The Achiever | Sandals Church

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[Music] what is going on everybody my name is jeff and i am the online campus pastor here at sandals church and here at central church we are one church with many opportunities to experience our vision of being real with ourselves god and others if you are new we are so glad that you are here if you desire to discover more of what we're about and to connect with us great we would love to connect with you and support you wherever you are on this journey the best way to connect is by downloading our app just go to app we know that our online community is a global community that stretches all over the world all over the united states and this is why we are excited about our regional meetups where we come to you and we throw a sandals church celebration we throw a party in your area in three weeks on october 17th we are coming to santa rosa california there we will have live worship and a full service celebration and you your family friends or anyone you know in the santa rosa area are invited in fact our very own online campus supervisor morgan terrell and others will be there leading worship you are not going to want to miss out on what santa's church is going to do we are going to take over the city of santa rosa for jesus for jesus for more information check us out on facebook or instagram well right now we are going to worship and we do that by singing so let's together sing to the lord as he asks for a fresh win and we ask god to pour his spirit out over us let's sing [Music] spirits [Music] holy ghost breathe on us [Music] us into flames [Music] a fragrance of heaven pour your spirit out pour your spirit out [Music] hold your spirit out [Music] strength [Music] [Music] hold your [Music] [Music] the power of your presence [Music] pour your spirit out [Music] oh [Music] we can hear the wind blowing [Music] we can hear the wind blowing come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] boys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] come on let's lift that up [Music] can we just lift our hands all across this place let's join in with your creation as we sing holy [Music] [Music] oh [Music] are you [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on everybody [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] my oh [Music] [Music] are you oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to sandals church online my name is jeff and i'm the online campus pastor here we are in week four of our 11 week series a series called you as we look at the tool of the enneagram but through the lens of the bible it's awesome it's so awesome our lead pastor matt brown has not only developed messages for these 11 weeks he also has written a book a book called you understanding the enneagram from a grace-filled biblical perspective it releases this week on october 5th you can get it everywhere that sells books we also have a big announcement for our online campus and our our sandal search anywhere locations we will be having a live q a a live question and answer time with pastor matt and tammy brown on a series called you and the book that live event is this tuesday 4 p.m pacific standard time you won't want to miss it in fact last week i mentioned that that since we began this series this series called you we have seen a 38 increase in our online service viewers what we've also discovered is that since the beginning of this series a few weeks ago we have reached over 140 000 people each week come on somebody with this series and with our vision of being real come on now what an impact on people's lives an impact that happens because of those of you who've decided to give and continue to give financially to the work and mission of sandals church if you have not yet given would you consider giving today and being a part of this work that we get to do all over the world you can give right now by going to or on our sandals church app thank you so much our lead pastor matt brown is bringing the message today and listen my guarantee is that it will impact and transform your life because god is at work through him and this is my prayer is that god will also be at work with you let's check it out right now this makes sense climbing the ladder where do you want me to sit i'll sit on the top rung how about that as an achiever i am motivated i don't need a lot of outside influence to have me accomplish a lot i see the brokenness as an achiever when i lose sight of where my worth comes from or who my worth comes from the brokenness and being an achiever are the lies that i believe but the more that i do the more that i have to offer the more that i accomplish means the more that others including god will value me and love me i'm hoping to not only be able to put myself in the box as a three but also being able to get myself out of that box because i'm so much more than what i do i'm so much more than what i can accomplish and i'm so much more than what i achieve i'm more than an achiever hey guys welcome to a series called you last week we started off with this incredible story that jesus tells where he says why do you see the speck in everybody else's eye but you failed to see the log in your own eye now i just want you to stop and listen to the question that jesus asks all of us listen to these words why do you right that's what this series is all about the series is all about why do you do what you do why do you behave the way you behave why do you act like you act and somebody like i don't know and for so many of