The Amazing Power of Magnets | SciShow Kids Compilation

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[Music] oh hi squeaks and I were just playing with magnets watch this I know right magnets are kind of amazing squeaks has so many questions about magnets let's start with what they're made of and what they can do this is one of my favorite toys all I have to do is hold them like this and they stick together without any glue or tape maybe you have a toy like hours one that has parts that stick together or maybe you have letters that stick to your refrigerator or a whiteboard but did you ever wonder why they don't just fall to the ground well it's because they use magnets a magnet is something that can put a special kind of force on something else a force can be a push or a pull a lot of the time we think about a magnet as attrac or pulling on something else the magnets that are in my toy pull on or attract this little ball and when they get close enough they stick to each other if you have a magnet at home you can see how it attracts this kind of a paperclip if I move the magnet slowly toward the paperclip the magnet pulls on the paperclip until the two objects are completely stuck together and once they're stuck they stay stuck until I put a force of my own on the paperclip by pulling them apart you might have noticed that I didn't even have to touch the magnet to the paperclip to get them to stick together that's because there's an invisible area all around the magnet that can attract certain things called the magnetic field you can see how strong a magnet is by seeing how close you have to get to the object before the magnet starts to pull if your magnet is pretty strong it'll be able to pull objects that are farther away than weaker magnets and a magnetic field can do some pretty neat things check this out if I put my Paperclip on top of this paper and my magnet below the paper I can move the paper clip without using my fingers at all that's because the invisible magnetic field pulls on the paperclip right through the paper even though the magnet isn't actually touching the paperclip it's still pulling on it and that's enough to make the paperclip move but just because something is attracted by a magnet that doesn't mean it's a magnet itself for example we just saw that my magnet sticks to this paperclip but the paper clip won't attract or stick to another paperclip that's because it's the magnet that's special and doing the attracting now magnets don't attract all things for example this magnet doesn't stick to me but it does stick to squeak's nose the magnet also isn't attracted to the table but we already know it attracts the paperclip H I wonder what other things will stick to my magnet let's go find some stuff around the fort and do an experiment okay I have some spoons from the fort's kitchen let's play a game I'll hold up a spoon and you and squeaks can guess if the magnet will Attract it or not first let's try this wooden spoon what do you think squeaks good guess let's try it you're right it doesn't attract the wood okay let's try this plastic spoon what do you think squeaks no again let's try you're right again magnets don't attract plastic okay let's try our last one what do you think is it going to stick all right let's try oh and they do they stick look at that so let's see of all the things we tried the magnet was only attracted to squeak's face the little tiny ball the paperclip and this spoon and there's something they all have in common something that makes them similar enough to be attracted to my magnet what do you think it is squeaks you're right they are all made of metal things that are made of metal are usually pretty shiny shiny and they're often hard and kind of heavy for their size like how the metal spoon is heavier than the plastic spoon even though they're around the same size a magnet attracts things that have metal in them but only certain kinds of metal not all kinds our magnet attracts this paper clip but not this coin even though they're both made of metal one type of metal that is attracted to magnets is called iron people use iron to make lots of different things like fences and Gates some kinds of pots and pants and lots of tools like nails and screws and when a magnet sticks to a fridge that's because there's iron inside the door even though you can't see it people use metals like iron to make something else too iron is one of a group of Special Metals that people can make into magnets iron can do both it can be a magnet and it can be attracted to a magnet if you're curious about what other kinds of things are attracted to magnets you can ask a grown-up to help you experiment if you have a magnet you can hold up to different kinds of things and see if you can guess what the magnet will attract it's pretty cool that magnets can grab metal with an invisible force but magnets can repel or push each other away too which allows squeaks and I to learn an awesome magnet trick oh hi everyone you're just in time I've been working on some new experiments and I'm so excited to show you my latest one I can make this ordinary magnet float in the air thanks squeaks I'm excited too let's get started all right First We Take This marker and we stick it to the table I'm using some modeling clay to make it stick next I take one magnet ring and slide it down to the bottom of the marker now very carefully I take the next magnet ring and lower it down the marker until Presto a floating magnet squeaks it's not exactly a magic trick it's more like a magnet trick because magnets can do all sorts of amazing things magnets are special objects made with Metals I bet you have some in your classroom or your home like maybe stuck to a refrigerator or whiteboard or in a toy and the important thing about magnets is they can make forces a force is a push or a pull and magnets can push or pull on