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50 curious facts about Jax number one Jax is a main character from The Amazing digital circus he is another human trapped in this virtual world whose Avatar is that of a purple rabbit wearing a pink overall and yellow gloves that match his yellow teeth and Ice his personality is sarcastic arrogant and zero empathic always trying to mock or troll the other members number two the Creator admitted that while she was creating Jack she took some inspiration from herself as an example we have his sarcastic attitude with ja the creator has a chance to share part of herself to the audience in a way of a lovely but not so heroic character that she feels attached to number three before Jax's design was revealed gworks posted a digital circus promo comic where Jax appeared with a character not officially revealed sign covering his face later on she posted a video taking that sign away to show a creepy rabbit a skull with the words bone pter on top though this design was to keep the character a secret the skull pretty much revealed it would be a rabbit number four as you may have noticed JX is the Creator's favorite actor although she describes him as an awful boy he is popular among the community as well turning into a Tumblr sexy man even the creator has fun arts of him showing her obsession with this character number five of course just a good concept art is not good enough to bring jackon to life that is why the animators posted the animation process of this character as well to save some time glitch Productions decided to recycle the walk-in animations from murdered drones another internet series and modifi them to fit the characters of The Amazing digital circus in his running animation we can see the ears of Jax moving with a cartoonish style number six Jax's design was inspired on the old Japanese TV show puppy to performer according to the Creator she wanted a bunny eared psycho to be a part of the circus and thought of puppy as an inspiration and well the personality of that character who doesn't mind mocking or mistreating his partner does match with Jax's sarcastic and unempathic personality number seven something peculiar about this character is that when he speaks he doesn't open his mouth at all only moving his lips even the concept art show Jax his way however during the pilot episode subis strangles Jax and only then we see his mouth fully open as he screams apparently he has sharp teeth that match the color of his eyes many theorize that Jax is actually wearing a mask on top of his true face just as we see in this picture number eight let's get a bit technical Jax can be considered a triagonist in literature or fiction of stories that is the term used for the third most important character in the story only after the protagonist which in this case is pom and the DU tagonist which is the second most important character in the story and many consider it might be ratha though it could also be Kan the role of a triagonist is that of an important character for the story that doesn't necessarily carry all the narrative and sometimes can be Expendable however the Creator stated that she wants to make a chapter focused on every member of the circus so perhaps we can see Jax as the protagonist of his own episode someday number nine despite being just a tall skinny rabbit the creators said that animating Jack was a bit of a problem especially to the team in charge of creating the bones and principle structure of his body to display a fluid animation probably because of how tall and thing his model is number 10 as I said Jax is a tall character mostly because of his ears but he is not the tallest character in the digital circus if we compare the character models we can notice that ker is just a bit taller followed by subil by the way all the other characters are quite as small in comparison number 11 Jax also takes inspiration from cartoon animations and an obvious look Alik is no other than bux bunny another sarcastic ravit also known for defying the law of physics I wonder if JX has the same Hammer space ability of the cartoon characters after all we've seen him take objects out of nowhere and move his body in impossible ways number 12 a teaser picture posted before the series release shows Jack making a post and fne walking behind him this is a clear reference to this real life picture of John Landon standing the same way while holding jooo by the hand during 1971 scan Film Festival number 13 murdered drones is another another successful glitch production series that as I said before provided some resources to the amazing digital circus to make the production faster a fan was asking the Creator which characters from both series would get along and she responded that Jay and J would probably be friends after all Jay is also arrogant and proud however she also contemplates the possibility of them hating each other though she only works in the amazing digital circus and can't be sure number 14 the members of the circus don't need to sleep but still they have bedrooms that allow them to have some privacy now and then however Jax has a master key to open every single door even when there is no keyhole in it like he did to enter kofo room this is another proof that he could have the hammer space cartoon skill to make objects appear out of nowhere number 15 duck Creer confessed that she didn't think of the character's gender until the last moment that is why some concept Arts show Jax being a girl and pumy a boy though P's design would have been pretty much the same JAX on the other hand has bigger eyelashes as a girl number 16 ever since the character introduction