7 EXTREME Ways To Survive For 24 HOURS!

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we're surviving in the most extreme places like the world's loudest room the world's quietest room a dangerous city with no laws 200 ft underground in a doomsday bunker in the most haunted house in the world these survival challenges are only going to get more and more extreme so make sure you survive until the very end can silence drive you crazy well apparently 30 minutes in the world's quietest room is all it takes and right now I'm going to be locking myself in here to find out if that's true but before that to show you guys just how quiet this room really is we're going to be doing a few experiments in the world's loudest room a normal room and then the world's quietest room to show you guys the difference so here's how a balloon popping sounds like in a normal room was I supposed to pop it like that and here's how it sounds like in the world's loudest Room St that's cuz there's nowhere in this room for sound not to reflect we're not doing that again now we're going to see how it sounds in the world's quietest room what that was like a clap that's because there's nowhere in this room for sound to reflect making it really hard to hear normal things the hell was that [Music] nothing no Echo my ears are ringing 3 2 1 wait it just ended immediately 3 2 [Music] 1 it just keeps VI oh my God to put in perspective a loud classroom is 80 DB a fire alarm is 100 DB and a plane taken off is 150 DB which is enough to burst your eard drums and meanwhile the world's Qui room is9 DB like I said 30 minutes in here can drive someone crazy okay turn off the [Music] lights all right um starting to regret this a little bit the first thing alen will begin to notice is the sound of his own heartbeat guys I don't know if you can hear this but I actually hear my own heartbeat I'm actually so aware of my own body body right now I can literally hear everything like it's so weird for me to even swallow whoo that sound of sus yeah but seriously I can hear everything the next thing Alan will notice is the unbearable ringing in his ears which will lead to a loss of balance due to the lack of reverberation in the room if he decides to stand up okay I have to stand up my ears [Music] resist guys oh he stood up and fell I figured his spatial awareness was impaired due to the absolute silence and ladies you can fall for [Music] me all right my freaking back my balance is so off in [Music] here wait should I do some ASMR do you guys hear [Music] that [Music] subscribe if you eat in a quiet room as opposed to a loud room your body is actually more aware of the sensation of food since it isn't doled by the noise I actually brought some chicken nuggets with me in case I got hungry okay these were Alex's oh my God these actually taste so good these are the best chicken nuggets I've ever had silent eating helps you consume less cuz you're consciously more aware of what you're eating therefore you stop sooner Alex you need to eat in some quiet rooms damn man I'm actually laying on the ground cuz I heard it helps digestion imagine how that would have sounded in the world's loudest roomly if Allan can make it 30 minutes in the world's quietest room he's at the risk of going insane and ending up at a mental Asylum [Music] I'm not going to lie this is actually really starting to get to me I feel so uncomfortable it's just like the Chinese water torture hearing the same drop of water over and over again can drive someone crazy just like how the sound of nothing is about to drive me crazy okay this is it for me w woo all right so how quiet was it let's put it this way it's not as quiet as the silence after Tanner tells a joke oh I [Applause] [Music] get now that we' survived the world's quietest room we're going to see how long we can last in the world's loudest room in here unlike the world's quietest room where your senses are heightened you can actually get permanent hearing loss so count me out wait you can actually feel more in the quiet room I'll be right back SE SE so in the world's loudest room everything is reflective constantly bouncing sound back and Ladies we can reflect on our night hit my line before we begin there's actually a myth that sound can kill you so we're going to need you guys to kill that subscribe button loud sounds can definitely kill you a sound as loud as 240 DB can instantly kill you with that it was time for us to begin the challenge hello wo that's so cool I feel like I have superpowers like Professor Reed let me see if I can break this glass dude I heard it like heard it like I mentioned all noise is Amplified in the world's loudest room the front of a rock concert is 150 DB but in the world's loudest room it could get loud enough to kill someone now this is where the real challenge begins we're going to be playing some really loud Rock concert music since the food tast is so good in the quiet room I wanted to see how much worse it tasted in the loud room with all this music not nearly as good as earlier wait turn off the music that's loud was almost louder than the music hey I'm having a good time in here [Music] really wait I got something to play for you guys no even better I guess silence does drive you crazy because we're driving to the most dangerous city this is the last city in America with no