What It Felt Like To Be The Last Man On The Moon | The Apollo Experience | Timeline

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four three two one ignition sequence has started [Music] we have [Music] I don't go don't go gets a nose [Music] we got to get down eagle God created the heaven in the earth and God said let there be light and there was light [Music] it's a long way we're here [Music] it might sound corny but Dimmu is really on it [Music] before this decade is out [Music] safely no single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind [Music] so difficult or expensive to accomplish we'd like to dedicate the first step to all those who made it possible [Music] we got three coils we got to do to run us down we got to eat bro oh you won't believe it [Music] John Huston with no working on fix for the ethic Center working so far beautiful look at it on the right it will go this way we're two hours and 46 minutes into this EBA jack schmitt taking a rake sample heart rates running in the 90s I tell you there's a couple minutes three minutes okay you got it forget the soil forget the soil watch this move it in three minutes let's go [Applause] don't forget the soils get this where we want it I'm sorry I thought you'd skip it that's your bag yep one scoop Schmidt they call me that's good [Applause] [Music] the basic major objectives are to follow on to the previous lights especially about a 15 and especially Apollo 16 and try put together the works in the words and a paragraphs of all of our lunar exploration we hope that geologically speaking we'll be able to uncover rock types and different types of geologic finds that date back from the very beginning of the moon to the to the present time and of course the major objective here scientifically is to be better able to understand our own earth our own evolution of life as our earth knows that our own environment and maybe better predict what might happen in the future concerning civilization here on earth [Music] [Applause] [Music] my golly look at that Bally dad you talk about a mysterious book employees [Music] [Music] I'm not sure I got enough guts to make a potentional all right [Music] and let me tell you this is quite a rover ride it's a sound plugin [Music] let me park down here jack the continued investigation of the Sun by looking at the soils on the moon will be enhanced at the Tarr circle site because of the existence of several surfaces that have been exposed to the Sun for varying lengths of time the soil is built up by repetitive impact on farmers each one of which throws out a little layer of ejecta every time it does that exposes a new surface to the Sun and these layers build one upon another through time and of course cosmic rays solar wind are changes in the magnetic field affect the soil and if we don't understand the Sun it's gonna be very difficult to understand how to preserve the environment that we now know because the Sun is still the prime force for change in the environment we have to deal with now there are two basic ways that we have of sampling the soil cover on the moon one is just with the scoop that I have I generally carry around and this is capable of sampling down to say 20 to 40 centimeters depending on how much time you want to spend digging then you can be fairly selective with it now it's fairly time-consuming but for certain purposes it's the best way to do it observe and learn now on the other end of the spectrum we have this very dark cover mantle as we call it over the site which from all the evidence that we now have indicates that this is fine-grained fragmental debris that resembles the kind of volcanic ash that you find in the western United States and we can predict that the age of that surface is very young relative to other rocks on the moon it may be younger now that still sounds like pretty hold rocks and on earth it is billion-year-old rock is very old rock whereas on the moon we're saying that would be one of the youngest rocks that we found so it's it's sometimes difficult to maintain this dual perspective of the earth being a very dynamic and very young geologically speaking environment whereas the moon has been very static literally billions of years the history is still important static history but it's extremely important to us as I hope I have indicated okay great oh man that's pretty nice another technique we have of sampling the surface of the moon is the use of some short core tubes then they'll get down to a depth of 70 centimeters and get a very well-preserved geometrically true sample and and that is probably one of the most valuable samples we have down to that depth for one thing and about 70 centimeters we learned on Apollo 15 you have a minimum temperature zone it's very stable the ground above it is highly insulating and that temperature is about minus 20 degrees centigrade which means it's a cold trap needs it volatile elements that are moving around within us all will tend to concentrate so we can start to learn about these trace elements about the lunar atmosphere about what kind of gases does a planet evolve the moon is not big enough to hold of gases but it is almost certainly evolving and we need to know more about that if we're going to understand the origin from our own hydrosphere it happens do we feel long thing in your hand there Dean the only one to see the bottom and right now I'll be a son of a gun it looks like what I'm walking on it's obviously not pottery it's all these very very cohesive because it the bottom of the core is not smooth is very jagged II and fragmental like okay copy that D not very good dexterity good lord Jack Schmidt having a few problems [Music] okay