Don't Fall Asleep! πŸ¦– Dino Super Charge Episode 3 and 4⚑ Power Rangers Kids ⚑ Action for Kids

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long ago an Alien named keeper entrusted the greatest power in the universe to dinosaurs you must keep the ener millions of years later the enims were found and the evil sleds fought ruthlessly to steal them until the Rangers finally defeated him but From the Ashes a new threat arose only one team of Heroes can stop him Dino charger Power Rangers Dino supercharge [Music] so how' the accounting test go you aced it right I hate summer school I got a bee why are you upset about getting a bee it's a good grade that's what I said my parents would celebrate if I got a be that's just it my dad won't be happy in my family getting a bee is just unbelievable a bee just isn't good enough Shelby Watkins Dad you need to study harder if you're going to run Watkins ice cream Watkins ice cream that's your family yeah best ice cream bar none there you go thank you wow that's nice of you Dad it's not nice it's smart a happy customer is a return customer tell your friends you don't have to worry dad I'm going to retake the test in 2 days oh good initiative you're getting a for sure honey why don't I stop by and quiz you yay that would be great catch you later [Music] sweetheart you look exhausted don't forget to rest I'll sleep when I've got my a trust me you'll sleep sooner than that in a world full of stri we must fight Tov try to break the chain that div there is only one chance to take make the right stand hope I keep our power alive Go Go Power Rangers don't you ever stop go go Power Rangers you will rise up to thep rers together power [Music] R wake up nightmare I was having a wonderful bad dream master Heckle was I snoring too loud of course but that's not why I'm here nightmare you just got your dream job Shelby a package game for you for me me who's it from no return address oh what a cute pillow perhaps your father sent it he knows how hard you've been studying so soof [Music] hello Shelby I don't want to alarm you but look over there oh no you know what to do with Vivic destroy them stop how'd you get in here what I do wrong Shelby stop what are you doing Shelby no oh my gosh I was having a terrible nightmare w what is that what is going on here surprise a foul monster have at the you must sleep eventually see you in your dreams the thing was in your head really it was in my dream too it was so real I dreamed you were all Vivic this isn't good guys down to the base we need to make sure you're okay there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with you something about that pillow it came today with no return address I'll analyze the pillow but in the meantime nobody Sleeps not even for a moment even if we have to stay up all [Music] night study time I'm know [Music] [Music] that's it what it this pillow sends out a harmonic brain wave that puts the victim to sleep until the pillow is destroyed he or she will not be able to wake up and while Shelby was asleep that monster could control her dreams then he used his Illusions to make me attack you guys this why you use rocks not pillows like me it's time to open the cafe we have to watch each other's back so none of us falls asleep until after that monster is destroyed the Rangers are a nightmare they're not sleeping I couldn't get a pillow near them maybe we need to wear them out a little more Fury send down the real vivix Yes master heckle what are you studying accounting marketing dad you should text first dinosaurs oh really Shelby you're not a little girl anymore but I love dinosaurs did you know that dinosaurs are so yesterday business is the future young lady but it's so boring boring no follow [Music] me add this up for me burger bun 36 Cent meat Patty $130 cheese a quarter and a squirt of ketchup and mustard 4 and2 cents each what do you think of that sorry I'm still bored let the magic begin [Music] whatever you do don't look impressed voila that not boring what do you see Shelby it's just a $6 brancho burger and some pretty cool sparklers that's exactly wrong What's the total uh $2 H you see I didn't just make a burger Shelby I made four doll profit like magic you take a bunch of boring and you turn it into something people will love at a fair profit that my dear is [Applause] [Music] business dad I got to go sorry my my boss she's calling me that's my little go-getter love you Dad I've detected alien bio signs I can't find Ivan there's no time to waste let's go come [Music] on no stop everyone get to safety let's turn these green guys black and blue what my punch should have knocked that lame brain right out I must be Dino super tired ah ah no stop the sooner we sld this out the sooner it's nap time don't even say the word nap until we can take one back off bonee head C are you okay so weird vivi's very strong today no they aren't strong we're just too tired got your back Riley [Music] we may be sleepy but together we can do this T-Rex charger engage dorer sweet dreams Vivic jeez more Vivic you got to be kidding me here we go again time for you vivix to wake up and smell the kicks doing okay Tyler we're practically sleep on my feet I'll destroy you you you oh I'm too tired for insults Ivan there you are boy are we glad to see you good timing [Music] buddy why is Ian shooting at us maybe he's sleepwalking must Vanquish you monsters he is asleep I think he's having a nightmare like I had he must have touched one of those pillows we got to huh huh look it just like with chelby but he still isn't awake let's get him back to the base be careful guys I haven't eat too many Bronto Burgers you can't wake them up no a pillow must have caused him to fall asleep we have to find it the last thing he was doing was getting Bronto bread come I find [Music] pillow what's all