True crime special: Who murdered Marea Yann?

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foreign [Music] we're here today with Maria's family to announce a one million dollar reward for any information that leads to the apprehension and subsequent conviction of persons or person responsible for Maria's death a one million dollar reward for information on the unsolved murder of Maria Yan so why is the Cold Case from 2003 so important well we have to believe that true justice has no time limit we have to and I can promise you this The Story Goes far deeper than even the police could imagine [Music] or your initial impressions of the crime scene um I remembered vividly actually it was um I remember the property up at healesville on a dirt road Cobblestone from memory Bluestone driveway up to a Bluestone house beautiful Country property [Music] no forced entry to the premises at all and immaculately kept you know inside the house you know typical of a very house proud woman um confronted fairly quickly on the left-hand side as you go into the house with a club Lounge with a elderly female sitting in the lounge leaning to a left with significant blunt force trauma about the head and the upper body blood spatter in the house both cast off and contact Trace her purse from memory in near the kitchen area turned upside down on the floor a card potentially a credit card was missing I recall the television on a turned down and the lights on in the house the rest of the house from memory was just untouched immaculate all the windows doors locked just that single point of entry unforced that's the the impressions are very very clearly come back he said to me that's what happens and um we just could not even imagine who would want to hurt our mother in any way why would anyone want to murder her foreign mum was the quintessential mum that everybody would have loved to have had as a mum and an honor um generosity love compassion um ticked all the boxes it sounds a little bit corny but mum was one of the good ones no with you Jeffrey back in the day Jeff Yan always had one hand on the video camera you're not taking his mum was his favorite subject here have you got young boots on that's what I really want to see stay there oh look safety taking photos of me looking like this mum and dad gave us kids a blessed childhood um love good food lots of company family was of Paramount importance having a large extended Italian family [Music] came with all the trimmings lots of food lots of food lots of food lots of fussing you know I hope I've given you all a good time too many daggery that was Mom in a nutshell three hours of it the bright and bubbly heartbeat of a large extended family and at the center of her world her three kids and Rhonda Rhonda you're looking gorgeous Maria my mom was a very very kind woman she was a nurse when dad died she moved to Hillsville where she was involved in community work a great mother a great grandmother [Music] it's a beautiful person Maria is Maria yes [Music] as the kids grew up and moved out Maria took on a new rock the volunteer manager of the local op shop at Hillsville just outside of Melbourne anyone she met she found out what they did when they went before they retired and the next thing they'd be in here doing carpentry and she roped everyone in yeah but they loved us no one begrudge through the effort that they put in because she just she just made them feel special Jenny tell me about working at the op shop yeah I was here for about three years and it was it was very good it's a good you meet different people and Maria she was a little Fireball she was always doing something outside of her family the op shop was the most important thing in Maria's life good morning how are you 2003 for fellow workers noticed that something was not quite right how was Maria in the last few months oh she was terrified she really was terrified and how did you know this because she told me and and I mean her her behavior she was quavery time there was a was a car pulled up or pulled up out the back she was just shaking and and you know have a look see who it is I mean that wasn't Maria it was absolutely awful just watching someone on the edge of their nervous system every time there's a sound you know I mean it's just horrible to watch in her final months Maria was living in fear but from who as in almost every murder case Belize took a close look at the family like all of the research will show it's not it's not rocket science that most homicide victims know they're they're a Tucker and so we start generally from the inside out and we look at those closest to Maria and work our way out Rhonda do you remember when Pauline introduced you to James I do I remember the day I remember the exact day I met James um James seemed to be quite a Charming chap um told me that he was a marine biologist and he'd been living in Melbourne for quite some years James unamadu originally from Nigeria moved to Australia in 1976 within a few years he met Maria's youngest daughter poorly it was a pleasure to welcome somebody from Africa um especially because it was our sister introducing us to her boyfriend at the time and yes our family was accepting with open arms from carving the roast of the Christmas table taking Jeff to Nigeria to meet his relatives James became family this is panning I'm learning how to pan how um involvement with cultural diversity was you know like a signature in our family I'm just getting back at you James for all those close-ups mum dean of Italian Heritage dad Bean of German Swiss Heritage I we often used to laugh at our you know at Christmas time our table would represent the United Nations there'd be somebody from every country and to us that was the essence of life so in the beginning there must have been good times with James absolutely um look that was the early 80s uh there were not a lot of Africans in Australia at that time so we actually felt kind of special to be able to be you