Cold Case: Australia's Unsolved Mysteries | Full Episode

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[Music] [Music] [Music] I'm Steve Liebman and this is black town and out of western Sydney suburb the population here is a mix of mainly working class families and unemployed young people living in public housing but the seemingly typical suburb bares a scar that will never heal it was in this district that one of Australia's most horrific crimes was committed this was an outrage that horrified and inflamed the passions of ordinary Australians everywhere the abduction rape and murder of a woman described as a living angel Sydney nurse Anita kabhi black town is a bustling growing satellite city 41 kilometres west of the heart of Sydney by the mid 80s there is a growing crime and drug problem luckily Gary and grace Lynch have no such concerns with their children daughters an eater 25 and Catherine 20 Garry has worked hard all his life as a graphic artist with the air force Grace has enjoyed a long career as a nursing sister Anita has chosen to follow her mother into nursing she didn't always want to be a nurse but somehow she decided she wanted to do something with a life and and she became a nurse and she really enjoyed it she really loved it she was a beautiful person [Music] she took her nothing too beautiful young lady she was the quintessence of Julia Shepard is the author of the best-selling book about Anita kabhi called someone else's daughter and will become a close confidant of the Lynch family she'd been married to John Coffey she had been married for several years to John and he was a nurse as well and then they'd been traveling around Europe and when they got back things fell apart a little bit and they decided to separate and even though that was separating they remained good friends and so Anita had moved back home to a parents place until she got on her feet and worked out what she was going to do with the life in the mid 80s Lynn Bradshaw joins the nursing staff at Sydney hospital and vividly recalls meeting the woman who will become one of her closest friends and it was generally interested in people she she loved people you know patients weren't just an appendix or the heart attack she knew she knew how many children they had she knew their grandchildren's names knew what they did for a living she loved people was interested in people it's Sunday February 2nd 1986 Anita kabhi has just finished her day shift in the surgical ward of Sydney hospital and has arranged to go to dinner with her friends and colleagues Lynn Bradshaw and Elaine Bray we got changed and headed off actually live in his restaurant that and eating you off stop it and bottle shop got some wine and headed out to dinner had a great time three of us just sit talking making plans you know generally being three young women get going you know all that kind of stuff then again then we left it wasn't a late night we said goodbye to Elaine and I asked her NATO if she wanted to live to the station and I drove her to the station she said I'll see you tomorrow I said yeah I see then that was the last words we spoke she walked off to catch the train home on the other side of town 40 kilometers away five young men all with troubled lives and each with a string of criminal convictions are drinking at the pub all five live in relatively squalid conditions in a public housing estate in the doon side area a high unemployment precinct adjacent to black town John Travers 18 is the leader of the gang of five he has a long history of drug abuse violent assault and cruelty to animals many times he and his mates have assaulted young women and indulged in gay bashing trappers considers his violent nature to be a badge of honor Michael Murdock also 18 idolizes trappers and copies his every move including body piercing and tattoos he too has a string of convictions such as car theft burglary and drug possession the other three of that hotel that night are brothers the Murphy boys [Music] the oldest Michael is a prison escapee he previously spent 10 years in jail for armed robbery and is serving an 8-year sentence for burglary and larceny when he escapes from silver water prison on this particular night two months later he is still on the run his younger brothers Gary and lares are following in their older brother's footsteps they too have a litany of criminal convictions drugs stealing assault all the usual street crimes John Travers often takes his sexual activities to an unimaginable and frightening level even with animals he was known for buying sheep or getting a sheep his party trick was to jump on the sheep I had one fellow tell me that he'd had sex with a sheep cut its throat and then he would rest it on a spit in the backyard and and he would do that regularly a complaint had been made against him and Western Australia police were were chasing him but he'd eluded them we had raped a young a teenage boy there with others and was on the run but it was quite a savage rape and the victim required hospital treatment although well fired up by alcohol the group still isn't satisfied and seeks further gratification through drugs as they climb into the car to pick up the drugs they eventually realize that between them they can't even rustle up enough money to put petrol in the near-empty stolen car they decide to rob someone but there's more fun to be had in an evil pact they agree that rape will be part of the night's entertainment [Music] meanwhile I need two copies Trane is wending its way towards black town what happens next will send shockwaves through an entire nation Anita cobby and the gang of five have never met but tragically their paths are about to converge their worlds about to collide it's almost 10 o'clock on Sunday night February the 2nd 1986 and 25 year old nurse Anita cobby has finished her shift at