us we're just we're just on autopilot and we've never thought about why we do what we do so jesus has a question and the enneagram is simply a tool to help you answer that question so today we're going to look at the personality style called the achiever be gentle be gentle it's me okay it's me and i really really want to achieve and make this sermon great okay so even if it's not just be like that was one of your best ones okay it's not you know the truth but it's not a lie like that was it was really good you know i always love it when people are like last week was amazing i'm like oh okay thank you so much thank you so much can we never talk again all right so today jesus we're looking at the gospel of mark chapter 10 10 verses an incredible incredible achiever it's one of my favorite stories in the bible because it kills me because it is me so as jesus was starting out on his way to jerusalem okay a man came running up to him if you're raising a little three this is what we do we run we run we run okay nobody ever had to tell me you know what you need to work out you need to exercise okay in the 80s people thought i was weird my parents are like you're going running shouldn't you be playing video games i'm like no i got things to do places to go i got somebody to be [Music] okay so if you're raising a child that's like you know what mom and dad your budget needs to elevate because what you can afford is not my style you're raising a little three you're raising little three so the man came running up to him and he knelt down and he asked he said good teacher what must i do to inherit eternal life now let's stop there because we live in a culture where nobody even asks this question anymore we all assume listen to me we all assume that your life was so amazing so incredible you made such a difference in your physical life that you just automatically have earned eternal life amen now think about that when god looks at your life what is he going to see that makes you worthy of living forever what makes you so exceptional and this is what this young man is asking jesus i'm a three i want to achieve now and later i want to win it here and there jesus stops him he says why do you call me good you know so many of us we have we have these assumptions about jesus and so many of you you're like i've read the bible i got the content down yeah but do you have the creator down you know the stories but you haven't met the storyteller why do you call me good so many of us we just assume we're christians and you assume you're a christian because you aren't something else jesus says why do you call me good jesus asked he says only god is truly good and all the ones went ah oh my gosh ones right but to answer your question we're on the threes today ones are still recovering from two weeks ago man i was listening to the perfect song on the way to church today man it's a song from the 80s and it's like i'm hard it's hard for me to say i'm sorry and i was like all ones this is your song right anyways that's why i'm not on the worship team but to answer your question you know the commandments do you know the commandments most americans don't can't even identify the united states of america on a map much less the commandments and they're not the 10 suggestions this first one's important because the murder rate in america is skyrocketing and that amazing we took the ten commandments out of our culture and look what happened murder said hello you must not murder if you're thinking about killing somebody today don't don't don't do it don't do it you must not murder jesus says you must not commit adultery and nobody knows what adultery is anymore it doesn't mean you're an amazing adult it means you're bad at marriage that's what it means okay and so many people today they try to put words in the mouth of jesus and what they try to say is well jesus is not as rigid sexually as christians tend to be listen to me jesus is the most conservative person who speaks in all of christianity about sex no one is more conservative than him not even paul is as conservative as jesus is as a single male 2000 years ago he's serious about this you must not commit adultery jesus is devoted as a single man to serving god with his body you must not commit adultery next you must not steal man we live in a culture i was at rite aid because my wife asked me to pick up some photographs for our son's graduation i was at rite aid and this woman came in and the first thing that caught my attention is her pants fell off okay now ladies that tends to draw the attention of male eyes don't judge me keep your pants on her pants fell off and she was unbothered apparently you haven't you haven't been to riverside lately but her pants fell off which drew my attention and then i noticed she was on the alcohol aisle of rite aid selecting for herself some alcohol and clearly she was already on something and didn't need anything to enhance the buzz but she pulled her pants up grabbed a 24-pack of beer and walked right out in front of me and i told the rite aid manager i was like hey hey hey she's stealing you see i grew up in an age you're going to find this hard to believe millennials when you used to have to show id to buy alcohol like like and not like you know like a real id it used to be a controlled substance you guys remember those days it used to be a crime to steal alcohol listen to me she did not run out she walked out of rite aid i told the manager i said you're not going to do anything about that she said she does it almost every day that's our culture that's