The Animal Kingdom Musical Stories I Three Little Pigs I Lion and Mouse I Big Bad Wolf I The Teolets

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[Music] hey there you're watching the lion and the mouse [Music] the king of the jungle the lion one sat under a tree to dine [Music] the scurrying and scampering mouse came to play out of his house under the tree around the bush he started to sniff and browse [Music] he sang tom tatum he danced he got so lost and just forgot to see what was in front of him [Music] he thought the mayan was made of stone and even though he was alone he started jumping on the line and didn't even notice his groans [Music] the mouse began to weep [Music] he said almighty lion i know the fault is mine but if you let me go i just want you to know that i will help you back in time the lion laughed really loud and said little boy you should be proud with her body so small but acclaim so tell your courage is high as a cloud [Music] i have a very big doubt of what you are talking about i'll let you live i'll let you go ahead little monster get out [Music] the mouse ran fast from there he fell twice but he did not care the lion saw him run and thought it was fun that he gave the mouse a good scare [Music] the line was once roaming around not a single prey he found he just saw a rabbit and as per his habit he sneaked without making a sound [Music] but oh my god what a shock as soon as he stepped on a rock he got stuck in a net and he could knock it out and tick-tock went the clock [Music] he got scared and started to cry i thought he was going to die but then to his surprise he couldn't believe his eyes the mouse came jumping by [Music] he said hi king don't be scared because of the hunter you've been snared do not have a doubt i will get you out because once my life you had spared [Music] he started nimbling on the net the lion was covered in sweat with razor sharp teeth the net beneath was cut and they ran like a jet the lion said my dear friend i thought that it was the end but you came along with your teeth so strong and prove that on you i can depend so friends the lesson for you all just because someone is small don't disrespect and remember the fact he may one day save us from a fall hey there you're watching the hair and the tortoise [Music] the story of the hair and the tortoise they were an unusual pair while the hair was sleeping the tortoise was creeping but still they made a good pair [Music] once two friends planned to race once two friends planned to race the hare and the tortoise planned to race and everyone came to watch their race [Music] the hair asked the tortoise to run the hair asked the tortoise to run the brave toward us agreed for the race and soon they entered the race [Applause] [Music] all the animals came to see them run with a whistle the race begun the tortoise seemed happy steady and slow with a smile he went with the flow [Music] [Applause] [Music] speedy hair really love to run but the tortoise did not run the tortoise was very very very slow and far far he had to go the hair thought the tortoise would be creeping so he found a place for sleeping down the road and around the green green tree who will win let us see [Music] the tortoise goes at a steady pace very slow but still in the gaze slow and steady he kept on going finally he came first in the race [Music] give the steady tortoise a great cheer hit pit hooray and never fear the hair wakes up late just too late and the gritty tortoise has won the race [Music] hey there you're watching the three little pigs [Music] stop this is my story i am the big bad wolf hey hey stop that stop pushing me out [Music] three little pigs went out one day over the hills and far away they wanted to build their houses that day first lazy pig built a house made of hay the other pigs thought it would surely fall but the first pig didn't care at all he didn't want to work all day he wanted to dance and play three little pigs went out one day over the hills and far away second piggy made a house of sticks but it wasn't as strong as bricks the third pig thought it would surely fall but the second piggy didn't care at all he didn't want to work all day he wanted to sing and play [Music] three little pigs one out one day over the hills and far away the third piggy made a house of bricks as they were stronger than sticks came a wolf who was big really big and really bad he was really hungry and mad he was really very mad three little pigs saw the wolf saw the wolf and ran away they got scared and ran inside slammed their doors and hid away the first day he got a knock on his door a big bad wolf knocked at his door the wolf said little piggy won't you let me in open the door and let me in not by the hair on my chin chin chin said little piggy i won't let you in the wolf said i will hug and pop and i'll blow your house the first piggy ran to the house of sticks as the wolf was up to his tricks the wolf said little pigs won't you let me in open the door and let me in not by the hair on our chinny chin chin big bad wolf we won't let you in the wolf said i will huff and puff and i'll blow your house in both plate race to the house of bricks as they were scared of the wolves tricks the big fat hungry wolf came around but they were safe and sound the wolf said little pigs won't you let me in open the door and let me in not by the hair on our chinny chin chin said the little pigs we won't let you in [Music] and he tried all his tricks but he could not blow down the third house that was made of bricks [Music] three little pigs ran out that day as they were free to laugh and play [Music] one [Music] little red riding hood walking around in the woods she came upon the big bad wolf while walking in the woods [Music] they both talked for a while while she was walking with a pie little red riding hood walking alone in the woods [Music] little red riding hood i