(Movie) The Diary Of A Street Fighter Starring UFC's Jorge Masvidal

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/cheesiefry ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 21 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Does anyone know the song playing around 27 before the Edwards fight ?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/samuel_clemens89 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 21 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
we are here with the champion in miami beach in the 305 that's a usa champion right here so y'all know here y'all know nobody that's the best y'all better know who to hear baby what next what's that over first round second round first round first round knockout first snack out you wanna see baby and i'm just chilling casually at another fight show and this great competitor by the name of nate diaz calls me out with this belt i want to defend it against [Music] jorge maginot had a good live fight but there ain't no gangsters in this game anymore so i know my man the gangster but he ain't no west coast gangster that'll be a fantastic fight [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're making the biggest fight of the year the biggest fight in quite some time the way we're moving the needle and it's not because we're the most charismatic people or i don't know what i think it's just because we're gonna fight and people know that it's just gonna be two guys testing each other's souls to the max we've both been in those trenches those those uh fights that are tough and we pull out with victories but we know how to dig and people love to see that guys they could push through the [ __ ] pain fatigue i'm gonna i'm gonna give him my best effort to do what i've always done and that's go for the off button you know i just wanna make sure i win this one in an impressive fashion [Music] any [Music] had him in big trouble [Music] [Music] i used to be at 165 pounds and nate was in the division and he was ranked so i always kept my eye on him just in case we were gonna ever compete or something you know and i knew i had seen his brother two had fought in shows with me strike force and ideas so i knew the diaz brothers i also fought gilbert melendez and i know they all trained together you know those guys were on top of the sport forever at a long time you know of course i had mine i knew about the techniques how the training the great gas tanks that they bring into the scrap you know you got to be aware of everybody once somebody's in the top 10 at my weight class i'm very aware of them [Music] main event ufc 244 in new york november 2nd nate diaz and jorge mosbidal it's a fight that a lot of people want to see it seems to me that nate diaz in some ways is a more difficult fight than conor mcgregor if we're comparing them to each other i thought nate won both fights the first one was clear he tapped in the second one it was a decision i thought i thought he won it as well i was there live i felt nate won that decision you respect nate right because because he's been in the game for you know the same way you have been tons of respect never no allegations it's steroids um dude comes to fight man he's he's not not appointed before in the past but his his will's never been in question he's never given up in a fight or taking a step back you know so those type of fights man it's like you feel alive you wake up a little bit earlier you go to sleep a little bit earlier you eat what's right because on the other side i have somebody that wants to take my soul that wants to murder me once embarrass me i'm not gonna let that happen nobody's taking my lunch money so [Music] ceremony is easy bro if you're walking out and fighting you're gonna walk out here you gotta flip through i'm sorry gotta be ready listen afterwards afterwards if you want to rematch with me right on the [ __ ] awkwardness fight is a different type of intention you're waiting for a second though did you get all the food you needed to get all the food you needed all the food i know some of you thinking but what about the bread chicken master potato let me tell you about the red cigar it's longer learn some steam fuel and stuff because the carbohydrate is harder to decompose in the body so it stays running longer it's like diesel instead of gasoline try it at gcu where advanced technologies drive education the private christian affordable nonprofit visit gcu.edu online all right that's nice thank you very much gracias oh look at that amazing stuff thank you thank you can we get you anything oh we've got a bad boy fighter from the streets of miami with us uh i was talking about my father and also jorge hospital is with us today as well let's check out the way that he came into the national consciousness right here last time he fought that's faster than it's ever happened before yeah [Applause] so now he fights nate diaz that was super necessary right there november 2nd espn plus against nate diaz are you intrigued you must be intrigued right obviously so much violence for me poppy are you intrigued marine chica you're kidding me diaz he's going to have his work cut out that's right i bet you that he's going to last longer because he's going to start running around that ring buddy five seconds longer because he'll be running in fear great job jorge that was a hell of a sea on a segment you know what i mean you gotta come here more often to do it again give me five puppies [Music] bobby [Music] some strength and conditioning technique and uh more strength and conditioning after that technique like specific moving my boy johnny evelyn today good wrestling from mizzou working his way through the mma world gonna be a stud from a lot of people already know him actually jesus everybody [ __ ] knows him because he's a camera [ __ ] there's no bigger camera than this guy i knew since an early age fighting was was it for me it was the only thing i did i never really played sports i i didn't do anything else other than fighting it's like the age of four five years old i was fascinated by it there was a kung fu movie on my dad knew that i could stand still for maybe like an hour and a half when it was impossible to get me to stand still my dad knew that i had like an insaneness with the comfort movies so he knew more or less something in my mind had already picked that route you know so i seem like quick and talented and explosive or something but for like other sports it's not even there you know i don't i don't have that coordination i didn't develop it either as a kid just i love to compete [Music] my first fight i don't know anything of him i don't have no memories of it but it's my dad and it's one of his proudest stories that he has in mind he says some kid took my building block from me in the pre-grades i was like four years old and i executed he says on site so it couldn't have been prouder none of his fight my pro fights has made him proud of him that day he says that uh he knew that he didn't have to worry about me that would always be good because i took care of myself and um not that he wasn't going to take care of me but just like like the the sense of proudness of pain you know like always looks good he knows what to do so i say since four years old i've been scrapping i have no memories of it but that's what my dad says 34. jude olympian over here how old is this guy 23 man thank you pops guys here bobby i'll leave [Music] i was training at the same gym as uh as kimbo one and only [Music] that's it it can't be over he had gotten in contact with us and they told me hey uh i want to scrap i was like hell yeah but they gave me a call again like hey you still want to scrap i was like yeah we'll be getting in contact with you soon you know it was very uh underground not not too many people could know because it wasn't it was in the early stages so like these events weren't cool you know it was very harsh as you know we always keep this thing on the dl i'm saying this because this is strictly underground accessory okay i get the call maybe like i don't remember like a week from that day literally i was uh about to place my order at mcdonald's uh mcflurry eminem the double cheeseburger with large fries okay and let me get a mac double with a mac chicken they're like hey you wanna fight today i was like hell yeah damn right let's let's do it you know [Music] [Applause] knock them out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh you get like butterflies and jittery you know cause you don't know if somebody's gonna do something stupid related with the posse but the fight itself no i mean i've been in so many at that point already that i was just like let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] get up buddy [Music] [Applause] [Music] like i said it was like uh people play basketball and chilling that sir you know safe zone as weird as it sounds that was my safe zone fighting weird right la primer cosa superman [Music] was amazing for starters what you got to see on tv was me with with a lot of good athletes so we got the mix you know with uh olympian gymnast the guy that took silver medal for running the miles on my team his name is luis monsanto like how much how crazy in shape is this individual took a silver medal for the mile everybody runs a mile you know that guy's fast so i got to pick a lot of brains see how they structure training sessions things like that you know in the on the female side there's a world champion boxer there's a chili gantu that's a olympic gymnast as well so i got a lot of brain picking to do a lot of that and then we compete as well so i'd see how they move compared to mines things like this you know so it was awesome in that sense so the courses were pretty dope some of them and there's a lot of free range while you're running full speed through an obstacle [Music] and i really really really like that i'm building a couple courses in my backyard and mainly because i i saw how much agility mobility and even a different type of endurance just gave me i liked it so much i'm building i'm getting one built out i'm gonna do it much like how they had it over there but just ten times harder on their body you know just conditioning wise and the exercises i'm gonna have set up and then like the distances and how i'll be doing it but it's gonna be a lot of that running through a place so in essence it's like a parkour but safer you know i don't want to be on the streets doing backflips and [ __ ] mess up the neck and then i'm in a [ __ ] wheelchair and i can't fight and that'll suck so the living conditions if you were winning were amazing if you were losing they sucked because that's how they did it in in the earlier seasons we were sleeping on the cabin with no ac in the middle of summer on the floor with some plywood and sheets they wouldn't give you a pillow and the food was also more scarce if you lost but we signed up for that you know which i thought i'd be amazing for me i'm like man i'm gonna get paid to like cut weight because even if we lose they're not gonna feed me i need to lose weight anyways so for me it was like a win-win in all situations and mentally i was fine over there i was like chilling man a lot of people were suffering i'm used to cutting weight i'm used to maybe sleeping somewhere uncomfortable so i had a blast so it was one of the best experiences of my life i spent a lot of alone time which was the best thing about the show and that was probably like my favorite thing because i could just get lost go to the jungle not everybody was into five hour hikes and since i have a tremendous amount of energy and we really didn't have much to do i would go on like four or five hour hikes every day or just get lost no phone no nothing just chilling and in that process i i got to hear that voice inside of me a little bit better so i thank god for that opportunity of allowing that to line up jorge smith [Music] [Music] a [Music] reality so i'm itching to fight can't get a fight thank goodness uh till couldn't get a dance partner my ranking wasn't that high at the time and tills was you know until could have been like now i don't want to fight this dude many reasons you know but i know he had a couple opponents back out already we had two or three so i know he also wanted to scrap and somebody that would for sure show up the fight though i didn't have that high of a ranking i think he he knew that for a fact we we're going to sell the place out because people know i come and fight and he comes to fight so what are you gonna get a [ __ ] fight he took on the challenge and thank goodness uh we got to do that man i got to show a little bit more of myself to the world of what i could do you know i love going in the enemy territory my my home is the road it's not like i've always fought at the same place like in back in my hometown or something that i would call home no for me home is the road anywhere asia england russia south america central america all these places i've fought in competed japan as well i love japan but does japan love me thank you japan [Music] and you would be england have that whole crowd with him and and just a silence everybody it's uh it's a special feeling i like that i like that i i take all the energy from the room quick feel it oh it's unexplainable unless you've done it then you're like yeah i know what he's talking about forcing darren till to reconsider when he lunges in with that left hand because he goes to that so often such is power shot [Applause] [Music] great fight ended up being fight of the night and i got another bonus on top of that so it was a great night you know and we're chilling and um people already calling me out left and right all these little groupies that are in love with me my phone's blowing off the hook so and so this so and so that i can care less i'm in vacation and my manager is reaching out to the ufc and they put a couple deals in front of us and the most enticing deal ends up being this guy that's calling me out actually he wants this you know because i kind of feel like a bully after what i did to him but whatever yo george i think i might have not said this in a language that you understand tell the people are you scared he doesn't want to fight me because he's scared this guy by the name of ben asking calls me out and keeps warning the scraps we're like alright we'll do it let's do it you know it's guaranteeing me certain things i'm going to fight for a title my next fight and things like that you know plus he's undefeated and all this goodness they're saying about him no he thought i was ducking him because he's a tough fight nah i just wanted the toughest fight at the moment i didn't think it was him you know whatever you know answer all them are you so mad why so man bro why you met bro after that chaos obviously [Applause] can't keep running away [Music] up what's