The animated rodent agenda of 2006/2007

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this video is sponsored by Squarespace hello everybody Welcome to Mike's mic my name is Mike and today I will be discussing the market employed by big rodent that was releasing four animated rodent movies in an 18 month period from May 2006 to December 2007. specifically I will be covering Over the Hedge Flushed Away Ratatouille and Alvin and the Chipmunks I originally intended to also cover G-Force from 2009 and the nut job from 2014 but the realization that four animated rodent movies came out in an 18-month period shook me to my core so badly that I knew I had to focus on there I still went ahead and watched GeForce and that movie was insane it was insane so I've decided that I will be covering GeForce at the end of this video like a little Encore a little treat excuse the setup like if I'm being real it's kind of giving like Lion witch and wardrobe now I would consider this 0607 release schedule to be a phenomenon and the definition of a phenomenon is a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen especially one whose causal explanation is in question and I am truly questioning the causal explanation of this if you look at all the animated movies released in 2006 and 2007 the proportion of rodent to non-rodent movies is kind of crazy was there like a rumor that Disney Pixar was going to release an animated rodent movie in 2007 so DreamWorks was like right people let's get to work let's turn out two animated rodent movies in 2006. everyone's always talking about big tobacco this big tobacco that Sydney this and Sydney that Sydney Sydney Sydney but did anyone think to keep an eye on what big rodent was doing no and when the humans are away the rats will play as in they will press play on one of the four animated rodent movies released an 18-month period between May 2006 and December 2007. rat stocks reached a new high in 2007 because of this it's also especially sick and twisted that neither 2006 or 2007 were the year of the Rat 2008 was there's a suspicious lack of animated rodent movies from 2008. it seems like the only one released in 2008 the year of the Rat is The Tale of Despereaux and I don't like the look of him so I didn't watch it before you get all mad yes a squirrel is a rodent so shut up but I hinted that I was doing this video concept the girls were like where's Stuart Little I don't know and I don't care where Stuart Little is I will not be talking about Stuart Little I actually hates your little guys like he genuinely pisses me off I don't know what happened when I watched it when I was four but I was like still little you are no friend of mine now the four movies that I'm going to be talking about they were not created equal oh no absolutely not so today I'm going to be doing something that needs to be done I'm going to go through and discuss each and give them all a score so that we can rank the 0607 rodent agenda and get closure in terms of standardizing my scoring for each of these movies I've considered the following in my reviews plot animation cast jokes soundtrack Instagram poll score the poster the FF score and finally societal implications the Instagram poll score is that I posted each movie on my story and I asked the girls to give a score one through ten and some of the responses would truly eye-opening the FF score is the Fast and Furious score which considers how big of a role family family family plays in the plot of said rodent movie and if it's executed well or pisses me off I actually thought iron a marketing Ploy by big family because all of these movies have subplots about the importance of family but then I realized oh like these are kids movies and I get it they gotta make the audience relate to the movie in some way and they're like hey kids family right we all have families yeah you know what I'm talking about right exactly okay let's start with Over the Hedge which was released first on May 19 2006. this movie is fun it's called Over the Hedge and there's a hedge and they go over it what more could you want here's my SparkNotes version of the plot raccoon RJ tries to steal a bunch of food from this scary hibernating bear who wakes up and RJ accidentally destroys the stash the Bears like get me my food back or I will literally eat you and do it in a weak flop there's a family of woodland animals waking up from hibernation and they're like what the [ __ ] is this thing that's cut our forest in half enter stage left Miss hedge they're stressing because they have to start stockpiling food for the next winter and now their harvestable area of the forest is suddenly a lot smaller thanks to miss hedge RJ overhears that they're foragers and he's like wait a minute hold Dawn I could use them to collect all the food I need to pay my debt hello easily manipulated Woodland creatures let's go over the hedge the other side of the Hedge