The Animal Crossing Iceberg: Part I

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I hope you find it to be entertaining background noise throughout your day! :)

For reference, here is the link to the iceberg chart that I drew from:\_crossing\_iceberg\_feel\_free\_to\_ask\_me\_to/

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CleanCasualOfficial 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
howdy this is actually part one of the animal crossing iceberg with part two coming out next time of course this is brought to you by clean casual animal crossing a long beloved franchise that saw an astronomical leap in popularity with switch debut animal crossing new horizons during the worldwide quarantine of 2020 with the game selling 11.7 million units within its first quarter new and veteran players alike enjoy the series for its often whimsical nature vast and varied catalog of villagers and the slice of life playstyle but every great series comes with its fair share of mysteries clues and easter eggs this iceberg is drawn from usernames for username on reddit some items have been combined for continuity and some additional points have been added level one the sky one bells are seeds bells have been the predominant currency throughout the animal crossing series however what if bells are not true gold or coins but seeds this is perhaps best exemplified by burying bells in order to grow a money tree could the bells or coins be the seeds and the bell bag or sack be the seed pod or something akin to a piece of corn's husk substitute bells for seeds and it makes sense that bells are a rarer more uniquely colored seed that functions as a de facto currency in the animal crossing world similar to how bottle caps are utilized in the fallout universe etc take the water caltrip seed which looks like a demonic s cattle head and horns or the snapdragon seed pods that look like mummified skulls screaming into the abyss all that to say it is not wholly unprecedented for a seed to take on unique dimensions or colors nor is it impossible that a plant and its seeds could be bioengineered nature that finds a way two mean villagers most notable in the older animal crossing games are the mean villagers that outright insult or otherwise make disparaging comments towards you some choice examples taken from the original animal crossing on gamecube from velma i always thought you were some freak mental case because you run around all the time from snake what is it what are you dense or something i just want you to go away in a cage from butch why you little sniveling it's toby you wretch you utter waste you fat bloated idiot harsh from ursula you filthy ogre i hope you get stung by a thousand bees you get the point why are they so brazenly rude to your character is it because as a new member of the community they don't like you or wish for you to leave as the only human do they have an underlying prejudice against you or as i will expand upon later they are exhibiting the imperfect personality or acting rule ascribed to them by an outside force 3 kk swing kk music it is noted that kk slider's physical appearance on the album cover is a direct reference to the american trombonist and swing artist glenn miller this is far from an isolated incident for kk slider's music and covers many of his works feature obvious references to real world musicians and albums these parodies could suggest a few scenarios such as them being purely parodies or otherwise inspired by these artists which links the animal crossing world to hours or kk slider is given instructed or otherwise programmed to cover these songs to those that reside in the animal crossing world four bad luck good luck as well as bad luck are game mechanics utilized in animal crossing bad luck in the game is known to entail the following in terms of your wealth it can impact the money rock dropping less bells the amount of bells received in villager transactions decreases trees shaken or less likely to drop bells and may drop less than 100 bells for your friendship it may become harder to increase friendship with villagers the same sex for romance it will become harder to increase friendship with villagers of the opposite sex items themselves fewer seashells appear on the beach less likely to receive sahara exclusive wallpaper and carpets less likely to receive new items from various random luck based giveaways villagers selling items is less likely sitting on a chair will occasionally make a sound and as far as your health bee movement is much faster and harder to avoid jellyfish appear more and occasionally the player will trip what causes such unfortunate happenings three things your clothing choices the feng shui of your home and a fixed game variable that's correct choose the wrong outfit arrange the furniture and colors of your home in a way that conflicts with feng shui teachings as well as forces you cannot control and the environment the people and the world around you are stacked against you what if players are given this bad luck scoring which is subconsciously detectable by the world around them resulting in unconscious and involuntary retaliation if you will in addition to impacting the player in question's mental state and faculties making it harder for them to notice dangers items in their environment or even their fine motor capabilities 5 magical leaves an animal crossing picking up giant structures such as a godzilla statue or a power line is viable as the item transforms into what can only be described as a magical leaf that can be easily carried in one's inventory tom nook and the nicklings buy and sell these items that you were introduced to the japanese tanuki the creature