things made with many kinds of metal like paper clips or Nails that's why you sometimes see magnets stuck to refrigerators they can pull so so hard on the metal inside the refrigerator that they'll stick to it we call things magnets pull on like refrigerators magnetic and get this magnets don't even need to be touching something to push or pull on it that's one of the things that makes magnets so cool I agree magnets are really fun to play with now testing to see if different things are magnetic Can Be Fun by itself but really interesting things happen when you put two magnets together check this out sometimes the magnets pull each other so they stick together really hard but now look what happens when I flip this magnet over I can't push them together it's just like my floating magnet experiment the two magnets won't touch it almost feels like they're pushing against each other oh good question squeaks why does this happen well magnets have two sides we call them the North Pole Po and the South Pole exactly squeaks it's a lot like the North and South Pole that you see on a map of the Earth in fact Earth is a giant magnet but that's a different story one we'll talk about soon when I hold the North Pole of one magnet and the South Pole of another magnet near each other each magnet makes a really strong force and the two pull together we say that they attract each other they actually pull on each other pretty hard so I'm being careful that they don't pinch my fingers now when I hold two North Poles together the opposite happens the magnets push against each other and won't stick in other words we say that the magnets repel each other so different polls attract each other and same po repel each other hey maybe that's why they say opposites attract oh you've got it squeaks in my experiment the two magnets on the marker are repelling K in each other this one has the North Pole facing up and this one has the North Pole facing down so the two push against each other right now the side on the top is a South Pole so if I want to add another floating magnet ring which side should I put facing the other magnets North or South South Pole let's try it you were right nice work Buddy the matching sides are facing each other so the magnets repel each other and float you can use magnets to do all kinds of fun experiments you could try this floating magnet ring experiment at home or try something new maybe you could try attracting magnets to hold together sheets in a blanket fort or you could try to balance things on repelling magnets ah squeaks that's a fun idea we could use magnets to put some art up on the fridge we could start our own magnet art gallery humans aren't the only ones who use magnets animals like turtles use the Earth's magnetic field to find their way around our friend Dr Turtleman stopped by to teach us just that and then we'll head south after that hi everyone squee and I are going to take a hike through the woods I heard there's a really pretty waterfall in the area so we're planning a hike to check it out are you excited squeaks oh are you okay oh I see squeaks is a little bit worried that we might get lost in the woods that's okay squeaks walking in the woods is a lot different than walking around the fort but don't worry we're going to take steps to make sure we don't get lost that's why we're making a hiking Plan before we leave and part of that plan is to make sure we take along our trusty Compass we can use it to help us figure out which direction we're going and keep us from getting lost hi Jesse hi squeaks oh look who it is it's our friend Dr Turtleman ah good idea squeaks Dr Turtleman does travel a lot maybe we can ask him what he does to keep from getting lost if you got questions about travel I'm definitely the reptile to ask sea turtles take long trips every year and I mean long some turtles swim thousands of kilometers across the ocean to find food and we can find our way back home from anywhere in the world you're right right squeaks there aren't any roads or Trails for turtles to follow in the ocean that's because we don't need them like many sea turtles I can find my way around or navigate without following roads I don't even need to use a map or a computer W that's like a superpower it's a science power and the power has to do with magnets you see magnets have two ends called poles and one end of a magnet is called the North Pole the other is called the South Pole and these poles can pull on each other we call this pulling Force magnetic attraction magnetic attraction is why you can use magnets to pick up some things made of metal like paper clips the magnets pull on them hard enough to pick them up and we call anything that gets pulled by a magnet magnetic exactly now our Earth also kind of acts like a big magnet it even has poles and they can also pull on some things or attract them that includes the needle on your compass because it's made out of a magnetic metal so your compass needle points toward North because its ends are being pulled on by the Earth's magnetic poles and that's why a compass is so helpful for finding your way around that's right and in a way sea turtles like me carry a compass everywhere we go because we have something similar inside our heads we have this stuff in our brains called magnetite it's a kind of magnetic rock so it gets pulled on by the Earth's magnetic poles much like the needle of your compass and because we have these teeny tiny bits of magnetite in our brains we can always sense which way is north and that really helps us find our way around that's so cool it is this special sense even has a cool name it's called Magneto reception and turtles aren't the only ones that use it scientists think other kinds of animals use Magneto reception to help them get where they want to go including Birds frogs and dolphins compasses whether inside out are just so