our culture you see the further we get from god the closer we get to insanity next you must not testify falsely that's a painful one for three we love a story her pants really did fall off i promise you i promise you you must not testify falsely you see when you're a christian your word means something it means something tammy and i went on a date a couple of weeks ago and i i'm just one of those people if there if there are letters about history i just i just stop and i just start reading it doesn't matter what it is it doesn't matter if i care or not about what it is i just start reading i would rather do anything than shop amen men amen i mean you go on a three-hour shopping spree you're like death it's not that bad if it gets me out of this store i will die right now and so i'm reading this story and it was the story of of the history of surfing and it's a big deal because hobie one of the most famous surfers of all time he actually is from the inland empire where we're from his family was from ontario a town not too far from here and they would go to dana point in the 30s because it's hotter than you know what here in the summer and they didn't have ac so they would go to dana point it's the whole story and it talked about him and his friend we'll call him richard some of you got that how they had a lifetime agreement together as they made surfboards and they created a surf culture and went into business together and listened to me they never had a contract it was a handshake deal those days are gone those days are gone can you imagine one of the largest surf corporations in the world would just shake hands because they were friends and they didn't testify falsely and this next one's a great one you must not cheat anyone some of you guys are like oh if you can get away with it you should do it no no listen to me one day you're going to stand before god and they're going to roll the tape children if you listen to this one honor your father and mother one of the first questions that came up to me in the series was a teenage girl she's probably 15. she said do i have to listen to my parents all the time if they're unhealthy ones i said sweetheart yes yes and i could see her parents like 10 feet away trying to act like they weren't watching they're like oh dear god thank you honor your father and mother listen to me it's the first commandment with a promise if you do this it will go well with you and god says if you don't do this well we're going to meet sooner than you think listen as teacher the man replied right he's an unhealthy three he's forward thinking so he's oblivious to everything on the inside he said i've obeyed all these commandments since i was young smoked it aced it won it i'm a three what else you got jesus this is so interesting because as a three i can tell you i didn't know in the 90s that i was a three i didn't know anything about the enneagram i didn't know that i struggled with lying isn't it amazing that i started a church whose vision was to be real with themselves to be real with others and to be real with god isn't it amazing that i had a craving deep in my soul for authenticity before i ever heard of the enneagram listen to what jesus says to this super unhealthy three looking at the man jesus felt this is this word genuine love for him this man's never known anything genuine in his entire life everything is outward appearance everything has to do with how he looks and how he's perceived jesus really cares about him he says there's still one thing you haven't done just one go and sell all your possessions and give your money to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven listen this then come and follow me i always love college students man they love this verse oh yeah i'm coming jesus you can have it all that's cause you have nothing you're like take the lint in my pocket take my debt take it all all to you jesus i surrender this man doesn't just have lent in his pocket this man is very wealthy he always wins he always wants to win listen to what the bible says about this man's response at this the man's face fell as a three i am terrible of controlling my face remember i told you i had that encounter with vice president mike pence and he said i can see you're disappointed to meet me i was i was i wanted to see the hair donald trump right i mean whether you like him or hate him that hair is fantastic you got to respect a man that just doesn't care right at this the man's face fell and he went away sad for he had many possessions and jesus looked around and he said to his disciples how hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of god this amazed them you see because in the ancient world what people thought is if you're blessed in this life you will automatically be blessed in the next life listen to me what you're experiencing right now what you're going through right now has nothing to do what god wants you to experience in the next life and some of you are so focused on the blessings of everyone else that you're robbing yourself of eternal blessings get off instagram and get in god's word instagram will wreck you it will ruin you it will make you feel terrible i don't care how pretty you are ladies someone's prettier and you'll find her look at her i hate her right now hate her right now somebody's younger somebody's smarter somebody's in better shape somebody took your idea and thought of it first ah this amazed them but jesus said again dear children it's very hard to enter into the kingdom of god he's talking about eternity he's talking about how