is a Crusty Housing Development with a bunch of crusty ugly humans including Gladys Sharp who's the head of the neighborhood homeowners association she catches wind of these animals running around stealing food and commissions this exterminator guy to get rid of them meanwhile RJ whose name RJ I've convinced myself stands for raccoon Jones he's convinced the Woodland family that they need all this human food even though he's plotting on running away with it all the leader of the Woodland family a turtle named Vern is like I don't like you I don't trust you get out me swamp but the rest of the family turn on him and are sold by RJ's tactics what is that the crescendo of the movie is the gang trying to break into gladys's house before a party to steal all the food and they have to sneak past all the extermination death traps including an illegal setup called The Deep helter turbo as well as having to get past gladys's Persian cat tiger so the mission is a success and they get in and almost get away with all the food but raccoon Jones accidentally Reveals His True plan to steal the food and give it all to the bear just as Gladys catches them red-handed RJ escapes but the rest get captured and caged by the Exterminator RJ takes the food to the bear but then sees the exterminated truck and decides to use the food to crash into the truck and try to save all his new friends there's a car chase and fight scenes involving the bear the Exterminator and Gladys who end up getting [ __ ] up by the Deep helter turbo like it's bad for them look at this [ __ ] there's an excellent squirrel energy drink super speed slo-mo scene [Music] the slymo super speed squirrel scene rocked my world in 2006 Gladys ends up being arrested for possessing the Deep helter turbo and RJ apologizes to the Woodland Squad and they all live happily ever after it's a bit gorgeous it's a bit cute I also think this movie is pretty witty and it has some good jokes like tihi American consumerism bring the food take the food ship the food they drive the food SUVs with a capacity of one humans ride around on it because they are slowly losing their ability to walk how many humans fit in there usually one Dr Phil references I don't think that guy's a real doctor there were a few times where I was like what is going on why do you have a flip phone with footage of the house cat using its collar to get into the house like in the interest of realism where did that come from that being said I feel like this movie is definitely aged well in terms of jokes and references the soundtrack has original songs from Ben Folds that match the jokes like Tiki American consumerism [Music] the animation is fun but I wasn't screaming and collapsing like I will be for Ratatouille the poster here has them literally going over the hedge so let's celebrate that I would say the Fast and Furious family score is high here family RJ doesn't have a family and then he portrays his new family to serve himself but then he realizes the importance of family family family family I like the voice cast I didn't think wow that's not what I thought a turtle would sound like it's all believable in that sense like yes Bruce Willis is a raccoon that's so true it's worth noting that Avril Lavigne voices a possum which gifted us this moment in time we also have Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara as porcupine parents which is kind of crazy because they end up being a married couple in shit's creek the Instagram poll results for Over the Hedge were very positive lots of sevens eights nines tens I do think the tens are kind of crazy like you could back up a little bit all things considered I think my score for Over the Hedge is 7.1 out of 10. this is a pretty crazy implication at the end when the squirrel hammy runs in to the camera I found my nuts does this mean that the camera was there the whole time and they were aware of it and thus unbothered by it does that mean that they were actors was it all a set what's going on you guys I'm scared next up is Flushed Away which was released in December 2006. this movie is so bright like it's literally bruh like it's bruh based on the Instagram responses a lot of you think that flushed away is that girl but I'm not convinced that flushed away is that girl we have another excellent title flushed away like yes he does get Flushed Away multiple times apparently this was originally a rodent sewer love story called ratropolis and I kind of love that rat troubles like I would live in Rat tropolis I do live in rant tropolis now let's quickly discuss the CGI elephant in the room unfortunately I'm not obsessed with the animation in this movie I don't like it it's made by the same people who made chicken run and Wallace and grommet which have excellent stop-motion using plasticine but water damages plasticines they couldn't do this sewer movie like they made those ones so this one's all CGI they still have