that tom nook and the nooklings are based off of is regarded as a magical creature with certain characteristics and properties the tanooki can quote possess humans shape-shift and transform certain things such as turning pebbles into gold or feces into food and leaves are noted as being the source of its power going back to bell's being seeds could tom nook a tanooki transform seeds into what looked like gold coins the magical tanooki leaf is what items transform into as a main icon and motif for the game and various furniture pieces hand is a pattern on the nook's clothing with a magical leaf obviously represented in game have we experienced but been unable to notice their shape-shifting abilities 6. champ is porter's brother champ is a jock monkey villager many presume he is the brother of porter the similar looking monkey that runs the train station in various iterations of the games beyond their shared looks champ also has some links to porter and his occupation champ's catchphrase is choo choo the common onomatopia sound used for trains he has a model train in a city folk house as well as wallpaper flooring and an alarm clock similar to the basic train station's clock another theory suggests that champ is porter as neither are seen at the same time or in the same game champ has appeared in wild world and city folk and porter was in the n64 and gamecube animal crossing games and spin-offs if so why the name change or is porter a last name that is used while at work interesting but ultimately debunked later as both characters birthdays were revealed champs being june 4th and porters being april 17th as evidenced by the able sisters family seems to be pretty important in the animal crossing world and if the pair are related why hasn't a connection been mentioned level two the tip 7. overworked isabelle isabel the lovable yellow dog in the animal crossing series is routinely overworked and stressed a new leaf with a player character as the mayor she keeps working and keeps the town running in your absence she remarks on her stress even giving physical signs of it the holiday season is no time to slack off either isabel will comment upon decorating the cedar trees with festive lights the more trees you have the more will be progressively put up by isabelle 8. zipper tea bunny is phyllis somewhat sarcastic and unenthused with his job zipper t bunny the host of the yearly bunny day event is commonly thought to be another character phyllis in costume zipper even makes a comment about how this is not a costume but it advises the player not to go snooping when you look at his back he has a very obvious zipper going down it both zipper and phyllis seemingly dislike their jobs zipper stops pretending to be happy in size when the player is far enough away and not looking however in the games where the two occur she is absent during the day which could support this theory but she is present at night perhaps she trades off with her compatriot pelly peli tries to keep the same personality as phyllis so it's not suspicious 9. good soda the good soda is some form of alcoholic beverage gulavar the pirate-themed seagull remarks how he was enjoying the good soda before he tumbled over the prow of his boat and into the sea perhaps that is what is in the pirates barrel he gives you gulavar being hung over would also explain why he is so sleepy mumbles to himself and is passed out on the beach when you finally managed to rouse his grumpy self and perhaps gullivar is the rated r version of gulliver who is a good sailor and far more tame getting drunk gulliver dons the captain's clothes calling himself gulavar before being knocked over the side rated e for everyone 10. pigeon milk brewster is the pigeon in charge of brewster's cafe and in some games your boss in wild world brewster will eventually offer to put pigeon milk in the player's coffee if you visit him regularly and build your relationship with him so what is pigeon milk brewster is male and bird so it suggests something other than milk in the mammalian sense brewster is not just any bird however as he is identified as a pigeon in fact both male and female pigeons have the unique ability to produce milk from an organ located in their throats called a crop that they utilize in feeding their young essentially it is a more fat-filled curd-like substance that resembles milk is it that as you slowly bond with brewster visiting him every day that he slowly becomes more attached to you thinking of you as his own 11. serena serena is the chihuahua fountain goddess found in city folk when a player throws an axe into the fountain she will appear asking the player a series of questions to which they can respond truthfully to or lie about in an attempt to gain her favor she may negatively respond to players lies or she may react positively to the comments depending on her response the player may receive nothing their original axe back or a gold or silver axe serena and the axe events are a clear reference to the story the honest woodman referred to as the honest woodcutter in some variations wherein a woodman that dropped his own axe into a river was rewarded for his honesty when he answered that he had only dropped an ordinary axe and this story fountain goddess or in this case the mermaid rewarded him for his honesty with a gold and silver axe 12. blanca blanca is a white cat without a face that appears on april fool's day she requests and has the player character draw a face for her to wear she also copies other villagers on april fool's day how does blanca eat speaker breathe is the fact that she has no face in april fool's trick or is she something more sinister such as the naparabhi a faceless