The Anatomy of UFC 242: Khabib Nurmagomedov vs Dustin Poirier - The Movie

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Hey [Music] you gotta come here we melt my energy we come here for work I told you this automatic [Music] and I said I was doing it's okay hey we just come off this was oh brother long flight brother go home enjoy something that we did this right now I'm the champ this sets you up for a fight with khabib nurmagomedov for the undisputed Tyler so give us your thoughts on that [Music] getting a [ __ ] [Applause] and I would like to announce that we got a deal done with a beam Oh we'll be taking on Dustin Poirier Saturday September 7th [Music] [Music] going to Abu Dhabi road to Abu Dhabi starts now many guys caught me with many guys my brother's cutting a lot a lot of cousins this my cousin has a question is how do we go on a big bonus or will hose so many choices right I don't know I think I want to go in one of these you know why two hour an hour 15 you tell me what you are might be put out the Mexicans turn around it yes Sivaji is Carlos no Michigan uh he got escapes the car yesterday yes he did but witness my good shower there do lucha but I forget brother gucchi go down without it how are you I wish you a good deductive thank you something lady was sure good and I played my pleasure to take up then you can I'm done so I how could that be inshallah we'll cover with Angelica back here [Music] [Music] [Music] at the palace that's work no it's another pallet new gym new facility private location private gym yeah why we officially begun [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh oh yeah the 60s fathers in when the game and wind again [Applause] Oh Chester respectable it Chester's peridot kiss housing just the bed guys this is your home doing whatever we want and you have our guys here then we work for you anything you need your team my team all for you okay thank you so much see wish you the best [Music] are you trying to get all my secrets not going to happen no way you know most fighters when they become champions you know they get kind of sort of spoiled because they get you know they get many gifts they get all the luxuries that they never had before and it does change them you know with Habib you know he he gets all those luxuries and more you know but he's still that same guy he's still that Toyota that it's easily in the Ferrari but it's still Toyota for the rest of his life he'll be a Toyota come on man it's time to take off your camera sit down at the table and enjoy you'll hear that tomorrow tiltable gonna mean the pool and then it does next level let's go guys excited to show but other will win shall we smudge this good little bit 402 gram fish 100 run green salad and goes crazy step for this bit away it's okay we have to be hard we're not happen overnight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah we got like I think 85 over to 7 people look at this problem in Russia Khedive in us but have it is like I'm getting for you I do want to buy me something if a master by 4 he'll tell you whatever he wants I won't go shopping he must return this I think choose like either dolce gabbana or Gucci shoes in t-shirts okay these shorts issuance are you one let's go nicest guy out here big heart big heart and his English is improving very fast about shoes about age I joke is my brother he shall I buy for you been pretty smooth so far the biggest thing was just the jetlag getting over it finally getting over it now it's just basically the numbers gang waited for the minutes ago down and then Thursday night should be easy work Friday it's eating and then Saturday we eat more now you find everything nice he wants newer Russia looking good what do you think he gets Brisbane every time he gets the same belt okay okay mosques crazy so beautiful in our religion we have the number one one of the most important things the guests have to be the number one you know you always have to treat him very amazing you know and the hospitai is so nice you know everywhere when you see everywhere you are welcome and this is why the people all you see all the people are happy and they have a nice smile you know they have you know like they want to fight immediately and they want to stay one one week or one month more here so this is I I think this is one of our character you know the the Arab and the Muslim people they love to introduce the country and to show the people from the nice way and everything is nice you know this is how to be everywhere Chris oh no oh it's too early man it's so beautiful just like the hospitality from everybody here and everybody's embracing it and then even like just normal people on the street everybody it's fun having like Jared with me pop out there with me and then showing them letting them see it cuz like they're so scared they were so scared at first like Oh could we say this or could we say that and then everybody everything is fine you can say whatever you want you could joke with us you could do this you could do that and then they're seeing all the hospitality sort of seeing the real culture they're embracing what it is to be like the religion slam