THE AEROPRESS - Six Lessons From The Champions

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[Music] what's up everyone its Prometheus and today I'm going to go over what I learned from brewing and tasting the last three years winning recipes for the world Aeropress Championship for those of you who have been around the channel for a while and watched a few of my videos you may have seen or heard me talk about my general dislike or maybe this taste is a more appropriate term I don't know are those two the same thing but either way I just don't really like immersion brewing methods because they just sort of taste off to me well just eat it hey you know I talked about Cole brew and things like that so when it comes to an arrow press it fell off my radar relatively quickly once I started learning about things like p60 and then swiftly going into espresso I kind of just fell off my arrow press game altogether now I've had an arrow press for quite a while it was one of my earliest investments in coffee because it's just so cheap and generally easy and it's actually really versatile in terms of what you can do with it my biggest issue with the arrow press was I generally got one of two results the first would either be very sour and over extracted and heavy and dense there'd be sediment and you know oils and all sorts of stuff in the cup that I just personally don't like and on the other end when I tried to brew it a little bit cleaner I would get something that was more like tea or it had just a very weak body very light in terms of the flavors and just generally not that great of a cup of coffee and like I mentioned before from there it was basically put on the bottom shelf of my coffee cart and collected dust until recently when I came across the world Aeropress Championship website which goes over in detail how to brew all of their winning recipes and so I grabbed the last three years winning recipes and decided to put them to the test and see if I could really elevate my Aeropress game after brewing all three of those winning recipes on multiple occasions I found six different key points that all of those recipes utilize and really elevating the cup of coffee you can get from your arrow press and I felt like that's something that's worth sharing when I first began making arrow presses the recipes were extremely simple and generally had a dose that was between your standard espresso and pour over usually arranging between 15 and 20 grams in contrast all of the winning recipes from the world Aeropress championship from the last three years all used between 30 and 35 grams of coffee which is a pretty huge increase from that standard 15 to 20 now the way those larger doses translate into the cup is pretty interesting but for this specific lesson I think it's important to understand that the larger the dose the harder is to over extract the coffee so when you add that 30 to 35 grams of coffee to your Aeropress recipe and it's only brewed for maybe a minute to maybe two minutes max it's very difficult to over extract that coffee also the other interesting benefit that's also not really a benefit is it makes these huge impressive pucks of coffee that are just kind of fun to look at [Music] when I first started doing arrow presses I looked at them almost like an extension of espresso I didn't think of them as kind of just a scandal owned cup of coffee or really look at them as a versatile tool I looked at them like okay I need to grind fine press hard and push this water through the puck and that was basically it and like I mentioned before what I ended up creating was either just a weird over extracted dense cup of coffee that tasted like just an Americano gone wrong or I tasted something that just tasted like tea and wasn't all that interesting but what I did notice is that every single one of these winning Aeropress recipes all ground their coffee pretty coarse now they don't really say or go into a detail or even show a picture of what course actually means but they did give you just a one to ten one being fine time being coarse and all three of these winning recipes ground their coffee between seven and eight so to me if you're trying to create a good cup of coffee and not something that really closely resembles espresso this is the way to get that result out of an arrow press grinding course allows for even extraction through the grounds there's no fines or anything like that holding things back plus you don't have fines slipping out through your filter and ending up with sediment or oils or whatever you don't want in your cup of coffee now up until this point when I brewed an arrow press everything was contained within that arrow press that I needed for that specific cup of coffee so I would put my dose of coffee the entire dose of water brew time whatever stir press and then done that was my final product I didn't really consider the other options ie dilution so when you combine using a smaller dose a finer grind putting everything all in the Aeropress all at once and making that your final product really is what was creating for me just an basically have complete control of the strength of that coffee so this is a little bit embarrassing to admit but I'm just gonna put it out there in the early days of making arrow presses I would basically blue my arrow press the same way as I would a pour-over which in reality depending on who you ask probably isn't the worst possible thing but I didn't really begin stirring or agitating my blooms until maybe two years ago or so when it really started becoming more apparent that that was helpful in terms of getting a good even extraction at least in my opinion and my experience but I didn't start doing that until very recently and I think that also had an effect on the quality of the cup I was getting out of my arrow press now as a side note that's only slightly related to this I do think it's important