you get in think about it in our world today we have a constant conversation about inter immigration and you watch these people willing to to sell everything sell themselves to cross the border to get into america you know why that is they know what misery is and some of you today you're so blessed like i'm bored that's because you're blessed it's cause you're blessed we're so bored because we're so blessed we watch stupid people do stupid things on tv and social media all day long listen what he says you see those people are desperate and they're going to get here anyway anyhow they can because they know what hell on earth is and you're like they got my order at starbucks wrong today i'm not i'm not ready for this message jesus jesus i'm suffering today i clearly said goat's milk listen to me in fact it's easier it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of god here's what jesus is saying it's really hard for spoiled people to ever understand spiritual things somebody like i'm not rich yes you are the reason you don't think you're rich is you've never seen poverty you've never seen poverty years ago my family and i were the opportunity to go to one of the most unseen backwards places on earth at the time it's called cambodia and if you're cambodian i love you but you had the khmer rouge and what he did is he killed every educated person he killed every political person he killed everyone in that country who was educated who could read who could write he completely took over the country and he closed its doors for 20 years and so when my family got to go it was like going back in time and when we went there we were standing in front of an idol of buddha thousands of years old and you want to know what people were taking pictures of my family because they'd never seen a white family they'd never seen blonde hair and my son came running to me with tears in his eyes i said what's the matter i looked over and we saw a young boy about his age wearing women women's lingerie dumpster diving so that he could eat that day that's poverty that's poverty and our kids are like mcnuggets again where's my organic ketchup i need my gluten-free fries amen [Laughter] jesus i'm tempted today i'm being tested he says it's easier for a rich person it's hard for a rich person to enter the kingdom of god and the disciples were astounded then who in the world can be saved i had a friend of mine text me this week and i told him he was going to be in the message he said i took the assessment he said i'm a three he said i'm screwed aren't i yes yes you are listen to me the gospel is good news because there's some really bad news you're all screwed you're oscar you you don't you can't even ensure that you're going to live tomorrow much less forever you're screwed your host if this guy can't be saved then who can be saved and jesus looked at them intently and he said listen to me humanly speaking it's impossible it's impossible one of my favorite characters in life he's not a character he's a real person elon musk at least i think he's real never actually met him but like he wants to die on mars like that's his goal that's an unhealthy three like i want to go and come back and party amen i went to mars name it put a flag in it boom brownville he says he says humanly speaking it's impossible listen to me we can't even get to mars the closest planet to us you have no idea who god is and what god is you know what scientists now realize that the universe is is immeasurable it cannot be measured and it's growing and we're like we went to mars yeah you can you imagine god and heaven look at us she's like oh they moved an inch well that just took a couple thousand years look humanly speaking it's impossible but not with god everything is possible everything is possible oh achievers i love you i am you we are one listen here's the good news as an achiever you reflect god's hope you can see what is not yet thank god for elon musk thank god for those individuals who move us forward because most people are like we went to the moon it's good and somebody like i still think that's fake do you know that people now think that the earth is flat again i think we're getting dumber like just has anybody heard of a sailor that's like we were done like we were going to japan and we fell off like these people right threes push us forward they get us to the moon right the john f kennedy's we're not going to the moon because it's easy you want easy then don't be a three we're going to go listen to jfk precisely because it's hard whoa that gets me up in the morning let us hold tightly the bible says without wavering to the hope we affirm for god can be trusted to keep his promises listen to me threes we move god's kingdom forward that's what we do that's what we do and people will laugh at you people will think you're ridiculous because you push the envelope but that's why god made you that's why god made you but here's the thing the underlying emotion of the three is shame just like the two and here's what you believe here's the lie you believe if i'm just successful enough i'll feel better about myself it's a lie no clothing can fix shame no achievement can fix shame you're never gonna get there mom dad i finally made it it's never there it's up there amen and here's the good news you can't get there but he came down here to get you for the scripture says everyone who believes in him who's him jesus will not be put to shame jesus wants to cover your shame next the motivation is success and some of us like we just poo poo success i just hate