know mixing with all these exotic cultures you know since we had the cash and they made the money but on the night Rhonda met James she found herself alone in his apartment James and my sister went off to buy dinner take away and I was left in the unit sitting in the lounge and I could see there was a coffee table in front of me and help myself to his photo albums they were full of Anglo-Saxon families giving him dinners and parties and lots of Pauline's in the photos you mean women that looked very similar yes your system blue-eyed very similar very similar all right James something for the viewers to hear some words of wisdom like where the occasion is yes that'd be great I know you can't hear nowhere come on there's no editing okay come on as the years marched on James married Pauline and as a result became very close with her mother Maria [Music] sounds like your mum really cared for James absolutely well mum cared for everybody but especially the the immediate family Maria was very much for people that came from another country and her whole name seemed to be to help help people that couldn't help themselves that was what Maria was like yeah without all those the blue sky but it's not a perfect day for a barbecue what we're gonna try and do here is uh make the most of it isn't it that's right right so I suppose um [Laughter] you guys are doing great uh no that's that's enough so it's now 2003 and your mum she has no enemies no one she's feuding with no issues no bad blood no drama yeah and that's why we're in such so much shock who would kill mom it is without doubt one of the most horrendous scrum scenes that I've seen what did the ferocity of the attack tell you oh it was um it was horrendous absolutely horrendous she was sitting in her chair watching the television it was done really quick she was struck over 20 times it was a shocking Act Maria was still sitting in the chair in front of the television as she as she did um with 20 plus blunt force trauma injuries to her head and body and no defensive wins at all none whatsoever a gardener discovered the grandmother when he arrived at her heelsville home yesterday morning she'd been beaten to death with a blunt object now we might be looking for a piece of wood we might be looking for an iron bar there's several things that would cause the injury there was a cowardly act for anybody to walk into somebody's house at night while they're sitting down by the fire watching television and beat him to death and I hope they catch the monkey [Music] so early on you determined looking at that crime scene on the basis of everything you had before you that Maria must have known who came through that door most likely most likely how long in an investigation before you had a suspect so the homicide occurred on the Monday night we were called on the Tuesday and I think by the Wednesday night we were interviewing a suspect so within around 24 hours a bit fair to say by the end of the investigation you still only had one suspect yes and that was and that was James this is the man suspected of murdering his mother-in-law Maria Yan her grandmother in charity worker found bludgeoned to death two and a half years ago in her healesville home James unamadu was charged with murder the trial began on January 30 2008 and lasted for two weeks it took the jury just five hours to find him not guilty and the final day when the news came through acquittal acquittal yeah and to have that judgment acquitted yeah look we we collapsed we all cried we all just huddled together and just whimpered like you know yeah with James unamaru acquitted the murder of Maria Yan slipped from the news cycle detectives moved onto other cases whereas house at Hillsville was sold [Music] Case Files went deep into Victoria's Cold Case Vault and that's where they would stay until now when a police case turns cold this is where it goes into the bowl and there are millions of cases in here and believe it or not only for the most serious of crimes now every so often one of these boxes a few are select few gets pulled off the dusty Shelf and into the sunlight one more time it's a huge archive space down there graveyard of cases it is it is a graveyard of you know opportunities taken advantage of opportunities lost a graveyard of um people's memories of our Broken Dreams for families and you know and and an area that that houses I guess the pain and suffering of many many victorians and Australians [Music] what you see today is a seasoned cop but 20 years ago when Tim day got the call out to Maria Yan's house he was a junior detective he'd been at homicide less than three years do you have cases that keep you awake at night you try not to let them you try not to let them affect you because if you if you do you can't do justice to the victims but there are there are always those that come back to you more than others is this case one of those cases it is it is one of those the whole case had sort of gone to a very faint pulse until the um until May 2021 when I received a phone call from my sister saying have a listen to The Neil Mitchell conversation with Tim day is the one in all the ones you've dealt with that you particularly like to see song and there's one particular one from 2003 that I'd like to to solve from Juliette Crescent in Hillsville yeah that's before I retire that's one I'd like to solve who was a victim there's Marie again why why does that one stay with you I think that it's solvable it was like music to our ears and all of a sudden that slight pulse was a defined heartbeat and it's just become stronger and stronger so I'll ask you straight up can the murder of Maria Yan be solved yes it can be solved why do you say that because people solve murders for us especially with cold cases people are the key [Music] uh these are the last the boxes detective senior Constable Caitlyn Jones is part of Victoria's Cold Case unit maybe we can look at the crime reports from the time around the area and