the same kind of characters on lions like chicken run and Wallace and Gromit which I think was a bad idea because my brain kept wanting the rats to be plasticine but they're not they're just not now this Ruddy Saint James rat is apparently based off Maddie Healy question mark question mark apparently his mum is Denise Welch which first of all did not know that Denise Welch's Godfather is one of the guys that wrote flushed away and young teenager Maddie Healy is the inspiration for already St James like what I was kind of screaming at this was he just like yeah my goddaughter her son is kind of rat like so let's space this character off him so Ruddy is a pet rat to a rich family and he's living lavish to quote Iggy it's Acres without the neighbors a sore rat named said breaks in by a sink and it's like wait this setup is insane I'm not gonna leave and he's pulled up the fifth World Cup on the TV and it's just great Ruddy tries to flush Intruder Sid down the toilet but instead Sid flushes him and he ends up in Rat tropolis yes rat tropolis is fun but also pisses me off why are there electric screens a LA Times Square where is the realism at least in Over the Hedge all the technology existed in the human realm so it makes sense that it exists in the first place anyway ready wants to get back to Kensington which is where he lives and apparently scavenger named Rita Malone is the rat for the job but uh-oh drama Rita has stolen a Priceless Ruby Jewel from Crime Boss the toad and read it and ready get snapped and have to escape the Toad's lair in the process stealing back the Jewel and also snatching an electric Master cable that's used to open metropolis's sewer floodgates the big villain the toad is so so so so so Random he's got a room of like Royals memorabilia ready works out that the Priceless Ruby Jewel is actually fake and smashes it to prove his point and read is like oh you were so wrote is like babes get me back to Kensington I'll give you one of my owners real Jewels yeah on their Journey they go to read his family's house and Rudy's like wait uh you're all dirty and poor but maybe having a family would be nice now the toad wants his electric Master cable back so he sends his French Hitman cousin Le frog and his assassins after Roddy and Rita you might be asking why does the toad want the master cable he has a diabolical plan during half time of the World Cup final when everyone gets up to go to the toilet he's going to open the floodgates and kill all the rats and repopulate the sewers with his tadpoles you might have a follow-up question why does he want to kill all the rats turns out he was Prince Charles's pet frog who was suddenly replaced by a pet rat and capital F flushed down the toilet so he's actively anti-rat and wants them all gone by any means necessary Roddy and Rita evade Le frog and make it to his Kensington Kaza where Roddy gives rid of the Jewel and she works out that he's a lonely pet rat she tries to invite him to come back with her and stay with her family but he doesn't want to admit that he's lonely so he's like I don't need you I don't need y'all anyway that's two Iggy Azalea references so Rita leaves and gets kidnapped and the toad takes the master cable and plan kill all the rats is a go Roddy's watching the world cup with Sid and realizes what's about to happen so he asks Sid to take over his Rich rat lifestyle and also asks Sid to flush him so he can go save all the rats which he does by freezing the World Cup shark water with liquid nitrogen and he ends up living down in the seouls with Rita happily ever after Okay so this plot is ridiculous and I have to recognize that in a positive lens like yes it is original and it is fun like what do you mean as a pissed off X world card that wants to kill all the rats via World Cup shot water that is just excellent the concept is solid but unfortunately I was not gagged by the execution the jokes in this movie kind of had me like oh they make a Finding Nemo joke and there's a drawing of Squidward on reader's dad's cast and what looks like a Lego head on the enemy boat like hello do you have the rights to be doing that there's one scene where an albino henchman rat voiced by Bill Nye is talking about eating something spicy and says I've got a bum like a Japanese flag what in there there's this running joke where Roddy tries to say that he's an innocent bystander some and everyone thinks that he's saying his name is Millicent bystander I believe he said his name was Millicent bystander and it goes for the whole movie it's so stupid but it's funny to me hooray the cast on this movie is insane Hugh Jackman Kate Winslet in McAllen Bill Nye I really truly did not know that Hugh Jackman voiced Manny Healey rat and I was like whoa I will say that even though Kate Winslet voices Rita to me she's still kind of Emily Blunt coded now this poster I am unfortunately enraged by the font it's giving impact did