The Aqua Ranger πŸ¦– Dino Super Charge Episode 5 and 6⚑ Power Rangers Kids ⚑ Action for Kids

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long ago an Alien named keeper entrusted the greatest power in the universe to dinosaurs you must keep the ener millions of years later the enims were found and the evil Sledge fought ruthlessly to steal them until the Rangers finally defeated him but From the Ashes a new threat arose only one team of Heroes can stop him Dino charger Power Rangers Dino supercharge and then the Rangers are blasted to [Music] smithin those ener gems will finally be ours I can't say I'm entirely jazzed by your plan but come on it's not like anyone's pitched anything better oh what are you doing here you walking birthday cake hold on a snizzle fury Heckle I have a plan you will be jazzed about you were Eve dropping yes and I must say I was not impressed it cool down Kitty can it this contains a computer virus that will disrupt the Rangers weapons you'll never get it on their computer systems Einstein I don't have to I have Ninja at your service give me that no one's faster than me I'll do it in a Flash speed isn't everything ninja no but it's cool if it doesn't work bring it back and I'll use it against you in a world full of we must fight Tov try to break the chains that div there is only one chance to take the right stance I keep our power alive Go Go Power rers don't you ever stop go go Power Rangers you will r up to the top R forever [Music] together is that supposed to be a map looks like a kid drew it I was five okay and besides cran is waterproof my dad used to say it is great for the outdoors and to eat no Coda let's see I don't trust that map here it is that is it Berry treasure sort of guys guys look here it is my dad and I used to come camping here all the time and each time we'd come we'd put something in this box letters and photos and I continued their tradition ever since oh no way I got this baseball when I turned eight I was so excited dad told me he would be leaving an expedition just to be at my birthday party he never made it to the party and I haven't seen him since that is a sad tale indeed my friend hey um we know you're going to find your dad you're here sir Tyler yeah [Music] man this year's momento is a a hat from the Dino Bite Cafe it it's not the Hat that's important it's all the friends that I made at the cafe thanks for sharing this with us Tyler it's very special but seriously you need to work on your map drawing skills because I I was funny let's see if you're any better at target practice [Music] okay we're done let's debrief so how' I do uh not too bad what do you mean I hit every one right yeah but last time you hit six bullseyes this time only four huh I did miss don't worry four out of six isn't bad you just lost a little Focus something else must be in your mind maybe you're losing focus I'm going to hold on to your red energent and download the data I need it should help me make your T-Rex Supercharger so what is on your mind nothing okay okay I I've been thinking this is a map of the cave where my dad disappeared his friend rusty said the cave in occurred right here see there have been several new Cav in since and and this area right here is now flooded with water but I could hold my breath and swim from here to here oh that way Tyler that's crazy what you have to face the possibility that your dad might not have survived you think I should stop looking all I'm saying is that your dad wouldn't want you risking your life just for a clue Shelby you never knew my dad and I'm starting to wonder if you even know me wait Tyler [Music] don't worry it'll be over quickly Kendall has my ener time's up [Music] I'll be back Ys see huh so this new dino charger will only respond to the Red Energy signature it relies on the tyranosaurus Rex energy only Tyler will be able to access T-Rex supercharge mode activate the weapons [Music] program Tyler what happened a monster attacked me in the woods he was fast and I didn't have my out of nowhere a ranger saved me I think it was the aqua Ranger I had hoped this day would come do you know his identity no he was there and and then he was gone he didn't stick around to chat I wonder that my friend is a once in a lifetime kind of fine Rusty when I went to see Rusty in the cave he asked about my energem it seemed like maybe maybe he'd seen an ener before whoever it is we must convince them to join us the added strength could give us the edge we need to destroy hecko speaking of strength let's go test your new T-Rex supercharge mode oh cool a new mode yeah hey can we talk there is nothing to talk about but okay Moment of Truth you ready to go yep I can't wait to see what this thing can do you guys are going to love this sto Shield Dino charger ready T-Rex supercharger