this habab that pillow put you to sleep thank you my capable Crow magnon I mean caveman the test I have to go oh I can take you okay be careful remember don't fall asleep quick gross profit equals gross receipts minus expenses now tell me about opportunity cost Dad I just want to wish you luck honey you are going to ace this test business is what makes the Watkins happy what if I'm Different what if business won't make me happy don't be silly you're going to love the ice cream business [Music] I I got to go [Music] Dad Dad when I go up I want to find a dinosaur of course sweetie I'm sure you'll be the best and 133% overhead what's the net income 6% perfect you're going to do great I'll be great at running Watkins ice cream don't you think yeah yeah I think that you'll be fantastic hey Shelby wait a second listen when I was growing up on the ranch everybody wanted me to be a cowboy but I didn't want to be a cowboy what are you saying your dad would be so happy if you ran that ice cream company but what do you want [Music] I got to go nighty night Green Ranger [Music] [Music] let's go green [Music] ranger hi hi [Music] sleep tight pretty lady Riley you were right I need to follow my passion you know I what are you doing Heckle I completely agree you should follow your passion let's sit down and talk about your future what happened to them we're all just taking a little nap they're [Music] energems why don't you join us why don't you join us you said the pillow was delivered Shelby a package came for you but you gave me the pillow to cause me to fall asleep you went for snide [Music] no Shelby what are you doing heck's not our friend he made you all fall asleep then stole your energy she hasn't slept in days you're Delirious Shelby come now we're all friends here yeah right that's what you want us to think ever since you saved Miss Morgan it was all just deployed to gain our trust and steal the energems and you would have succeeded if I hadn't come back from the test early hecko is it true do you work for snide no I don't work for sing I am snide you got lucky today but after I find your base I will take the energem and then I'll rip each of you to shreds from head to toe wait he doesn't know where our base is interesting but we have more urgent matters Riley's heading for the junkyard I bet he's asleep you have to go wake him let's go I did it here he comes bring me the ener gem give it to me finally after all this time I'll have an another gem thanks to how smart I am you're right these evil pillows are great Riley wake up way come on nice try if you won't do as you're told I'll have to destroy you eat boot green ranger [Music] what does your head hurt hurt time to make it worse Riley is he okay you deal with those rangers time to fulfill my dream of getting an ener Jam we're going to make your dream a nightmare It's morphin time Dino charger ready Unleash the Power Power Rangers Dino supercharge someone pinch me and wake me up yeah together guys let's end this nightmare Dino Chargers engage Dino Mar blast terol final strike Final Flash magn beam nap time's over better call for backup Dino charger engage Dino Drive activate Dino Target ready Dino super Drive saber Dino super Drive charger engage Dino super Drive activate attack CIO [Music] activate pleio charge Megazord pleio charge Megazord engage activate Terra charge Megazord Terra charge Megazord engage let's use the staraptor formation swords combined three I hope this is only a dream charge Megazord St Raptor formation ready ter charge Megazord ready quo charge Megazord ready you're all a real snor tur lightning Blitz that tickles CIO rocket [Music] punch but that one hurts it's time to put this nightmare to bed let's do it going up hey they're leaving Dino super Char saber activate Dino Chargers engage Dino Sil Drive saber Raptor Zorb final flame strike I thought you were leaving no you shattered my dreams all right monster [Music] extinct so you see a fossil isn't just a rock it's the story of a life the key to an ancient world that we're still trying to understand thanks for visiting the museum have a great day thank you Dad I can explain why I didn't finish the test dad I I could run Watkins ice cream you know Shelby ever since I was a kid having my own business was a Dream from a little lemonade stand to multinational Watkins ice cream yeah but that was my dream my passion not yours dinosaurs now that's your passion I just want to make you and Mom proud oh honey your mom and I could not be prouder thanks Dad now could I ask for one one more favor what's that hey thanks for helping me realize that I need to follow my own dreams so your dad's actually cool with you studying dinosaurs see for yourself it's from my dad okay it's an ice cream dinosaur cake I may not run the family business but I can still enjoy it yeah huh plates oh oh oh okay long ago an Alien named keeper entrusted the greatest power in the universe to dinosaurs you must keep the enem safe millions of years later the ener gems were found and the evil Sledge fought ruthlessly to steal them until the Rangers finally defeated him but From the Ashes a new threat arose only one team of Heroes can stop him din charger Power Rangers Dino supercharge careful those wires are live now the telescope looking into outer space sorcery I say well just uh lenses and mirrors okay should be perfect ah first place Amber Beach halfpipe another date old look my great trophies routine what that means it's what the fourth date actually trophies are the fifth date I do believe the fourth date was the push-up Contest no for your information I don't do the push-up contest anymore that because girl beat [Music] him look this girl she's she's different she makes me feel so I know so so [Music] electric I hope there's a spark between [Music] you who's that is there any