Sydney hospital and is arriving at her destination black town station 40 kilometres west of Sydney the family home is about two kilometres away she did attempt to ring her dad but the phones were out and there weren't any taxis at the the cab rank so she decided to walk home which was around about a half an hour walk and I often think of her walking along the streets away from black town railway station and I think because she grown up there and it was a hot summer's night she felt very comfortable in her own area it was her own territory and I don't think she would have sensed any danger walking away from the station that night she was in the wrong place at the wrong time she was walking home minding your own business we had the car full of the Murphy's and move up and Travis Michael Murphy was an escapade from jail Travis was mad violent would do anything the five men are hell-bent on violence and more than willing to follow Travers lead they spot Anita and decide she's the one [Music] [Applause] [Music] to jump out and grab her kicking and screaming she's dragged into the car [Music] [Music] they'll drive me in the car if they got her and they'd stripped her off pretty well straight away in the back of the car I'd punched her her face was nose was broken jebaited cheek bones had abrasions on this while Anita is being brutalized in the back of the car they brazenly pull into a service station [Music] someone holds a knife or the throat tells her to be quiet [Music] lays it down on the floor behind the front seats and someone fills up with petrol I go to a handbag that took the money out of her purse paid for the petrol and then we've been to bring talk to to carry on with it a paddock down there in rein road here at prospect a semi rural area near black town is well-known to these men they know that it's poorly lit and that the surrounding area is largely uninhabited it's a well known Lovers Lane and a dumping place for stolen cars all worse this is where the abductors have decided to take an already terrified and brutalized Anita cobby Anita's nightmare may well have ended back at Newton Road from where she was snatched but fate has conspired against her she came so very very close to getting help because there was a young girl a 13 year old girl and her brother at home and who heard the screams in a house almost directly adjacent to where she was dragged in and they ran outside and saw the car saw what was happening and the car disappeared into the darkness their brother Paul McGorry arrives home a few minutes later spoke to my brother and sister they were hysterical what they did they've seen once just saw a need to get dragged into the car and my brother attempted to to each ace the vehicle and barefoot and tried to open the rear door he almost got there but the car took off I decided to go look for Anita while my brother and sister waited for the police and I drove around a few locations you know I drove down a Lovers Lane as they call it Green Road and past a couple of cars on the left-hand side went down and I've done it on YouTube I had a spotlight out at the time and come across a empty HTT hole on the side of the road and I had the spotlight into the paddock looking around to see if I could see anyone little did I know that they're lying down hiding from hiding in the grass from my lights Paul mistakenly believes that the car he spotted is not the one he's searching for he believes he's looking for a different model Holden he heads home to check on his brother and sister local police attend Newton Road takes several statements including one from another witness and they make a report but nothing comes of it that night now feeling free to commit whatever atrocities they want the fired men violate and torture Anita at will I think by the time she got down there one if not two it probably already had sex with her in the car [Music] she'd been forced through the barbed wire fence rather than throwing over it will helped over and she dragged through she had defensive wounds where she tried to stop doing what they were doing with the knife she'd grabbed the knife and they'd pulled it out of their hands [Music] knuckles on her fingers were driving I had Island Reggiano six with [Music] they were talking about whether they should better go or what should happen and it was decided because she had heard their name and it she'd seen their faces that she couldn't she couldn't leave [Music] she was lying face-down at that point and john chavez jumped on her back grabbed her by the back of the hill she was conscious at that time because German lived the coroner said that she had defense wounds on her hand and she put a hand up to stop that knife and hit almost seven several of her femurs [Music] Travers commits the final atrocity [Music] the job done he rushes back to his mates [Music] their bloodlust satisfied the five men are now concerned for their welfare they decide to get rid of all the evidence except for Anita copies body with Anita's clothes still in the car they drive to John Travers home at doon side they light a fire in the backyard and burn them they later scrape up the ashes and get rid of them unbeknownst to them a neighbor is peering over the fence they then drive off in the stolen car and later abandon it burnt out in nearby bushland they are now satisfied there is nothing to tie them to Anita Kobe's cold-blooded murder [Music] it's close to midnight on Sunday February 2nd 1986 and Gary Lynch is still awake wondering why Anita hasn't arrived home maybe she stayed with friends in Sydney but why hasn't she called Gary walks to the window and peers into the night I saw this player famous goalie sure absolutely couldn't understand why it was like the face of evil if you could imagine Lynn Bradshaw experiences her own psychic phenomenon that night and I woke about 11 o'clock in