up oh we are my name is charlie decker um they call me the bull um george's uh co-worker you know what i'm saying he likes to punch me in the face every once in a while you know when i get out of line um and i love to fight man that's what i do i met george over here to uh through his coach paulino hernandez he came out to one of my fights and he saw that i uh i whipped up on some some rival fighters from another gym and uh he ended up taking me under his wing ever since the training camp i can't give you any details there's a bunch of secrets you know that we can't let out uh but uh he's gonna knock nate's chin off man just like he did too you know what i'm saying he's gonna take him on the first round he's gonna throw the kitchen stick in your face jesus the creature guile uh blessed by wonky with the name guy oh has been part of the team for a damn long time this balino is in charge of getting the weapons ready sharpen them up gail's main thing is to put gasoline in the car and make sure the car is functioning he's been taking care of my body i've never had no major surgeries nothing crazy and a big part of it is to do it guy oh he knows how to rev my engines up high and he knows when to bring him down low you know he's going to put it in cruise control then hey today we're going with everything we've got i just rely on him i just show up i don't think i don't really ask what are we gonna do okay let's go and we just get it done [Music] he's such an instrumental force in the corner you know he's one of the guys solely in charge for the gasoline that goes in this vehicle i've never truly released this info it wasn't the biggest paycheck i made it was just like that uh that man maybe i i i can go far in this thing a fight that i was scared the only fight that i've been scared going into this was such a milestone in my career like when i would go back i i think about this moment propelling me to the next and that's because of tremendous amount of respect that i had from this individual and that's eve at work [Music] [Applause] edwards [Applause] you know eve edwards going back to the early days of his career where he would actually knee people's teeth out he was called the dentist at one time but now he's looking to do the same i was to george nervous going to that fight i was scared you know all the guys that are fighting in my career that was the guy that was giving me the butterflies and i was like [ __ ] man i've seen what he's done to people you know he's a vicious individual and he was like very bad style for me in many ways you know eves edwards from conroe texas by way of nassau in the bahamas he comes in here with a lot of experience 31 12 and 1. when i trained myself like a madman at the time i just kept running myself into the ground because i didn't want to get my face to get rearranged by this individual and i had a lot of respect i seen him growing up fighting and then i got the call that i was going to fight this guy and it was almost a little bit surreal you know that that's how it happened kind of happened rather quick basketball and former street thug who's you know a guy is much of a character is he's supposedly a bad character but he's a great character to be around can't catch him he fights this gets a terrific fight too at all but edwards taking that as an affront and we definitely have a couple of guys that both want to assert their dominance on the feet all the striking games so far both the hands and the feet nice combination [Music] mosquito so that fight made me sink down on my mouthpiece give everything i had in that training camp and out of that training camp came a better athlete than when i entered a stronger mind yeah eve the technically superior stand-up fighter but the thing about jorge is when you hit him it just makes him mad so he may be fighting the points but now you see roy just waiting here with a brutal right-legged body kick this is definitely a fight where nobody has clearly pulled ahead up to this point you know in florida and he talked about his improvement right in the chat a brutal knee to the chest yeah even though we see something the win of the loss didn't matter but what matters is that how hard i had pushed myself in that camp to fight this individual you know how much preparation how much dedication how much discipline that i didn't know i had inside of me until i had the right opponent face in front of me that i know that if i made a mistake it could be a good night you know see how serious it is doing more damage at a time [Applause] jorge so that fight right there put a lot of things into perspective win or lose that fight is what got me here you know the amount of torture that i was able to take in the camp and just keep getting better and getting better and getting better and knowing that i had those extra extra gears in my body you know that i just had to put my mind in the right thing just think high enough hard enough and i could get my body through it so that fight was the very impactful in the gamebird career is the most influential inspirational piece of my whole game my whole standup game revolves around this person is added weapons to my arsenal he tells me we need to add this and i sharpen it so you know i have a lot of creativity when i'm in there but the weaponry is mainly brought from this one individual so he like makes the pieces for me to go to battle i've known him forever we've had an amazing journey together he's been with me when i was nobody absolutely before i was in the street fighting and people had seen me on youtube and maybe you could say oh this guy's got talent he had already started talking to me like hey if you if you leave all this crap aside all these petty stuff fighting in the streets and things like that i could take you to the next level you could take yourself to the next level you got a lot of potential in you and on the day that he told me was a very um was a very impactful day of my life it was a very chaotic day you know a lot of craziness were happening so when he told me this on that day everything clicked and i clipped a lot of things from my life i stopped doing things a certain way and i got on a better path you know i started pointing towards the direction that i should be going in and since then we've had the journey we've been inseparable he's always been in my fights we're always up and down together that's my that's my father from the sports side of uh training and i wouldn't compete if it wasn't for him [Music] so i was at the gym i was pretty good i had natural hand speed i just relied on my boxing and i would i would get worked a lot in the beginning my legs would get destroyed ah pain pain and it showed me how to tolerate pain as well you know because i just learned bad in the guys you knew that i was good at boxing so they were chopping right away and one day paulino which he had been enacted for like seven years and got to miami and started training again out of nowhere they asked me to spar with him by this time already i was maybe kickboxing for like a year or two so i thought i was pretty damn good you know and i'm hearing about this older dude that is a stud which is him but he hasn't competed like in seven years and he's also like in his 30s you know and i'm thinking to myself i'm gonna take it easy on this guy because i'm not gonna think this old dude man wasn't not even close he woke my ass so bad and i wasn't at first i was like started