yeah well below that it's very important where you were staying and I wanna be I want people to know this and you know not everybody every martial artists or every actor think this and and people think that this is obvious some people all that's normal but no like it's in the movie industry it's very hard to find someone that is so self-confident and secure and actually good that it's willing to to make everybody look the best for them to want because they because they understand that you look the best so you know you man and people are watching this you know I could say as a martial artists your incredible martial artists and that's the only reason why you know you want the people be the best because that's never gonna make you look bad I got the opposite and that's why this fight is what it is I think you know it's the best of our performance you know fool me so that's that's pretty cool you know you know what's most of most important is that the film as a whole is great and me is the lead of the movie I'm gonna benefit the better that film is that better everyone in it is the better it is for me because I'm standing on the top of that pile and you know because I'm the lead of the movie so that that's always been my outlook on it and I really appreciate it is something that it's forever man you know like I really appreciate to have the the chance to be able to participate on this and collaborate because I saw the impact I'm still seeing the impact of this of this movie you know in the fire in the martial arts world this part is epic is so epic this part man I love this part let me just say there was a lot of talk at one point about I was gonna take one of the Ring what behind the what he called the thing in the corner anyway the soft cushiony part off and this thise ring talking about taking one of the Rings off wrapping the ring around my knee so is like like by or something and I just thought that's gonna look terrible and then we came up with a mop idea which you know the it symbolized who he was in the past exactly I think it worked perfect yeah it worked much better boy could the mop man champion of the toilets get that mop on me come on now what's he like now we're gonna show him his boss actually he took longer to count man I should have won that fight oh my God he's so classic is such such a good moment the first of all the first Boyka and everybody boy that so epic man yeah it's cool it really builds it's got a lot of drama to it this fight it's not just the fight yeah I mean it is but he's telling the story through the action that's what makes it so good and he was so cocky and arrogant in this moment people love to hate you yeah yeah I came up with the bird Apple because it's like a funny - were saying like you know when I start clapping kind of you've put them up on your knee now I'm gonna kick the [ __ ] out of you yeah exactly yeah we didn't see that coming did you mate no I did see it man I'm just taking now look at me I'm pissed off oh I love that move Larnell move isn't that and you see how the way that I was taking your punches was it changed everything here I like that the dynamic of the fight change so much so it's another fight in in the big fight you know the time rhythms now everything changed I remember I couldn't make the the uppercut work that's why we've gone in for that tight shot I messed it up for some reason yeah yeah we're tired yeah because I remember the first day was a lot of the fight then the second day I remember doing all my my jumping he was the second day was more of my part when I when I beat you and then yeah high enough this was all the third day and we did that huh this whole thing was done in one shake with two pounds wasn't it this whole thing remember there when I put with a shot there was a pretty cool side shot there yeah side shot on the top shot and we just did this whole thing and we went with maybe did two takes I remember that I also remember that when I double egged you I've had this problem since I was a kid where my eardrums perforate pretty easily and I remember it perforated my eardrum oh yeah sucked just what I needed I was just wailing on you there yeah yeah no no I remember we said I told you just just just throw yeah you know just throw punches I'm gonna block and you're like you serious I'm like know it man don't worry man remember so that had that's why it had that moment of kind of rare very real you know that was a tough moves to do it wasn't it because we're both hissing each other at the same time and we were actually hissing each other just a little bit to do yes yes yes yeah because we're going because we were falling all it was very hard to measure you know to not but both full-on so it's pretty cool yeah yeah it was pretty good accidents do happen but yeah but that's what that's why it's great to work with someone like yourself his partnership and we can go a hundred percent of each other because I trust you I know that you've got your head screwed on and you're so in tune with the choreography that now I can go a hundred percent knowing that you're gonna be there for me you're gonna duck on time you're going to throw the right technique of time and you know and if you do forget something you're going to be experienced enough to bail out and go let's start again lost it you know it's that partnership isn't it and only then when you have full complete trust that the other guy can you go hundred percent the way we are there I love this one they look you look pretty good that way you guys shot it and bomb I love the how your lunch in the air you will it's pretty good shot and again I'm in the post that's one of those profile shots and I'm hitting you on the profile and it's all it's a little bit of a mess almost it's works but I remember all his it was saying because I said film it from the side it's gonna be great and I never do that normally but I had a feeling that this one would really work from the side and I think I kept it was not deep enough most of the time yeah it was a miss Molloy's guessing annoyed at me but we got it in the end I love the sparkle the gum shields out oh you know it's the almost the end when the gum shields out this this one was a real hit to remember yeah to the side of the head yeah it didn't hurt though today because you can't experinces out anyway yeah no no you were just yeah you like hit me hit me for real yeah I remember that and we put the what we call the power powder on the foot you can see the puff of smoke yeah well I've got to say that's good there's a great move the way I land on the back and flipped out right away I mean come on Marco it's pretty I was it was worth it to to you know to make it in home the small very boom that's pretty but not only did I land on my back and flip up straightaway I still had the fortitude