the Muslim culture of hospitality inviting you into their home taking you in as a brother no matter what whether you're Christian or not or most of our not everybody treats you the same Kenny Steve [Music] right here [Music] [Music] [Music] the flame like a fire [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's not our you know this is I know I only water already five liters you see the bottles are here empty bottles immediately he always carries much weight everyone gonna be shocked but don't worry brothers 78.8 don't worry I can I can approve you like give me one hour I got a train here I prove you wrong you will see 76 or 75 burn something as a big brother a brother that's already been where he is this is a debut how proud are you of him to get to this point because listen in this world especially in this sport you can play favors but you still got to be good enough to get here so how proud of you of him at this point to get just to this point in for this opportunity yeah I'm really proud of him you know because you know it is not easy to get and to comment the same it's not easy to become a UFC fighter you know and and I had a very hard way you know up and down you know so much story is so much memories you know and he just came and he trained and he was very good in the school and university he finished everything so he started with the sport I spoke to him and he started to the sport and he reached this level you know because we know how many people in the world making the sport and trying to do the sport but not everybody became a fighter even not some of them became a fighters but not a good fighters and UFC is one of the highest and the strongest level in the world you know and I am so proud of him that he became also a UC fighter representing my country Morocco and yeah I don't have words you know because this is a debut and it's making me a little nervous because I am the oldest brother but I don't know what to say but I hope inshallah he will make us proud Saturday thank you guys I predict in Charlotte thank you knockout okay ii did not watch my all the stuff preparation is that it cetera and you're getting a massage yeah you are the boss I'm not it was you are diverse I don't want to be a buzz if if I get this I don't want to be a buzz I don't want to be able [Music] outside world should know about the UAE Dubai what should it be when it comes to just hospitality culture and at the same time yeah yeah well as you saying as you said already 2004 2019 is a big time gap we're talking about 15 years and a lot of things have changed at 15 years you are especially here in the UAE United Arab Emirates you have I mean it's one of the most fastest-growing countries in the world right now so for people which came to visit UFC during 2004 and will come back right now they are going to be mine mind blown because there are a lot of new buildings hotels you know infrastructure the whole Yas area is new brand new it's very popular because of the Formula One and because if it's nice sceneries but now the UFC coming back in 2019 I think people expect a lot but I think nobody's gonna go home without satisfying his expectations everyone is gonna expect less than he's gonna see I mean it's a big event and there are really good fighters all UFC fighters are good I don't say he's better than him or you know that's they can sort it out in the Octagon is not my part but I think definitely it's the right time the right city the right moment and it's gonna be huge vanilla veneer an ear nose enter sir or no sir on durability shuttle Mindy and Account Manager an integral method wholly any Bernie stead the hotel as well hakuna and the crocodile canister DT so mad - Jerry Lee Lewis for one day I woke up my Nana al muslimin and now and added a little immature and he had the drip to met at ml aliquot los Vanuatu either overly conservative natty Jeremy be an academic Canadian it confidently and a handful and even talk idiotic for banana mean make it look good I tell you thirty first half the train I will lie 8500 Wella and then boom I got really look my face with face brother always changed look at the example look know would usually do I do looking at an example okay yeah like nine kilo eight kilo watt occurs see I think most fighters will be ready for this part of the fight but most weight cuts is the battle a lot of fires you hear them talking about the weight card you know rather than talking about the fight let's talk about our I need to make weight I need to make weight they're never scared of actually fighting they're scared of the actual process of doing something that they hate so I it's hard it's on on the body because the amount of water you drain you kind of lose a little bit of consciousness and not consciousness but you lose like your sense of awareness of where you are and stuff and it's something that is that you're not trained for so you don't like know your online doing it so I think the guys already though I think they they made their be mentally preparing themselves for for the ten weeks at least it was nothing he's this part of being a professional southern you gonna do and you just it's just one day