reason why I shouldn't slice whoever you are into smithin you you shouldn't do that if you want the ener gems how does he know about the ener gems rumor has it that they'll loose on this planet and that you're willing to partner with anyone that can bring you one what makes you think you can get an En gem oh please I travel in a burning asteroid need I say more I like what I'm hearing Fury the Rangers may be about to meet their match in a world full of we must fight to try to break the chain that div there is only one chance to take the right stance hope I keep our power alive Go Go Power Rangers don't you ever stop go go Power Rangers up to [Music] [Applause] [Music] the watch this Kaye [Music] [Music] woo um Chase I've been watching you skateboard for an hour now and I know it's awesome right but hey I want you to know even though I've got mad skills underneath just a regular guy oh look at the time I forgot I have this thing I need to do but you're not wearing a watch oh oh well I'll call you later Chase [Music] dear Tyler you don't know me but I was the last person to see your father before he [Music] disappeared alast the power energize un least the power energize Fury hold it right there ah you're just in time for your own destruction today you'll fight against sing who's sing he must have attacked the city what are you up to so these are the so-called Heroes Heroes give me such a headache only one way to cure a hero headache crush them just try it move Fury you're hitting everything but the Rangers how's that what kind of blaster is that it's called a last Blaster cuz it's the last Blaster you'll ever see we got to take cover a game of hide and go blast he hit that lady I'll go help her guies [Music] don't worry ma'am I've got you now here I'll take her what I uh I appreciate your help Miss thank you dear there you go ma'am okay uh I mean uh the nice young lady here we'll make sure you're safe okay thank you [Music] armorex ready time to teach you a lesson spiral attack my turn oh no chase No More Heroes or hero headaches huh wrong lots more heroes are you all right yeah who is this Candlestick let me show you this guy's tough but we can beat him my headache's getting worse you're going to have more than a headache take him down oh flame flare look out I might have to destroy you another day my head is killing me forget your stupid headache finish them off you're telling me what to do you've been here millions of years and haven't recovered one en gem oh get rid of your headache by getting rid of your head now's our chance Shelby Kota let's go they disappeared we almost had them I took a photo of the Black Ranger just like you wanted master sing Don't Call Him Master excellent so sing where are the ener gems you promised snide look it's the black Ranger girlfriend I have a new strategy that I think you'll appreciate Heckle humans are obsessed with a Crazy Little Thing Called Love go after the ones they hold dear and they'll fall apart paring is such sweet sweet sorrow bring me an energem sing or you'll have no tomorrow hope to me soon who is this Rusty he and my dad were on the same Expedition when my dad went missing this could be the Breakthrough I've been waiting for if it means finding out what happened to your dad you have to meet this guy good luck Tyler thanks Shelby and this is my trophy from skate down under in Oakland oh wow that's a nice one for sure yeah and check out these uh medals I won Chase um this isn't why I asked to see you um I'm breaking up with you okay great so uh this is a [Music] m what I appreciate your enthusiasm for yourself but the truth is that I've um met somebody else I have to go now wait wait wa wait wait wait wait no who is this Chum come on I have to know well this may come as a shock to you but he's the black Ranger oh well I'm the black you're the what uh I'm black Granger's biggest fan me too he's just so real no one's more real than me goodbye Chase I can't believe the black Black Ranger would do this to me but you are black Ranger well that makes it even worse she dumped me for me it's terrible I went behind my own back I stole her from right under my own nose and why is she so gagar over him Chase where did you take her on your date well the skate park and it went so well I did like 50 tricks for her and I nailed every single one of them did you ever ask her what she wanted to do well no she clearly knows you like skateboarding do you have any idea what she's into I uh was I was I was I supposed to ask oh man now she likes black Ranger I'm never going to have a chance unless Chase what are you thinking well I I better be going Chase don't do anything stupid I've already done one stupid thing I'm not going to be repeating myself oh my your dad was the best theologist that I ever met he found some of the darnest things uh take a sample of this so where did you last see my dad uh we were exploring a huge cave Network found some great formation ations H one night the crew had gone home your dad and I were deep in the cave deeper than any of her Maps showed wait is that an earthquake [Applause] Jam your dad saved me Tyler but then the cave collapsed around him Jam I know it's thanks to your dad that I'm still here he could have gotten out right those caves went for miles and miles anything's possible if anyone could find a way out it's my dad you are your father's son that's for sure hey that uh gem have can I see that uh yeah where'd you find this uh just someone of my hikes it seemed unique that my friend is a once in a lifetime kind of fine really something thanks again Rusty [Music] [Music] nice to see you again it's you so uh what do you uh you know do with your free time well promise not to laugh yeah sure space I love everything about outer space space really I'm going to be an astronaut that's amazing woohoo hold on