yokai or ghost or demon in japanese lore while creepy this yokai is not known for being inherently dangerous as they quote copy the appearance of someone's family member and appear with their back turned when someone approaches them thinking they are family they turn around revealing that they have no face they disappear shortly after frightening their victim and pose no real threat time traveling time traveling is not only possible but actively acknowledged by characters in game by changing the date and time and the settings of the device you are using you can effectively go forward and backwards in in game time joan the turnip lady mentions that turnips are sensitive to time paradoxes does that mean with every jump forwards and backwards in time multiple branching realities occur it would seem so if one were to travel back in time after building something new or placing furniture down everything will remain there even if one were going back to before the item was originally placed or came into the person's possession to the other villagers has it always been there level three under the surface 14. recetti center the reset surveillance center is found throughout the animal crossing series but is noticeably absent in wild world and new horizons it is found and entered after certain conditions have been met in game namely resetting one's game sunny rossetti referred to more commonly as mr rossetti and his brother don recetti are the purveyors of the center mr recetti breaks the fourth wall lecturing players for not saving properly before turning off the game or otherwise resetting it as dawn so eloquently puts it maybe calling it the spy anya center isn't the best name to outwardly admit to the pair actively view and spy on the player and presumably the entire village from the center so they know exactly when you do something they disagree with is being watched and warned of the dangers of resetting a proper trade-off for never knowing privacy again 15. what is the source of the balloons an animal crossing new horizons balloons bearing materials furniture or other gifts will periodically fly over the island popping said balloon with open ground space below will allow the player to obtain what was being carried however the island was supposedly deserted and the neighboring islands seen in the dodo airlines tours are similarly barren of infrastructure so where are these balloons coming from someone has to be not only making them and sending them along to your island at regularly timed intervals but wrapping these gifts along with them in a seemingly endless supply what if the balloons change in direction in the morning the balloons come from east to west over the island with the opposite being true in the late afternoon are different people responsible for sending the balloons out trading off as they clock in and out of their shift perhaps as a part of the island getaway package they are utilized as a feature of the island to entice guests and the player after all many seasonal and event diy recipes such as the ones for bunny day can be found in them 16. who was supposed to be the mayor in animal crossing new leaf tortimer was the previous mayor so who was trusted enough to come after him there are two main theories one rover tom nook is debatably a very respected member of the community a long time friend of sable one of the abel sisters and he carries a lot of favor around town rover is shown to be a friend of tom nook noting how tom invited him to the mayday tour in new horizons to create a maze and prize for the player in new leaf the other animals all expected the new mayor to arrive on a train the very same one that rover and the player arrive on perhaps he decided to continue on with the train not getting off and allowing the player to take his place believing them to be fairly capable from their short chat additionally like his name implies to rover is to suggest he likes to roam and explore always on trains or traveling maybe he didn't want to settle down even though he would have had the support from someone like tom nook 2. isabel arguably the most capable for the position isabel is trusted by the previous mayor tortemer and she already knows all of the routines that must be done to keep the town running however she is incredibly shy and appears to be self-conscious brushing off positive feedback too overcome or shy to be the new face and representative taking on a more assertive leadership role was too much for her so she made up a convenient lie that the next new mayor was coming in on the next train and settling for the player character thinking to herself that she will do all the clerical tasks anyway so that the town won't suffer not to mention the fact that if the player denies being the mayor she will comment the player is such a kidder and so on regardless the player happens to become the new mayor of a town and world he or she has never met the lives and happiness of its denizens left up to their whims 17. hypno kk despite seemingly intended to be soothing and be related to sleep in the hypno and its name implies hypno kk seems to start out happy and cheery before morphing into increasingly uncomfortable strains when actually played backwards it sounds far more soothing and more akin to the main theme in its current form the high pitched strains and odd shifts between notes can be unsettling it sounds like it's being played backwards or taken from a science fiction scene where the monster is being slowly revealed a monster perhaps waking from its slumber 18. mysterious letters a mysterious letter is given to the player in animal crossing new leaf claiming that the writer was supposed to be the mayor instead of them