a couple of hours get over and done with Vanessa [Music] welcome to the family of Willard Harris [Applause] [Music] [Music] and not that hard work [Music] how are you [Music] but it's like Turkish [Music] [Music] [Applause] in York that's with you [Music] [Music] you know they're in fight week as we get closer to the fight during the middle of the week the hardest suggestion for the fighters is to be able to make that weight without draining themselves too much that is the number one thing that I've noticed with almost every single fighter it's just making weight unless you're a heavyweight and you're already there but other than that the hardest obstacle for all fighters is making sure they make that way every fighter is different some guys don't do nothing guys like the people come here train two times a day for five weeks some guys you know some guys have sauna suit on they're doing cardio cut and weight every fighter is different every fighters individual and you know it's whatever makes you feel comfortable whatever makes you mentally ready you know we step inside that cage he did everything right you know that's what a fight we consistently one thing that has greatly surprised me about the narrative leading into Poirier inka be is that nobody is discussing ring rust with could be though he's been out of the ring a meaningful period of time and I cannot assure you that he's a better fighter than best important cabina Isabelle says he's the best woman in the world for his gun belt says he's the best you these guys need to contestant they can figure that out on their own [Applause] [Music] Nara fish will be back in ten minutes 155 [Applause] it doesn't also 155 [Applause] you have to be mentally strong it's all about pushing yourself to them and having to break you all around you like you're in that song huh or you're in that hot bath you you're drained you're like man at this man I give it a 30% I don't want to do this last weekend three pounds that last two pounds that are the hardest pounds to get off and you're like you have all your corners your team like come on we could push it ten more minutes for two more minutes you got to have the right people with you in that room with you grinding with you running with you ahead my brother and Jarrod gory with me they were literally pushing me to the limit just to help me get this weight off and once you got it off is such a relief man there's no feeling I like the white cuts over that's like the best feeling and then tomorrow when I get my hand raised shawl that's a bit even greater feeling you know no matter what happens it's God's plan God has a plan for all of us so one who lose I know there's nothing more I could have done I trained the harder side of the train I put the work out I've made the way I'm a professional and tomorrow night so it's all got its hands yeah I'm gonna go out there and before for my people I woke up with two crew killer to go time to know we did it very easy just got my wife now I gonna smash food you know coca-cola spaghetti french toast pancakes at sides everything is you later brothers well you know this was my official participation in a way cut my be made me come to this week that I've never come to awake that my whole entire coaching her here so watching these guys go through what they go through some go through very hard some go through not so hard I've even had a pretty fairly easy cut but that's not the battle the battle is tomorrow you know the battles with Dustin that's when the battle is gonna happen and that's where he's gonna become victorious because he doesn't know anything other than being victorious and that's exactly what he's gonna do they still watchin well graphic Corrado to achieve a harsher Samuel we tonight at us know this for sure together now you wanna talk difficult like always even if you can't [Music] I feel great that I can drink and tomorrow night I can smash some [Music] laughing change mother will have to stay home even we see this arena and stay up [Music] I feel the Sunday as it pours in leaving traces it's like when hero [Music] I am still [Music] this is [Music] [Music] you start tonight we're gonna show each other how we may be when along with you but I don't know buddy [Music] the fire starts this fight between khabib and Poirier there is some stuff that is left out of it by you guys that has surprised me I mean first off capitis been out and you could talk about it was only a year all you want but I could offer you plenty of other examples of guys who have been out of year and you guys said well he's gonna have ring rust and you know he's a little out of step you look at a guy like a bean he lives in Dagestan but he trains in San Jose how the hell does that work it doesn't so I would normally think that you would also be questioning a guy's training I would think you then talk about the fact that Poirier just can't live up to the pressure and the hype I would remind you he's been a bear with the biggest star in this board which is Conor McGregor I will remind you he was just in there with a pound for pound rate of which he'd beaten max all the way and I will also remind you the Poirier is