laws there are no police officers electricity or running water and for the next 24 hours we're going to be trying to survive in the world's most dangerous city I brought a golf club and a baseball bat so I'm feeling pretty safe what is this Wanted Dead or Alive fought off 15 police officers well I can't say that how did that get there that's not me that's not me you have your binoculars and everything people die so there's no like crimes here or are oh yeah there's crime people get stabed people get shot people get chopping pieces J K was found stab in the morning would you recommend that we uh stay tonight here no I don't think so it danger is anywhere so there are no laws here only one okay you got to subscribe CU you're watching this I think that's a laot for you guys so if you're watching this please subscribe you got to subscribe man I'm just wondering how they even got this plane here did someone like just crash it here did they like haul it in or this is a little creepy guys oh my gosh oh my gosh that's scary that is so scary holy crap hey it's not working wait oh fear for your life but my favorite one personally is I didn't know Sean was here but he left a note behind mental master no you'll see how Lawless and stupid this place can get you can camp anywhere you want realistically go down this road find an open spot camp out so we just got done scouting out this entire area with a drone and it seems that this place is relatively safe oh my god wow Cat Lost Sea won but then Bubba want you Sean no and we finally found our own spot to set up our tent and honestly I've never been great at setting up tents so Tanner why don't you go ahead and set this up CU this is about to get intense hey I got my here you're going to have to grab this and get out I got my tire here my rocks all right yeah um listen I got knives all right time to get the out of here personal property here let's get this video to a million likes guys cuz this is very dangerous what we're doing especially when it gets started so we were exploring a little bit earlier and we happen to stumble across this area and at first we thought this was either sand or dirt but check it out guys this is all bones or even dead human bones because for all we know this is probably where they High dead bodies at in case you guys think we're not actually staying T night our car is literally stuck so we have no option there was actually a murder here 4 months ago and it took them two whole months to find the body wait you guys you you guys go to sleep I I'll stay up and keep watching let's make sure this was like everything like this was everything right actual rods the stakes are still here someone just ripped up our tent while we were gone for 10 minutes and just stole everything what if he's the one who took it we stayed T night over there last night yeah we heard you guys sound like you had a good time did you happen to see anything oh know I didn't this just happened huh hey are you filming me kick rocks all three of you there's a lot of dangerous people here but little did we know the most dangerous person here was the one behind the camera cuz Sean actually got detained by the sheriff one sub equal one prayer Sean after surviving in a city with no laws we're running as far away as possible to hide in a doomsday bunker we are currently above one of the world's largest doomsday bunkers and for the next 50 hours we're going to simulate exactly what it would be like to be trapped 200 ft Underground on top of that we have to survive off very limited resources eat only bunker food all wellbe completely disconnected from the outside world is there no other way down it's going to be 50 hours by the time I get down here I even halfway down I can't even feel my arms I made it all right so who's next if I fall you know I got my third lady catch my God I'm B deep right now oh no that that we got to find another way down a few moments [Applause] later that was way worse than other way down oh my God so this 6,000lb door is actually guarding the entrance to the bunker it's actually harder to get through this than a bank bolt God Dam so the rules are once we go inside we are not allowed to leave that bunker until the 50 hours are off and we have to survive off only what's inside the bunker yeah let's do it wa wait does anybody have a iPhone 4 charger my phone's about to die to make sure we stayed the entire 50 hours we had the owner of this bunker plant C4 explosives that would go off if we tried to leave early so everyone inside is safe right oh yeah but like we agreed if you guys leave before the 50 hours is up you're done at the end of the 50 hours I might go crazy cuz there's no sunlight no windows and I can't see what's outside honestly I'm worried about surviving my girlfriend because my phone's about to die unless someone has an iPhone 4 charger I just got done checking out all the floors and this place is actually a lot nicer than you guys think it is guys this is the control room this is where they launched nukes from and down that Hall in World War II there was actually a nuke in it how do you know all this stuff D I'm also a history major so we're on level two right now and there's a floor above us and below us and and I already know you guys are going to fight over Which floor you're going to sleep at tonight so we're going to be playing