out man slow and so did he and then he um started picking it up i was like oh this guy's actually pretty damn good so i started picking it up and then i picked it up a little bit too much and he just played with me just embarrassed me i felt like crap that day and this dude after i was sitting down taking my gloves off the hand wraps off came over and put his hand on my shoulder and said hey you're pretty good bro you have uh you have potential to stick with it and then walked out i couldn't believe that this guy was so [ __ ] humble too i was like wow this guy just woke my ass and did that shortly after that we started training he started showing me the tools and stuff that it took to get to that level and just another story that made our our journey like i don't know [ __ ] stick like glue and [ __ ] let's get this [ __ ] popped let's go like no introduction needed because everybody knows who this is these guys should be ram of america music's ready ice got the thing going charlie's blasting double bicep poses we're all ready let's get it george is wearing the two tight shorts from 1972 studio 54 my favorite part about training when i was a kid was just being in that atmosphere not to get all religious and stuff but it's just something since i stepped into the gym i just felt right i didn't know what was gonna entail what was gonna happen next what what drills i have the teachers to have us do but that atmosphere you know of being in gyms and being in a boxing gym in a wrestling gym whether it's not you're not really talking too much you're not really a whole really excited to see each other just getting to work you're getting a task done and since the first time i stepped on the wrestling mat or the first time i walked into an actual boxing gym boxing gym it just absorbed me it was just like whoa i different like my sixth sense kicked in and told me this is where you belong this is where you need to be at cause you know like i want kind of forward pressure this kind of hold this holds me up and i'll all right if you're right right yeah yeah yeah yeah now punch with one hold the other right that's what i'll do right let's say he gets double under somehow right you gotta keep your elbows back always like back right because he's trying to go he's gonna go out that side right so you just gotta make a stalemate we got the great mike brown not only is he a world champion himself in fighting but he's one of the best coaches ever his mind is so detailed i think what makes him so great is that uh he's able to explain technique in a way that somebody very smart very dumb or in between can get the content that is given to him truly connor saw the sport he watches so many fights on the regular his mind is so out there besides the fact that he himself was good at it it doesn't mean that you're going to be good at giving out that information his legacy is going to be one of the greatest since he's been head coach at att i mean the stars have just aligned and he's shown the world what he has and this is the early part of his coaching he'll eventually just like in fighting we hit another level of fighting he's going to hit another level of coaching and it's going to be ridiculous i think man he's going to be one of the greatest coaches that walk the earth is [Music] 30 seconds one minute so since a kid going to these places i i would love it you know especially on like a rough rough day those those rough days that we all have that you just like man if the world you know and then you're freaking going crazy maybe you want to pull like a crazy stun or something i'd go to the gym and and find my safety and i'd find that i could forget about all those problems and then a lot of times i'd be able to fix those problems after three four hours in the gym i come down my anxiety was gone my my head was at a better place and since the kid i started discovering like if i have a bad day i just gotta go to the gym more so i would go to the gym and whatever the task was because it's not always um it's not always fun at the gym you know a lot of times you get your butt kicked me for example i've gotten my butt kicked thousands of times at the gym it didn't matter though i was i was in my happy place i'm upset about my performance i'm upset with myself but i'm not upset to the point where like oh i had a bad day in the gym i always grow from those bad experiences [Music] okay y'all be getting ready to do this rematch here right we got ponytail and waiting this thing like real serious as you know we always keep this thing on the dl i'm saying this because this is strictly underground accessory okay it's the rematch [Music] [Music] oh [Music] on the rematch with my boy ray and i say my boy because that's one of the coolest dudes ever we we threw down on those scraps like dogs like [ __ ] animals and there was nothing beloved both times first and the second time and i respect that because rey knows the journey ray knows we're we're fighting competing because we both love to do it but it's no it's no drama it's none of that bs when we're done we're not little boys we're men and we could look across from each other and respect each other and it was a genuine thing and since then i've always been cool with ray we've ran into each other numerous places there's nobody's nothing but love the dude's a [ __ ] warrior man ended up being one of my toughest fights and i didn't even know i just stopped in another street fight [Music] [Music] oh [Music] it was a soul-searching moment it was tough it wasn't easy you know there's no time limits on that so we're just going going and going and though i was landing more shots his shots were a little heavier than my especially back then at that time you know i just i feel like i'd hit him with like three four shots and he'd get me one good one and like my whole foundation will get stirred up i mean i hit ray with everything on the second one to the body and sometimes it felt like he wasn't feeling those body shots he was in much better shape to the body than he was in the first one and the second one a lot of those body shots he was walking through him you know it plays tricks with your mind man you got to keep that poker face on you hit somebody with everything you got and they just smile and they go come on like that you got to be able to do it right back like all right let's go then let's find out really who's made that or [Music] what when he dropped me oh lord have mercy my [ __ ] head was spinning [Music] when i got up to my feet my head was still spinning and this [ __ ] gorilla was coming at me [Music] [Music] i was like [ __ ] i had to move my legs and i had to i had to bring out that that oh that thing that's inside of all of us when you really want something when you're like nah it's not happening man you got to kill me if you want this victory and it just came out of me and and i was able to get the the victory thank god you know [Music] let him go [Music] oh [Music] [Music] that's how we do it here you did it dude so that rematch was was tough but it let the world know who you had in here you know let me let me take this time to give a shout out to all my real friends because now everybody and their mother says i've been watching you since the backyard days that's [ __ ] because i would have been rich a long time ago i want to give a thanks to those that have been watching me since the afc day since i was in japan kicking that since i was in