to stir the bloom of your coffee purely because you want to make sure that all those coffee grounds are wet in that bloom process if they're not and there's dry patches in your coffee bed it's gonna make for some uneven extraction that's been my experience and I think there's other people out there who've had a similar experience but the point I'm trying to make is all the winning recipes use stirring and agitation pretty much immediately once the water was in the grounds some of these recipes even use terms like strongly or briskly I also like to live dangerously some dictated the number of stirs need to do in your arrow press and others use interesting methods like wooden chopsticks which those are the type of specifics with brewing coffee that I can really nerd out on so the lesson in this one is that stirring agitation whatever you want to call it is important to getting even extraction and getting the most out of that coffee bet those of you who are familiar with the Aeropress and maybe have one you're probably familiar with the two methods of brewing you have your standard upright brewing method or you have inverted for those who brew on the upright or standard method generally means you're putting on your filter cap with your filter already wetted and rinsed then you're dropping in your grounds your water end of that brewing chamber and before you're even applying pressure it's already brewing out the bottom which for me isn't that great because it really lacks control I can't really control how long it actually spends with the water touching the grounds which means I have very little control over the extraction time so not surprisingly all of the winning recipes from the world Aeropress championship use the inverted brewing method which basically means you're flipping over the entire unit and then you're brewing on top of the plunger that you're gonna press down later so you're flipping it over you're putting the grounds your hopes your dreams your water whatever you want to put in there and then you can do your stirring you can measure the brew time you can control all those factors then you just put the filter cap on flip it over press down and you're done so that seems to be generally the best way to go about brewing an arrow press [Music] now the arrow press has been out for quite some time and when a coffee product is that prolific and has been out for that many years and it's relatively inexpensive people will start making accessories for it and really trying to elevate the products game you'll find hundreds of products for the Aeropress out there including different types of filters metal plastic pressure actuated all these different things you can find online I've had the pleasure of trying a few myself and they're good products I did the fellow priests Mel I've done the cafe can set those metal filters but in the end the paper filter for me still reigned supreme after looking up and trying all these world Aeropress championship winning recipes I was pleasantly surprised to see that every single one of these winning recipes uses just a good old fashioned paper disc the reason why the paper filter has held its own throughout this onslaught of competitors is that it really does create at least in my opinion and it appears to be other people's opinions the best possible cup of coffee because it really filters out lots of oils sediments fines all sorts of things that can slip by a standard metal filter or something like that and really cause the cup of coffee quality in my opinion to decrease so what it really comes down to is that the good old fashioned paper filter really creates the cleanest cup of coffee you can make with a narrow press [Music] after spending a lot of time with the Aeropress and really kind of digging into some of the unique pieces of it and learning how it functions and how to make the best cup of coffee possible from it I think that the Aeropress will find its way back into my normal coffee routine on a regular basis these recipes are game changers and they're just so genuinely simple and easy to recreate at home there's really no excuse to not give them a try I highly recommend you brewing them up especially if you haven't had a good cup from a narrow press and a long time like myself prior to this experience because it'll really change your view on the Aeropress in general and if you do you can thank me in the comments later and of course a big thank you to my May patreon ads James be David Hamad Christopher John Kay squeegee Rob Ryan Lisa Thomas B Andre Rick racer Sean Joey Thomas s Noel spook is found Coffee Mika Samantha Nathan Aidan Jonathan Claire Steven James Kate Josh Andrew oli ninja warrior' coffee and testing one two three and of course a big thank you to the barista and far back tears if you want information on my patreon there's a link in the description and in the upper right hand corner right now and lastly thank you for watching don't forget to Like share and subscribe hit that little Bell button for notifications of new videos posted every Friday follow me on instagram at spre me theist for content throughout the week my blog at prometheus calm my coffee at little giant doc coffee and as always stay caffeinated Ponyboy
Channel: The Real Sprometheus
Views: 439,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aeropress, Aeropress Recipe, How To Make Aeropress, Make The Best Aeropress, Aeropress Tips Tricks, Aeropress Hacks, Aeropress Wold Championship, Aeropress Filters, Aeropress Inverted Method, Aeropress Go, Aeropress Coffee Maker, Aeropress Prismo, Aeropress How To, The Best Aeropress, James Hoffmann, Chris Baca, Sprometheus, Barista Training, Aeropress Two Cups At Once, Aeropress Tutorial, Aeropress Technique, Best Aeropress Recipe, Best Aeropress Filter, Aeropress 101
Id: pDznkxkdg2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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