The Adaptive Immune System

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The adaptive immune system provides a more targeted defense. Dendritic cells are like intelligence specialists. They collect pieces of the invader at the sight of the battle. Then, they travel to the nearest lymph node triggering a cascade of events. Inside the lymph node the dendritic cell presents pieces of the invader to T cells, the immune system's communication specialist. In turn, T cells activate B cells, training them to form antibodies, the molecular weapons that target the invader specifically. The immune system now mounts its ultimate defense. B cells release millions of antibodies, each antibody's shape tailored to identify and neutralize the enemy. The immune system deploys these tailored weapons until the infection is wiped out... ready to respond even faster the next time.
Channel: Vaccine Makers Project
Views: 161,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: virus, virion, dendritic, T cell, B cell, antibody, antibodies, animation, magnification, vaccine, vaccines, SARS-CoV-2, coronavirus, COVID-19, pandemic, coronavirus pandemic
Id: jl4jo-zGmdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 27sec (87 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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