The American Road

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you the old road was not only a road it was a way of life slow and often rough if you lived way out in the country 15 or 20 miles away from the railroad station you had to get up before dawn to catch the 9:30 train you harnessed up the reliable horse for the next two hours the carriage went creaking down the old familiar road while the countryside moves slowly past if you were leaving the farm for good to go to the city you had mixed feelings on that long ride to the station it's not easy to pull up roots and start a new kind of life you saw the faces of old friends as you pass the house waving goodbye and you felt sad at leaving them but you saw - how old and tired they looked worn out by hard work locked on the land a woman looked 50 before she was 35 with all she had to do in a way he were gradual leaving you past the old schoolhouse where you drown as a kid and you remember the long miles you'd walked morning after morning to get there that final run to get inside before the bells stopped clanging or perhaps you passed the doctor's buggy drawn up in front of someone's house you'd remember the terrible night your mother lay upstairs in the bedrooms sick in the long hours of waiting for the doctor to come the roads were bad that night when he finally arrived there was nothing he could do anymore after that you never saw the doctors buggy without wondering if he'd gotten there in time you passed the church too but you knew you were not leaving God behind he would be with you in the uncertain days that lay ahead till there were good times to remember as well as bad and by the time you reach the fish you wondered that you were making a mistake some people might call you a darn fool to leave a fine farm and go running off the city where it was noisy and dirty full of pickpockets and swindlers and women who painted their faces but there were things you want to do that couldn't get done on the farm if you were interested in machinery for instance or wanted to tinker with engines that ran on gasoline that country was no place for you you had to go where other men were doing this kind of thing train was late of course you could have slept another half hour you stood and look down the empty tracks waiting somewhere out there beyond the horizon lay the city where your destiny waited the people who lived in the city stayed in the city they walk the hard pavements to left PAP if a person were well-heeled he took a cab if a nickel was all he could afford he took a streetcar and got there an hour later the fastest thing in town was the fire engine in the good old summertime the streets got hot as vegetables and people wilted under the Blazing Sun and the kids the hard-boiled everybody panted and sweltered and longed to get away from the tanking Thunder of the elevated chains and the clatter of wagon wheels on cobblestones part of town lay the ballpark and if you went for a long boat ride down the bay you finally arrived at an amusement park whether we're rollercoasters shoot the chutes camels derive and a real beach for a kid could get to swim in the ocean but it took the better part of a day to get there than back so you settle for the nearest fire hydrant on your block bicycle for all the rage on Sunday afternoons you could peddle our past the 30 minutes and see real trees and grass hear a bird sing that was fun as long as your legs held out you could go wherever you wanted right up to the end of the road that is a few miles out of town of paving ended and from then on bicycling was no pleasure a lot of people accepted the end of the road and turn back but the bicycle wheels had a greater destiny in Detroit a man named Henry Ford who had left the farm and come to the city to tinker with machinery was making what he called quadricycle it looked like a buggy only that no shafts for a horse to be harnessed to the horsepower I was going to come from a gasoline engine he'd made himself he did everything himself working nights holding down a daytime job with the Detroit illuminating company you it took a long while to make this machine but Henry Ford stuck to it finally was ready one momentous night he pushed it out for its first trial run up and down the dark empty streets ran a little quadricycle past the sleeping houses just like unreal with the shape of things to come if anybody had waked up and looked out the window he probably would have thought he was still dreaming that night history was made the street was never the same again it didn't happen overnight the going was rough to those early cars on the American Road we should pause to remember and admire not only the adventurous men who kept on making automobiles but the reckless few who had courage enough to drive some people thought that the sail wagon had a more promising future than the automobile built like a nice boat on wheels it could hit over 50 if the wheel stayed on of course it took a land going sailors who operated and on a public road it really stopped traffic while people were still letting the wind blow them in various directions men like Henry Ford were putting their faith in the gasoline engine he built a big one and put it in a racing car called a 999 it was a huge heavy monster and it spent most of his time in the shop getting tuned up nobody at the time probably realized it but the 999 had a prophetic look this was no horseless carriage it was long and low and powerful built for speed in a crude but unmistakable way it forecasts the shape of cars to come on October 25th 1902 Barney Oldfield set a world record in the 999 he drove it a mile a minute this phrase I should in a new era cars now became a more and more frequent site particularly in cities by 1903 there were more than a thousand automobile manufacturers in the United States in that year the Ford Motor Company was founded the first payroll doesn't take much bookkeeping the first car of the new little company was called a model a he'd had a two cylinder 8 horsepower engine it could go 30 miles an hour it sold for 850 dollars a lot Bay and its owners were chiefly in the upper bracket it was smart and fashionably designed with a door in the rear like a phony card thank from the side a good safety measure designed to prevent the Clanker from being not flat and run over the car started prematurely everybody admired it but only the more daring could be persuaded to ride in any