addressed to the player it reads congrats on your newfound mayorhood to be honest i was supposed to become the mayor but one thing led to another and now it's all up to you i'm rooting for you keep it a secret obviously they don't seem to have any hard feelings and seem to have voluntarily given the position up as speculated earlier for the new mayor being either rover or isabel 19 villagers that aren't animals other than the human player character all of the other villagers are animals or rather anthropomorphic animals that wear clothes and are bipedal there are however some notable exceptions the robot's ribbot sprocket and dell the food-based villagers coco meringue patricia chatter frida ketchup zucker and tangy and the unique stitches a living plush and hopkins who looks normal from the front but sports what appears to be a blow-up plug on the back of his head inanimate objects and food-based animals all seem to function as capable sentient beings but how is that possible are all the creatures robots that simply have better suits or skins than others while still allowing for unique customization in fact many villagers deviate from known animal fur color patterns such as many of the mammalian characters but why would greens or blues be outright incorrect or troubling on mammalian villagers let's take the tiger rowan whom is the standard orange and black that tigers in the wild are to blend into the grasses and green hues would it not behoove a predator to evolve green fur to better blend in the striped pattern combined with a colorblind prey most commonly hunted by tigers makes it an altogether seemingly moot point it's not that they didn't evolve such colors based on necessity but that they couldn't for example let's take gruff the green goat or any of the other green mammalian animals why is the color green a sticking point in this matter simply put mammalian hair has only two types of pigment one that produces black or brown and one that produces yellow or reddish orange hair even if one were to mix these two pigments one would never be able to attain a true green add in the bright pink blue and fluorescently colored animals and the villagers continue to stray further and further from genetically viable explanations even the normal animals seem to exhibit traits unsustainable or otherwise unobtainable through realistic evolutionary means suggesting genetic tampering but the orchestrator and the purpose of which remains uncertain 20. animal crossing town planner while players had considerable power as mayor and new leaf players have near complete control as the island representative in new horizons players get unrestricted choice in where villager homes are placed and can even create a moat a wall or otherwise block in villagers akin to taking the ladder out of the pool and the sims without all the death of course villagers can be called in in their pajamas because the player wants to change the location of their house while they say they trust the player's choice it seems they don't really have a voice on the subject the happy island designer planner allows player to select their starting island configuration and effectively planned their island from housing structures and topography 21 wanted posters when visiting booker the police bulldog at the police station wanted posters that seemed to depict strange never-before-seen creatures are seen later in the series and new leaf a new poster is seen with a silhouette that seems reminiscent of tom nook the tanuki we know that red the fox is a known swindler and trickster and it is known that red and nook seem to have had a fierce competition in wild world we get a reference to red by tom nook when he confides in the player about his time trying to find success in the big city but unfortunately he lost everything he had when he put everything towards a get rich quick scheme orchestrated by a former friend which is implied to be red in happy home we learned further that it was a fox that abandoned nook and left him destitute in fact in japanese folklore the tanuki and fox are known as enemies the fox is known to have shape-shifting abilities like the tanuki and red like tom sports a unique leaf pattern although his differs visually could red have impersonated tom so that he was implicated in a horrible crime and not him who are these characters and what did they do to be wanted in the animal crossing world 22 boondocks boondocks and by extension boondopolis is the quote uncivilized poor area that lies far north of the town and wild world boondocks is actually an american expression that originally referred to a remote rural area although it is now more commonly associated with an out of the way area considered backward and unsophisticated by city folk this is where the expression out in the boonies meaning and out of the way remote or partially impoverished area comes from as well both of the male pelicans phyllis and pele cry when telling players the plight of boondocks and the player has the option to donate bells to help the struggling bundaxians periodically after donating the player will receive a letter from boondocks thanking them for their donation for example one letter says they got to eat croissants instead of day-old donuts or that they were able to improve their irrigation system we also occasionally hear from or of tiny tommy hicks a potential reference to the impoverished tiny tim from a christmas carol no boondocksians are ever seen in game however the donations eventually seem to be mismanaged as your donations fund someone having the wedding of their dreams or their mayor getting gold dentures perhaps boondocks became the way it is for mismanaged money if so will it