an absolute cold sweat I'd had this dream I couldn't see Anita but I could hear her voice and we were again having a banter just I'm not coming to work tomorrow and I said why why aren't you coming to work tomorrow and she said I'm dying and I said don't be stupid you know you you come to work tomorrow and she said no Lynn I'm dying and with that that's when I woke up and it doesn't sound scary but I was an absolute cold sweat I got out of bed I remember I checked under the beds I checked the windows I checked the doors I was absolutely terrified when I checked with the police later I found that around 11:00 11:30 was the time she was killed so it was yeah it was awful the next morning grace Lynch looks into her daughter's bedroom and I said to Gary in the morning and they didn't come home she probably stayed with friends which she did from time to time especially if she was working late and had to start early in the morning but she it wasn't due to start until the afternoon the next day and and she had decided to come home so that she could have a sleep which asleep at Sidney Hospital alarm bells are ringing Anita was very reliable I've had phone calls from Anita when she thought she was going to be late for work so to not turn up to not be at home to not have let anybody know where she was was was not like her and I just had that awful feeling and then we knew something had happened and so again I said to Gary we have to go and report it to the place Gary Lynch's deep concern is felt by the constable here at Blacktown who takes the missing-persons report the young officer is stunned when he looks at a photo of Anita and realizes they went to school together but soon every Australian like that young policeman will feel a personal grief and revulsion over this horrendous crime it's 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday February 4th 1986 a farmer John Rheem notices his cows milling inquisitively around an object in his paddock at Prospect investigating he is horrified by his discovery dull or something it first Detective Sergeant Graham rosetta a highly experienced and dedicated investigator attached to black town detectives is one of the first called to the scene two things that stick out of my mind one the hideous gash across the homicide and crime scene investigators are called in I think the thing that struck me most was that her head was her neck was very severely lacerated and at one stage when the examiner rolled the body over to have a look at the frontal section of the body that the head was very very loose tactically test to the torso so it was more or less as if her neck and head had been completely severed and that was a fairly traumatic thing to look at took a ring off her fingers that was the only significant object that was found in the area not even an ounce of clothing nothing at all but this Russian interlocking wedding ring on her finger the moment the officer who took the original missing person report hears that a female bodies being found he fears the worst and rushes to the scene with Anita's photograph he approaches homicide detective Constable Gary Heskett Ian and I looked at the photograph and the body and we had no doubt in their mind it was the same person so I'm with this information and an address we decided then to head off over to Sullivan Street black town suspected the parents all the police training the world never cease prepare one for these sad and sorrowful darker cages well if I had a wedding ring our daughter was he at the time daughter Catherine and she identified us Marine detectives also interview Anita's estranged husband John cobby and he confirms the ring is the one he'd given his wife at their wedding we then had to do the formal identification of the body at the morgue detective Kerry no I discussed who was the stronger Gary or grace we both decided it was Gary's job to go and identify the body I can see they're upset very agitated fearful of my reactions and I said to them I said oh no I want you to understand that if this is as bad as it's beginning to look rest assured that we'll say through will say through the very end at some stage she's legs buckled under him and I remember Gary has cut myself just grabbed all of him and hold him upright and then he composed himself he said I wish I wish it was I could say it was somebody else's daughter couldn't i but then they'd have to get through what we're going through the matron at Sidney hospital breaks the news to the nursing staff it was like walking to the gallows it's walking and you knew but you hoped and and as we walked into the matrons office there was an airline sitting there and she'd obviously been crying and I walked in and the matron had obviously been crying and I think I was screaming before she told me anything a 20-man investigation team consisting of local and homicide detectives set up headquarters on the first floor here at black town police station they begin the hard slog of canvassing the crime scene and the entire area around the train station they check Anita's last movements and the files of all known sex offenders as well as tracking the movement of local taxi drivers and the whereabouts of anyone who knew her did she catch a taxi did she accept a lyft or in fact did she walk meanwhile detectives suggest that a grieving Gary Lynch visits the scene of his daughter's murder put in the pocket and take it home but I couldn't I just had him okay know what it was [Music] detectives discover a written report that several members of the public heard screaming and saw a woman being dragged into a Holden sedan in Newton Road at about 9:15 on the night of Anita's disappearance after interviewing those witnesses including the McCoys they're confident it was Anita and that she must have walked home detective Gary Raymond is one of the investigators but at