strikeforce kicking ass what's up man everybody else coming up to me telling me you've known me since the backyard days don't do that because if you were i would have been famous long time ago i've been rich long time ago man the shout out to everybody's been backing me up they saw me in those backyard fights and said he's not a world champion now but he can be he will be that's a dog right there all you need to do is polish that dog up and then sic stick them on the world and that guy's going to do great things you know so thank you to all the real supporters man i'll take this time right here right now gracias [Music] gracias camp for diaz has been it's been a little grueling you know because i know my my opponent is a dog i know he's got a gas tank so we got to better our gas tank we got to sharpen our tools and all that takes guys takes preparation going into the gym out of the gym in the gym making everything run like clockwork so we've been pretty strict on the ds camp shut a lot of things down there were distractions you know they were just part of the regular job but we consider them distractions so shut them down lock down dark zero 30. why because that's what it takes you know that's what it takes for individual [Music] [Music] ideas [Music] to be in isolation just training getting ready to compete against somebody that wants to take my head off wants to choke me out at all costs once i punch my [ __ ] teeth in i got to be ready man this guy's a warrior man he doesn't have the fame because he's a talker he has a fame because he's a scrapper man and those are the thrills those are the moments that i live for that i look up at that town mountain and i go i'm going to get it done and no matter how long it takes i'm going to get to that peak that's what i'm going to do i just can't wait november 2nd i need to show the world a little bit more about myself [Music] [Music] now as an adult i see the pros of it you know of me going to the gym staying in the gym how much good it is for my health is an overall not just for me but for anybody just to stay active to sharpen my tools whether it be weight lifting sprinting wrestling whatever the the task may be you got to push it with everything you have so you know there's sometimes your coaches have to push you to get to the next level to get to that next level you have to break down you have to kill your old self and better yourself and to do that it's a process and if you got somebody that that's game it's tough to break that person down it takes a lot to get to the next level [Music] [Music] [Applause] boom [Music] is touch it hey you can't pass i usually spank up all these dudes here cuban or whatever ethnicity they think they are this hand right here it's a pit pan you already see how high wakata give me the power i'm gonna get the powder here wait till you see his hand [Music] on your face my brother don't do it man don't do it [Music] don't break nothing [Music] oh [Music] get these scrubs out of here bring that atm do it in the other guys [Music] [Music] yeah we're going to put money on it cuban juicing while all these other athletes okay by doing another type of juices and cubing chemistry juicing baby none but that natural [ __ ] huh i look at this [ __ ] that's why i got so much hate going around they can't believe i've been natural my whole life what god gave me what are sharpened up at the gym [ __ ] all you [ __ ] talking [ __ ] huh hating on me say it through my face baby again you guys coming again look at once he's ready bro [Music] damn we got like 30 minutes of handball we'll start picking it up now with the handball that's our warmer man if you don't like it [ __ ] you and if you're good at handball and you want to challenge the squad put the money up man we've been doing this for many of years taking on all comers that girl that was just playing that uh insane athlete's a tennis player she's gonna get back in it later but we have a lot of tennis players that come compete in challenge so if you wanted some of this handball you were the lord in the in the prison yard you want you want this ass whooping hit us up man only for castle [Music] give me [Music] oh [ __ ] ah in the middle of the day he's it worked okay [Music] if oh [Music] grow a foot please [Music] guys you only won one game now you lost one so out of the seven you're going to use one game what a scumbag [Music] 5'4 let's go charlie [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] there's plenty of stories about me in the gym about my work ethic and it's not a lie you know you can ask any of my teammates or coaches i love what i do and i love to compete and win so that means i have to be at the gym more than everybody else i have to bust my butt i have to wake up early i have to run i have to swim i have to do all those things that i'm not comfortable doing but through the process and the journey i've gotten comfortable and someone said i become decent at doing those things you know [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] and at the end of the day i just love it man i just love that physical contact let's get after who's more man let's get in that wrestling mat wrestle for two hours after that wrestling practice is done i want to look around and everybody's on their hands and knees and i still got some more in me left to go because it's my mentality i want to outwork everybody every day just by a little bit or by a lot whatever it may be so when fight day comes not just from myself and my body but i let everybody know man i'm a dog [Music] man [Music] the oh grows [Music] oh so everybody's going to do it it's all good to dominate take over the city give everything i got to shut the lights off of my opponent make sure i executed i'm not going to no decisions with nobody those things don't go our way so we can go for decisions man we either kill or get killed my daughter [Music] today [Music] so my dad's already numbers putting on seatbelts and [ __ ] just a plane it goes really fast [Music] bam these people stand strong behind me we've been talking for a while they've been holding me down for a while we hadn't told the public who was uh behind me so hard as these people right here they're really repping us hard they're really taking care of me you set this up for us so the whole team can get there comfortably on the day that we wanted and leave as well comfortably with the whole team together um i'm kind of the type of person if i'm eating my whole squad's gonna eat the whole foods gonna eat so if i'm in this private jet everybody go go with me if not i just take a recognized plane so everybody with me my coach my pops training partners good friends of mine already man we're ready to do some damage to hurt this is don't [ __ ] with it no they have no choice mike mike don't even know take a life somebody's saying no throw their ass away peer pressure free pressure here we go it's pretty much the same plant but the way they make it the way it's put together it's fantastic bye bye miami we'll come back with a belt or daddy it's the only way to do it baby [Music] we're putting in the breaded forms of protein and such that are act as a carbohydrate in a protein and yes i'm the first person to discover that or at least say it on public knowledge so what i'm doing is i'm having the breaded french fries followed by the breaded chicken which will later be turned into fuel how do you do it i'm a [ __ ] mutant man [ __ ] baby