now fall back to the same fate one theory suggests that there is no actual boondocks and the donations are a money scam a villager with a cranky personality type may claim that tortimer the old tortoise walked past them and muttered i'm having steak tonight or is installing a tv in their house recently after the player has made a monetary donation to boondocks combine this with a letter from boondocks that says the writer's turtle is better which draws another connection to tortimer who while being a tortoise has a close taxonomy to a turtle either way abject poverty exists in this happy animal-based world or scamming children for money is accepted by the neighbors the player finds themselves living alongside 23. brutus the dog a common urban legend is that of brutus the purple or black bulldog with a black t-shirt and glowing red eyes brutus was said to appear and move into a player's village if the player was away from the village for too long this evil villager was set to speak and send letters in binary and would crash the game when players enter his house he disappears when you restart the game others claim he would systematically delete your village row by row column by column as you are left to helplessly watch your world disappear 24. farley farley is the speculated troll or gnome creature that appears once the player has a perfect town similar to the fountain goddess serena farley will gift the player a golden axe although he is far more straightforward in this transaction the statue featured in the fountain is that of farley not only does farley demonstrate the existence of magic or advanced technological capabilities as he appears or transforms from a statue structure like serena he is the entity that most closely resembles a humanoid character with notable differences other than the letters received from mom or dad no other human is known or shown to exist in the animal crossing world level 4 center of the iceberg 25 animal crossing pioneer program on august 7 2002 nintendo held a contest called the animal crossing official pioneers program in which a limited number of participants would be able to receive an early access copy of animal crossing to apply for selection one would have to submit a short response of 50 words at most explaining why nintendo should pick them to be an animal crossing pioneer with 125 teams of two people totaling to 250 applicants ultimately being chosen each winner was provided with a specially marked promotional disc for animal crossing a 59 block memory card and a calendar spanning september 2002 to december 2003 in addition winners were given access to an online forum where they can interact with nintendo of america staff members completing in-game objectives providing feedback and participating in online chats 26. ike village an animal crossing player that went by the name garaku when being interviewed by the japanese gaming magazine nintendo dream created ike village in many animal crossing games players have the ability to enter dreams and visit other players islands players are unable to permanently change or interact with a visited town save for when the creator leaves tools such as a shovel to dig something up the gift we first see upon waking up is a doll not wholly unusual but we eventually come upon the scene of a birthday party with figures of ike and presumably her parents celebrating her birthday and gifting her what appears to be the same doll the plaza itself has been completely covered in custom pattern pathing designed to look like television static the doll that the player found is one of the main sources of theories and speculation around aiken village before leaving the plaza players should pick up a shovel from lloyd as there are many spots to dig up as players walk around the plaza they will see numerous fountains built that lie in the middle of the static as well as trees growing perfect golden peaches wandering throughout the town is icah herself a girl villager wearing a red hat and poofy red clothes translated she will say this is inside of my dream animal villagers will also be wearing the same clothes as ika as well as have their own dolly items in their homes hypno kk plays in the background of most scenes turning on the television back in the room where the presumed birthday party is happening will only emit static similar to the coating of the pathways found at the entrance to icah village itself an entrance to a room can be seen in the back but it is blocked by a dresser and is inaccessible to visiting players a blue doll is sitting on top of the dresser upstairs is a bedroom for a child containing drawings made by a child as well as a dolly dressed similarly to ika among other toys the presumed story of ike village is thus the doll was jealous of ika's mother and father because they got more attention the doll spoke to ika sometimes telling her things only they could understand as the parents were oblivious to it one day the doll killed ika's mother and father ike was in tears but her doll knew that it would get more attention since ika has nobody left but it the doll eventually took over aika and ika had forgotten about her mother and father one of the rooms in one of the houses in the village represents aiga trying to run away from her troubles another room represented voices speaking to aika the room making an eerie sound getting louder as you get close to it another room has the party scene with ike's doll bearing an axe hiding the weapon from sight this represents the doll pretending to be lovable and sweet and hiding sinister intentions now if you go to the beach in the village there will be red shoes on the shore representing that icah attempted suicide