this point in time we didn't know who they were or where they were and the real fear that we had and we're looking at we're looking at each other saying you know are these these offenders going to offend again the media descends on Ness and has become aware of some of the gruesome details of the murder as a consequence a stunned and angry public also learns of the barbaric final moments of the nurse and much loved local charity Queen even the Dane Premier Neville ran who had once crowned Anita miss western suburbs becomes personally involved demanding constant updates from police they decide to invite the media to a reenactment of Anita's train ride and attempted walk home it prompts an avalanche of calls but none offers a breakthrough then an informant gives detectives a piece of information that will eventually prove vital he tells police that a car similar to the one described in the abduction had been stolen and used by Liz Murphy Michel Murdoch and John Travers this is the first time their names are thrown up a background check reveals trappers extremely violent nature the informant tells detectives that the stolen car has very distinctive chrome wheels they also believe that the car has been dumped and burned in Powers Road police are given a council Rangers report and photograph of that burnt-out car but when they go to powers road they find that the vehicle has been removed investigators decide it's now time to question Travers Murdoch and Liz Murphy and so they organize a series of raids they find of the distinctive chrome wheels on Liz Murphy's car I need to know more about that knife it had blood on it and it was at your home killing sheep I kill sheep with it Detective Sergeant Rosetta recalls the most chilling interview with John trappers particularly when he brings up the subject of a knife found at his dune side home smeared with animal blood I believe you John he reminded an oil in words that I will never forgive I didn't touch aged and oil was something which probably ordered convincing you know his his guilt than anything else and he said I didn't sleep that [ __ ] throat and his use of the word [ __ ] was something that made my mind up any way that John Travers had an actual fact I didn't sleep that [ __ ] throat all three are charged with car theft they claimed to have been at home watching television on the night of Bonita cobby's murder John Travers is kept in custody Michael Murdoch and Liz Murphy are released on bail and are placed under 24-hour surveillance officers discover a bizarre plot to free Travers senior homicide detective Kevin Rowley is part of the investigating team he attempted to to arrange with Leslie Murthy and others false passports as our as it sounds they they talked about arranging for a derailment of a train at the back of the black town police station to create a diversion now clearly they weren't intending to escape because of a stolen car so clearly our belief and our suspicion if you like was confirmed meanwhile from his cell John Travers makes a simple request of the supervising officer at black town police station a seemingly innocuous request that will blow the case wide open and leave an outraged public screaming for blood [Music] the abduction and barbaric torture rape and murder of sydney nurse anita copy has set in motion not only a massive police investigation it has sparked fury and anger from an outraged public all sections of the media play a vital role in keeping the horrific crime in the public's conscience that changes try to wait a sort of an anger I think more than anything police have charged three men with car theft a car they believe is linked to the murder however two of them Liz Murphy and Michael Murdoch have been bailed and are under 24-hour surveillance John Travers remains in custody detectives are certain all three have been involved in Anita's murder but as yet they don't have enough evidence your lines on then a simple and innocuous request sets in motion some amazing events Travers asks the duty sergeant to contact a female acquaintance to bring him some cigarettes the sergeant gives the woman's phone number to detective Kevin Rowley he calls the woman and arranges to meet her later that evening I traveled to a sporting club in Wentworthville and nearby suburb and I was able to meet meet with this person in the car park and had a very enlightening conversation with with in relation to the person Travers and some of his associates she talked about what she believed to have been sexual assaults committed by person Travers and she talked about his attitude towards women and some of his rather strange and disturbing behavior regarding it involving violence and the use of knives she effectively told me that she believed although she didn't know the trevor's was involved in the murder the woman is well-known to Travers and she's terrified of him but she bravely agrees to deliver the cigarettes to his cell and report back to police if he says anything of significance after the conversation finished I met her back at the police station door allow them into the station took it to the rear of the station and she collapsed it was quite emotional we carried her up the stairs to the detective office and she was shaking like a leaf she turned around she said we'd seen him and she gave us a list of names of the others so all of them they all did it what we needed to do then was to get what was said on paper get a statement from her saying exactly what the conversation had taken place what information she could give us so we had that but that statement then just becomes her word against his without any corroboration so we the next step was then that we applied or I applied for a listening device so she would wear a recorder and our intention was to send her back in if she was willing to do it to see if we could get her again