been eating french fries [ __ ] other [ __ ] all day long i love you in new york nothing starts right [Music] dead the sauce is for nutritional value because it's green so you know it's got vegetables and [ __ ] i don't know which vegetables but i know it's good for the blood and all types i used to love a fight week when i'd go like to asia for example where i wouldn't have to do too much media obligations maybe one day they had me sit in the room for two hours i did a couple magazines or whatever it was and then just compete and be in that isolation being by myself that's always how i liked it i got more and more obligations now as i fight and um your boy keeps it real i just [ __ ] turn off the phones and tell everybody [ __ ] you because when it's fight week it's my time to be greedy for some reason everybody in their mama wants to contact you during fight week and maybe it's not coming from a bad place or nothing but that that's the time for for you to be selfish because i i have a job to do on that particular week on that saturday i got a job to do and i just like to be all about myself you know i give my time to my kids and then about after that i just i don't like to deal with with nothing you know if somebody had a bad day that's not the day they're calling me invented me because i'm i'm focused on the task my mind is only on my task everything that i do i get i get very lost in what i do i can just think about the same thing over and over in a thousand different scenarios so when it comes to fight week i'm just in tune in another zone i i really i don't want to meet new no new people for example i just don't i don't want to do nothing new i want to stay in my hotel room just doing what i do or if not i'll go to a park and just isolate and see what i have to do in my mind things like that i visualize a lot you know i'm a daydreamer always so i'm just doing me on fight week i don't want to deal with no people plus you can't really eat too much you know you're kind of touchy already can't have sex they say so you know testosterone is bumping [ __ ] is mad i just want to beat me on fight week you know have my coach with me my coaching staff because they know how to handle me on fight week they know how to give me my space and also how to get in my face so it's just the perfect blend you know for me to be just by my damn self 30 is 100 standing no i'm just stretching no [ __ ] chinese fingerprints just stretching guys but you don't have to release it always like that otherwise there's no point stretching doesn't do it having a lower back [ __ ] time so i doesn't work that way 200 100 [Music] yes we're headed to get suits for everybody and if i got it my crew's got it so everybody get in the suit let's skip the formatting to get right to these questions i'm trying to eat my brothers spit these questions out i got things to do let's go man let go who net who's ready just you and me let's do this come on let's go spit them out i'm gonna make a statement real quick before these questions get asked real quick is everybody it's class in session is everybody listening sir you're here if people start asking me if i get one question about if someone saw this or number 37 in the world i would just hang up and go about my day i don't want no questions regarding other people i got a main event to take care of the media's always asking me about so-and-so from another planet i don't care one chance only so don't mess it up for your teammates and co-workers don't ask no stupid questions because the interview's over i got [ __ ] to do let's go we are in new york new york at victor mohammed's custom tailored suits the homie hooked me up exclusively with some great pieces everybody saw in that press conference and i got some more that i'm dropping but i'm the type of dude that if i'm eating shows the people that helped me get there so i'm taking care of all my squad this ticket is on me so papa douche my trainers my longtime good friend and bodyguard everybody getting suits and i'm hooking them all up i'm excited just to see them get their things man you know i love these guys so if i'm shining i want to see them shine and i'm just excited to see what the [ __ ] they're going to come out wearing who's going to get the ruffles huh he's getting the ruffles edition 1970s tuxedo baby duluth the white ruffles ready for prom who's ready for prom uh you know you heard that uh keep watching they're doing a press conference well uh friday after the lady or before the next t-shirt this is the only way they could get attention that's what you should put these bumps come under and talk people still ain't gonna tune into that [ __ ] those babies can't even talk man one of them has a [ __ ] written up by some other boy att that works the front desk lives at his parents basement the other one i don't know man but he's a idiot you can't spend the time i'm looking at my ass on him that's why i'm going to keep my this is not the guy you play this is a wild tiger i've seen him fight so i mean i know yeah but he's like that always you leave that i don't know you see nobody sitting next to him because we all know how he goes looks like a tiger the message is yeah i'll make it look good i just turned this into like a fashion thing if it makes camera fashion statements um the best part is can't nobody tell me [ __ ] because [Music] oh [Applause] oh okay [Laughter] come on guys [Applause] [ __ ] this old man this is not fun i got the greatest manager that ever existed [Music] cause yeah he's distracting conditioning coach for god's sakes oh man look at that you could go all day yeah he didn't shoot him i might have been in the olympic ladder that was a while ago [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] i'm done wrestling appreciate everything you've ever done for me thank you for that i'm a big dude that's a strong okay let's go go head to the tower let's go for the championship oh [ __ ] this guy's [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] oh is [Music] [Music] i'm here to do the same thing that's damaged let's turn the off button on them make them short circuit it's really for me and my family my legacy and the only way to separate myself from the pack is to send these people to another dimension you know there's only one way to do that [Music] i'm there to hurt every second of every minute and every minute of the round and if he survives what i got to give him my hat's off to him you know but there's a dog here and when this dog gets tired it's only going to keep biting me i'm not going to take a step back from nobody there's not a fight you could pull up where me getting hit or me getting tired i'm backing away or shining away from a fight i'm a dog and once that cage is locked i only know one thing when speeding [Music] [Applause] [Music] ahead of this weekend the huge fight ufc 244 versus nate diaz you guys are both heavy volume strikers what kind of fight are you expecting fight okay we're gonna take over new york city all right me and you you ready you better bring your mouthpiece man i thought you got one for me i do got one for you but just in case they don't fit bring one anyways whether no matter what your political views on them it's not every fighter they could say hey the president's showing up to my fight you know so that's humbling this up especially when other fighters out there trying so hard hey mr president look at me the president won't even