The Apple Car: What To Expect

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Apple typically doesn’t let any information slip  about upcoming products, but the Apple Car has   been a huge exception. With the first rumor about  its development dating back to 2015. In fact,   according to former senior vice president Tony  Fadell, Steve Jobs actually considered creating   a car in 2008 but eventually decided against  it. Mainly due to the auto industry’s collapse   during the economic downturn. But the automobile  landscape looks much different today. Mainly due   to the success of electric vehicles like the  Nissan Leaf and Tesla Model 3. Also, Apple   is in a much different position today. With more  than one-hundred billion dollars of cash on hand,   which they could use to fund an ambitious  electric car project. And it appears as   if they already have, according to some reliable  rumors over the past few years. So in this video,   we’re going to find out what exactly Apple  has been working on, and what features we   could expect to see from the rumored Apple Car.  This is Greg with Apple Explained, and I want to   thank Squarespace for sponsoring this video. If  you’d like to help decide which topics I cover,   make sure you’re subscribed and voting polls like  this one will appear in your mobile activity feed. Alright now Apple has been fairly open  about their efforts to build a car,   which is very unusual for the most private tech  company in the world. And that’s mainly because   they don’t really have a choice. The process of  designing, testing, and manufacturing a car is   extremely complicated and requires regulatory  approvals that have to be made public.   Even Tim Cook himself admitted to the development  of self-driving technology. Saying, “We’re   focusing on autonomous systems. And clearly, one  purpose of autonomous systems are self-driving   cars. We sort of see it as the mother of all AI  projects. It’s probably one of the most difficult   AI projects actually to work on and so autonomy  is something that’s incredibly exciting for us,   but we’ll see where it takes us.” So while Cook  didn’t explicitly admit that Apple’s making a car,   he did admit to building self-driving technology.  And when you pair that admission to the rumors and   leaks over the past five years, all signs  are pointing to Apple building their own   car. So let’s explore all the features  we can expect from the Apple Car. The most important, and most difficult to  implement, is self-driving technology. Tesla has   been the leader in this area for quite some time  now, but they still haven’t achieved 100% level 5   self-driving. They’ve opted to take a very gradual  and public approach to developing the technology.   By slowly rolling out new autonomous features  like auto lane change and auto park over a   long period of time. Eventually working their  way to 100% self-driving in the coming years.   But Apple appears to be taking a different  approach. First, Apple wants level 5 full self   driving to be available on their car from day  one. No betas, no gradual ramp in technology,   just completely safe and reliable autonomous  driving that customers won’t have to worry about.   Second, Apple’s using LiDAR sensors to give  the car superhuman vision. But Tesla CEO   Elon Musk dismissed the technology long ago,  saying, “Anyone relying on LiDAR is doomed.” But no matter what type of sensor the Apple Car  utilizes, Apple is counting on it to deliver a   driverless experience. In fact, some rumors have  even suggested the car may not have a steering   wheel at all. Which is in line with early  prototypes designed by Jonathan Ive himself,   where the interior featured wood  and leather, the car drove itself,   and the passenger would control everything with  their voice through Siri. Instead of pressing   buttons or turning dials. But this vision of  the Apple Car may not become a reality anytime   soon. There are not only technical hurdles  to shipping a car without a steering wheel,   but also regulatory restrictions  that would have to be negotiated. And obstacles like those are never welcome  when trying to create something of your own.   Which is why you shouldn’t try building a website  without the help of Squarespace. They have a drag   and drop interface that’s so simple even I can use  it. Plus, Squarespace automatically optimizes your   website for mobile devices, so you don’t have to  waste time creating a desktop and mobile version   of your site. They have built in analytics  tools that report page views, traffic sources,   time on site, most read content, and more. You  can create an exclusive paid membership area   just like on YouTube, and you can even create  an entire e-commerce store to sell physical   or digital products. I actually did that a couple  years ago to sell merch and it was way easier than   I imagined. Also, if you Google Apple Explained  my website is one of the first results. Thats   because Squarespace has the best search engine  optimization tools that’ll make your website more   visible to more people. So go to  for a free trial and when you’re ready to launch,   go to to save 10%  off your first purchase of a website or domain. Alright now another unique feature we’re excepted  to see is added to the Apple Car is a massive   sunroof that can be configured into a number of  positions depending on the user’s preference.   We’ve also seen patents for seats with haptic  feedback. Allowing the driver to be alerted of   warnings like lane drifting without the need  for loud noises or visual cues that could   disturb other passengers. Alongside haptic  feedback would be a dynamic seating system.   Where certain characteristics of  the seat would change automatically   depending on driving conditions. For example,  the seats may adjust to a safer position when   traveling at high speeds. Or the seatbelts may  tighten right before an unavoidable collision.   The headlights may have a special light  projection system that delivers more   lighting to darker areas, and less light to  areas of the road that are already well-lit.   When it comes to interior lighting, Apple is  expected to utilize their True Tone technology   to adjust the temperature of the car’s lighting to  match the natural light from outside. The company   has actually already implemented this technology  in their 5th Avenue retail store in New York City. The Apple’s Car’s windshield could feature  an anti-reflective layer of modulators   that activate when glare is detected.  And its bumpers may be retractable,   so that it can utilized a few extra inches of  protection against collisions when driving, but   shrink down when trying to park into tight spaces.  There’re also rumors that Apple has developed   a new type of monocell battery technology  that uses a lithium iron phosphate chemistry   rather than the traditional lithium-ion.  This should allow for a more dense battery   pack that delivers more range than competing  EVs, while also being less likely to overheat. But perhaps the biggest advantage of the Apple  Car will be its seamless integration with Apple’s   ecosystem. Which has already proven to be in  very high demand due to the success of CarPlay.   Apple’s in-car media system that gives users  access to their favorite apps like Apple Music,   Messages, Podcasts, and Maps. But this is  just a small sample of what would be possible   if Apple created their own car.  Not to mention plans to use   AR to project helpful information onto  the windshield, like the car’s route or   current speed. And motion sickness from passengers  using Apple devices in the car could be mitigated   by measuring the discrepancy between the  car’s movement and the user’s movement. There are so many ways Apple could  improve the driving experience,   especially if driving were no longer required  at all, and this has left many people wondering   when we could expect the Apple Car to be  introduced. Based on the rumors so far,   it looks like we’ll have to wait at least three  years. With the earliest estimate being 2024,   and the latest being 2027. We don’t  know exactly how much the car will cost,   although it is expected to be pricey at  around fifty to sixty-thousand dollars. So that is what you can expect from the Apple  Car. Thanks for watching until the end, don’t   forget to subscribe to help decide what topics  I cover, and I’ll see you in the next video.
Channel: Apple Explained
Views: 162,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: will apple make a car, what is the apple car, when will the apple car come out, apple car features, apple car release, apple car price, apple car self driving, is apple making a car, will the apple car be self driven, is apple making an electric car, why is apple making a car, when will apple make a car, video essay
Id: oG10GfqX6Dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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