The Arch of Titus and the Temple Menorah From Jerusalem to Rome and back

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Titus's conquest of Jerusalem in the year 70 CE II was considered a tremendous achievement by the Romans this oppression of the long rebellion in Judea proved once again that the Roman Empire was the strongest power in the world on the Temple Mount the woman army cheers it's venerated commander Titus while Jerusalem goes up in flames Titus quickly prepares the exhibits for the victory parade in Rome for this purpose he gathers many valuable objects and prisoners of war [Music] but the celebrations begin even before they arrive here in Caesarea and Beirut and the grippers Kingdom in the north they are drunken parties to entertain the crowds thousands of Joseph thrown to beasts of prey and to combat against bloodthirsty gladiators [Applause] when Titus finally anchors in Rome the Romans flocked to greet him the most magnificent victory parade in the Empire's history gets underway the parade begins with a colossal display of strength by the Roman legions the Roman gods lead the way followed by a vast stream of spoils of war silver and gold vessels I've read works of art and animals Titus brought so much silver and gold in spoils from Jerusalem that their price dropped throughout the empire this bastion would use some of the captured treasure to build the Colosseum the most magnificent Roman amphitheater in the world and the crowd is amazed at the vast amount of plunder but that climax arrives when the holy temple vessels are paraded before the masses including the golden menorah behind them like a prisoner of war has carried the representative of the Jewish faith a single Torah scroll from Jerusalem in the rear are led the prisoners of war themselves defeated and disgraced the POWs from Israel marched through the streets of Rome their war wounds are well concealed by the embroidered silk garments they're dressed in by the Romans but nothing nothing can take away the searing pain they bear in their hearts [Music] the crowds cheer Vespasian and Titus says the victory parade makes its way here to the Capitoline Hill here at the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus the raid stops and a hush falls on the crowd Simon Barr Giora Jewish commander and spirited leader of the rebellion is pulled from among the ranks of rebels with a rope around his neck he is dragged brutally through the streets of Rome as the wild throng beats him from all sides [Applause] the Romans immortalized the conquest of Jerusalem and this parade with a glorious monument situated in the heart of the Empire's capital exactly with a victory parade past Domitian Titus's brother built a 15 meter high gate in honor of the great victory [Music] depicted in the relief on the arch or Roman soldiers crowned with laurel wreaths as they carry the temple vessels the silver trumpets the showbread table and in the center the temple menorah painted gold no wonder the Jews of Rome despised the arch of Titus the monument built 2,000 years ago served as a painful reminder of the total destruction of Jerusalem and the humiliation of the Jewish people the site of the arch seared the Jews hearts like fire and for centuries they refused to pass beneath it until 1947 of the Dutch Committee for Palestine was adopted by 33 votes 13 against King extreme the day after November 29th the day the UN Assembly declared the establishment of a Jewish state in the Land of Israel the rabbi of Rome Rabbi David proto convened the Jewish community before the detested arch the rabbi wished to mark the historic occasion before his community who gathered by the arch along with representatives of the youth movements and refugees from the Holocaust on their way to Israel moved to tears the elderly rabbi who had given thousands of speeches couldn't utter a word [Music] but I can the rabbi dried out who sustained us and kept us and brought us to this day then instead of speaking he started to march followed by the whole community straight into the victory arch for the first time in two thousand years Jews passed through the arch of Titus again we walked through in the opposite direction not like our ancestors 2,000 years ago who passed through as slaves but as a free people as if we were walking back to freedom we felt on top of the world [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Megalim Institute מכון מגלי"ם
Views: 75,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Arch of Titus, Roman, golden menorah, 2000 years ago, Rome, Titus, rebellion, roman empire, eyal miron, parade, victory, hippodrome caesarea, gladiator, jerusalem, colosseum, war, capitoline hill, temple of jupiter capitolinus, simon bar giora, leader, monument, destruction of the second temple, the resolution, great synagogue, jewish state, rabbi david prato, state of Israel
Id: fqrst-VzZM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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