go to the fights look at them or acknowledge him yeah my specialty where god gave me my abilities and the striking what people want to see is the pure violence somebody wants to see guys hugging and sniffing crotches we want to see i want to see that brutality so that's what i bring into the sport you know i do raise your hand i brought some gloves we're going to body blows only when that anxiety hits it i just got that rage of energy and i might not have a face to punch that's i got to eat to calm down you know okay well i mean it seems like a no i already been fed the tiger's been fed you're good man okay good well hey what you said that you're not a west coast gangster you're a miami dude what's the difference between the two you're going to find out saturday my brother [Music] some stand some make a tight ball you know thanks so much i appreciate it mike is the one that's already have punched me the most oh come in oh my [ __ ] i remember together you taught me like five times in one minute remember louise you remember the body shot body shot really i don't remember this man i just remember tapping a lot dude this is great remember i remember we remember this side you know yeah i don't know how it is today but it was a tough train at least for me very tough all right now for you number you're tapping everybody you're like pop pops sweet sweet big guys little guys didn't matter that was that was fun if you guys are yeah no weight class yeah i'm gonna be cheering all right are you going no i'm gonna beat you okay i won a lot bye guys but this guy's on his own planet right i've never felt that in my life bro that's crazy he's got that razor sweeps he used to have this move where you you be here and go through the sweeping when you like post uh-huh like that keep just dropping yourself like this everybody everybody already knew like it was just three pieces perfect one of the best killer teams i felt too is him the baby guillotine in this high elbow oh my gosh that high to the suite to the arm lock and then and then the arm drug of course which is this topic we're doing the karate national championships today held that the greatest [ __ ] grappler in the world's academy [Music] but you have to land we've been watching a lot of high levels and we've been kind of getting into it because we like those outside outside attacks so i'm stealing that me and mike our height because we've been seeing some high level karate so we're going to execute some of those moves and we get to entertain game bread so that's always the best part [Music] free decapitation free the competition right before the head comes off [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] let's go [Music] oh advancing to the next round on your knees pleasing [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] um [Applause] [Music] [Music] versus the wild horse this is ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] national championship the black girl i'm surprised nobody did the crank kick i did it there's the final point on charlie i was like yeah you scored it it was a little bit like it [Music] followed [Music] weight cut at 170s i'm pretty disciplined at 170 i was i was extra disciplined at 55 with a fight once i was in camp i'd be pretty disciplined if i didn't have a fight a pig you know because i'm a fat boy at heart so the weight cut at 55 was tough even the times when you know as i got older and i started seeing even off season i can't take off and i would stay more or less on a decent diet off season than a strict diet on season the weight cut was crazy for me man it was a lot of water i didn't enjoy the process but it did make me who i am it made me tougher because i would used to run a desert and then go scrap with people i don't have to run that desert anymore i just gotta scrap so i give up weight now but i don't mind it you know there's not too many people that have done the weight cut that i've done as far as water wise goes and still be able to go out there and perform never miss weight proud of that it was it was a learning experience for me now that i'm at 70 maybe i'm not the biggest 70 maybe i'd be more fitting at a smaller weight class like a 161 162 pounds but i love it man i got the speed over everybody i still got enough pop as well because i can keep that speed coming for numerous rounds that it doesn't matter to me if they are naturally strong in the beginning i'm going to fade them out i'm a dog i'm going to keep coming and coming and coming until i break them so the weight cut at 170 is pretty chill i'm pretty once i'm on camp i'm pretty strict with my weight what i eat what i don't eat um and basically my diet is a seafood diet i just whatever i see i eat so it sounds like i'm not strict but i i try to just eat clean and if i'm hungry i just go with it you know if there's steak there and i'm hungry and eat all the steak i'm full i'm done eating you know that's kind of how i am i don't put as much junk food as i used to for those that know me my real fans from miami hustle days and such but i still get down on some french fries and burgers from places i shouldn't be at because i got a little bit of money and i could afford better but no i don't change you know every once in a while [ __ ] up and i just put my running shoes on go run it off like i've always done you know are you ready new york city [Music] yes [Music] cooking the bmf title to determine who is going to be the baddest man on the planet it's such an honor to be able to place this title around the waist of the winner jorge mazvidal whether it's jorge whether it's damn rock i love this [ __ ] you just straight up said organ mastered i was winning right there yo i can't believe man i'm proud to say that myself and seven bucks productions are gonna make a film about the life of one of your founding fathers yes gonna be rocking have fun tomorrow you know we wouldn't be doing that it was fun come on appreciate it see you tomorrow i'll see you tomorrow i thought you had one for me [Laughter] like that's fight time no it's my time back and no smiling when you get up there they might think it's fun i ain't smiling no smile i ain't smiling ever again i just smiled yeah [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] that was amazing did you like that huh oh my god that was so fun being up there and seeing that you know so proud of you man i don't know i want to wish you good luck man no they're taking me out because they got to go it's just fighting i'm on good luck all right all yeah thank you for coming out man yeah man we got you man until then i said what's up man well let's go under the mix there yeah yeah this one i think you're really gonna like to do [Music] um damn you guys didn't have to man yes we did yes we did man wow man oh good man all right okay thank you so much no problem you know if you don't want to see a quick yeah i got to just keep reminding myself it's just a fight you know msg the people that own this building just gave me this jersey how cool is that i can't play no basketball i shouldn't have my jersey this is crazy no you earned that jersey foreign what does it mean to you to have him in new york city with you about to go down tomorrow night this is the only time you're ever going to see me fanboy like this man i i can't believe this guy's here still man this has been an inspiration to me since i was a [ __ ] kid i literally didn't say man and i've said it like