just see if there's any possible Persons of Interest she's now running the case the Tim day began in 2003. see if there's anything that maybe we can look into again 2003 that's 20 years ago how old were you and what were you doing then I was 16 years old I was in high school at the time probably didn't even know about this he did not know about it no in 2011 Victoria reformed its double jeopardy law that means a person can now be tried twice for the same crime if there is compelling new evidence the original Case by the end of their investigation they had one suspect will your case be any different could be we're open to everything and that's why it's important that we look at this from the perspective we're looking at it now which is this is an unsolved murder and we're open to everything is that original suspect from the first case will he be a suspect in your case I'm not answering that why not I can't answer that does the change in Double Jeopardy laws in Victoria potentially help this case I won't touch on that I feel like you've had specific legal instruction about what you can and can't say that'd be fair to say yes all growing by me there's not any spray on there I feel this is our chance pulled out a skilleting knife which was had a blade about that long have you ever come across the case before that includes a witch doctor no she's not Janet he's got this voodoo doll and he's sticking pins in it Maria's with me all the time and that's how I'm coping and have done for the last 20 years [Music] a million dollar reward it's a lot of money it is a lot of money what do you hope that will give you it's an opportunity for us to put Maria's case back out there and to hope that maybe with the reward that someone may find the strength to come forward and give us the information that we need to solve this case the way that reward is from the Victorian government to help solve a murder way back in 2003 so how do you feel now 20 years on as a million dollar reward the case is reopened I feel fantastic I feel like a different person I just feel fantastic I feel this is our chance for everyone too tell their story and and not be shouted down to be able to tell our story with being given a second chance it's just absolutely we're so lucky we are so lucky yeah hurry again grew up in remote Victoria she married at 17 and had three children without any spray on there a Hobby Farm Northeast of Melbourne became the family home after her husband died in 1984 she moved out to heelsville there she would be brutally murdered in 2003. throughout your investigation what was the role of Maria in that family it's a very very clear that Maria was a generous loving devoted mother and grandmother and at times um played the part of The Peacemaker in the family to try and do what she thought was the right thing and that as the day of her death approached she had become more and more burdened by that responsibility and had decided to step away from that responsibility for a number of people [Music] tell me about the role your mother played in keeping James in the family mum helped James she helped him financially emotionally and I think James relied on her heavily in lots of ways I think he was a she was a key to his existence her family also say Maria played a key role in her daughter Pauline's marriage to James unamaru mum was the um the ever loving mum and um she was acted as a bit of a filter because she realized that the relationship was volatile but mum was just never ending with her you know amount of of human compassion and care so they would fight then James would go to Maria go to your mum that's right that's it back up James would appeal to mum and in such a way he did it so well that Mum Mum's heart would just melt every time [Music] the relationship between James and your sister turbulent to say the least oh totally turbulent and dysfunctional and it was there was a never-ending phone calls from my mother from my sister people crying on the phone this has happened that's happened James was continuing to see other women [Music] it was an interesting um navigation through this relationship because James had had three children to three different women over the time he was married to my sister while he was with Pauline while he was with three kids three kids three separate women three separate women yep I told him he was making my life hell James said to me you think this is hell I'll show you hell 17 months after her mother was murdered Pauline went to the police she was there to make a statement a few years ago James said to me if you ever leave me I'll kill you but don't worry I'll make it quick and at one stage he said to her I could kill you but I would make it quick and I mean who talks like that I mean who says things like that to their wife and his wife at the time um pull in pull in um she used to tell us what he was doing it was quite bizarre and we couldn't do anything about it [Music] calls Maria Yan her best friend she's also her sister she's on my shoulder every day she's in the wind she's in the sunshine she's in the bruises in the trees Maria's with me all the time and that's how I'm coping and have done for the last 20 years Diane says the problems between Pauline and James were of great concern to Maria but there was little the rest of the family could do about it you can't interfere Jeff did as a lot as he could he tried very hard to soothe things over but I don't know it was just all the time all the time turmoil Jeff Yan would later tell police of an incident only months before his mother's death Maria told him that she had been manhandled by James and she was now concerned for her daughter what caused your mum to finally turn her back on James there was an incident when I received a phone call from mum and she said Jeff please get around to Pauline and James's place um they're fighting and I'm in fear for Pauline's safety so I rocked up to the house I saw James standing in the kitchen then I said there's