ika lives by herself now with her doll always by her side 27 missing mystery islands an animal crossing new horizons a common feature to use is the mystery island tour by the dodo airlines these islands are also a way for players to meet and acquire new villagers assuming the player has space and an empty plot of land available potential villagers are found wandering around a campfire on a supposedly isolated and abandoned island how curious that they only appear when you have the space and they didn't expect to encounter anyone yet are still giddy and willing to uproot their previous lives in order to be a part of your island furthermore the islands truly are not unique sure there are multiple islands that can be encountered with various rarities but each island is supposed to be a unique mystery never before seen or encountered but you will return to the same island with the same topography wildlife etc an infinite number of times mysteriously however the islands restock the trees and natural flora how is that possible while trees and flowers take only a mere few days to grow from a seed the island can regrow in mere seconds if you turn around and go on another island tour and get the same island which is quite likely wilbur the dodo airlines pilot comments that they burn all the maps between flights so they can't go to the same place and so no one can presumably follow them of course this might be said so that the player only realizes there are a handful of maps and islands and that he burns them so that the player does not realize this with a 1.2.0 earth day update two islands known as hybrid flower island and big fish in hybrid flower island were removed were the islands unbalanced giving the player too much advantage with the items and creatures found therein perhaps wilbur actually did burn the maps of these islands the islands seem to be intentionally stocked locales with scripted encounters and flora and fauna that are regenerated off-screen by unseen forces 28 animal crossing 2 animal crossing 2 was intended to be the sequel to animal crossing however the project was cancelled and during e3 2004 an animal crossing ds game with clear similarities to the then unreleased wild world was showcased leading many to believe the game was repurposed and renamed in order to capitalize on the imminent release of the nintendo ds 29 harvest island harvey the hip photography loving dog has his own island that he invites the player to upon visiting the player's island one day he runs a free photo studio called photopia and allows players to utilize the six rooms of his house to arrange furniture invite villagers and to stage photo shoots some players have critiqued some of the rooms such as the basement which is a stark and plain concrete resembling a dungeon and the opening room with a casting couch opposite a director's chair with two lights directed towards the couch the only item missing is a video camera although who's to say there isn't one already in all of the rooms 30. dodos a few theories have followed the dodo airline signature employees the dodos wilbur and orville a they are based off of named after or otherwise the actual personas of orville and wilbur wright the wright brothers that pioneered aviation making their association with the airline more on the nose b both are dodos flightless birds that went extinct in 1681 similar to tucker an elephant villager with a caveman-esque outfit that resembles a mammoth a similarly extinct creature not seen for roughly ten thousand years both species seemingly resurrected and inserted into the animal crossing world c the plane shouldn't be able to fly the large bulbous aircraft supports tiny wings that would not be able to create enough lift to lift the craft much less so assuming it had additional passengers to quote the popularly memed bee movie according to all known laws of aviation there's no way that a bee should be able to fly its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground the bee of course flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is possible although scientists have demonstrated b's capability to fly so too it seems as the aircraft defy these seeming physics 31 frillard passed away frillard the elderly frill-necked lizard only seen in city folk is dead dr shrunk the axolotl takes over frillard's spot calling him his mentor eventually shrunk will mention how he misses frillard who is never seen again implying the elderly villager has since passed on 32 tortimer is a puppet figure tom look is behind everything a tortimer's legacy as a mayor was something that fans tended to question as some dialogue seemed to suggest that donations that were collected for boondocks actually went to tortimer this made some people wonder how honest or competent of a mayor tordemar truly was and whether or not his retirement ultimately allowing for the player to become the new mayor was actually forced upon him furthermore tom nook was commonly seen as the one who was truly controlling everything in previous games you essentially become an indentured servant to nook working in a store and constantly trying to pay back the loans on the house and then house upgrades you never asked for he's rude withholds your wages and you're forced to continue to pay off this debt less the raccoon goons are called to deal with the player why isn't the player given a choice in previous games they're just saddled with a debt and forced to pay it back lest they remain under nook's thumb forever at least in the new game you get the choice for future expansions although the mounting prices seem prohibitive nook was still selling islands back in the gamecube games it's clear that he had a