engage what Tyler this isn't right no there something wrong with charger Tyler you okay what Tyler it's okay we'll help you he's acting just like a [Music] T-Rex Tyler stop you're hurting me please don't attack it's me this Morgan so Tyler calm down Tyler what's going on [Music] are you guys okay this is not good he's getting away look at him it's like he thinks he's a real tyrannosaurus rex I don't know why it malfunctioned you guys find Tyler I'll meet you back at the base so that's how they did it somehow Heckle put a virus on my laptop it caused the T-Rex Spirit to take over Tyler's mind so logically we need to continue searching at Sunrise yes we need to cover every inch of that Forest I have an idea for a new dino charger that may help us capture [Music] Tyler nice work with the virus sing but now what I don't have a lot of patience the Red Ranger is on the run I need help to find him fast I can hunt down anything let me help him Master snide hecko likes you sing but I don't fail me and you'll find out how much oh yeah a hunt and we will go we have to hurry remember Tyler doesn't know he's your friend in his mind he's a ferocious T rex I created this new hypnotized charger to help control him and this is a clean version of the T-Rex supercharger thanks hey Miss Morgan is there any chance that even a part of the real Tyler is still in there it's possible if there's even a glimmer of the real Tyler left in that wild animal I know where he'll be of course the treasure you're a genius you're just figuring that [Music] out a hot on your Trail Red [Music] Ranger he must be after Tyler we're not alone we'll destroy your Dino friend right after we destroy you don't call home about it just yet it's morphan time you mean losing time Dino charger [Music] dinosaur might ready to fight Power Rangers Dino supercharge head to the campsite and find Tyler we'll deal with these guys okay Shelby I'm on it the Hunt is on take them down guys I'm twice as fast as you doesn't matter know why cuz you only have half a brain this is my favorite part of the hunt catch in the prey Ninja shadow attack crossbow darkart stor they very strong we have to take them out for Tyler on Tyler are you there hey what's that H his box of memories has been dug up hey huh that's Tyler and his dad back when he was little uh-oh that's not my stomach growling hey mate how's it going uh now stay calm I was just dropping by to say Dino Hypno charger G sleep well Hypno blast great I hypnotized him or Ang critized him oh this doesn't look good no Tyler stop I'm your friend you're not a T-Rex and I'm not your lunch [Music] Tyler I'm begging you please stop it's him the aqua Ranger stay back I've got this I'm not going to hurt you be careful he's my friend thinkk you know you're not an animal tyer I'm not your enemy it's [Music] me I'm your dad what he looks just like his picture the aqua ener must have stopped him aging this was your present when you turned eight I should should have been at that birthday party Tyler I should have been at all of them I'm so [Music] sorry Tyler dad dad dad you're [Music] alive and you're you're Ranger I guess we both are Chase did you find Tyler we need a hand back here I found more than just Tyler we're on our way sorry to break up the reunion but they need us thanks for finding me don't thank me Shelby was the one who knew you'd be here it's time we meet the rest of my friends come on let's slice him up nice Ivan too slow there they are come on It's morphin time Dino morph for blast uhoh found trouble whoa you can finish this hunt on your own Speedy seven live Rangers soon to be nothing Miss Morgan made a new T-Rex supercharger you shouldn't have any problems with this one awesome let me handle this guy he's going to get T-Rex Dino charger ready summon T-Rex supercharge sword Dino charger engage T-Rex supercharge Morpher Dino charger engage activate [Music] nice one awesome Speaking of awesome check it out T-Rex supercharge blast I like this ninja throwing stars too slow I'll make youy stars T-Rex supercharged blast they time a CH T-Rex supercharge zor attack that get off you little rat I'm not done yet T-Rex supercharge kick DED Ranger T-Rex supercharge chop now to double your trouble weapons combin T-Rex supercharge Mor blaster final strike wait just slow down a minute awesome magn [Music] beam need speed supercharge worked great now it's your turn Rexy ready guys let's form a Megazord T-Rex Zord H Dino charges ready summon Zords you'll have to do better than that what that Zord is riding a Zord Dino Chargers engage Zords combined plus charge Megazord Packa Rex formation ready Dino Drive activate Dino charger ready Dino super Drive saber Dino super Drive charger engage Dino super Drive [Music] activate who this is awesome Tyler you said it Dad now follow my