nothing I can do about you and Pauline and our tapped in three or four times on the chest but I said don't you ever manhandle mum you know and with that he reached down to his left side and pulled out a skilleting knife which was had a blade about that long my first reaction was just to hold on to the knife in shock obviously no one had ever pulled a knife on me before I might took three steps back picked up a shovel but James and Pauline went straight inside and locked the door losing your mum's support what did that mean for James game over it's only now that James loses his number one supporter and the one person keeping him in the family Maria James views this as the ultimate betrayal in the end she did decide that James had to go a separate way didn't she well having to become frightened because James threatened to catch Pauline's new partner's throat from ear to ear and she started to become frightened in 2003 Pauline left James and filed for divorce she also started seeing another man by the name of Dominic the same night mum was in the car with James mum said that James got very upset about my relationship with Dominic and he said if I found out that we were involved with each other he would cut Dominic's throat from ear to ear and get pleasure out of it in the end only you know you can only put up with so much and it became so blatantly dysfunctional that something had to give and finally it did and and my sister left James and you have early 2003. how long have you been a police officer Tim 32 years have you ever come across the case before that includes a witch doctor no [Music] it's a strange thing for Australians to try and understand the the use of a witch doctor but in Nigeria it's can be common very common this is a former close friend of James I think it was better when the light came straight across she doesn't want her identity to be revealed so we will call her Martha he said that which doctor can make you either sick met you die and but he needs a photo of a person to send to the witch doctor and that that's why I was very frightened he used to call it Juju on you in James's Homeland for some which doctors are taken seriously part Medicine Man part priest part magician they are a rich part of Nigeria's tribal folklore while the witch doctor is like mate well he's the go-to guy for any problems outside of conventional medicine and um so it was it was spells essentially curses spells curses potions things you read about uh to me I I had a bit of a chuckle about it but they take it very seriously and so did Maria her family claim that James was so upset about her role in the breakdown of his relationship with Pauline that he contacted a witch doctor called Baba and did Maria tell you about the calls she received from the witch doctor yes she was coming home from Frankston and she was sitting in James's club and he was talking on the phone and he said here you talk to the witch doctor and um the witch doctor told her that something was going to happen in seven days mum said the barber had called her and threatened that if James and Pauline didn't stay together then she would come to a a bad end what happened to her after that phone call after the witch doctor found call Maria was working for the op shop her house was so crowded with clothing and stuff and uh she got rid of all that stuff she cleaned up her house she said to me if anything happens to me now my house is clean that was what she said if anything happens to me now my house is clean she distinctly said that and that's always been in my mind as if she expected it she rang me and we were talking on the phone and she said oh Janet he's got this voodoo doll and he's sticking pins in it I said that's not very nice and it wasn't just family who Maria told about barbar the witch doctor Janet bridgart was also a heelsville local and became very close to Maria I said how does that make you feel she said I don't like it because she was spiritual and she had a faith which went beyond Christianity it involved spiritualism and she believed in spirits and she believed in the continuity of life after death and that people would come from the spirit world and would be there so to have a voodoo doll from a culture where people really believed in the power of the voodoo doll and sticking pins in it really scared her when questioned by the police about the Witch Doctor James denied it a police brief however shows that on the night of the alleged threats from Baba two calls were made from James's phone to Nigeria but during the murder trial the witch doctor was never mentioned also not heard by the jury those police statements from Pauline detailing the alleged threats from James that court case there was a lot of information that wasn't heard by the jury can you explain that um again I'd like to be able to help you with that but it's I understand um the question but I I just cannot go there is it disappointing from an investigator's perspective in any investigation when certain pieces of evidence that are gathered are not heard by the jury it's disappointing from a human perspective but that is the nature of our judicial process it is one that protects us all as individuals from the authority and the and the power of the state it's something that I believe in and that is at the risk of sounding insensitive that's the game that we play one day you're going to read that I've been killed [Music] dead if I've given you all a good time too many daggery somebody out there knows something James I want to ask you about the confession that you made I don't know we I never met any competition are you saying that she's lying [Music] foreign [Music] here beautiful house and Christmas Christmas 2002 and Maria Yan had invited her extended family over for lunch this is our beautiful Christmas tree her children her grandchildren all there for their beloved Nonna not to be seen though Maria's son-in-law James it was the last Christmas we spent with mum in