successful people man look it's a handful of successful people that move the ball forward i don't know if you notice about christian history but when we lose a couple of successful people we have dark ages for a thousand years they just found out that the greeks the greeks had a computer net system a mechanical navigation device and we lost it for 1500 years before the vikings figured out it again and then came and killed us irish 1500 years we didn't know how to go anywhere the motivation of the three success don't you ever put down somebody who wants to do something with their life potiphar noticed this and he realized listen he realizes in the book of exodus he realized that the lord was with joseph giving him what success in everything he did success is not the devil some of some christians want to fail with themselves god and others and we just want to get in a committee and talk about man it's really hard to do the lord's work and the lord's like find a three and follow him you're like no we're gonna stay right here listen to me threes here's your need you need to achieve you need to achieve john says this in 2nd john watch out that you do not lose what we have worked so hard to achieve listen to me threes it takes a lifetime to build a life and a decision to destroy it a decision one decision can destroy everything you've worked so hard for so be diligent so that you receive your full reward some of you are going to stand before god on judgment day and he's going to say here's what you get and here's what i had for you man that's a lot isn't it and let me say this to so many christians we're so unhealthy god is not opposed to achieving things in life listen to me he's opposed to you believing you can earn or deserve eternal life god's not allergic to effort some christians are i don't know that would require work well we're just going to trust god and sit here and do nothing listen to me so many christians wake up you're like it's all up to god and yes he's left it up to you so many people to say well i don't know why god blesses some people god tends to bless people who work god had 12 apostles what were they doing nothing then you got saul he's killing us let's get him on our team why whatever he does he wins god's like we need a winner jesus you picked these guys here's the thing man oh listen to me threes achievers here's what you avoid at all costs failure i remember specifically being in the fourth grade and entering in to an art contest i thought it was pretty good threes we always think we're pretty good i mean who are we kidding right fourth grade fourth grade i entered into an art contest and for the first time in my life i saw what real artists could do and i was ashamed of what i had turned in and in that moment i decided i wasn't creative not because i wasn't creative but because i didn't win and i robbed myself of the joy of creativity you see for some of these threes if you don't win you don't want to do it because you have to win at all costs because what failure does is it exposes your shame listen to me i got good news the word of god will never fail luke says the word of god will never fail god will never fail you but you will you can't be great at everything no pastor i took the spiritual gifts test it says i have them all yeah you're an idiot you don't have them all you don't i took the assessment i have every style i'm one two three four five six seven eight nine no you're not you're not jesus you're not you can't be great at everything did you hear me sing a couple minutes ago that's the best i got it's the best i got but here's the thing young matt brown was so afraid to fail it almost kept him from ever becoming great my best lessons have come from my worst losses i don't know about you but i don't i don't learn a lot from wins i learn a lot from embarrassing grotesque humiliating defeat wow that hurt that was really painful i would prefer not to ever do that again you can't do it all you have limits you have limits but with god all things are possible next threes man we focus on our goals like we're just weird okay right remember kovid everybody's panicking i was like i'm gonna get in shape i'm gonna be in the best shape of my life when i turn 50. i've seen some of you that was not your goal i'm not kidding you i was like you know what babe i'm going to learn to speak conversational hebrew i'm on day like 100 on dulingo it's a real thing yeah ani yahoo let it read i can speak a little hebrew i know and if you're a hebrew teacher please don't comment below do the best i can second corinthians 5 9 so whether we are here in this body or away from this body our goal is to please him that's our goal listen to me threes the problem is not having goals the problem is what are your goals what are your goals tammy and i we when we were younger we used to talk about our goals and she always asked me you know what's your goal for next year i'm like stay married which is not a great thing to say to a six we'll get there in a couple weeks i didn't know i didn't know but you know what here's the thing if i don't have it as a goal i don't pursue it that's me had nothing to do with her that's my problem if i don't make it a goal i'm not moving towards it i have a goal to read my bible every day i have a goal to pray every day every day it's a goal i have a goal to work out most days of the week i have a goal to sleep well i have a goal to learn to rest why because i'm terrible at those things if i don't make it a goal but here's the thing if you love a three you gotta know the goal posts