don't think that little girl should go walking in the spooky wookie woods say the hungry big [Music] i am going to see my grandma she lives at the edge of the woods and i will go as fast as i could said little red riding hood [Music] little red riding hood put herself in a great danger as it was but to talk to a hairy scary stranger [Music] little red riding hood stop to big flowers in the woods that will run over the mossy ground to a short good he had found [Music] the big bad wolf knocks at the door oh grandma opens the door he quickly mounts on her and gobbled her up as a whole [Music] the big bad wolf got into bed and put grandma's cap on his head cut under the covers of grandma's bed and wait for a little red [Music] little red riding hood rich grandma's house in the woods but to her big surprise the wolf was stressed in a disguise little red riding hood shouts for help in the woods a woodcutter walking through the woods here's a cry of red riding hood [Music] a woodcutter comes to help her and next down the sleeping wolf the wolf opened his mouth to shout all grandma from his mouth jumped out [Music] the big bad wolf run away run away to the big spooky woods little red riding hood runs out to play in the woods little red riding hood sit back wood cutter in the woods and learn not to talk to any stranger as it might put her in danger [Music] [Music] hey there you're watching the wolf in sheep's clothing [Music] so [Music] there was a big bad wolf he went out to play some golf he got tired and he played he laid down to rest under a shade his tummy rumbled as he lay he needed some food that very day across the meadow he saw some sheep smacking his lips he leaped [Music] [Music] the sheep were guarded by the little boy this trusty dog ran barking with joy the wolf couldn't get close to the flop he became a laughingstock [Music] [Music] the huh brought of a great plan he wanted to roast some lamb in his hand he found a sheepskin on the ground he wanted with the skin himself he crashed slowly into the flock of sheep no one knew that his local skin deep he let a lamb out of the group and cussed it into a yummy soup [Music] this became a daily thing for him to get his tummy full to the brim the bad kids never go unpunished evil doers are always demolished [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] one day he was taken to the pen with the other sheep he was kept on a chain the farmer came out who took a beast needed a big fat sheep at least he caught the wolf in sheep's clothing hooked into perfection with everything and that was the end of the big bad wolf maybe he should have just played golf [Music] the moral of the story is descriptive appearances can be deceptive whoever evil thoughts will end always in a bad way my friend yes yes [Music] hey there you're watching the fox and the sour grapes [Music] was very very hungry everything around him looked so blurry i can eat anything i can find even if the food isn't for my kind [Music] wand would do before so green he came to a vendor feeling so keen it would be nice to find some grapes juicy and yummy in round oval shapes the santa sweet grapes flew to his nose he sniffed excited standing on his toes he looked at the grapevine and he drooled kelly fruits his bite otherwise schooled [Music] shall i try one he thought aloud he had found food he felt so proud he jumped towards the juicy grapes but too high up they hung like grapes he couldn't reach them [Music] [Music] the fox looked at the grapes for a very long time wondering how to get them during daytime he suddenly got up and he said to himself why take so much trouble on myself those grapes are maybe just too sour i shouldn't waste any energy in the sour i don't like big back grapes anyway i should probably go and chew up some hay [Music] i wasted my time on these sour grapes making excuses he walked by some apes his toddy started to moan and growl he gave up on the grapes and he made a scowl he thought of the place that she couldn't reach but a lesson mary's in his story don't give up so easily on your dreams success comes with hard work so it seems [Music] hey there you're watching goldilocks and the three bears [Music] me [Music] hmm [Music] there was once a very pretty little girl she went into the woods for a morning troll she had a sweet face and long golden hair she went out to get some fresh air goldilocks was her name to be fair [Music] she skipped about and she tuned the whistle picking flowers and berries she felt a tickle a lovely day she enjoyed in the sun she smiled about if she was having fun goldilocks my dear was on a run [Music] the rain started pouring down suddenly the sky was filled with thunder and lightning she searched for a place where she could take cover and soon the cottage she was to discover goldilocks took care of what you may uncover [Music] that's when she saw it hiding in the snow a safe place she thought that she could go a bright red cottage behind the cedar nearby there she could go to keep herself dry goldilocks my love now don't you cry [Music] she knocked and crawled out is anyone at home but the cottage was empty and she was quite alone she saw three chairs near the fire on a rug march medium small they looked so snug goldilocks now don't you look so smug she sat in the large tearing without a thought she declared it was too hard it wasn't her spot but the medium chair was too soft like fur the small one was just right for her goldilocks stop being such a bother she shrouded out this chair is just right the child who sits [Music] it shattered into pieces making a big creek goldilocks right here now don't you [Music] this adventure had made her really really hungry she saw three bowls of porridge on the table complete with three spoons and a chunk of bagel goldilocks somewhere that's stable she tasted the bowls of porridge feeling so bold the large was too hot and the medium too cold