kind of a motorcar the farmer was a forgotten man during this early period he saw occasional cars I on the rough roads but these strange mechanical contraption seemed out of place in the country they were facili people not for him he kept on grooming his old room our horse and waited and suddenly one day it appeared it was called the Model T it had a four-cylinder 20 horsepower engine and a planetary gear that defied the laws of fire maybe you didn't look classy but it could take a beating on Ross country roads and still get you there it was a farmer's car built by a farmer there was only one thing wrong with it it cost 850 dollars millions of citizens looked at the Model T in liquor shops there it was a car of their dreams but they couldn't afford it back in Detroit Henry Ford wondered how he could bring the price of the Model T down to where everybody could buy it he figured that the more cars he made and sold the cheaper he could fill each one and he went to work on this idea in those days each car was built from the frame up on stationary wooden horses there was a different crew for each car the same crews stayed on a car until it was finished that meant duplication of effort and a lot of time wasted so they tried moving the men from car to car each man had a special job to do and as soon as he finished it he moved on to the next car did the same thing there that was better but it still took 12 and a half hours to assemble each Model T Henry Ford watched it for a while and he had an inspiration instead of moving the men past the cars why not move the car past the man though on 1/2 August morning they tried it that way a husky young fella put a rope over his shoulder and report calls let go and at that very moment as the workmen began to fasten the paths onto the slowly moving car the assembly line was born a technique that would revolutionize mass production all over the world once they found that the idea would work they began to improve it refine it they rolled a chassis down a single line of track pushing it from crew to crew and the more expert they became at this new method the faster the cars came off the assembly line and the price of the Model T began to drop they tried the same ideal all the various parts of the car and created what were called sub assemblies each man on the line became a specialist he did one thing and he did it perfectly and passed the work along to the next man minutes five minutes production was winning the battle against waste of time and wasted effort parts were fed to the workmen by gravity slide so they wouldn't have to stop and wait for new parts then they put the pass on moving conveyor belt this was a great step forward because now they could regulate the flow of work and keep it moving at a constant rate of speed and the conveyor belt grew longer and more complex as they move the work from place to place in the huge shops they became fantastic masterpieces of planning and engineering but the battle against wasted time and wasted effort was being won the cars began coming off the assembly line at the rate of one every 40 seconds in what Henry Ford it foreseen happened mass production and the assembly line drove the price of a Model T down from eight hundred and fifty to three hundred dollars now everybody could have one what a wonderful feeling it was to own your own car the Sunday afternoon Drive became a national pastime you went to visit uncle Obadiah with the car bouncing along like a boat in a choppy sea dozing your teeth out every time it is a bump mom would keep saying Papa don't drive so fast and when you suddenly met another car coming the other way on those narrow roads oh boy that was a thrill it's good you're here right up on him at first just being able to drive a car with the mouth pretty soon the novelty wore off and people began to get angry at the bad road so they started to make the roads better in every state all across the nation man and machines went to work the rotted mud gave place to smooth ribbons of pavement wide enough for two cars to pass each other the roads became longer they pushed out in every direction and down every road round the Model T panting and quivering always eager to go Father now an interesting thing began to happen people from the cities began riding out into the country and people from the farms began going to the city and whole sections of the population began to get acquainted with each other for the first time no road maps in those days if you got lost the kindly natives would give you directions so complicated you couldn't find your way home with a compass everything was down the road apiece if you got lost to state law everywhere you looked you saw the Model T it became a part of the American scene it took the housewife to market it brought the doctor to his patients in time to save their lives you it's saved time and speeded up business filling stations sprang up by the thousands and a whole new industry in gas and oil was created not only did it save time it gave the average citizen a wonderful new way to spend the time he saved now for the first time Americans were able to travel inexpensively across their own country in their own cars and see the grandeur of their inheritance they could visit the great national parks which had been created for the people but which so few people had ever had an opportunity to see now the whole family could get away from the noise in the heat of the city people could go camping over a weekend and be back to work Monday morning with renewed energy they could go to the mountains or if they prefer the beach the faithful Thin Lizzy would carry them to the Seas edge there were many new images in the people's minds now things they had seen along the American Road wonderful thing they would never have been able to see at all without the motorcar there was a new look in people's faces a look of discovery of wonderment and pleasure a new world had been opened up for them the nation took the Model T to its heart people called it a liver made jokes about it loved it they said it could go anywhere except in society Hollywood comedians had a field day with it the Model T was more than a motorcar it was the symbol of an industrial revolution for mass production and the assembly line we're now able to bring the price down on all sorts of product and put them within everyone's reach mass production also created thousands of new skills new jobs at higher