video we knew Jax would be a mean selfish character making jokes to ratha and breaking gangal mask the fact that he appears many times throughout the video proves how much the Creator loves this character making him steal the spotlight every time he appears number 17 the Creator said that the outfits are part of the character's bodies that's why we won't see them changing clothes at all curiously jackon overall has a pocket on the chest but we don't know if he keeps something there though since he has that cartoon ability to make objects appear out of nowhere that bucket seems unnecessary number 18 the promotional Comics include a very acid and surreal sense of humor there Jax even jokes about killing py for no reason and she only responds with her catchphrase well it is possible in another scene Kane tells PNE to hang out with her brother-in-law referring to the creepy skull version of Jax who is saying that he lost an armarm in the divorce for some reason number 19 the Creator said that she also enjoys drawing Jax as well because his cartoon and style allows her to do lots of different and creative concept Arts this could explain why they are so many fan arts about him out there number 20 during the pilot episode Jack says a phrase that describes his entire personality and I quote I'm fine with doing whatever as long as I get to see funny things happen to people and quote this describes how Jax doesn't mind being trapped or seeing other members suffer he just cares about having fun number 21 Jax is 22 years old the same age of subu though they are 6 months older this turns Jax into the youngest member of the amazing digital Circus the Creator said that Jax's reaction to getting trapped in this world world was not good at all this is completely understandable because he didn't get to enjoy real life as much as the others number 22 gangal and Jack have a thing in common they're both inspired on puppy the performer in this case gangal takes the place of Kono puppy's helper that wears a mask and also gets poorly treated by his friend nonetheless Jax might focus on molesting gangle because she is cman of missive number 23 many people believe the Jax could have a character development that would lead him to have a friend however the Creator stated that nobody in the circus likes Jax and that later on in the series he will do some awful things that not even the viewers will like so we can expect him to be some kind of antagonist number 24 there is also the chance JX can break the fourth wall just like Kane does meaning that he has the chance to look across the invisible wall between the viewer and the video and talk directly to us danane does it because he is the host of the show and needs to talk directly to the camera on the other hand JX does it when he mocks bomy for believing that everything is a dream at that moment he looks right at the camera number 25 the boys actor that plays ja is Michael kobak he has also played other characters on internet series like aner murther drones Angel do from hasbin hotel and he even boed Daryl boxman character from Theus works in the animation so this guy is definitely prepared for his job number 26 this character also had a few glitches and cursed the models during the animation process as some examples we have these disturbing images with his body and face fully deformed number 27 the Creator once stated that the song that describes Jack better is Don't Fence Me In especially the version created for the game bone left lyrics are about someone repeatedly asking not to be locked maybe this was an attempt to turn jackon into someone that is secretly suffering because of being trapped in this world but later on goodworks admitted that she made that whole thing up number 28 we know JX is the youngest member of the circus so maybe that's why he can't control his destructive impulses and sarcastic attitude however the story of the series might tell us at some point the reason behind Jax's behavior number 29 there is a chance Jax kind a dark past after all the Creator stated that he is the one that deserves to be trapped in the digital Circus the most I wonder what he did that was so bad to deserve an eternity in the virtual circus number 30 there is a crazy theory that it states Jax could have been a hacker in real life and that's why he is always so relax he might be trapped in this world but those hacking his skills would explain how he can make objects appear out of nowhere that would also explain why he doesn't mind watching others suffer after all he knows how to stay out of danger himself and move around easily number 31 the fendom already created shippings between characters and Ja is a common character in all of them but that might be because there are more women than there are men in the circus as he shows in this comic but please don't forget the Creator said that no shipping will become Cannon and that she doesn't care about these things number 32 during the character introduction video we see someone throw a me Cleaver at ratha's face though she takes it off like nothing happened the Creator said that it is possible the responsible of throwing in it was JX though we've only seen Kane doing a similar thing still we know JX would do anything to have fun number 33 a fun asked the Creator how many crimes has Jax committed as of right now and she just responded shoving perhaps this has something to do with a reason why he is trapped in the circus but the answer is very ambiguous number 34 it is obvious by now that Jax is a rabbit and his name sounds like Max many believe this was somehow related to the character Max from samon Max even matat from the game theorist