you not have a font license to get something a little bit more fun a bit silly like guys let's get silly this post is kind of fun like something's going down he's about to get flushed perhaps in an away Direction the soundtrack old people music Sorry The Fast and Furious family score is high in this one family like he leaves his Maddie Healy Rat Life to go live with ratty Rita and her 10 000 siblings like family family family family so to summarize super fun concept fun jokes insane implications annoying animation slightly disappointing execution bad font choice and old people music 6.4 out of 10. next up is Ratatouille now guys let's be so [ __ ] serious right now Ratatouille is an amazing movie it's no secret that I love this movie I've talked about it a bunch of times on my channel and because I've spoken about it so much I'm not going to go too much into the plot but I'll read the synopsis from letterbox on which I've given it five stars a rat named Remy dreams of becoming a great French chef despite his family's wishes and the obvious problem of being a rat in a decidedly rodent phobic profession when fate places Remy in the sewers of Paris he finds himself ideally situated beneath a restaurant made famous by his culinary hero Auguste Gusto despite the apparent dangers of being an unlikely and certainly unwanted visiting the kitchen of a fine French restaurant Remy's passion for cooking soon set into motion a hilarious and exciting Rat Race that turns The Culinary world of Paris upside down it's just so I love the voice work it's not famous people for the sake of having famous people I love the soundtrack hey Michael giaccino best friend how you going this soundtrack is my 52nd most streamed album of all time this is very serious I don't know if you guys are understanding that the Fast and Furious family score is high but Remy doesn't sacrifice his dreams for his family and he manages to Hannah Montana Ari Best of Both Worlds so we love that the poster iconic show-stopping spectacular are you kidding me kinda unsure if this is the poster or if this one was this one's also good but also kind of compared to the knife one I would give this movie a 10 out of 10. I would do it but I can't because I have to deduct 0.4 purely because of the accents I don't get it Remy and his family live in France but they have American accents if anything they're kind of giving Italian-American accents like they're kind of serving NYC Rad but then everyone else speaks English with a French accent except for linguine who has an American accent why the reason is probably so the predominantly American audience would be like I love the American rat and I left the American protagonist like I see you and I hear you but yeah the non-french rat thing bothers me also the fact that Remy surfaces in Paris and he didn't know that he was living under Paris babe what so 0.4 Point deduction 9.6 out of 10. if you haven't seen Ratatouille get over yourself and go add value to society by going and watching it the last movie in our 0607 animated rodent quartet is Alvin and the Chipmunks don't piss me off three out of ten and I'm being generous CGI Alvin pisses me off the little outfits piss me off the implication that they're running around half clothed not even half that matters they're just running around splashing the entire world this poster pisses me off Alvin's little [ __ ] attitude pisses me off why have you got such a little [ __ ] attitude like what is your problem the plot pisses me off it's just rehashed kids movie blah blah give me money yum cash cash box office however the songs excellent 10 out of 10. great job team Chipmunks singing Bad Day Witch Doctor funky town let's celebrate that the only way that the soundtrack would get better is by adding The Chipettes which is what happens in The Squeakquel and in Shipwrecked the squeak wall being called the squeak wall don't piss me off I kind of think that the Chipettes are one of the seven wonders of the modern world just remember they run around with their juices out also this being the OG Chipmunks voice cast is insane like what everyone on Instagram seemed to agree with the 3 out of ten score so that's that would you believe that I've actually made a full video on the Chipmunks movies so feel free to go ahead and watch that in that video I do focus on the best slash most diabolical one which is Shipwrecked so our order from worst to best is Alvin and the Chipmunks 3 out of ten Flushed Away 6.4 out of 10. Over the Hedge 7.1 out of 10 Ratatouille 9.6 out of 10. I think that scoring is fair and real now let's get into our Encore for this video our secret song If you will G-Force from 2009 it must be spoken about this movie is insane the first 10-ish minutes of the movie are so promising like they're a squad of genetically modified FBI trained guinea pigs infiltrating Appliance CEO Bill nye's house to get some super top secret information off his