fair amount of wealth and power and even now he's still selling islands although this time he doesn't really have to be quiet about being the ringleader especially by way of having a choke hold on the economy as the purveyor of the island getaway package regardless it is the player character that does all of the work for little to no returns while nook and others seemingly profit from it even in new horizons the player character can give commentary such as as if i have a choice further denoting that they are not the person in charge despite being the island representative and acquiring all the supplies food and work to get the island up running and maintain it ultimately after the island has been upgraded enough he will stay in residential services and he is in charge of relocating houses or remodeling your home actions that only i the player have the power to initiate and seldom do leaving tom to sit and relax all day at work level five lower half 33 gyroids are haniwa lloyd gyroids are classified as furniture items in the animal crossing series that spawn randomly buried in the ground like fossils but only after rainy or snowy days in new leaf lazy villagers will comment that gyroids must like the rain suggesting that these moving furniture items have emotions and preferences as they like the name implies gyrate or spin and move about lloyd another gyroid is capable of speech and will aid in construction efforts demonstrating that they are also sentient these gyroids bear a striking resemblance to haniwa the terracotta clay figures that were made for ritual use and buried with a dead as funerary objects during the kofun period 3rd to 6th centuries a.d in japan they are thought to have marked the borders of burial grounds it is also assumed that they were built to protect and hold the soul of the deceased they too have faces and were found buried as many gyroids are found could the gyroids be nigimitama peaceful spirits said to possess natural phenomena in objects or perhaps they are ara metama similar spirits that bring ill fortune such as illness and natural disasters such as the bad luck featured in the games let's return to lloyd he's a clay figure that was most likely buried under the ground like the other gyroids if we take into account that he could be a haniwa his existence brings forth more disturbing implications could he be the spirit or consciousness of the body he was buried with could the player discovering gyroids be an indication that their town is located above a burial ground that players are routinely disturbing people from long ago awoken from eternal slumber and wholly unable to communicate their souls trapped and only being able to move or gyrate only slightly emitting croaking sounds from their physical purgatory 34. cap'n is a kappa kappen is a green turtle with a hairstyle reminiscent of the monk-like tantra haircut that is known to row boats drive taxis and drive buses his name looks and fondness for water are all derived from the kappa a river imp and japanese folklore these kappa are known to be mischievous play tricks but also drown victims eat humans and kidnap children how curious that he can be the one to transport the player a child in so many games in animal crossing wild world and city folk he is the one that drives or transports the player from their original place to the animal crossing world or island has he kidnapped the player and brought them to this town where they are unable to escape beset upon by spirits and creatures never before seen 35 haunted paintings particularly noticeable in the new horizons game select fake art pieces are shown to be haunted or otherwise sport disturbing imagery the wistful painting closes its eyes at night the graceful painting has a human-shaped stain on the back the informative statue emits or otherwise has a light shining onto it and the ancient statue will have glowing eyes and levitate when interacted with either someone is playing a long-running trick on the player with paint or special effects or this suggests the existence of paranormal or alien activity 36. terrible secret of animal crossing one of the many dark incarnations spawned from the animal crossing series is a classic let's play horror story based off of the nintendo ds game entitled the terrible secret of animal crossing it is a darker interpretation of the series in which the main character is sent to a summer camp where he finds himself trapped and having to work for tom nook the situations the player finds themselves in can turn violent a note from the originator of this iceberg is it is on this iceberg due to the spoilers that are contained within the story that are important to other theories in questions that being proof of another theory on the iceberg of an inherent negative presence imbued within the earlier games that many players found themselves subconsciously picking up on and quote spoilers it's revealed that the gyroid may be used to turn people into animals and potentially allow nook to eat them explaining why some animals disappear overnight the player is taken outside half buried and beaten into unconsciousness by the other villagers waking with a missing eye it's also revealed through letters the bottles messages and floating gifts are from a girl that says they slowly removed her body parts for these actions and these are but a few moments in interpretations from this piece also for those who are interested in this piece please be warned that there is a strong depiction of suicide contained therein 37 creating your own constellations in the animal crossing series prior to new horizons constellations can be created in the observatory of the town's museum yes you can create