wages and under this powerful stimulus the nation's economy expanded enormously what about the man who was chiefly responsible for all this what was he like let's take a look at the family album here he is at his home barely walking with his wife Clara through the garden laughing with a friend over a cartoon of himself on the ice-covered pond with his grandchildren here he is back on the land tinkering with one of the old steam engines he was always wondering how he could take the burden of work from the back of the farmer and put it onto the machine maybe it was at times like this that the idea of a tractor came to it the factor was the realization of one of his oldest dreams here he is in his office having a conference the man with five dollar days startled the industrial world this is a family's team son heads both starting out with some friends on transcontinental trip getting a big send-off a drive like this was quite an adventure in those days he liked to dance country dances a grandchild henry ford ii showing his grandchild a baby bird with mrs. Edsel Ford watching till the farmer teaching his grandchildren enter the second and Benton Ford to love this toil on anniversaries and other state occasions he'd get out the old quadricycle and drive it round fill in with his wife Clara what memories it must have brought back sometimes he like to go camping with some of his old friends the bidat man is John Burroughs the naturalist on the right is Harvey Firestone he still knew how to swing an axe and his own ideas about cooking - that's Edison in the background vigorous men with vigorous minds and healthy appetite he used to have a thing you can take the boy out of the country but you can't take the country out of the boy whatever he did Henry Ford always kept a certain rustic simplicity rugged quality that nothing could alter or soften Burroughs had always looked down his beard if Model T called it a noisy device that frightened the birds but finally even Burroughs overcame his prejudices man behind the legend these are men whose ideas changed our way of life and made it better father and son they walk side-by-side reviewing the past planning the future together up quickly at all it happened in less than 25 years Henry Ford he personified the American credo of individualism and freedom of enterprise he will long be remembered as the American Lord became better than the cars that drove along it began to change they became larger heavier lower longer the highway had become an extension of the city street and people began to demand Boulevard comfort and luxury and their transportation balloon tires and shock absorbers took the roughness out of driving interiors were the Ritz Tom Eden had a crystal bars to hold a single elegant flower Henry Ford saw the trend began making the Lincoln one of the finest and most luxurious cars in the world alongside of such grandeur the old model T began to look more and more like a country cousin the times have changed and the car that have changed the moon was no longer needed Henry Ford decided to stop producing it in May 1927 the 15 million Model T came out of the plant the assembly line closed down forever on the world's most famous car and then on the old slipper began to disappear muroids his old cars were turned in they were taken back to the plant there they were scrapped their steel with Salvage for use from the new models once in a while a car would balk at the mouth of the furnaces though in a last effort to save itself the Model T died hard although model-t began to fade from the America the impetus and the new direction it gave to our way of life did not stop there it gathered momentum that carried us through the gay xx even the grim depression of the thirties could not stop the powerful forces that have been set in motion the lessons learned from the assembly line and mass production helped us to win a long and terrible war nothing has been able to stop it we have kept on working depth on building and today this is how the American Road looks the whole nation has become Swift and mobile flowing along over a great network of highways more than three million miles long and constantly growing the American Road is listed itself high above the muddy ruts of 50 years ago the road has bridged the gulf between city and country their ways of life of mingled and both share the fruits of progress equally machines have taken the burden of work from the back of the farmer no longer do the women on the farms grow old before their time and the people of the cities have been able to move out into quiet communities full of Sun and fresh air that seemed almost like living in the country the old country schoolhouse is vanished and the energy of the children is no longer wasted in walking miles to get there the workers today no longer had to live close to the plant with the poison his home is in Pleasant surroundings and he drives to work every car on the American Road every new building the towers against the sky is a sign of our progress towards a better way of life but perhaps the most wonderful thing about the American Road is the freedom it gives me you've only to get in your car and start driving to feel it the American Road what magnificent vistas open up before us as we travel along it we have come a long way since the quadricycle and the Model T these short years our whole way of life has changed we have accomplished much but the achievements to come will dwarf our own the American Road stretches ahead of it Awards a new Verizon we are all traveling along that road all moving forward towards an even better tomorrow you
Channel: US Auto Industry
Views: 198,713
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Keywords: american_road, bel, air, malibu, IIHS, general, motors, ford, buick, pontiac, car, auto, automobile, vintage, history, us, u.s., united, industry, detroit, michigan, gm, bailout, steel, yaw, union, workers, labor, management, v8, v6, v-8, v-6, jeep, chrysler, oldsmobile, olds, motor, works, states, gmc, cadillac, chevy, Chevrolet, Falcon, airboyd,, #airboydtv, yt:quality=high, aviation, flying, Cars, Dodge, America, Automobile (Industry), V8 Engine (Engine Type), V6 Engine (Engine), planes, plane, pilot, #airboyd, super, bowl
Id: nVVcQxxENE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 10sec (2290 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2009
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