okay uh your surprise is ready you can look now a telescope that's fantastic oh I'm glad you like you maybe someday you'll visit those stars in person I'd really like to know who did such a nice thing for me uh can't you at least tell me your real name sorry Kaye I just can't come on show me your favorite planet okay we're a perfect match I see the black Ranger has made a new friend yeah she's so cool she wants to be an astronaut you know that she'll do it too she's so smart she really likes me but Chase do you have a future together if the Black Ranger can never reveal his true self yeah I know going on a date as Black Ranger was a bit iffy but it was the only way I could get a chance with her by speaking with an accent hiding behind a mask if Kaylee can never know the true identity of the Black Ranger can she truly be happy with [Music] him it's funny I've never felt so close to anyone but I don't even know who you are well that's exactly the problem Kaye being with you is amazing but I'll never be able to tell you who I am so maybe we should just be friends kind of thought that was coming it's going to be hard to get over you oh I'm sure there was someone in your life before me right oh my skate date he was nothing compared to you he was so wrapped up in himself always trying to impress everyone you know guys got nervous around girls maybe he was afraid you wouldn't like him so he kind of overdid it look whoever he is I'm sure he wishes he hadn't messed things up with you it was really nice getting to know you goodbye Kaye [Music] great now I've lost her [Music] twice Kaye help Chase Kaye help Chase destroy him gladly uh-oh this isn't the plan get to safety I'm going to go call the uh the the police thanks Chase be careful okay just as I said lover boy shows up and now he goes down Chase are you okay Miss Morgan said you were in trouble I'm fine he's the one who's in trouble it's Morphing Time Dino DOA ready Dino Chargers engage energize ha unre the [Music] power Power Rangers Dino supercharge you don't mess with us and you don't mess with our friends din steel armor on are they coming on sing yes and destroying you all is the Cure Tyler are you there go ahead you need to get back here fast got it come on guys let's form the triple Spike onard flame fiend weapons combined triple Spike use it to block him be pathetic pip squeaks flame flare hold on guys Ivan help do not fear friends te our strike now to finish it oh I've got to find a way to end this a man where'd he go this time now you're mine sorry I'm not available but I do have a little present you can have instead here you go power drop a blast surprise thanks Shelby you're not going to like what's coming up next rust bucket Dino Chargers engage dorer parer blast [Music] uhoh seriously this is just rude they think I'm gone how about a big surprise I like your style sing fire the Magna [Applause] [Music] beam time to put my foot down Chase Shelby we're okay guys that scoundrel never left at all fooled you oh no he's even more powerful now and there are only five of us hey I sure could use a crew in here you know who it's Tyler let's get up there nice to see you guys back at you mate now let's cut this monster down to size summon parid parader activate pleas charge Megazord Power [Music] formation Zords combined Leo charge Megazord paraform ready Dino charger ready Dino super Drive [Music] saber Dino super Drive charger engage Dino super Drive AC here he comes and here you go this will be a CCH parizo blast oh what was you now I figured out this guy's problem it's self-esteem yeah he's got too much of it time to take him down a notch let's douse this fire with power and plus your power three two one Galactic per blast even your Megazord is Mega lame looks like we're going to need more power to take him out summon Raptor Zord Zords combined Raptor formation ready pathetic bladed rapor slash barely a scratch man he's powerful but wait there's more try again and lose again wow you're incredible Fury oh wait that's sing bye-bye quiet you putrid Punk we'll see who has the last La reversing magnification what not now he shrank he got away again next time we've got to finish him hey what's that stench you get out this is my cell not anymore Master Heckle told me I can choose any cell I want it seems he was impressed by my performance today until the magn beam malfunctioned you don't know how that happened to you it's a rusty old ship singe accidents happen all the time watch your step or I'll step all over you I'm sorry I thought you were only wrapped up in yourself but you risked a lot to save me nah I'm the one who should apologize I mean expecting you to watch me skateboard for hours showing off on wearing trophies even I would have broken up with [Music] me so what do you think should we give it another shot really just promise me you won't focus on yourself quite so much yeah I can do that chase I thought you were focusing on the grill exactly Shelby I'm focusing totally and completely on the girl I said the grill not the girl the grill again oh fire
Channel: Power Rangers Kids - Official Channel
Views: 154,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action, Dino Fury Season 2, animal ranger, best moments, comic book, dino charge, dino charge power rangers, dino fury, funny moments, ninja kidz tv, power ranger, power ranger dino charge, power rangers, power rangers dino charge, power rangers dino charge full episodes, power rangers dino fury, power rangers dino fury season 2, power rangers dino super charge, power rangers kids tv, robot, superheroes, action movies, power rangers ninja steel, power rangers dino charge toys
Id: mU03FSbt4nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 5sec (2765 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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