always move they are liars i swear to you honey this will be my last marathon liar our goal posts always move and here's here's the reason you think goals will cover your shame so you lie to yourself well i'm going to make 100k false i'll want to make a million false oh i'm gonna get in shape false oh i'm gonna i'm gonna run a marathon false you just keep moving the goal post telling yourself that this time it'll work and you just got to say honey i love you but you've said this 10 times 100 times 50 times when you say it the kids are rolling their eyes oh yeah dad's gonna stop running look my book hasn't even come out and you know what i'm worried about my next book it's unhealthy it's it's embarrassing because i buy into that time and time again that one day the cheers of everyone is going to fill the hole that's in my heart and jesus says they don't love you they don't love you people are fickle things don't live for the praise of others because people will turn on you god never does amen he never does we're fickle aren't we as people some of the things that happen in this country we praise people one day and we demonize them the next remember our healthcare workers remember when they were heroes remember that bravely risking their lives to care for us when we didn't know what this virus is and now because they have some hesitancy about the vaccine you're fired welcome to human beings aren't you glad god's not like that he is your hero and you gotta turn to him the core sin and this hurts i love you guys this is a safe place it's just us girls amen right my core sin the core sin of the three is lying in the sea it's so it's so hard there are stories from my high school and college years that honestly i don't even know what the truth is i don't and here's why we tell these stories to make ourselves bigger than we are so people will finally love us we live for the pray the praise and applause of others and it just robs you of the gift of being yourself the most trouble i got in high school i kid you not was from my creative writing class the teacher said you can write about whatever you want so i did and i wrote about the fantasies of a young unhealthy 18 year old three the problem is my parents got a hold of that journal and were concerned that their child was a drug dealer you know sex addict and you know whatever else and here's what's so sad i was so convincing in my journal that those things really happened my parents didn't know what the truth was the entire journal from beginning to end was a lie my dad's still like yeah i don't trust you i know you're my pastor now but i think i i think the journal was real proverbs 12 22 says lying lips are an abomination to the lord how many of you guys like to be lied to no one likes it not even threes so stop but he delights in those that deal but they that deal truly are his delight sorry king james there threw me off but they that deal truly are his delight here's the fear here's what i'm afraid of here's what threes are afraid of being worthless that's what shame says if you don't make a big deal if people don't know your name if people don't admire the clothes you wear in the car you drive you're nothing then aren't you and some of you that's what your parents told you stop listening to your unhealthy mom and dad and start listening to your father who's in heaven your mom and dad may have said who do you think you are your father in heaven says you're mine you're my son you're my daughter and oh by the way guess what that means you're a king and a queen and not because of the clothes you wear but because of who i created you to be listen to jesus threes and what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but you lose your own soul you lose your own soul do you know why our bibles originally were written in greek because of one man alexander the great here's the problem with alexander the great he died and all of his kingdom was taken from him we don't know if this is true or not but it is said that on his death he was buried with his hands outside of the casket palms up because he wanted the world to know he died empty-handed he conquered the world but he may have lost his own soul jesus asks you this question is there anything worth more than your own soul and if you're a three there probably is the praise and opinions of others some of you if you're not careful you would rather spend eternity in hell so that you can have the praise of a moment so you have the praise look shoot for the stars but live with the reality of what you are i sent my book to one of the shows that my wife loves the today show we love to watch it we know some of the people we don't know them but we we've they've sent us some videos from time time and i sent them my book and they just said this week hey it's not for us unhealthy matt brown would have been devastated a healthier matt brown goes okay lord it's your plan i wrote this book for your glory whatever you want to do but let me just tell you as a three that is really hard to get there you could there can be a hundred comments on my instagram and i will focus on the one one of the funniest things ever happened to me as your pastor this is years ago sandals church started growing and somebody that's right when social media came out and somebody somebody typed a response to my sermon and said matt brown's a simpleton and i was like i am not what does that word mean hey i went to public school right i didn't know what it meant but i looked it up and here's the thing is he was saying that the way i communicate is very common