a game of hide and seek and the last person found gets to pick whichever floor they want Allan start the countdown 60 move move I'm going upstairs oh my gosh this place has a kitchen and a movie theater too oh wo this room's actually so much nicer than I thought wait a minute Sean do you think that you can help me open this 31 30 29 wo I don't know if I can help you close it now what D oh my gosh this bed is literally levitating it's built into the concrete since she's stuck I might want to be stuck too so I'm going to wait for them to leave their counting spot and then I'm going to hide there nine okay I'm going to be in here this is so scary 2 1 ready or not here I come I can literally see down there oh my God that's three stories hiding here we're going to find you guys I guaranteed there's going to be someone upstairs that's nice very very nice so I think I'm going to turn off the light what no way this is a whole hidden bathroom I'm definitely going to be safe in here all right we're coming upstairs this is nicer to my room oh my God what where Alex I think you just found someone one down three more to go there's only one more floor to check oh my God this is the biggest floor that is such a nice Kitchen nope no one's back here oh what the heck this is Bunker food Ice Cream Sandwich hello oh know they see me oh what the we I just saw a light in there we see you Sean hey I'm I'm stuck did you fit in here where's everyone else hiding yeah we might we might sniff them out so Sean has agreed to help us in exchange that he won't have to sleep here tonight hello wait so who's left I think Tanner oh Alan's calling me right now Tanner where are you I'm right where you guys started counting all right all right give us one second Tanner I think they try to drink me what the dude that scared what wa you were the last one found so what are you thinking I'm thinking this bunker is definitely new proof cuz I Just Dropped a Bomb and we're still fine Tanner I'm going to give you a present I knew it what floor are you choosing to sleep on uh I think I'm going to choose a master bedroom that's actually my favorite bre no guys Sean's asleep in your bed you want us to wake him up no looks like he's having a good dream welcome Sean tell me where it hurts you bad bad boy I have a bad case of for you sounds to me like you need a sexy SpongeBob I hope you're enjoying this well consider me soon I think we should have more fun you read my mind now where were we what's wrong buddy what's wrong buddy I don't think I want this room anymore so we decided to all bunk up since this was the only floor that was left yep cat took my room upstairs wait if cat's sleeping upstairs and we're down here where is Sean [Music] sleeping you guys have 30 minutes to make a meal using only the supplies in this bunker the person with the best tasting meal wins $1,000 there's two Taos in here I got ramen I'm about to make the best pie all right what do you guys have for me all you need to know is I put it down on the grill well you got to learn to pick it up too now cat what do you have for me what do I look like a rabbit no rabbits are small and cute Alex you're really going to like this I think cooking's my calling what you said cooking's your calling yeah well hang up all right Sean what do you have for me the best just peanut butter open [Music] it oh hell you you don't you don't like it I'm not eating that I'm done cooking for you it's over I like heard the scariest noise I thought someone was like hiding in the bathroom a fugitive has actually hidden a bunker for 3 years before oh yeah it's probably not just the six of us in here let's go check to see if we find anyone hell no wait dude look there's something in here there's something in here sh there's something in here hi sisters I want to go home dude there's a phone in there I'm like 99% sure there's someone else in here let's ask the owner the bunker if anyone's ever snuck in here before no no no between the security cameras and the 6,000lb doors this place is super secure I think all seven of you guys will be super safe seven yeah I mean there were six of you but then the seventh person checked in at about 2:30 last night oh he's not with us he is now ever since they said there might be someone else here I'm starting to think there's [Music] ghosts this bathroom's good we've been inside this bunker for 15 hours now and we've shown you guys the hidden restroom and all the other cool features fun fact a lot of bunkers are being rented right now out of fear exactly you know it doesn't matter if you're poor or rich skinny or fat at the end of the day it's night wow I thought you were actually going to say something there because there's no natural sunlight down here we accidentally slept over 12 hours obviously Caleb and Tanner are still sleeping but we're going to go upstairs and see a cat's awake why does she need a bed this big the so where's cat I don't know why are you in the bathtu oh my God hi I really felt like someone was watching over me before we wake up Tanner and Cayla one comment we've been seeing a whole lot is to do dares again and the Dare that we're going to do for this video is prank your [Music] friends what [Music] happened all right guys you know the deal now that we did one of your dares we dare you guys to like this video now let's go make some