lead in let's do this have some more ninja throwing stars this guy means business let's use the T-Rex sword great idea T-Rex sword power blast [Music] Dino super Drive saber activate Dino Chargers engage Dino super Drive saber Galactic blast a fast track to destruction monster extinct you should be happy thanks to me we know where the aqua Anam is thanks to you there's one more ranger fighting against the Great Master Heckle he has a point goodbye hold it I have a new plan and I need Hunter for bait bait you say tell me more so you on the aqua gym 10 years ago yeah when a cave collapsed well that's a story in itself Chase told me how you found my map and knew I'd be at the campsite Shelby I was wrong you really do know me I was wrong too you should never give up hope especially for the ones you love I've known Tyler's dad was a ranger for like 10 years but neither of us knew that there were other jams until you saw mine yeah yeah when I saw youran Jam I was like blown away suddenly I had hoped that I could quit running and tell you that I was alive I hid and saw you testing at your supercharge mode I was so relieved when I saw you morph into the red ranger but then you went wild and took off I had a feeling where to look never giving up seems to running your family oh guys it's getting late we should probably start heading back Tyler and I will catch up with you later no worries mate how about it better 10 years late than never right awesome let's do it [Music] long ago an Alien named keeper entrusted the greatest power in the universe to dinosaurs you must keep the enem safe millions of years later the ener gems were found and the evil Sledge fought ruthlessly to steal them until the Rangers finally defeated him but From the Ashes a new threat arose only one team of Heroes can stop him him charger Power Rangers Dino supercharge we're going to have some great adventures now Tyler what about Mount Whitney it's supposed to be a great climb sounds good put it on the list right below skydiving this is the awesomest Day [Music] Ever these are Zotac Rings where could you get those oh I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve Fury zodak Rings neutralize the power of anything they surround including enems we don't want to neutralize the enems we want to steal them you really need some anger management Fury he's right though all your fancy plans mean nothing without results bring me the energems or I'll neutr neiz [Music] you stri we must fight Tov try to break the chain that there is only one chance to take the right stance keep our power alive Go Go Power rers you ever stop power rang you will R up to the top [Music] H speed isn't everything sir Riley hey guys welcome back Tyler Mr Navaro come on dad let me show you around want to see my cave painting that's beautiful it looks very authentic you must have studied at the University at the UN what dad there's something I need to tell you about Kota he's actually a cave your sword if I'm not mistaken it's from xandar yes that is right beautiful replica replica King George himself gave me this sword the King George gave it to you you're right next you'll be telling me that that that he's the prince of xandar Prince Philip theii pleased to meet you Mr Navar it's true he is the prince and Kota is a caveman he discovered the blue energem 100,000 years ago and Ivan was a knight of xandar 800 years ago when they bonded to their ener gems they stopped aging just as you stopped aging 10 years ago honestly you and Tyler look more like brothers than you do Father and Son incredible come on bro hey what have you been working on Miss Morgan once I'm done Tyler's T-Rex supercharger should be able to access weapons from all of our ener gems and we still have two left to transmute the graphite and aqua energems that energem stole 10 years of my life then again it saved my life how did it happen it was a decade ago but still seems like it was just yesterday Rusty and I were exploring a vast network of caves when the place started to collapse Rusty was in trouble so I went back for him he got out but I was trapped by Falling Rocks after the dust cleared I realized I couldn't move that's when I saw something in a fossil I didn't really understand what was happening but unfortunately somebody else did a creature I'd seen stalking us the day before give me the aqua [Music] enery days later I found my way out of the cave but Fury never stopped chasing me he was relentless it was like he could smell my enner gem that's when I knew I couldn't go home again risk putting my family in danger can you ever forgive me of course dad you didn't have a choice but you don't have to run anymore what's that alien bioscience let's check it out U Mr Navaro Prince Phillip I'm still transmuting your energems I can't interrupt the process