Oh did plummet well we do covert help psychobos please be nice and be advised at the switchboard here at MSDS and lit up by calls in the Houston Ballet Foundation requesting your services for next season I should also we hope it was worth the effort oh it's all worth the effort okay I'll get on ok ok let's go we all get a picture back at station 4 which is the crater shorty estimated driving time 16 minutes [Music] TV coming in now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Nino [Music] there you go okay back that one [Music] to do it no matter which what you want to do they look [Music] station 5 in Camelot good old Camelot [Music] I think that might be gamma look at that [Music] you've got that 25 men to the station guys the priority will be more documented them in the flooring soil okay [Music] fifteen years amber iCal your dreams come in handy you learn we leave immediately [Music] John is also very philosophical thoughts think you're right around out here I disturbed everything if there was someone here way back when sometimes what China they're worried about but that's interesting thought do it you drive around on the car sir on the older tracks and figure out those is the only one to maybe ever been here very true I went there [Applause] somebody's been here before [Music] okay Joe and wave a good idea [Music] we were second ideas from down here just want to end by saying with a rhythmic job you did today and really looking forward to the mark tomorrow we answer all the unanswered questions right [Music] [Music] the commercial profit at the United States of America everybody to participate another day's activity glad to hear it Ron good morning we start work early around here what the users how to think they're myself it's a Wednesday it's about 9:15 in the morning Wednesday uh-huh thank you that's why we're here answer important questions [Music] [Music] five six seven eight radar hot okay and the old map camera laser altimeter open three one six three thirty one back to the door desecrator you can really see the ejecta blanket is out goes out maybe two three clear the diameter and it looked like it has been for a diaper parenthood about a player are they not have got a neighbor about my map you know the ones got a lot more color than that I'd been led to believe [Music] perhaps color is in the eye of the beholder I think there's a considerable amount of truth to that [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] hello there the Challenger looks as good as ever no problems at all through the night which day afternoon as I step out onto the plains of taurus-littrow beautiful valley and there Jean amen and the crews on the way to stations 6th at the foot of what's believed to be a long boulder trail up the north Massif TV coming in where you wouldn't believe it I would oh man what a slope there's no level spot to park here though you want me to block the wheels you got the brake on I hope you it it's a beautiful east/west split rock and this Buller got its own little track right up there why don't we sample the split first right here yeah okay I'm gonna get their shadows material okay you got a bag it's in bag 312 Bob man that's rough country in there we're just good at hey they're chips up here on top yeah looks like there's been a geologist your before it jack schmitt shooting panoramic photography oh my lens is clean yeah Jack and we see your cold visor up you may want to put it down out here in the Sun [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] station seven is eight tenths of a kilometer east still along the base of the North Sea okay we're gonna D seven different metal rock [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] I don't know I'm impressed [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is the best way for me to travel uphill or downhill but like this - alleged hop I don't like that loping thing but eloping only way to go but this kinda like it biggest right then I cover grab my kangaroo [Music] [Music] [Music] I can try to pull the dust off my camera which is very frustrating very ineffective every copy a point where the dust gets overtaken and everything mechanicals with movement Roger we copy that copy it again TV a time three hours 50 minutes [Music] oh yeah [Applause] Bamford looks like a blocky rim fresh impact crater right now 17 we're looking at a nominal station 9 here you got about 2 5 minutes remaining no such thing as a nominal station anymore the geology won't let it be nominal this may be the first and only one of the drivers well the geology field train has a fairly long and involved history within NASA it is evolved to a fairly sophisticated and specialized training program it started out based largely on the experience that geologists had had with training students at the university level and it became fairly clear that this was not an effective way to train highly motivated very intelligent men for the specific task of exploring the moon in the geologic sense so he gradually brought into the program some of the very finest professional teachers in geology it turns out these people as is usually the case with very fine teachers were also some of the top scientific minds in their particular areas could give the type of geological information we needed in training but in the context of the kinds of operations and the kinds of constraints that a man would be dealing with on the moon in the combination was unbeatable and we produced I think some outstanding geologic observers in a short timeframe who were more than adequately carrying out the job that was a sign [Music] [Music] they cover just grass cover underneath it's white come quickly