breakfast oh my God are there whistles in my nose why are you here you dude knew it so our bunker food is finally ready all we did was add hot water and let it sit let's dig in W no way it's a scrambled egg 10 out of 10 was actually pretty good wait Alex you don't have to actually finish it just want this I didn't expect bunker food to actually be this good it's pretty good but I prefer my cooking well I don't well I prefer my banana what the that door randomly just opened let's go check it out no wait wait oh my God this is where the missile was someone was sleeping here someone was here someone was there last night at hour 35 we had completely run out of food Caleb and Tanner even started fighting hey hey hey give me a second I I need to get my story straight my friends are in the bathroom getting higher than the Empire okay all right now that you guys are actually fighting we're going to be having a two-part Challenge and a loser of the challenge has to stay at the world's worst Punker you two are playing a balloon game you guys are going to take turns keeping a balloon up in air and whoever lets a drop on the ground loses 3 2 [Applause] [Music] what oh oh [Music] oh oh my [Music] God oh my God it's time for you to go to the world's worst bunker I thought it was a two-part challenge the second part of the challenge is for to find a bunker yourself now get going no I don't want to go to the other bunker no I like this bunker so much wa well this is definitely a downgrade but let's go check out the inside you guys might be wondering why I'm in this position and that's because after watching the security footage I'm going I'm going to teach everyone some selfdefense in case someone were to attack us so I'm three against one right now and the first thing I'm going to do is break a hold of his grip knock his hands down and I'm going to finish it off with a one two now let's try this a real speed watch out watch out watch out watch out KO here's the cover I'm inside now and I think this is where I climbed down what the hell was this build in the 1400s we actually haven't even used the movie room yet so for the next 3 hours we're going to be watching a movie poor Caleb I wonder how he's doing there's no electricity there's no phone service and I'm definitely not alone cuz there was a bed wow wow that was a good movie oh I think my foot fell asleep cat can you massage it ew no I'm not massaging your foot yeah I'm not massaging your foot either I feel like something a lot of people would be doing if they were trapped in a bunker is working out so I think we're going to take the remaining time and transform our bodies let's just work out okay I just want to go home oh it's so cold I wish I had a blanket right now so we have one more hour left in this bunker and I already feel my poy transforming you're going to need a lot more time than 1 hour D can we do something else let's just go home before the 50 hours are up I have one question if Sean's right here then who's that behind the camera after surviving in that doomsday bunker we're going to step it up and do the most extreme survival challenge in human history overnight in the real Conjuring house do demons and ghosts exist if you believe in God then you have to believe in the opposite well today we're going to be doing a last to leave 100h hour survival at the scariest and most haunted place on Earth The Conjuring house we also have the most expensive and accurate ghost equipment to help us detect Paranormal Activity oh my God wait this is the actual Conjuring house yes and if you guys have seen The Conjuring movies just know that this is the actual house that inspired them now before we enter just know that the last one of us to leave wins $10,000 and a possession Tanner on a serious note the two of us don't believe in this stuff what soever but we are going into this with an open mind and we're going to do everything we can to find out if ghosts and demons are actually real for you guys all right now let's head in guys hello hey nice to meet you no one's here dude no one's here I definitely feel a presence in here I don't think we're alone you're just trying to make us leave okay stop yeah that's not going to work before we officially begin the challenge we wanted to give you guys a tour and backstory of just how creepy and paranormal this house is starting with the library this is a really hot spot for Paranormal Activity when people come in for the night there's a portal in this room that kind of aligns with the upstairs room should we just shut the doors here might open them on you so so these doors right here open and closed by themselves sometimes I have seen it myself yes after we tore the library we moved into the living room where the original demonic possession took place this was the parents um dining room when they were here and this is where the Seance took place with the Warren back in the name what is a seance a seance is kind of a ritual used to communicate with the spirit and something went wrong during the Seance where something attached to Carolyn the mother spiritually the table and chairs started to shake her chair levitated and she was thrown into the adjacent room next door there was a lot of she got possessed correct and that might happen to ush you're saying I'm leaving that dude what why are you doing that stuff dude