great when you don't want to get lost so what do you think squeaks do you feel a little bit better knowing we'll have a compass with us on our hike I'm so glad thank you Dr Turtleman for teaching us all about magnetto reception you're welcome Jesse have fun on your hike bye you're right squeaks it is amazing that Turtles can navigate using Magneto reception but we can sort of do the same thing with compasses remember when we learned to build one oh hi everyone squeaks is supposed to meet me here in the lab but he's not here yet I wonder what's taking him so long I'm super excited to see him because he promised he'd show me his new magnet oh there you are squeaks is everything okay oh I see squeaks was trying out his new magnet by the river and the path there is really long and windy so it took him a while to find his way back to the Fort H the river is directly south of here if only you had had a compass then you could have taken a shortcut a compass it's a tool that can tell you what direction you're going and if you know what direction you're going you can find your way around without getting lost people have been using compasses for thousands of years to explore the world they can be big or small Fanci or plain but they have an important thing in common they have some kind of Arrow or needle that Points North so if we had a compass right now it's needle would point this way because that's North in fact we can use your magnet to make your own Compass right here at the Fort what do you say squeaks all right let's do it you can make a compass too just make sure you get a grown-up to help you to make a compass you'll need a sewing needle a piece of aluminum foil and a clear container of water with a flat bottom oh yes and a magnet thanks squeaks this is definitely where you'll want help from a grown-up first carefully pick up the sewing needle and hold it by the end that has the hole in it now drag the magnet along the needle slowly from the end with the hole to the pointy end like this you'll need to do this about 15 or 20 times and always make sure you're doing it the same way from the hole end to the needle point next we'll need to fold our foil into a little boat of sorts and then poke the needle through it again make sure a grown-up helps you with this trust me poking your finger with a needle hurts now we're ready to finish our Compass all we have to do is gently float the foil on the water in our Bowl wait a second and look the needle turned and it is now pointing North we did it good question squeaks but before I explain what happened in this experiment Let Me Explain how compasses work in general the reason why a compass Points North is really cool it's because the pointy part inside is a magnet and magnets have two ends called poles one end of the magnet is called the North Pole and the other is called the South Pole no matter which direction they're facing and opposite poles of two different magnets attract that means they pull on each other meanwhile similar poles repel each other repel means push away now here's the really awesome part our planet Earth is basically one huge magnet so it also has magnetic poles that means the Earth's poles act the same way that a magnets poles do they attract and repel the poles of other magnets and they just so happen to line up pretty well with the parts of the planet we call the North and South Pole you've got it the Earth's magnetic poles pull and push a compass needles magnetic pulse and that's what causes the compass to Point North so why do you think our sewing needle pointed North that's right I said the needle of a compass is a magnet so yeah that's it our sewing needle became a magnet that first step we did where we rub the needle with your magnet actually magnetized the sewing needle in other words it turned it into a magnet the pointy end became the North Pole of a magnet and the other end became the South Pole you know squeaks you're absolutely right it seems like the North Pole of the earth should repel the North Pole of our compass needle but here's the weird thing the Earth's north magnetic pole is actually in the South and its South magnetic pole is in the north so the Earth's South magnetic pole is pulling the North Pole of our needle to the North and the Earth's north magnetic pole is pulling the South Pole of our needle to the South which is weird and confusing I know but hey I didn't name these things exactly squeaks since the Earth's magnetic poles are always pulling on the poles of other magnets all we had to do to get our magnetized needle to Point North was let it freely spin about in response to those forces which is what the foil and water were for cool huh oh wao look at the time we told Jesse we'd meet her in the garden to help pull weeds so we better get going and we'll look into getting you a compass that's a bit easier to carry around than this ball that way you can make your way to and from the river a little quicker next time I know one more trick we can do with magnets can you think of anything else that you can do with Magnets How many things can you find that they stick to thanks for joining us if you want to have fun with me squeaks and all of our friends you can subscribe to Sao kids and I'll see you next time here at the fort [Music] say
Channel: SciShow Kids
Views: 264,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scishow, scishowkids, Jessi Knudsen, Jessi Knudsen Castaneda, Squeaks, science, kids, children, learning, education, school, sci, show, hank, green, home, curriculum, kindergarten, activities, the amazing power of magnets, magnet, fun with magnets, we made this magnet float in the air, float, turtle travel tips how magnets can help us navigate, navigate, turtle, make your own compass, compass
Id: 5hH5radPWHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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