celestial bodies or planets or otherwise rearrange the planets in order to create new constellations in the nighttime sky or can you either the player actively changes the universe in the locations of the planets or the night sky and the subsequent constellations are a mere holographic projection a simple display or the hints at a greater instance of a simulated reality 38. hitakui village found a new leaf and recreated in new horizons the hitakwe village commonly referred to as the cannibal island is a similarly visitable island access to the dream suite like ika village pillows and objects patterned like severed body parts abandoned cradles and baby shoes meats and grills with meat next to human skeletons the connections couldn't be more clear than the poster of a human with the image and word sausage on it found in one of the rooms the cages labs and video cameras found next to bodies and pools of blood show that the perpetrators may have also enjoyed playing with their food the code for this island is da4088753480 you have been warns 39 red and tom nook or yokai as previously stated both tom nook the tanuki and red the fox are magical or spiritual beings known as yokai however the kind of yokai they are is uncertain going back to the more malevolent spirits arimitama a ritual dubbed chincon or the calming of the spirits for otherwise wandering souls was used to convert them into the more benevolent nigimitama however there were times when the ritual failed and the resulting spirits were known as yokai again yokai were the beings that failed the transition from the evil spirit to the benevolent one suggesting a spirit more neutral perhaps leading more to one side than another in terms of morality this helps explain the span of behaviors that range from spiteful and self-serving to friendly if not a little bit capricious 40. kk durge a dirt is a song of lamentation for the dead like other such musical scores kk dirge is slow dark and eerie and it is rather discordant and jarring to the ear sharp clanging sounds interrupt the verses sung to the emotional shock of hearing this depressing lament sung by a batch of brightly colored smiling animals certainly does not help 41. impossible ecosystem flowers and trees are common in the animal crossing series and can be planted and bred at impossible rates the two common trees oaks and cedar trees take decades to reach maturity a common oak cuercus rober takes 15 to 20 years to reach a relative stage of maturity and up to 50 years before it starts producing acorns the cedar tree sees a larger range based on subspecies and genetic factors but generally can take from 1 to 30 years to reach full size and new horizons from tiny seed and sapling to fully grown tree takes only 3 days with 4 days being reserved for the fruit-bearing trees to actually bear fruit a similar problem occurs with the flowers also named after real world species such as roses and hyacinths gold roses are also able to be found suggesting that a flower is able to produce such unheard of minerals in its stem and petals completely disregarding the photosynthetic process the seasons can be equally confounding while the world follows a 365-day calendar with similarly mirrored seasons based on the southern and northern hemisphere the shifts between the seasons can be unrealistically abrupt and absolute the fauna found in the game is also troubling the emperor butterfly based on the blue morpho butterfly is native to central and southern america the man-faced stinkbug or catacanthus is native to madagascar india sri lanka burma thailand china indonesia malaysia philippines papua new guinea new caledonia japan and south korea in other words the habitats of these two insects do not intersect we also never find any of these creatures in their larval stages only in their adult form and these bugs are far from the only creatures to have conflicting points of origin and growth it appears as if someone has trapped and released invasive species upon this deserted island and or continues to do so the flora and fauna come across as artificial or otherwise staged and presented as an idealized form of what they should be 42. humans are second-class citizens or at least they can be treated quite differently than their more animalian peers one such example of this is evident in new horizons nooks cranny periodically players will encounter animal villagers in the store with its purveyors timmy and tommy at the front of the store not paying them any mind however the moment the player enters the pair follows the player around all but tripping over their stubby little feet to keep up to no one else do they do this some fans have speculated that they fear that the player will steal something a treatment not shared by the other villagers add in how many animal villagers are mean and spit hateful comments toward the player before eventually warming up to the player that does good deeds for the villager the human character appears to be outright shunned or looked down upon in previous iterations of the game openly insulting the economic status clothing and mental stability of said player okay goodness gracious thank you so much for hanging on till the end of this video clearly i have tried breaking this video up into two
Channel: Clean Casual
Views: 1,703
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: the animal crossing iceberg, animal crossing iceberg, animal crossing, iceberg, theory, theories, tom nook, isabelle, gyroids, brewster, easter eggs, aika village
Id: GXERbhX6fpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 11sec (3311 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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