she tried the small bowl and it was just right she ate the whole thing to the last fight goldilocks my goodness you look a [Music] her sight was done she felt quite tired a warm place to sleep is what she desired she saw the cozy beds large medium and small to take a nap she dived in rolled up like a ball goldilocks must you want it all she climbed in the big bed medium bed was too soft and not at all comfy but the little bed to her felt just right she closed her eyes and whispered at night goldilocks [Music] [Applause] they belong to a family of the three brown bears the bears came home and to their distance their home was topsy-turvy in a bad way goldilocks this is no more a child's play [Music] [Music] and tasted my porridge and slept in my bed my porridge in bed been touched mommy's all red oh delox my dear it's time you fled oh but for a little baby bear the worst was done his chair was broken and his porridge was gone he cried his heart out this just ain't fair he checked his bed and someone was still there goldilocks my love you are in for us air oh [Music] [Music] she felt that she could sleep there all night goldilocks wake up or be ready for a fright [Music] she slowly opened her eyes and saw three brown bears with sharp teeth and big claws she screamed and jumped off the bed to the floor she dashed past the bears and ran out the front door goldilocks run i can hear the bears roar [Music] daddy bear growls he learned her lesson she won't be touching things without permission the moral though that fits not your ball that orange chair please don't meddle it they belong to a bear goldilocks my dear you should really take care oh [Music] hey there you're watching the gingerbread man [Music] once there was a little old woman one day she baked a gingerbread man as soon as he was locked up in the oven he jumped out of the pan and ran run run run as fast as you can you can't catch me on the gingerbread man run run run as fast as you can you can't catch me i'm the gingerbread man [Music] gingerbread man he did not want to eat his brand he joined the chase [Music] i'm the gingerbread man [Music] [Music] she um fill milk in her can she joined my chasing off she ran run run run as fast as you can you can't touch me [Music] then he passed a horse in the barn he wanted to eat the gingerbread you can't catch me on the gingerbread man man [Music] [Music] the gingerbread man reached the river by the dam how about he crossed over he had to plan a sly fought came posing as a fisherman he popped him on his tail and off he swam swim swing you can't catch me i'm the gingerbread man swim swim swim as fast as you can you can't touch me i'm the gingerbread man [Music] [Music] there is no way you can [Music] gingerbread man the fox flipped him into the air like the fan swallowed him in one gold like a tasty plan the taste finally ended with this one man and that was the end of the gingerbread [Music] man [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hey there you're watching the country mouse and the city mouse grandma tell us a story hmm all right gather around now gather round sit on the ground i have a story to tell [Music] it's about two little mice who were very nice [Music] in the city lived a city mouse in the country in the city lived two little mice who were very nice yes [Music] yes the country mouse lived in a straw house he liked to eat fruits he liked to eat boots the city mouse lived in a brick house he liked to eat cake he likes to eat steak [Music] [Music] he ran by the wall he breathes past the national mall [Music] the country mouse heard the sounds of the hen house he looked in the sky the [Music] yes [Music] [Music] water um [Music] hmm it was set [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] very nice [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] hey there you're watching the ant and the grasshopper [Music] [Music] beneath the hot summer sun the ants were not having fun they worked so hard storing food in their garden there they stood on guard [Music] while they worked by the card the grasshopper sang to be heard he sang with might his days and nights he thought it was all right [Music] i will sing and i will dance in the summer trance i dance and play under the starry baby and any season one of me [Music] the ants shook their busy heads and asked him to store some bread when the cold winds blow all covered it's flown on a more so you will find to grow [Music] [Laughter] i will sing and i will dance in the summer trance the sun will be there so why should i care this food is going nowhere huh [Music] [Music] the grasshopper was cold his [Music] he oh walked up the ant hill his body was weak from the chill feeling miserable and poor he knocked at the door and fell down on the cold floor [Music] he felt sorry for his actions but didn't expect such a reaction the ants welcomed him home getting shelter in their dome he ate a lot by the warm flame [Music] i have learned my lesson i will work hard in this new session i take this power comes first anyhow hard work before play no matter how [Music] and then next summer season all the insects united with a reason they stored so much food to make their life good their days were filled with platitude [Music] please click to subscribe and don't forget to hit the bell icon to get updates on our new videos
Channel: The Teolets Official Channel
Views: 2,934,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Educational videos for Pre-schoolers, Educational videos for children, Educational videos for Juniors, Educational videos for toddlers, Learning videos for toddlers, Educational videos for Nursery, Educational videos for Kindergarten, Preschool Education Content, Kids Education
Id: Lke9UtTPx7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 44sec (2624 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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