they do like to poke at visitors sometimes so really that's what happened to me he's scared scared there's Bells here are we signing the death look at this violent spiritual attacks electrical shock friction Burns bruises scratches contusions so we have to sign this they're literally saying this is going to happen to us violent spiritual attacks no stop dude is that the ghost it's blood while we were exploring the house we heard a door randomly shut wait wasn't that open just now wait yo it was open earlier wait a second restroom earlier why is it closed I mean it is a haunted house oh my God that is a creepy big bathroom come in here with me did you guys hear that what the is I swear to God I just heard knocking where did you hear it like upstairs like yeah they do that why I'm not leading the way this ain't a bathroom oh look you can see the outside of the window oh bathroom oh just it's just a wall oh my God oh my God it's a secret wall guys that's what holy sh do you guys see that there actually is a shadow there guys apparently people were buried in the wall that's where they hide in the bod yeah oh my God guys did you guys hear that I heard I hey I know I'm not the only that was like a growl for the record no YouTuber has ever slept here overnight we're actually staying here multiple nights and we just found out that the longer you stay here the more comfortable the demons and spirits get to haunt you and I'm sure you guys know what happened to the original owners so just know that the longer we're here the more difficult it gets for us to survive oh I tripped I tripped I tripped I tripped dude don't fart in my face why would he do that I've never done that before does that if we did that that would be a ghost D and not us please Ain't No Way ain't no way I just heard knocking sound I just heard knocking sound guys I know you guys hear that yes why are they going down first you scared the hell out of why aren't you scared why aren't you scared oh oh oh my God okay okay you guys realize it's a haunted houseo yeah I just I never serious note though I I I like your beard this is the room you guys wanted to spend the night in what oh my God is what it looks like wait what is this room called the B room no no wa open up wait no the door's actually locked I'm not even joking oh wait it is locked oh my God it is locked oh my God oh my God it is locked there we go we're good as we continue the tour we quickly learned that the conjuring movies did not do to place is Justice the real history of the house was actually 10 times worse than what the movies were allowed to show you saw a shadow in here yes I was trying to tell you guys you guys you saw Shadow here this room isn't haunted right or scary this is the most active room for turn I'm lock oh front a lot of visitors here at the house will get nauseous dizzy some people will have headache time warps is kind of a thing in this room we've had people claim to be here 10 minutes when reality an hour has passed by without them realizing it wow did it open you yeah it just oh my God is this the room where the spirits would kiss the girls on the forehead good night and the girls thought it was the mom yeah as we enter the basement we immediately noticed a very negative energy no way look at that w it's the scariest basement I've ever seen this is the well room so it's a 10 to 15t well anyone ever gone down that well yes oh what is that you see that right here snake skin right here snake skin from shedding they shed here huh oh my dude there's so much snake skin here guys if I get scared like do I run to you or where wait are you going to be here when we're sleeping oh he oh yeah so Sean's good I just like after the owners left it was time for the challenge to finally begin so if you end up being the last one to leave what are you going to do with the $10,000 probably get an exorcism before we actually get back into filming like it is cold here right I'm not the only one I I I think it's cool that's not funny I actually really believe in this stuff I I genu genuinely don't know how long I'm going to last I'm not going to really what happened what happened what happened what happened so we actually have a medium coming over later who has the ability to communicate with ghosts and she's going to help us use our ghost equipment but before that we're going to play a game of hide-and seek and the first person found has to sleep alone in the basement 60 got to find a 57 I'm back here wait wait we were just talking about this this is where all the dead bodies are buried in the wall I'm not hiding there we're going in the basement I don't think they're going to look in here I think going to hide in here cuz it's pretty tight right in here yeah go to the box oh it's pretty tight like that tighty bro I heard something all right ready or not here we come guys so the real reason why we're both together is because you're actually more vulnerable to the spirits and ghosts when you're alone so that's why we're The Seekers we're going to check in here first the basement first H yeah hey if the lights are off I'm not going down there and I don't think anyone else is either dude you keep sticking your butt in my face this door's open this door's is someone in there all right boom no one's in here all right I don't see anyone in here all right cuz I'm not going in