you both need to stay I I just think I should I should go too Dad don't worry we'll be fine the Rangers aren't taking the bait sit tight Hunter they'll come looking for trouble Hunter cuz you found it you Rangers are such pisss and I'm the Exterminator don't worry only my pride is hurt they're distracted just as I hoped Fury you blundering badinski what I was about to use the zot rings on the Rangers crossbow laser stor die no more for blast don't seal my thunder sing magn beam you're in for a surprise what sing what have you done I feel weak but I'm still ready for Wrecking we got big trouble W he's playing cat Mouse and we're the mice he's playing cat and mouse and we're the mice I'll use T-Rex supercharge mode and deal with Hunter we'll call our Zords and Vanquish this feisty feline let's flatten this furball Dino Chargers ready summon swords swords combin Dino Charge Megazord Trio Terra formation ready Dino charger ready Dino super Drive saber Dino super Drive activate Megazord upward I'm weakened but I can still beat you dodge the blast yes first I'm bait now I'm bored you're about to get real busy Hunter Dino charger ready summon T-Rex supercharge Zord Dino charger engage T-Rex supercharged Morpher H Dino charger engage activate T-Rex supercharge ready yeah T-Rex supercharge kick weapons combined ready for the next one I'll p ass thanks hey come back coward don't worry I'm not going anywhere no what's happening to me ha you got him I'm great bait let me go CR these Z greens I can feel them sapping my power flamethrower Tio super Drive saber activate Dino Chargers engage D super Drive saber Lightning Charge final strike SS will pay for making me weak he got away for now help guys we have to help Tyler yea we got him and the zotek ring is draining his power I'm free Tyla are you okay be careful somehow sing neutralized my T-rex supercharge mode in here Hunter they in Warehouse let's find out what they're up to this time I'll aim for their ener Gams you won't Escape don't want to take them down you ragged Rangers fight like you're asleep I hope you're hungry cuz you're about to eat those words how about a slice a dino saber my hands are too fast Hunter S my feet you're going down sing we'll see about that oh no that weapon again [Music] something on my ener gem Dino charger ready huh these rings they're keeping us for morphing come on Hunter their powers have been neutralized let's get their ener gems you'll get nothing today got you covered guys how dare you interfere time we made our exit D mortal blast they got away sharks we'll find them since they can't morph we won't even have to break a sweat to destroy them so what is it Miss Morgan there's some kind of alien technology it's a control device that interferes with the bond between Ranger and enim that's why we cannot morph I'm going to try to break the ring off using the transmuter h Huh cross your fingers [Music] everyone come on it came off yes cool it worked oh dear that's not good there's a crack it cracked can I morph it would be very risky the crack may continue to grow we must stop it before the damage is irreparable and your powers are compromised forever no worries Miss Morgan can fix it can't you I doubt it we need the right combination of heat and pressure Samson caves in the main Cavern there's a lava pool lava heat and pressure that just might do it we've got to try good luck tie an Alpine butterfly Loop in that rope so don't worry I've done this before I guess you have nice I sure love an adventure this Rock's unstable be careful the temperature is rising fast all right let's see if it worked so how's it look the cracks only gotten bigger we need to go hotter I could use Dino armor X and dig further down to the mantle no it's too dangerous I can't let you do it Dad I know you're just trying to protect me but it has to be done I'm the only one who is used Dino armor X mode before this is about more than you and me we have the entire world to think about I'll be right [Music] here good luck Tyler Dino armor X charger ready armor X ready Tyler Tyler [Music] Tyler the hle collapsed after he dug in there's got to be a way to help him his suit can withstand a lot of heat if his energem isn't completely cracked he should be okay there's simply nothing more we can do to help him you've got company alien bio signs just outside the cave closing in fast you've got to morph to protect yourself and Tyler we'll meet you okay I'm heading out now Prince Phillip let's go why aren't we going too it's too dangerous for you without your ener gems Philip and I can still morph we'll go Mr Nara any word from Tyler not yet I've got a word for you defeat Dino charger ready Unleash the Power for Tyler let's do this rapid blast time to crush these cockroaches Don't Mind If I Do soby we're practically