to grab my knee yeah I've still got a bad knee don't worry now I remember I think I was struggling to do that kick I think because you're taller than me and it was a low angle you've got a low angle and you're taller I'm having to go even higher over your head and I remember it was it was difficult as the last kick of the whole thing was absolutely shattered so I'm you're ducking down a bit on you well remember it was last day last kick we were burning man we were like three days straight fighting non-stop I mean some of these moves like that move I wasn't even very good at it but who's like yes let's put it in the film and I was just hoping don't really work to do it there is rubber legs sickening a blood-curdling scream but I insist when I kick you out of the ring if I should it be over because the guy countered slower yeah well is the wrath it can count this lady ones yeah it's true you know but I'm training men I'm getting ready yeah ready for the next opportunity stay ready yeah yeah man it's always great working with you mate you were an amazing performer and a good guy and yeah we're gonna do it again yeah I know what but Marco keeps telling me that hey Mac wants to do it again but he wants he wants to win and I'm like well I told you next time you're going down man I'm sorry oh you're telling you you know I'm not gonna be compassion I'm not gonna have any type of I'm just gonna go for you know I'm sorry guys so next time no more what's it like working with Isaac from cinema huh it was awesome man like he's the best man you know for me was like you know he's a real martial artist he's an amazing martial artist and she's so passionate you know so that it's like that energy you know you were like it was it makes you wanna give your 100% your 200% he's like you see so someone so much passion at what he's doing and he's so like precise of how he wanted to look and work to put the camera how to move it and and at the same time I was so happy that he you know gave me the freedom to perform as an actor too because that character you know has a lot of it even though it's a fight movie but there was a lot of character work yeah I'm actually in one of my my most memorable roles and different of that I've done in my other movies it's a very weird character totally different and wild and you know on Isaac was you know he saw it and he he went for it and you know he support that idea and that's what most directors won and in my experience it's they want the actors to come in just own the part and then the director doesn't have to think about it you know if he's casted right then he doesn't you know he doesn't have to think about it that much anymore he can concentrate on the million other things it has got to concentrate on so yeah if you do your capstan right you're good to go but it's his framing isn't it it's the way he he appreciates the beauty of the technique because he's a martial artist himself and he wants to show the technique to the to the best of its ability to make it look as beautiful as possible and he certainly knows how to do that and he's greedy as well he always wants he wants it he'll work you hard to get it as good as it can be and I'll it is the sensation we're gonna we're gonna always give him what he wants but there's been a couple of occasions where it's like one more take and oh [ __ ] my muscles broke but you know it's inevitable that something like that will happen at some point but yeah he is the man he's the best yeah I mean he like you say he he's so passionate about martial art and as a martial art he know exactly how to show the technique where it will look it look the best like I see many movies that directors that they should have fight and and you cannot appreciate it and and I think is like a valet of martial arts is such a beautiful I love all your movies you've done with him he you know and the ninja ninja ninja ninja - I love that movie man it's an amazing movie and it's - the different it's not in a ring and all that and but it's I love that movie the waist short and all that he's such a good director right I wish it you know can work more with him I don't know you know when it's gonna cost time since the movie a couple of times I saw him but yeah bhadiya man for me always a pleasure to work with such a good director you know yeah and Lana of course and I've worked with Larnell four times and I actually think that of all the people that choreograph me his style kind of suits me the best he has got a style that is really hard-hitting it's very flashy some of those combinations he put me puts together there's a lot of power behind them and I think that's that really suits me yeah deftly know Lauren L man is a machine man I know I know he was seen so long I see him as like a little brother you know we were very good friends since the beginning and I'm so happy to see his evolution I feel every time I hear about him what he's doing his new movies or her shows and so busy man and I feel so happy for him you know he's he works hard I know him since he started if before he started and and he was so passionate and he was so clear what he wanted to do and and he's all the time studying and doing research and and and he's also a really good martial artist like he he was doing in like you know all the crazy kicks and all that so he understand and you know the same thing with ice what was martial arts a big man he knows what ream elite level in terms of what you can do so he will suggest things in your life that's not possible no no no it is and here's what I did yeah yeah but then if you throw some basics things that you go all but this is this is really basic whatever by the way he do he combinated and put it together he combined and put it together it looks so unique you know like his Stalin jjai style I think is similar in terms of its flashy but with real aggression and power yeah exactly exactly yeah well from JJ man you know everybody asked me a that food work from the lore that was JJ inspiration I I saw JT in it yeah JJ a video a long time ago I had a friend of mine show me see this guy he's amazing and he was a he was an old JJ demo reel and he was training and hit in the back and there was like insert of his footwork and I've never seen that I'm I want to do that never stopped training until I work on my footwork and then the first thing I wanted to do was to put it on the under the lower character was amazed to JT amanecer totally my inspiration for me the footwork you
Channel: Scott Adkins
Views: 190,182
Rating: 4.9716377 out of 5
Keywords: marko zaror, scott adkins, undisputed, boyka, dolor, mma, martial arts movie
Id: kYPWW6n5wtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 20sec (2240 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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