in every interview that i've ever been asked if the media is paying attention i've always mentioned this individual is my favorite fight of all time and still to this day but i still watch highlights of him he fights him his fights with sugar atlanta just fights with dave moore when he came up to 168 pounds and nobody thought he was going to win he knocked those guys out so i'm a huge fan of this guy man colby covington said that how much attention do you place on these types of comments where are you guys at where's all the media who's who's headlining msg who's the president coming to see who's who's the rock coming to place at belton [Music] [Music] are we shut down i've got georgie out here cold i don't want him getting sick [Music] follow me let's go [Music] fight date it's a lot of anxiety in a way because you just want to scrap you got all these obligations still you know everybody wants to talk to you that day as well and give you some type of advice and really if you're if you're a fan of mine and you do have access to me or a friend of mine you do have access i've done this rodeo more than you keep it to yourself man cause everybody has input and advice and it's like the daily you want to be the most alone and it's a day that everybody's handing you from everything so that's why i'd be shutting off the phone i i got a task in mind already i know what to do and the only ones that tell me what to do less or more is my coaches you know so i just don't like that everywhere you go somebody will have a piece of advice to give you i know it's not coming from a bad place but a lot of you know chefs in the kitchen might mess up the recipe so i i don't like that you know i like to be alone on fight day and it's just a lot of anxiety building until i get in the cage because i have to be in the locker room for four hours [Music] okay and then when you get in the cage you got these introductions that are like to me they feel like forever you know i just want to go like all right ready set go and it still hasn't happened it's not to that moment where the referee comes in and says you are you ready are you ready then i'm happy now now that now i'm in my place the fish is in the water i'm finally all right let's do this because all this this training camp the fight week fight day i've been waiting for this moment and the anxiety gets to me sometimes where i just want to go but once it happens once that's when that leaves and then you're you're you're in your element i'm in my element i'm having fun i'm just letting the hands fly punches are coming at me and i still feel like a kid where when they're whizzing by me i'm just enjoying that moment so much it's hard to describe i wish i had a better vocabulary but it's been my favorite adrenaline ride my favorite drug my my favorite everything that i've ever tasted is fighting you know it's so pure so real so animalistic so spiritual so many different things you know if you haven't gotten into a fist fight i recommend it you know but in a safe environment don't go out there and start fights in the street and get your head cracked or something we'll do it in a safe environment generally father thank you so much for everything you've given us thank you we love you you come here today for victory i ask you to bless us the coaches my boy jorge keep them safe keeping fast keep them strong we raise our hands to you lord in jesus name i pray amen amen [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is are you happy with what you did out there and how the fight ended my body of work throughout each round was going according to blaine we were setting up things every round for the next round and uh i was digging to the body and that's one thing i i just want to beat somebody's ass man i don't want nobody to stop them until i stop them and incapacitate them so we could definitely do the rematch i don't know if the ufc is open to it but i'm definitely open to it you know all right brother do your thing act like you took a picture with a winner before daniel [Music] like that very fast yeah great out there brother gentlemen yeah again i don't know if you know this but nate diaz is very upset at the rock you know he feels like rock was siding with you and he said he can get it too and that mike tyson should have been the one to do that in hindsight the rock is not allowed to pick favorites or who he likes i'm just saying i like the rock is one of my favorite action stars when i'm watching movies this time crew's going to come beat me up or something he just feels like he was siding with you and he was why not he's from miami and i'm a bad mother you know what i'm saying he didn't think nate was that bad of a mother effort i don't know you baby you i remember me from miami come and say hello this is my boy my brother-in-law's boyfriend she's from and boy for a miami time congratulations both flynn my another miami boy congrats later how you doing brad and there's brian big yeah that's what miami natives only did yeah got it brian got it you're west palm beach [Music] oh [Music] okay okay conor mcgregor said that he is going to come back january 18th upon dana white said come back to what to mma to the uc what do you mean like fighting in the cage yeah if he fights and gets a victory and he wants this and so many [ __ ] are mean man because you know what the [ __ ] i do that little dude bro i'll [ __ ] that little guy up man he's a [ __ ] [ __ ] dana white president of this [ __ ] company i'm too much man from i get it why people want to see him hurt for the stunts he's been pulling but he don't want this [ __ ] he's just talking so you get his name out there he was he was cheating for nate he wanted to run it back with nate you think he's at home seeing that fight saying i want to fight that dude that dude ain't [ __ ] you see he punches old people in the face because those are fights that he could win he don't want this [ __ ] i heard a lot of comments i read a lot of the media stuff people thought [Music] situations haven't eaten either so um [Music] great dude just handing out pizza i got two of them who's i'm just here to get the biggest checks possible but nate is in the in the future for a fact you know we're doing it next year the year after that but it's gonna happen i got a lot of things to do in my in my book before i close it off before i close this chapter and move on to the next in my life i'm pointing in the right direction i'm getting out these pages filled out if i get fired of the year and i give a [ __ ] less but my own personal goals and stuff i will haven't met before this career of mines is done i got about three to four more years for you guys to enjoy this violence so tune [Music] in you
Channel: Jorge Masvidal
Views: 4,717,576
Rating: 4.8430595 out of 5
Keywords: jorge masvidal, jorge, masvidal, diaries of a street fighter, diary of a street fighter, gamebred, bmf, ufc, mma, ufc 244, street fighter, nate diaz, genghis con, isaac kesington, documentary, boxing, kimbo slice, street fight, american top team, mike brown, yves edwards, darren till, strength and conditioning, dwayne johnson, nick diaz, wwe, ufc 245, social media marketing, cbs sports, masvidal vs mcgregor, diary, kamaru usman, colby covington, dana white, movie
Id: -N0YHQ4i24s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 39sec (6519 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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