Hillsville Christmas hat both her sisters were there Annie D and Camilla and just before we sat down to eat our Christmas lunch come on guys tell everyone to come and sit down we quickly had to prepare six extra plates the people around Hillsville who weren't having a very good Christmas and my husband drove my mother down and we delivered them so look that that's the sort of person she was always thinking of others very generous [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] September 2003 and Maria Yan is terrifying but she's also angry so she does something that's out of character she stands up for herself she lodges this affidavit with the family core the problem is the contents only light the fuse affidavit Maria labels James unamadu as aggressive and hostile manipulative and dishonest she tells police that James assaulted her about the phone call to the witch doctor and finally the James owed her forty thousand dollars so James got a copy of this not long after it was filed early September what would this have done to him and his mental state oh he would have been Furious he rang me and said that he solicitors called him into the office when he came into the office the solicitor told him there was an affidavit from Maria so he opened the affidavit and found out that Maria said she he was controlling manipulating violent towards Pauline and also that um he owe forty thousand dollars that affidavit was lodged on the 3rd of September this is only weeks before Maria was murdered yes all he said to me is that in order in order to make Pauline suffer He he'll kill Maria that's the only time she will suffer and this is not hearsay something that you heard from somebody else this is straight from James's mouth that's why I was very frightened of him at the same time Maria's co-workers noticed that James was ringing her at the op shop we all knew that she'd been in fear for a long a long time and why do you say that because of her son-in-law James [Music] um he he would ring the shop and then one time she spoke at lent about the problems that she was having with James and I think it was to do about money and in the end of the conversation she said one day you're going to read that I've been killed she told me that James rang up and said he was going to kill her you know I said to her but where is this all going to end you know how do you really feel about this do you feel safe in your home and she said not anymore [Music] thank you his son-in-law used to come and visit apparently this is what she told me she'd be there on her own in her home at night and she'd turn around and the son-in-law's face would be looking at it through the window and it was dark and it gave her an incredible fright Monday night I always went to her home every Monday night Deanne would drop in to visit Maria but a week before her sister was murdered Deanne called in to tell her she couldn't make the Monday visits anymore as she later told the court Diane says Maria wasn't alone James was there I went to her home and I knocked on the window and I went in and they were both very fidgety I don't know why Maria was and why he was they were both very fidgety so James was in a quite a good dresser he always looked very nice but this night it wasn't James and he had these dark clothes on very dark clothes very dark jacket jumper and I said to her Maria I've come to say that I can't ever come on a Monday night and the following Monday she was dead Rhonda the 29th of September 7 39 PM had a phone call with your mum I did and I remember that night we had a lovely conversation for about half an hour and I was the last person to speak to her and no idea that anything hideous was about to happen Monday nights was mum's chill out night everyone knew it so she was sitting in her chair watching the television not expecting anybody and um dead how did you find out that Maria had passed away I answered the phone at 20 past eight in the morning and uh it was my sister Carmella and she was absolutely beside herself she said our sister's dead our sister's dead and the police won't let me go into her and naturally I mean I nearly thumped a hole in that table I know that couldn't believe it how important is phone data in a case such as this oh huge huge in almost every homicide found artists significant and increasingly so [Music] as with any serious crime the timeline is everything Maria Yan was murdered on Monday the 29th of September her sister Deanne says she saw James arguing with Maria here on the Monday before but James told police the last time he saw Maria was way back here on the 8th of September but that is a lie I know this not because of a statement not because of a witness but something much much better just five days before Maria was murdered just five days this cell phone tower here at healesville and just a short distance from Maria's Place logged a call from James's mobile phone at 10 14 p.m he says he wasn't in healesville but he was I would say in this case the phone data puts James's mobile in the Hillsville area that evening Nicola doxford was an Army intelligence officer she's now a data analyst and her specialty crunching telephone metadata his statement is that he hasn't loaned his phone to anybody else in that period so it should be in his possession Maria's home in healesville was nearly 80 kilometers away from where James lived in Frankston there are dozens of mobile phone towers in between this is what his phone data reveals on the day of Maria's death 5 52 PM a crucial point in this timeline James unamadu calls a plumber who he owes money to yep so it's uh 5 52 p.m James's mobile calls the plumber for 1 minute and 30 seconds and at that time his mobile phone is located in the Frankston area which is puts him in the location of his home that's right then for the next five and a half hours his phone goes silent does the data mean that he had time to get to the scene of the crime and back home according to the files that I've