to strike up a conversation with him where he volunteered information in the manner she's she agreed the woman becomes known as Miss X her life is in extreme danger and she becomes a protected witness what you're about to hear for the first time are excerpts of the actual confession of a cold-blooded killer some of the taped admissions are far too gruesome to broadcast we've substituted miss X's voice to protect her identity [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Jamieson [Applause] teacher yeah investigators now have all the evidence they need to make arrests in a series of nighttime raids they snare Michael Murdock and Liz Murphy but Garry and Michael Murphy are nowhere to be found back at black town police station the interrogations are intense Michael Murdock and Liz Murphy finally crack and tell all all right [Music] when Detective Sergeant rosetta confronts trapars with the details of their confessions trapars glares and asks he gave us a place let's give us up their story was in Travis the story was also that fall after that right - they suddenly decided that she would have to be killed because it was the possibility Travis not only rape docked and rape a woman at that night they were prepared simply by the fact that Travis had this and this knife with him they were prepared to go one step further meet a murder that same night so what I'm saying is I don't believe it was simply a matter of era fear of being identified to be they decided that she had to die although they ditched the knife which has never found Travis tells them where he bought it detectives then by a similar knife and Traverse agrees it's like the one he used to kill Anita she's a beauty isn't she it's 4:00 a.m. on February 24th when Detective Sergeant Ian Kennedy phones Grace and Gary Lynch and suggests they get up and put the kettle on he's coming around with some important information so I knocked on the door and went in and I just said look I've got some good news for we've just charged three men with the meters moody murder and the worst part is there's another two or two more to get and we're looking for them at first light police take the three men individually to the scene of the crime where each recounts in minut detail exactly what had occurred a few hours later radio stations break the news three men have finally been charged with Anita cobby's murder police are still hunting two more we got them out right but when we were coming back to the police station the crowds were 10 and 15 deep from the driveway to the police station up the road people along the streets people hanging over the edges of buildings on the rooftop car parts with a noose hanging down with signs [Applause] and as we inch forward through this gap of people rocking the car and banging their fists on the window I mean it was it was just mob violence but it was it was quite scary really quite scary at noon Lesley Joseph Murphy John Raymond trappers and Michael James Murdoch appear in black town local court charged with the abduction and murder of Anita Loraine copy at prospect on February 2nd 1986 they're remanded without bail while the hunt for Michael and Garry Murphy intensifies their descriptions are circulated australia-wide and in all national media on February 26th after a series of tip offs from members of the public police raid a house at Glenn Field in Sydney's southwest as soon as we kicked the door in Garry Murphy ran out the back of the house I understand he ran into the back yard and ran into a fairly large swash fellow this room against the fence on the ground they jumped on him and handcuffed him Michael Murphy was sitting on the lounge just looking at me holding a little baby handcuffed Michael and Garry Murphy are driven to black town where they too are charged with the abduction and murder of Anita cobby again detectives Kennedy and Heskett call the lynches to break the news we've got them all on February 2nd 1986 Sydney nurse Anita copy is abducted tortured raped and murdered when police charged five men with the crime public emotions boil over with mass demonstrations calling for the killers to be executed there are also angry crowds outside the Westmead coroner's court two months later when the five are brought in under armed guard for the brief committal hearing the small courtroom is packed one of the many onlookers Anita's father Gary it's the first time he's come face-to-face with Anita's killers their heads were hung they looked there's a Sarah showed well well they could have been because I suppose I was a great sight to see for for you yeah we were Church got that over it's another five months before trapars Murdoch and the three Murphy brothers appear in the Glebe coroner's court for a full committal hearing they all plead not guilty despite having already made admissions and for grace Lynch it's the first time she will lay eyes on her daughter's killers it was very harrowing but it was something we had to do other wasn't an ADA would have been just another murder victim we can wanted to know the details of what had happened to her and so it was so it was very hard the brave misse-x who has coaxed a taped confession from John Travers has had death threats from friends of Travers and she's now in the witness protection program Derek handers the car and a hearing the committal case defendants couldn't care less their demeanor as soon as if it's oughta be checked but they should know emotion although then rely this is what I think this is what made it even worse for the public what's that lack of appear in fearing to be remorseful they didn't even appear to be remorseful you know they just carried on the coroner also here's evidence that although bloodstains have been found on clothing seized from Travers and Murdoch and on several of Travers knives its blood type can't be established when a