there check back here wait I hear some wait I hear something someone hiding back here hi sisters is this James why is the chair rocking why is the chair rocking there's no way anyone can fit in there is there someone in there there oh my God how' you guys find me what is this what what me I could literally see you through the camera look like you were taking a dude yeah but hey I got some good news you were actually the last one found shut up yeah no way no you're the first one found you know what that means right you're having to sleep in a basement alone no I don't you actually have to go sleep in a basement alone you know I can't do that please guys we actually found the first person so everyone's good to come out after hide and seek we experienced our first demonic encounter we couldn't find Sean for half an hour and then this happened wa wo wo wo wo do you guys start rattling like someone's like trapped somewhere what is what is that Sean Sean you guys Sean Alex yeah wait what the Sean Sean this just a seat wait are you sitting on this no I'm not I'm actually not I actually can't push it out are you okay what the heck open it oh my God wait it is heavy what I felt like someone was on top of me I was trying to get out like way early it actually felt like two fat big booty were on no se get out of there just get out of there get out of it you're freaking me out get out Sean just get out stand upy what the hell what the hell was that you guys hear that I know you guys heard yeah I heard that do you no hey I'm done I'm out do with this uh-uh what do you mean I'm out of here you're out of here leaving yep NOP I can't be here I'm scared I am scared you're not want toest we paid you be here wait hold on wait a second w w w we hired you to film it doesn't matter I'm not one of the contestants I don't have to be here so I'm leaving no this is we're not hey we're not paying you you don't have to pay me I'm going bye no that was probably more weird than that what okay so I can't be too loud cuz everyone's downstairs right now but now that Tanner knows where he's sleeping we're going to show cat where she's sleeping except we're going to prank her first but the none yo yo yo what the is that Yoo hey that actually went off by itself that actually went off by itself dude Spirits do not like you were in that outfit so before we actually prank cat please subscribe for our safety and like this video while you're at it cuz we're literally putting our lives on a line are you getting this stop did you hear that guys the rim pod is going off and the only way that can happen is if someone or something is touching it which literally means there's a ghost messing with it right now what did you bring with you why does that keep going off I brought her own pod I'm setting it up right there I also have this cross to keep me protected I'm going to set it in this chair okay it's a good thing that you're not sleeping in the basement but this room does have the most activity you oh my God my heart is beating out of my chest oh my God e you look scary don't look at me on a serious note that Rim pod going off I don't know what that was about there's definitely something else here but good thing the medium is here so we should go down a meter okay in case you guys are wondering a medium is someone who can communicate with Ghost and right now we're going to ask some questions we've always wanted to know can you please show me a yes show me what yes is so you see it going can you show me what no is can you see how it's moving in a different direction is there a demon by the name of B Sheba here with us that looks like a no no that looks like a yes wait the way it swinging it looks like a yes oh my god let's get out of here are there good spirits here that's saying no that's that's the there's only bad spirits in here right now why are you still in here are there seven people buried on this property that means yes right yeah are they buried in the walls that's also yes yes if they were still alive would they they date you yeah gu there you go that's a soft yes I didn't get rejected by a ghost so between 3: and 4:00 a.m. is the thinnest Veil between here and there and the more we approach Halloween that's when it's at it extreme vness Veil so we came at the worst time the best time for spirit communication oh look at the handprint there oh my God wao wait that's a hand yeah Sean stop tickling Sean I'm over here so that someone else is tickling you give me them balls so during witch an hour we actually all decided to go to Bath sheba's graveyard and hopefully encounter with some Spirits there oh is that it why are we here why are we here if we see something like someone else here are we running or what are we doing running we not run are we fighting we're not doing what the hell are we doing not doing C's going to run going to run going to trip and get possessed oh my God I swear to God I just heard something move I'm not joking around honestly I think Bates made the right call leaving this early we shouldn't be here I think i' be able to stay here that much longer what's that stop what's that what's that uh uh what that I don't know if I could do this this was a bad idea you guys can't be here all right so we finally found baath sheba's Tombstone and right now we're going to try to communicate with her we also set up a