read and the time it would take to travel from Frankston to healesville and come back that does give enough time to make that trip James has no alibi for his whereabouts he says he was at home alone but during this time her phone call to his mobile from a close friend goes unanswered at the trial police alleged it was because James was in Hillsville about to commit murder if you asked me that question do you think I think he's capable of doing it definitely definitely and why do you say that because the way he spoke to me to him life had a different value correct yes in my mind it was more than a murder it was an execution it was done really quick a crime of passion 22 direct head wounds back in 2003 James unamaru ended up being the only suspect at the murder trial the Yan family sat through every painful day but in the end James was acquitted he didn't have a personal feeling at the end of that court case with an acquittal oh I did I did but I'll keep that to myself family says you shed a few tears with them on that day um and again that's something that I think I'll keep to myself during our investigation into the murder of Maria Yan you wouldn't happen to know this lady would you there was one vital witness we wanted to find please Beyond her name is Andrea King g'day back in the day no luck she and James were very close oh yeah I'm looking for a lady called Andrea King what's your name Liam l-i-a-n here to help me is Liam Mendes a journalist with the Australian newspaper hello how are you I'm not from Jehovah's Witness I can promise you that and I'm trying to get in touch with an Andrea King we even print out close to 100 missing person pamphlets at the places she was last seen because we wanted to ask her about statements she'd made to the police do I give you my number if you see it yeah yeah they detailed a conversation she had with James in the days following Maria's death it was only a few days later James arrived unannounced to my place James told me that he had killed her he had done it and that the police had no proof and that he had no intention of going to jail for it I cut the conversation short and told him that I didn't want to know or get involved I told him not to come around or contact me not long after I moved address how many dollars do you Reckoning knocked on so far we're yet to find Andrea but she did testify and this was part of her evidence at Maria's murder trial so let's let's go through the evidence that the jury didn't hear they didn't hear about the knife attack they didn't hear about the knife James and you I didn't hear about the threats that he made to Pauline no sister no and there were several over over the period of time you'd think it'd be game over like what else do we need and what about Pauline the former wife of James unamado I've been in contact with her throughout this investigation phone calls and email and she's declined to be interviewed she does not believe James murdered her mother and posed several alternate theories I put it to you that in the original investigation you had one suspect and that was James unamato and that in the investigation now with Caitlyn he remains the number one suspect okay so again going back to the original investigation it would not be appropriate for me just to to talk about that in terms of Caitlyn's review of the of my investigation and the team's investigation um it is for her to remain objective and to keep that open mind uh in terms of who she suspects can I suggest that the reason that both yourself and Caitlin are being so careful is that James and Amado is still the number one suspect and you don't want to jeopardize any potential future case yeah I can't even go there I appreciate you asking the question but I just can't even I can't even respond to that it's just not appropriate that I do so and what of James unamado Maria's family tell us that he has a new girlfriend and lives in her house in a nice Street and if there's anything on his conscience it doesn't show James Hitchcock how are you I know you were acquitted of that trial and you're entitled to a presumption of innocence but I want to ask you about the confession that you made I never met any confession to anyone Andrea King you never made a confession to Andrea King are you saying that she's lying excuse me sir don't touch him please don't touch him you're saying that Andrea King is lying about that confession with my dogs [Music] just want to talk to you sir just for a moment James has a few things I want to run past you I'd really like to give you the right of reply so there's James of course we need to give him the right of reply but he doesn't want to talk to us today he doesn't want to talk about the threats that he allegedly made and a thousand other questions I have for him that are not going to be answered today Justice can't come soon enough for Maria's family and friends two decades on and they are still praying that one day her killer will finally be caught [Music] when you go surfing is it to reflect or is it to forget oh look it's too debrief and um nature was a really important ingredient in mum's life and it reflected in ours that hold on to the things that are dear and nature was a really really important part of our lives so it is it's a real time of reflection and um remembering what what's important in life somebody out there knows something somebody out there hasn't told us the whole truth there is no crime that sacred crime somebody always tells somebody and somebody knows and hopefully almost 20 years down the track somebody's now in a position to come forward and tell us something that happened before [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 276,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6327639379112, australia, crime, fb, msn, yt
Id: H9lQwVgHkAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 0sec (3240 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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