a 12-pound gold belt around his waist it says he's the best in the world that's why they're fighting because khabib has the same belt that is also making the same claim that doesn't work champion is a mutually exclusive turf they have to fight the mobis is for the five you come here this is the nerves are in right now this is a lot of the times these are where the fights are the last stages of where the fights are water lost because you have to be able to contain all the emotions that are going on right now spend one of eight days and then we've been here it's been pretty crazy pretty pretty awesome experience we came here for one reason and that's Florence apply it so the laws first and then Falls the fobian event and I haven't seen them and look any better kind of came into his own finding his style and he's a worker I stay about it wasn't work or so you know I like both guys this is a classic most of the styles whose will is stronger [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we've come with you [Applause] [Music] my brother is like my are my legs my head my everything my eyes everything that's why they make my back strong I make them back strong you know my father told me you can get like one thing you can broke it but two three things you cannot broke it easy this is like you brothers together when you hold together nobody can procure it's true we will fight everybody we will stay together till the end we are one not willing that was all we wanted we wanted this car we know it's a major car that was as close this is this close to getting some polish on through UFC is probably ever gonna get definitely in our lifetime so this is big for him this is big we would set out two years to make this night happen and to have it in that way with his first UFC when finished on this stage on this car all our prayers are answered I'm so proud of them the pressure he had coming in here he'll fight in front of his Depot and he's fighting the free Palestine in which job as a team we all support him but his amazing performance his poise he's very professional performance and I'm so proud of them I kind of called this the whole camp I believable out he said he's looking so good striking rest me and Gigi to Morgan with me for so long especially and thinking backs and try to show people how he's be very successful McCain choking straining partners and I was getting better I knew I called this the whole week you know if you've talked to people who know us I was calling finished by ground the pound or just a really good show this stage it blouse previous losses he was imbalanced about the stage UFC 12 five big cars you know see what was it 200 you know I'm saying a lot of pressure this was a big car but this is just showing the world that he's ready he's fully developed he's grown he want to put his big-boy pants on now we come in for that strap a little and block for a year and a half I've been living with him the ups and the downs between the two of us wins and losses the both coming off wins just got a win and basically his hometown you know and I couldn't be more proud because he works his ass off and he does everything he can to be successful and he relies on God for the end product the end result and I think that's why he is where he is and I love the kid and just so happy for I'm speechless basically homes crying just now outside but edit that out hang out with friends so we'll be back [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] man that was the biggest thing probably the biggest thing I've ever happened to me in my career honestly coming all the way down to Abu Dhabi in the Middle East close am I gonna get to Palestine I think for a fight it was huge just beating the way two people embrace me the hospitality that guy was huge all week and I knew I had to come and put on a performance like that and I got performance I wanted I got to finish I wanted so now I feel like nothing but big things from here why they come to me before they fight they wanna give me stress this is 39 times what we have to do [Music] I want to thank evil or Mohammed or is like my coche I was in San Jose [Music] he will come to me his hospitality is very amazing he teach me a lot in the ground is the rest also instead of marshal may I enter okay wallah a stressful hey Mark Henry saputo he was thrilled at me same he makes it try to make the open [Music] all about they will go over this again with the city my papa [Music] Hey let's go here we're almost almost time now we're at now three no and one draw but it's it's good experience for the zoo but now we have Eagle hungry eagle right now who's warming up to defend the steppe man and the belt let's go guys I do think that could be is the rightful number one contender for this content but some of the other points I don't know if they're true for example well if khabib okay can get him down it's all over and Emporia can keep it on his feet the poor he's got a chance that's lazy and that's boring and that's talk from 1993 guys that it's not where the support is anymore it's just not true and if you're a very good fighter and you come from a very good camp and don't forget poori is