rim pod back here so if you see the light go off that means it's her spirit or another Spirit trying to communicate with us what's going off it's going off so it's still witch an hour and we're going to use a Spirit box that allows spirits to communicate with us using radio frequencies are you here with us right now yes I heard yes I heard yes I heard it yes are you an evil or good spirit I heard evil evil I heard evil I heard evil devil devil I heard devil I heard devil are you going to haunt us no I heard no I heard no I heard we come to you with a peace offering and a body for you to possess don't say rock paper scissors guys the loser has stay T night here okay Rock Paper Scissors Shoot oh you guys have to go now you guys have to go the loser of you guys has to say tonight here oh hell no oh you're going down she said she was evil it's not Brian I'll be fine if you leave you're technically out of the challenge so it's up to you Z all right Z justful bye guys by here oh oh my god when we got back to the house we learned that we weren't allowed to sleep under the cupb your best bet is to just lay right in the middle of bed and not move the entire night because you were the first one found in hide-and seek you're going to have to sleep in a basement I'm sorry good night and the reason why I'm giving you a hug is because tomorrow when you wake up you're going to wake up a different person no I just say that want you guys come down there with me oh you're not going to be down there alone trust me on that your spirit's down there all right let's do it oh my God I did not expect that okay let let all right good luck I don't know if I can do [Music] this I think I saw something over there what the hell holy I think I just might leave dude wait they they locked the door I can't leave you having a panic attack all right so Sean you're actually going to sleep next to a birthing room in here and Cat I'm going to have you in the room next door I'm about to get someone pregnant what what let me try to go to sleep and actually forgot to mention this earlier we're down to only six people now and one thing that we're both really terrified about is the kids who slept in this room claimed that there were ghosts that would tell them good night and kiss them on the forehead they thought it was their own mother doing it until they noticed the mother smelled like roses while the ghost smelled of a really foul stench if I feel anything tonight I'm actually leaving I'm not putting up with that [Applause] yeah [Music] I brought you a blanket this is getting way too weird for me I am leaving God so we survived the night we're officially on day two I actually felt tugging you guys hear that I know you guys just heard that it is pretty early and I do think we are the first ones up so I say we prank someone with a nun again the microphone just went out and that's never happened before like it was working 2 minutes ago when we were outside the ghosts have been known the siphon energy from Electronics you think that's actually what's happening right now so this is the second time I'm doing this intro now but our friends are really scared and to make them even more terrified we're going to prank them by making them think they saw something [Laughter] okay that wasn't me that was a ghost how'd you sleep Tander I didn't sleep you didn't sleep not one bit I no I thought I kept seeing something over there I kept looking over there all night I'm surprised you haven't left cuz I would have left I almost left when I when I first went down here but I couldn't cuz the damn door was locked bro let's actually just go no what do you mean no I swear to God saw I just saw something shut up you guys saw too I saw someone just walked that way I'm not going back over there dude I a heart attack going have a panic attack again yeah the camera batter kept dying down here what the you guys I'm actually out I can't do this anymore I almost had a fing panic attack as you guys dude we can leave now like we can leave the basement now you no no I'm leaving leaving you're leaving like I'm getting a uber to the airport and I'm out I almost died over [Music] there so how did you guys sleep last night uh terrible I kept getting the sensation like someone was staring at me really yeah oh well well I I didn't sleep that much you know I I did more so like protecting you guys protecting how are you protecting us just watch the footage I was actually looking looking over you guys what the hell happened Sean oh and uh Zach left just got to the airport and I literally bought the first flight out of here and I assume I'm going to be reimburse for the [Music] ticket so that means we're down to just the four of us i' say we split up and we each go to a room that had the most activity yesterday except we go by ourselves and see if it's scarier cat and sea wanted to communicate with the spirits peacefully but we had something else planned I don't know why they thought this was a good idea but I'm ready to make communication with the with the children you want to become my friend sure sure are you next to me it says behind should I should I run or stay it it run yeah I'm actually really scared right now are you inside the birthing room yes I heard yes I got to go inside the birthing [Music] [Laughter] room sorry Mom I saw something down my spine it's just