terrified misse-x enters the witness box she's just meters away from John Travers Travers is seething and doesn't even try to hide his hatred for her said yeah that's why I had to kill her he was looking at her with hiking his eyes and he was muttering something and really really tense and I nod Kevin rally and I said just keep her eye on Travis bit and makes men he just lunged for her going out we intercepted him grabbed him and just pushed him back and someone else complainer and got away we thought that she wouldn't come back in and give evidence we thought that she was so scared then that she just I couldn't get back in but I think it backfired on him in the sense she went back and was strongly there March 16th 1987 a year and forty days since Anita copy was found dead the trial finally begins before justice Maxwell at the New South Wales Supreme Court John trapars Springs a surprise he changes his plea to guilty he knows the evidence against him is overwhelming Travers is remanded in custody for sentencing the trial of the others continues the lynches attend every day of the two-month trial and endure all the gruesome details as well as the callous attitude of the defendants that's just something I can't imagine anyone doing to another human being I just it's just something that it's beyond beyond my thinking my main concern was I noticed father I could not work him out he was so calm so cool I expected him to explode any minute the jury of seven men and five women are also sickened by the evidence and become even more disturbed when they visit the paddock in reen road where anita had spent the final tortured moments of her life after fifty four days of gruesome testimony the jury retires to consider its verdict 10:20 on the morning of Wednesday June 10 1987 it's standing room only at the Supreme Court after word comes through that the jury has reached its decision the atmosphere is electric as an anxious public gathers outside the court inside the lynches police and the media hold their breath then the moment of truth the foreman Rises when the charges against Michael Murdoch and Liz Garry and Michael Murphy are read out the foreman repeats one word guilty I had been a lot of courtrooms when sentences were handed down I had never ever heard in my life the thunder and applause that happened in that courtroom the building the floor shook people clapped and cheered Justice Maxwell very very quickly got the court to stop and told them that it was inappropriate but there was just jubilation and I remember leaving the courtroom and there was a bus driver and he skipped out of the courtroom and he was smiling and happy and clapping and talking to everyone it was like it was a personal victory for him and this was someone who didn't even know the ledge family who didn't know anyone connected with the case but he'd just been coming in on odd days and he said he was very relieved and jubilant about the verdict outside the court there's jubilation at the news finally the ordeal of the trial is over the lynches express their relief they also thanked police and the public we feel that justice has shown itself very proud all the people who've been connected with this case and our daughter I just feel really justice will be done she was the victim of a prolonged and sadistic physical assault it's six days later and all five killers appear again before an emotional justice Maxwell for sentencing killings however they do so for the purposes of survival he sums up the evidence and then says in part not so these prisoners they assaulted in a pack for the purpose of satisfying their lust and kill for the purpose of identification this is one of the most horrifying physical and sexual assaults I've encountered in 40 yard years associated with the law his honor then looks at each defendant and in sentencing each prisoner to life on the murder charge he says the circumstances of each prisoner and the circumstances of Anita Lorraine cobby's murder prompt me to recommend that the files of each prisoner be clearly marked never to be released absolute elation around the world around Australia it was just people cheering people people crying they were just so happy that these these guys were off the streets forever and just as well some degree of justice had been done and I couldn't do it to anyone else and I guess a feeling of safety that people could walk the streets again because these guys were gone so it was good a good feeling it may be 20 years since Anita copies life was so cruelly taken but she still remains in the hearts and minds of many Australians who never met her but took her death so personally there is pain there's times is this even agony that said he briefed but it hit you and oh boy sure like a rapier going through your heart do you know it's gonna come you can't avoid it and you've got to just brace yourself because the long jagged searing it but it doesn't kill him doesn't kill you I think what it does steals you for the other but you become it it's become stronger become a stronger person well what it does it says and and you find that little things there's no little little Thomas and nothing [Music] [Music]
Channel: Banijay Crime - Crime Documentary
Views: 949,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 60 minutes australia, australian crime, cold case, crime, crime documentaries, crime documentary, crime investigation australia, crime scene investigation, crime tv show, criminal investigation, documentaire, documental, documentary channel, fall from power, full documentary, reality tv series, top documentaries, true crime, true crime documentary, vanity fair magazine, wealthy criminals
Id: qeY4tsi9QLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 57sec (3237 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2018
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