we can't leave this is maybe the youngest mantle [Music] Raymond area we got some pretty good pictures of it I think okay Evie a time five hours 16 minutes the crew will head back toward the Lamb [Music] [Music] but so many of the countries throughout the world [Music] our feelings are with the dealings of the Apollo program our and the devil appeared time and we can't live in peace and harmony in the future [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in on the moon [Music] we came in the line of all mankind [Music] [Music] graduating into the beauty budgeting idiot using copy that says echo your sentiments [Music] [Music] and I got thank you and thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] look like a million-mile did it [Music] this is need and I'm on the surface I like it just history will record American challenge of today and as we leave the moon and tours petronas we leave it we came and God willing as we shall return [Music] Oh [Music] dear Cory [Music] good morning challenger and thank you for the vocal rendition from the moon there well we want to let you know we were thinking about you this morning Gordy hey Gordy and in the tradition of Apollo 8 I've got the purveyor poem for you about it a week before Christmas and all through the limp on a commander whispering not even certain examples were told and their places with care and hope that with you they soon will be there I want to move there Rose such a standard I sprang from Miami to see what was the matter done on the fret of the surface below and the lecture of optics the difference no and what to my wondering eyes should appear but a miniature rover and eight tiny reindeer and a little old driver so lively and quick I knew in a moment it must be st. Nick I heard him explain and over the hill he didn't peed merry Christmas to all and do you all got speed murder that's the first time I heard that and I gotta say that was beautiful people always said we ought to have a poet babe I don't think we've made it yet that's Jack very good [Music] get that challenger is no for liftoff and we're 52nd pound we're go that's a challenger attitude translation for dead man horse neighs retest for the birthday girl Rita attitude control freedom of control 99 rotated three [Music] take your final look at the valiant or special [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] here we go [Music] who will begin transferring samples and other equipment into the command module and begin the process of getting themselves from Challenger into America Challenge here or you're gonna close out the Houston Challenger is going off fear okay challenger been a pleasure talking to you it's a bike a hot spitting page do a Superbird but I've got one more job to do okay here comes burns all right probably three did we get it looks like we got a good separation [Music] turning on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] America Euston because what you want to hear your go for a TVI epistatic okay understand America is go for dei and I will see you coming up the other side [Music] [Music] Thank You program not only has given us the first steps for that possible drape but to make the first step you bring the world together is one unit so that we can make that step that just dissipation but is the world you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my honored and proud we may all have the opportunity lead mankind enjoyed the bath another smaller program this is Apollo control Apollo 17 spacecraft now approaching ever-faster to mother earth Apollo control standing by [Music] is where our second Tremonti [Music] Roger America [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and beginning a black Cutlass at the predicted time around a thousand feet or approximately 85 miles above the earth [Music] to the universe in doing so she established a tradition within the source [Music] [Applause] [Music] heaven declare your glory Oh Lord on the moon and the stars which you set in place humble gratitude we thank you for the safe return from your heavens or these pioneers their achievements contribute to the unity of mankind and peace for all your people in this holy season amen [Music] caleb cheering going on here the control senator sliced boundless watched in real-time from every helicopter [Music] market I'm at 3:04 31 ground elapsed time even [Music] the control room here is full of people waiting for that moment when they prove is safely on the deck of a ship to fire up their traditional splashdown cigars this is Apollo control out at 305 25 ground elapsed time [Music] time for this nation to take a clearly leading role in space achievement which in many ways [Music] this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal before this decade is out [Music] same here no single space project in this period president to mankind more important for the law expiration space so difficult [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Timeline - World History Documentaries
Views: 220,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apollo program highlights, Astronaut perspective, Collective human achievement, Epic space documentaries, Inspiring space journeys, Lunar exploration, Lunar mission experience, Lunar module landing, Lunar rover, NASA archives, NASA history, NASA interviews, Scientific research, Space documentaries, Space exploration, Space missions, Space race achievements, Space station, Space technology, Testimonials, Timeline - World History Documentaries
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 44sec (3104 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2018
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