it is i'm trying to reach common people with a common problem and some of you are really unhealthy and you need to know no matter what you achieve it's never going to fill the void that's in your soul only jesus can do that all right so how can the achiever be real with self psalm 119 29 keep me from lying to myself the person i lie to the most is myself i lie about my emotions my feelings i lie about what's going on it says give me the privilege of knowing your instructions you see the word of god can pierce your soul jesus said this in john 8 31 32 and if you've been at sandals you know this verse i'm never going to stop preaching this verse jesus said to the people who believed in him you are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings and listen this and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free how the achiever can be real to others man this is this is why our vision is to be real with others james 5 16 confess your sins to each other and pray for each other listen to this so that you may be healed you want to know why christianity doesn't work because you're not real you're not real dressing up and going to church doesn't change your soul getting real does the earnest prayer of a righteous person has great and powerful wonderful results you want god to hear you get real listen to me the more painful the sin the harder the confession i have to ask myself where have i exaggerated where did i outright lie where did i withhold part of the story i have to learn to tell people the truth i have to be very precise if you ask me how far i ran i have to say the exact distance because just like an alcoholic can't ever take a drink again i can't ever give in to lying again i ran 5.2 miles and no more right an unhealthy three is like it was almost a marathon it was close how the achiever can be real with god first samuel 16 7 but the lord said to samuel listen this don't judge by his appearance or height for i have rejected him the lord does not see things the way you see them people judge by outward appearance but the lord looks at the heart you want to be real with god deal with what's going on the inside god doesn't care what clothes you wear on the outside he doesn't care what car you drive he cares about the condition of your soul god wants me to be successful in building his kingdom so that's how i relate to god if it's about me it will destroy me god wants me to be successful in loving my spouse if you're married your marriage needs to be your number one success priority i care about you you matter to me more than anyone else you took a covenant oath in front of god and that has to be number one god wants me to be successful in raising my kids you see those are good goals god wants me to be successful in relating if i'm single to the friendships i have rather than being overwhelmed with the relationships i don't have listen to me if you're single and you just so desperately want to be married maybe what's keeping you from being married is learning how to be a better friend to the friends you have because let me tell you single people you guys have have lifted attraction to to heights that it's just it's just unrealistic some of you guys like i want to marry a 10 you're a four you're a four dude i was talking to this guy at our church and he's been with this girl for years he's like yeah i think maybe i can do better and i looked at him i was like i i don't think you can i think she can do better i think i think i think she might be able to upgrade but let me tell you something here's the most important thing in selecting a spouse do you enjoy them do you enjoy them so how do you love an achiever it's impossible encourage them to celebrate success stop looking at goals in the future let's celebrate what happened right now okay it's hard i grew up in public school i didn't know i had dyslexia until i went into the military i didn't know i thought i thought letters moved for everybody i don't know if my english teacher's still alive in high school but but but she when she reads my book she might drop dead because she was so frustrated with me writing a book for me is a big deal like some of you have never ran down the block right finishing a 5k is a big deal you need to hang that 5k metal on your door when people come in your house did you see the medal i ran a 5k and i lived to tell about it encourage them to celebrate success threes don't know how to do it next be real with them i know it's hard we're not easy we're a lot to handle be real with them say i love you unconditionally but this bothers me this concerns me this worries me and no we probably won't handle it well and just would you just can we just be honest can we just accept that threes are a little nuts we just we're a little off that's the way god made us we just have to embrace it people ask me that you work out and we gather like every day yeah like every day yeah every day yeah like we're a little weird we're a little weird next encourage them to connect with how they're feeling the person they lie to the most is themselves and then thank them specifically i'm so grateful that you provide that you achieve that you've done these things in life wow wow that's incredible i'm so thankful for you i love you so much not because of what you've done but because of who you are and i just love you i want to close by praying for all of our achievers and i'm sure you know somebody you know in your life who's a three and if you don't know anybody it's me pray for me a gentle loving encouraging prayer but i want to pray for