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The amazing digital Circus is a colorful and cheerful virtual world where six humans are trapped under the tutelage of a talking jaw that tries to make their stay more enjoyable. In this video we will analyze each of these six characters with the information available to date. including the character of kane So settle in, grab your favorite snacks and enjoy this entertainment content kane is the main antagonist of this series And currently not much is known about him other than that he is an Artificial Intelligence that acts as the ringmaster of the Circus The head of this character is mainly a set of floating teeth with a pair of eyeballs inside, his left eye being green while the right eye is blue, he is dressed like a circus presenter and is often seen wielding A black cane topped with a golden ball usually appears accompanied by Babel, a talking bubble that plays the role of best friend or pet but that sometimes seems to get in Kane's way and he gets rid of it by making it explode when it bothers him. Kane shows himself as a leader. charismatic polite and somewhat distant being the main director of the Circus in charge of creating and supervising the challenges usually leads others on dangerous or complex adventures around the area some think that kane is the Avatar that represents the person responsible for this project others believe that Kane is the director himself but I think he is just an AI who is there carrying out orders from someone who is above him. His Creator has declared that Kane is inspired by the supercut am the main antagonist of the 1968 story I have no mouth and i must scream that he caused the extinction of humanity during world war 3 and took the only five survivors to his compound to torture them for eternity however he mentioned that kanin is essentially what am would be if he were a fun little nutcase instead of a crazed sadist who embodies absolute hatred who was not fully aware that his various circus games were actually harmful to his captives Ja is a very rebellious purple rabbit whose appearance is based on the old elastic rubber dolls and the character from poppy from the series poppy from performer he does what he wants when he wants he is apathetic sarcastic he doesn't care much about the feelings of others or even his own imprisonment just as he says It's okay to do whatever as long as he can see what happens to him funny things to others although it is believed that this attitude is just his way of dealing with his captivity and he really cares about his companions since when kaufm escaped he worried about getting kinger and gangel out of the area even if it was by making them roll like balls of Bowling often plays pranks on other humans, his favorite victims being Ragata and Gangel, one of the many reasons why Ja does not like any of his companions. The creator revealed that he is 22 years old, being the youngest of the group along with Zobel Ragata is a friendly Rag Doll and the second longest in the circus after Kinger. She is known as the sweetest little optimist and seems to be constantly happy even after being stabbed in the head with a knife. She also seems having accepted his captivity Although he often thinks about it but he tries hard not to because he is terrified of ending up contracting the abstraction virus his biggest fear is hundred feet and he often collides with Jack his design is a reference to raggedy an from the 1977 film Raggedy an an Andy, although he also bears a lot of resemblance to Moxy from the series Mampy and his friends Gangel is a very characteristic character whose design is quite simple since his body is mainly made up of four ribbons, two of which act as legs. another two as arms and a last one in a spiral shape acts as his body. He usually uses a smiling comedy mask as a face but when this breaks he shows a tragedy mask and Gangel usually shows himself as a happy and adorable innocent person when he has the mask. smiling but when it breaks he reveals his true personality the sad mask feeling As a miserable person who is self-conscious and often cries because of her insecurities, this character is directly inspired by Popy's cute performance, Gangel's attitude when her happy mask breaks and her act of hiding her inner sadness could lead her to suffer some type of depression. breeder has confirmed that gangel likes to draw specifically anime the two masks that make up his face and his emotions are based on the famous shock huskin masks that are famous in theater since both comedy and tragedy represent his two moods kinger He is a chess piece King with asymmetrical bloodshot blue eyes floating white hands and a purple King's robe He is the oldest Human within the Circus and the first to arrive which made him go crazy paranoid and easily blame his ADO the fact that The fact that he was the first human to be Trapped has led to all kinds of theories being formulated, among which it stands out that Kinger would be the real ringleader behind everything but that he no longer remembers, he is often forgetful and does not think well about what he is doing like when he tried. save Zobel and grabbed his head, also losing his hands, however he is friendly enough to not have made any enemies yet and is quite intelligent as when he suspects that Kaufm has gone crazy trying to find the exit when he points out that none of them really need to eat drink or sleep while they are in the virtual world during the pilot episode when ragata and pmi walk down the long hallway they pass in front of a door that has another kinger but black marked with an x ​​this suggests that kinger had a counterpart The King of the black chess pieces that could have been affected by abstraction But this is not confirmed the King's piece in chess is the most important piece in the game if the king dies the game ends so it is usually protected for the rest of the pieces but kinger has no pawns to protect him this could be the reason why he is constantly scared and hides inside a pillow fortress for fear of suffering a checkmate sobel is a combination of incongruous shapes and parts of the body that are removable, this character is shown to us as apathetic, bad-tempered and down-to-earth, it seems that he does not like the adventures planned by Kane, which is why he is so distressed when he is dismantled and kidnapped by the glowing sobel, he is the first Glitch Production character who does not have a certain gender this could be because he is having an identity crisis or because he changed his gender after entering the digital circus How is it shown in the reveal trailer when his horns are mixed sobel may have disorder Obsessive compulsive Ponny is the main protagonist and the character we know the least about is presented to us as an anxious, cautious and mentally fragile 25-year-old woman eager to escape from the Circus, terrified of not being able to get out and without even being able to remember her own name, it also seems lying to herself to calm herself down like when she says the circus is just a dream Despite these traits it is shown that Pomni cares about others like when she went to see Ragata after she was attacked by the abstracted Kaufm however after seeing the void at the end of the pilot pomni is seen completely traumatized but smiles uncertainly with a traumatized look in her eyes this could be a sign that she is lying to herself again or that she could be abstracting at a slower pace Pomni arrived at the digital circus after putting on a helmet. This helmet is speculated to be the same one we can see in the image where the computer screen appears. Although they are more like virtual reality glasses, it is believed that the helmet absorbed her completely. or he created a virtual copy of her within the Circus. Her scared, worried and depressed character, we do not know if it is due to her current situation or because her personality is really like that. Likewise, it is not a personality that fits the role of the jester, which makes us wonder. Why did she enter the digital world dressed as Arle King, although I have a theory that PM entered dressed as a jester to replace Kaufm's character? And from now on she will be the new comic character of the show, however, Kane baptizes her very appropriately with the name pomni, which means to remember in Russian, which leads me to think that this girl could be the person behind everything and wanting to try her own. project put on the glasses and crossed to the other side but lost her memory and is now trapped inside her own game before finishing the video I want to send a special thank you to the members of the Channel And remember if you also want to support the channel of this extra form You just have to hit the join button And these have been the main characters of The Amazing digital Circus if you liked the video it means that I have fulfilled my purpose so please do not leave without valuing my work any support helps me continue growing if you have any questions I will be happy to answer you in the comment box without anything more than Add I say goodbye until our next meeting
Channel: Cupido Pleasure
Views: 82,813
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Keywords: the amazing digital circus todos los personajes explicados, the amazing digital circus personajes, the amazing digital circus todos los personajes, the amazing digital circus capitulo piloto, the amazing digital circus teorias, the amazing digital circus resumen, the amazing digital circus español, the amazing digital circus historia, the amazing digital circus serie web, the amazing digital circus pomni, the amazing digital circus lore, the amazing digital circus, series web, arg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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