Alex are ghosts always white and translucent no do ghosts like to be filmed that one said I do you scared me so bad oh my God I waited outside 10 minutes for that so we have some more paranormal investigators coming over for the second night and it's actually just down to the three of us now cuz we haven't seen Shawn for a long time yeah where's Shawn I'm back fully protected Sean I think that's a little excessive right I'm winning this challenge all right if anybody's in this room or in this house and you can hear my voice I'm asking you to come into the room please and when you get right here I'm going to ask you to stop walking for a second stop in place give me let's say four loud Stomps wherever you are 1 2 3 four thank you so much were you in the closet earlier oh my the Rod's going off sh calm down can you set off the r pod again oh my that's all oh my God hey that's the first time the rim pod's ever been set off when we asked the spirit to set it off after the paranormal investigators left we decided to head into the basement to communicate with the spirits for witching hour but then this happened guys we came downstairs during witching hour to try to film another scene and it is saying please charge a battery when the battery was fully charged are you are you freaking kidding me the second we replaced the battery it's still going off do you hear it if there is a spirit here with us can you please leave the rim pod alone uh guys if it's going off like that it means actually someone's touching it keep keep it on it keep it on it keep it on it oh my goodness why is it going off like that guys right there should we get help guys as we said earlier in this video the longer we stay here the more comfortable the spirits get to haunt you okay we let's start this I think this is the best time to start it I can't hear anything you guys ask the questions okay is there a spirit down here with us did you see that yes did you see the thing turn red Alan hey I can't hear you guys do you see it all the way five all the way do you want to harm us possibly hey I keep seeing that thing go off every time I answer a question that thing goes off guys we're not faking this it's going off again what why is it going so crazy cuz it's witching hour and we're in the basement right now why is it doing that if there's a spirit here could you please stop touching the rim pod it just stopped yes it actually just stopped thank you so much what do you want with us hurt no no stop over over why do you want to harm us the Grandpa's going off why do you want to harm us get out okay get out okay all right I'm not joking I just heard get out that's what I just oh my God I just got to chill I just got a chill fre me out hey guys listen guys it's going off again okay listen listen listen so what do you guys think we should do what do you guys think we should do at this point we all wanted to leave but we owed it to you guys to stay longer and investigate I'm actually starting to believe in this kind of stuff what is your name oh oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God what is your name BBA okay hey that's hey she's from the grave it's from the grave all right it's from the I'm scared to leave I'm scared to walk past this what was that what was that what was that what was that I felt something tou what was that what was that what was that we're not joking around guys we were supposed to leave way earlier like the plan was to leave way earlier but the fact that there's so much activity down here like compared to last night are you mad at us maybe can we make a peace offering we leave him behind let's go run run run run it's saying run hey hey I'm not joking I just heard run I'm not joking I heard run I swear to God I heard run I heard I don't care about the $10,000 we're leaving it as a peace [Music] offering mother hey can someone come with me someone get near me guys get come with me let's go together mother and R pods are going off r pod is going off me me me me first hey oh sh I'm fall it's locked it's locked hey guys it's actually locked okay um and we're all down here uh we're the only ones in this house only people in this house so that means a spirit can locked us down here guys what it just open it just opened why did this open well then let's go we're leaving our suitcases here I don't care whatever we took here we are not leaving with it because I don't want to bring that energy or any spirit with us what we should have never filmed this video what what whose idea was this so to answer the question the demons and ghosts really exist OD to evidence points to yes but if you don't believe in them then watch this video again and pay extra close attention this time
Channel: Stokes Twins
Views: 47,307,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: surviving in the world's most dangerous places for 100 hours, last to leave, survival challenge, dangerous, surviving in the world's most dangerous city, extreme survival challenge, tornado, tornado survival, stokes twins, Brent rivera, mrbeast, ben azelart, lexi rivera, Jeremy hutchins, unspeakable, mark rober, airrack, Ryan trahan, royalty family, Jordan matter, amp, dhar mann
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 7sec (3187 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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