a very good fighter that comes from a camp that has the best coaches money can buy you can break a beat down pretty fast and what you guys are seen in the last twenty six victories that he's had including World Championships and only one round that ever won against him is a layman's version of a guy that goes out to take somebody down and keeps them there in pummels them that's a layman's version you can break down khabib a little bit quicker okay he's not George st. Pierre where he's gonna come across the ring two steps later hit you with a blast double that you never saw coming and run run your ass down computers a little bit more methodically gets his hands he pushes you into the fence he's got some tricks he's got some step over his behind the knees ways to pull you off the fence ways to get you down when you're down and I can tell you as a guy who lived on ground in town who trained with a Randy Couture and Randy Couture Mark Coleman are the two guys that coined the phrase literally of ground-and-pound had the best training in the world Kabhi was doing stuff on top I'd never even been shown I have never even seen it in competition were pregnant telethon could be the be used to do it Ben Askren and I would call each other right are you seeing this right you see what he's doing you see no he's hooking the leg Bracey no he's stepping over you see oh he's petting him on the fist it's amazing it's incredible to head up the curb some Spanish having the I'll jump out a window see my faith does not end one of the things I'm a spiritual man but it's a way of life for you it's it's money it's it's an entourage it's a feeling about you all I love tomorrow find a job pumping gas and a gas station forehead tune and me and my wife might share together tribune apartment and one bathroom one kitchen and be happy really yes ma'am you know doesn't matter dusting Tony or other opponents doesn't matter when I go to the cage I am home I all my life 27 and walks away happy I know he won he stuck to the plan it was a little a little bit kind of moved a little wobbly waffle here slip in the second round but that's because none was throwing some nice heat at him so it was nice that he moved that way but he stuck the father's plan yeah perfect [Music] what a fun frog are gonna get built nobody oh it's fun I pattern onto the first I design the most important is women when you win belt a or some pockets everything's like when you win the victory state it's looking good when you have all built new building arms like this is making a little bit maybe but end of the day I'm happy what can I say you know this see we got the new build you know I'm proud proud that all the I don't know man understand a know what to say just a happy for the whole team for Habib his father all the sparring partners Islam you know we were a little bit it's a little nervous situation with the two or three fighters fighting on the same card the holidays get the victories from the team and thanks God first time it was very good but when I change I come back and he tries so hard when I feel good and I give him a little bit make him time one time I did this five years ago with two saunas he hits he tried to he put the power-on choke me but then he understand losing his power right now you can ask Dustin after the shock he finish crazy man I'm honestly lost for words so nervous out there even though I knew I was called for for hamdulillah baby day I'm gonna seal this I'm gonna serve this what do you think how much 50,000 100,000 I'm gonna sell this and I'm gonna send this money money to Dustin and he's gonna spend this money on charity stuff like I hear he work with like some charity stuff like with kids or something I'm gonna send him like me and he can send my my t-shirt oh my it's just good money 50,000 100,000 you know make like even if you make one kid happy this is very big big America we here then come here Dominus Mme won this game parties then UFC fighter just by their UFC champion about these two these two guys they wanna be humble right now why brother while we finish everything wave two now enjoy coca-cola where's my eyes where's my eyes Hey I think instead things pushed me coach have a father plan father I think my mind think today [Music] [Music] please load it up a little brother-brother fillet connect another another finished banner everything is love God gave us everything but some do laugh thank you so much and end me no no no no you wanna say to be continued [Music] [Music]
Channel: Anatomy of a Fighter
Views: 4,891,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anatomy of a Fighter, UFC, Will Harris Productions, Khabib Nurmagomedov, UFC 242, Dustin Poirer, AKA, Islam Makhachev, Ali Abdelaziz, Joe Rogan, UFC Embedded: Vlog Series, Muhammad Ali, Abu Dhabi, zubaira tukhugov, ottman azaitar, Muslim, khalid taha, Will Harris, Belal Muhammad, Louis Taylor, ahmad jaber al harbi, Dan Ige, The Good Fight, Dana White, Department of Culture and Tourism - Abu Dhabi
Id: G2iKFY7Um0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 17sec (3737 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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