computer like come on Heist pink misunderstood 2001 let's get the party started also the fact that this is the second anime write a movie to have Bill Nye in it so on the computer the g-force said this file that implies Bill Nye wants to activate an evil chip inside all his appliances to kill everyone on the planet so G4 is still the file to show the FBI boss like come on now that is excellent but then the plot goes to [ __ ] because the New FBI boss finds out that this department has been training rodents as agents and he's not that impressed he's like oh my God they can talk that's crazy anyway you're fired I don't like that so then the g-force have to escape and end up at nisi Nash's Pet Shop blah blah blah they need to escape blah blah blah there's psychotic Steve Buscemi hamster that tries to murder them blah blah blah blah blah they need to secretly get the band back together so they can stop Anna wintour's boyfriend Bill Nye from literal g-e-n-o-c-i-d-e but then the plot twist is crazy because it turns out the real Mastermind behind everything is Bill nye's business partner again Shu who turns out to be someone on their G-Force I can't believe them all was the mole yes the Caleb Rivers hacker all is the bad guy he wants to create these giant Transformer not Transformers to drive humans underground so they know what it feels like to be exterminated he kind of spilled a little bit just a little bit he ate that one thing literally insane plot twist though I feel like they used a random plot generator the animation slash CGI however I was taken aback several G's of force I was like it's so good like what the hell this looks excellent I would genuinely give the CGI in GeForce a 9.5 out of 10 like how does this look better than the last five Marvel movies that have come out the cast of this movie is stacked and for what Nicolas Cage Penelope Cruz Sam Rockwell Zach Galifianakis you might think that I would give points for big names alone but no I respect the voiceover craft the only character that I was like yes was Penelope Cruz I feel like they didn't need everyone else to be such big names other than to sell tickets which is usually the case with voiceovers but this time it felt especially egregious I couldn't even tell that Nicholas Cage was in it because he had this voice changer thing happening and not in a chipmunk 10 million unit sold first week billboard 200 number one album voice changer kind of way and that pissed me off jokes wise I wasn't laughing half the conversations seemed to be about who gets to date the Penelope Cruz hamster and it's so jobless and unfunny and when the random pet shop guinea pig Hurley turns out I was like oh you're so unfunny I hope you don't end up being a main character oh when he fake dies at the end of the movie I was like would it have been so bad if it was real and then the soundtrack is so bizarre they have some bangers in there like just dance but it feels like they had the budget for three hit songs they just used the same three songs throughout the whole movie and there's like random boom boom power every second scene it's just whiplashable great weapons that were used unwisely the poster of G-Force is kind of slow but also so Random like why are you in the desert and why is that [ __ ] us guinea pig Hurley on the poster it's dark-sided and evil just a whack movie okay when Penelope Cruz guinea pig was posted on Facebook I was like oh this is going to be a 9 out of ten but then they fumbled the bag so severely and it got so clown and so annoying and also annoys me how good the animation is you know what I'm gonna downgrade from three to 2.5 out of 10. it's just outrageous wow what a roller coaster guys at least we have closure we have closure shout out to Big rodent you know it's been 16 17 years since this happened this phenomenon so maybe it's time to do it again thanks for watching and if you disagree with my faultless and 100 correct scores feel free to let me know in the comments leave me a like hit that subscribe button and now give it up for today's 10 out of 10 sponsor Squarespace this video is sponsored by Squarespace Squarespace gives you a powerful online platform from which you can create your own website and make your idea brand or business really stand out Squarespace has a huge library of professional website templates with designs for every category and use case so you'll definitely find the one capital T capital O then you can customize your look update content and add features to fit exactly what you want to do on your site it'll look Gorge and stand 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Channel: Mike's Mic
Views: 416,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mike's mic, mikesmic, commentary, over the hedge, flushed away, ratatouille, alvin and the chipmunks
Id: Xbj-U2RJ8SE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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