The Age When Capitalism Went Too Far
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: KnowledgeHub
Views: 1,966,335
Rating: 4.7621169 out of 5
Keywords: The Age When Capitalism Went Too Far, Gilded Age, Capitalism, 1%, Capitalism goes too far, knowledgehub capitalism, men who built america, industrial age, labor day, AlternateHistoryHub communism, AlternateHistoryHub capitalism, industrial revolution worker conditions, money, rockefeller wealth, knowledgehub the age when capitalism went too far, rise of unions, progressive age, teddy and monopolies, monopolies, captains of industry, knowledgehub industry
Id: b6l6Ck4TKxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 08 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
At least the super-wealthy aren’t acting like Gilded Age robber barons anymore. Now things are even worse, now they have put one of their own in the White House, a particularly mentally unstable sociopathic one.
Just imagine
You mean 5 years from now?
Quite possible 19th century was worse than the 20th on this issue, but blasting through it like that makes the 20th look a lot better than it was..