defenseless powers are no powers we're Rangers I say we go yeah let's do it all right hurry surprise try to get to the cave to help your friends you don't have the power to get past me that's what you think for it once I'll get [Music] him resist and you'll cease to exist it's so hot but I've got to get to that lava my power is getting weak the Heat's too much uh-oh look sing you've morphed for the last time Rangers on your feet guys finally the ener gems will be m fine what think again sing Tyler's okay I'm more than okay and so is my energ it's time I got supercharged Dino charger ready T-Rex supercharge Morpher activate T-Rex supercharge ready supercharge morph blast that blasted BL Master no curse that Ranger he's destroyed my soch ring controller what's happening I do not know so riy look the Raz are gone you know what that means can't be good Dino charger ready unle the power [Music] damor for blast I like the snotty teenagers better ow how about we try something new a grand idea indeed stack him up if you please right hop on now Terra charger engage din Morpher energy combined Terra saber final strike my last Hunt is over you trash my controller now I'll trash you save the trash talk yeah for garbage day hey don't mess with my death I'm going to Snuff you out Candlehead try me Dino [Music] Boy Tyler it's time to try your new supercharge ability do it son our idms are free you should be able to access all of our weapons now that's going to be so awesome go for it all right let's do this T-Rex supercharge tro formation sto charger engage tricera charger engage T-Rex charger engage activate T-Rex supercharge Trio formation ready L he did it stegazord block wo these new dino powers are Dynamite tricer Zord power drill now for the Triple Play T-Rex supercharge Triano formation anulo charger engage tricera charger engage T-Rex charger engage activate T-Rex supercharge Tri ano formation ready destroy him trer Resort power drill in part two of this super combo angle Hammer Punch Yeah Tri ankle a formation is more phenomenal try another one T-Rex supercharge ankle oaka formation activate T-Rex supercharge ankle Packa formation ready just call me a oneman wrecking crew pack aord wrecking B let's finish this T-Rex supercharge Raptor formation activate T-Rex supercharge par Raptor formation ready you cannot win so stop trying is that all you got you walking Carnival you're going to wish you didn't ask for more T-Rex supercharge blast final strike I'm really feeling the burn now that's called fighting fire with fire his Flames can't stop me for Good Just For Now sing get out of my cell now or I I how dare you interfere with my plans today that was the last straw kibble breath enough you're acting like children it was Fury's fault what you put Zotac rings on my horse and oh he's mad no don't lock Us in here anything but that the Rangers love it when we fight amongst ourselves we'll never beat them unless we can work together maybe a little quality time will help you learn to play nice no let me out back and then just as the earth started to rumble I dipped my energy into the lava and boom all fixed ha tell me more please what did it look like down there ooh sir Ivan I'm glad you asked a picture is worth a th000 words is that lava yep sure is you took a selfie I don't understand how you survived the heat that's impossible it's amazing how The Impossible suddenly becomes possible when you have so much to lose hey Dad Tyler keeper and I have been talking we both feel that my geology skills should be put to better use the search for the silver enem is what I need to focus on now wait wait you're you're leaving someone very wise recently reminded me that this is about much more than you and me we have the whole world to think about right now yeah I know but but Dad I need you I've seen you in action and I hate to admit it but you're not 8 years old anymore trust me you've proven you can take care of yourself thank you come [Music] here I know it's not the center of the Earth but this one means more [Music]
Channel: Power Rangers Kids - Official Channel
Views: 653,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action, Dino Fury Season 2, animal ranger, best moments, comic book, dino charge, dino charge power rangers, dino fury, funny moments, ninja kidz tv, power ranger, power ranger dino charge, power rangers, power rangers dino charge, power rangers dino charge full episodes, power rangers dino fury, power rangers dino fury season 2, power rangers dino super charge, power rangers kids tv, robot, superheroes, action movies, power rangers ninja steel, power rangers dino charge toys
Id: V5qQN4sSdpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 5sec (2765 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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