you that god would help you to find success in him in him don't be the rich young ruler can you imagine what his life must have been like to say no to the god of everything for the little something that you have it said he had much i'm guessing it's not as much as god has god help me to find success in you help me to strive for obedience obedience here's my prayer all the time psalms 25 21 may may integrity and honesty protect me for i put my hope in you god in you listen to me threes i've been a faithful pastor to you for almost 25 years can you believe that none of that will matter if i screw up once once threes there's a lot of pressure on you but you know what god's built you to carry it so trust him in it and be great and stop listening to the whiners and just be amazing just be amazing just be incredible and god hadn't called you to be anybody else isn't it amazing that jesus invited the rich young ruler to be a disciple and as far as we know he's the only one who said no incredible let me pray for you heavenly father in the powerful mighty name of jesus god we love our threes we love our achievers they've made this world a better place god most of us wouldn't be wearing the clothes we wear without them lord the watches we wear without them god the cars we drive without them god we are thankful for them but god we pray for them right now that they would find success in you and that they would allow you to cover their shame god and that their soul would be healed we pray this in jesus mighty powerful amazing name amen a men can i just take a moment right now to celebrate achievers all of us let's celebrate what just happened right now this message and what pastor matt just said was what so many of us maybe what you needed to hear just like that rich young ruler you might be asking what must i do what must i do whatever you do it's never going to fill the hole and the void that is inside of you only jesus can do that there is no amount of achievement that you can do that will fulfill whatever it is that you are trying to achieve the most important achievement is what jesus already completed on the cross praise god all you have to do is believe is trust yes we need you achievers yes we need you but but we all need jesus truly need jesus jesus needs to be our goal jesus god's son who came here to earth lived the perfect life and died the death that we should have died be and it was because of our sins that he died and and now it's what he did on the cross that that's what gives us victory that's the greatest victory that we can have and then he rose again conquering sin and death for you so that you can now live a life with him and have eternal life this is what i'm gonna ask you to do i want to pray for you and i want you to pray with me and wherever you are if you've never asked jesus to spiritually live with you and help you in this life that you can do that today let's pray lord god thank you so much for this message thank you so much for what pastor matt just said thank you for speaking through him lord there are some of us dear god who we prayed that prayer to god for you to to live with us spiritually dear god and and at a time we ask you to be the center of our life dear god but life got in the way and other things gotten away and achievement gotten away there god and now there's uh something else that's possibly taking your place there's another goal there's something else that we're trying to achieve that dear god my prayer is that we would get back to the center of our life and that is you lord and lord then there's others of us who are praying right now who are here with me right now who have never asked you to live with us they've never asked you to live with them to to be the spiritual direction of their life and to take first place and to be the number one goal in their life father i pray right now that as they listen to my voice their god that they would love and want and desire to make you priority number one in their life and if that is you you can pray with me right now repeat after me and believe it lord i am so sorry for my sins i believe that you are the son of god and i believe that you lived here on earth that you died on the cross for my sins you rose again and now through your spirit you are inviting me to live with you lord i want to live a life with you here on earth and forever in jesus name amen come on somebody wow yes if you prayed that prayer then you are now a follower of jesus christ and we want to help you live our life with christ please let please let that chat host know if you prayed that prayer or if you're at a saint church anywhere location and you prayed that prayer please let that host there know and and if you're online or wherever you're at wherever you're at please let us know that you prayed this prayer and now that you're following jesus all you have to do is go to next come on go to next and click follow jesus and i or someone on our team will personally reach back out to you friends family i know god is at work because he is always working my prayer is that we i you would allow him to work in our lives and through our lives helping you to be real real with yourself be with god and real with others hope to connect with you soon real soon we'll see you back here next week [Music] you
Channel: Sandals Church
Views: 2,670
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Id: cuEj7YMVXac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 55sec (3955 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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