used this comparison in one of his theories however the Creator didn't know anything about samon Max until people started comparing them number 3 in the merchandise video of the series we're introduced to Jax splashy who mentions that the art style of this episode is different to the other ones and Kane says that it is because it is photo realistic still JX does not enjoy Simple Pleasures like drinking tea he prefers to live with more intense emotions something curious is that he is the only secondary character that got merchandise with his face showing how popular he became number 36 there is something suspicious about Jack I mean he doesn't get surprised by abstracted kmo and even ignores a glowing that is going through a similar process he even says later that obstructed kovo will be fine I think this purple rabbit knows way more than he pretends number 37 om's bedroom is right in front of Jax's and it might not be a coincidence some people believe this is because Jax has been assigned the task of looking after PNE because she is new and mentally unstable number 38 the glowing Queen calls jaxa rabbit toid perhaps that's a way to let us know that she can tell the difference between a rabbit and a humanoid or a mix between both now I wonder how she knows what a human is after all she's only a part of the virtual world number 39 jaxon's profile matches with the antisocial personality disorder showing a manipulative unempathic personality with no remorse of making others suffer the people with this disorder normally had Troublesome childhoods un loving parents or they were locked away for a long time maybe is spending so much time trapped in the digital circus made JX develop this personality disorder number 40 to create Jax's boys the Creator told Michael kobak to do his best the Raggedy and the impression and apparently that fit perfectly with a sarcastic arrogant attitude number 41 when Jax finds obstructed kovo he just scks the bowling ball in front of him and then runs away leaving a truck of Dos to where he was standing this is an obvious reference to all the cartoon animations that use that same visual gag whenever a character runs or escapes number 42 despite being a rabbit and featuring the characteristic long ears the Creator said that JX does not have a tail even popy his inspiration has a tail and he is a human I guess the Creator forgot to drawing in the concept arts and never thought of it later number 43 we know Jax doesn't open his mouth but did you know that he keeps his mouth closed even when he eats yeah and when someone questioned the Creator about this she boasted a picture of a chaos child from Sonic Adventure 2 saying that is how he is number 44 for some reason fans were wondering on Tumblr which characters of the circus like Hogs and some others were wondering how it would feel to hog Jacks nonetheless to avoid fans being too intense the Creator said that they are made of picans so it is actually impossible to touch them number 45 for many of us it is enough to say that Jax is purple rabbit but some fans wanted to know the precise color used for this character and gorg said this color is fairywinkle a bluish stone that is in the middle point between light blue and lavender number 46 when JX finds kinger and gangal while escaping from abstracted kovo he is no longer carrying the bowling ball however he gets the ball back out of nowhere when he hears the creature approaching using it to throw kinger and gangle to the hole and take some pins down no clue how he knew they'd be there number 47 the pilot episode makes it clear that curses and bad wordss are not allowed in the circus censoring every attempt to use them however the comics don't have that rule and there we see Jack cursing all he wants number 48 another fan asked the Creator how evil Jax is she responded that it all depends on what situation he's in he doesn't do anything too awful in the pilot episode but he will have later moments that people are not going to like I mean we've seen him being a bad person with the other members how much worse can he be number 49 there are so many fan arts about Jacks that even the Creator had to ask everyone to calm down because it was distracting her she also Drew what Jax's reaction would be if he saw all the fan arts out there and I got to say he looks completely shocked and speechless number 15 in the promotional Comics Jax makes some cruel jokes like telling pumy that he's going to kill her for no reason or telling the kids that drinking Le paint gives you superpowers fortunately pumy is there to let us know that is a lie though her catchphrase would have been more comical as an extra concept art we have this expressionless drawing of jacks looking at a corn and also thinking about it number 50 plus one the throwin BNI at solid objects campaign might not be the last time we see that offer duck Creator made a post saying that if we buy the plushy she will be granted permission to make them suffer more something good for us but bad for the characters as we see in the drawing included in the post not having much more to tell and hoping you enjoyed it all I'm going in a point
Channel: WIZ
Views: 438,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Amazing Digital Circus, Pomni, Kinger, Ragatha, Caine, Internet Series, Story Explained, Curious facts, Theories, Videogames, FNAF, Poppy playtime, Pilot episode, Curious Facts, Facts, Details, Secrets, Jax, Gloinks, Bubble, Glitch Productions, Concept arts, Gangle, TADC, Digital Circus fan, Gooseworx, Jax Facts, Jax Secrets
Id: HWw6muaeXiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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