The Absolute Biggest Flops In McDonald's History

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McDonald's is one of the most successful fast food   chains of all time, but it's also  had its fair share of failures.   Some of them were flawed to begin with, while  others were done in by circumstances beyond   their control. Keep watching to discover  the biggest flops in McDonald's history. Way back in the 80s, McDonald's decided to up  its cachet by adding some continental swagger   to its humble homegrown burgers and fries.  Banking on the idea that everybody loves pasta,   the chain launched a spaghetti and meatballs  meal that went by the name of McSpaghetti. But   despite the general popularity of spaghetti,  it was difficult to convince customers   why they should orderi Italian pasta with  tomato sauce at a burger joint. Anyone can   make spaghetti at home, while it's a lot harder  to reproduce Big Macs and McDonald's fries. McDonald's learned this lesson fairly quickly and  McSpaghetti was discontinued when it was still in   its al dente phase. If you feel you somehow missed  out on this historic flop, you should know that   tomato sauce-doused McSpaghetti still lives on in  the Philippines. Considerably closer to home, the   largest McDonald's restaurant in the world, which  is in Orlando, Florida, also offers McSpaghetti   and other McPasta dishes such as lasagna  and fettuccine Alfredo to curious customers. In 1989, McDonald's bet on Italy once again  when it rolled out the McPizza. At the time,   the chain was trying to bolster its lackluster  dinner-time business. With pizza sales growing   at a rate of 10 percent a year, McDonald's  decided to take on reigning champ Pizza Hut.   As it prepared for battle, McDonald's invested  heavily in pizza artillery. Efforts ranged   from remodeling kitchens with special ovens and  warming bins to expanding drive-through windows   to widths compatible with pizza boxes. The  company even created a patented oven that used   superheated air to bake a crispy-crusted pizza in  five-and-a-half minutes flat. In response, Pizza   Hut promptly started airing prime-time commercials  that mocked McDonald's pizza dough as "McFrozen." Despite its valiant efforts and sophisticated  technology, McDonald's was waging a losing   battle. It took 11 minutes to cook the  made-to-order, slow-baking pies. This was   a small eternity for a restaurant whose entire  philosophy revolved around speedy service. Even   though it scaled down the family-sized pizzas to  more fast-food friendly individual pies, McPizzas   struggled to survive and didn't last long in most  locations. In 2017, the last two McPizza-selling   outposts removed them from their menus, thereby  surrendering McDonald's stake in the pizza wars. "My guess is corporate just found  out they were still selling them." In 1977, McDonald's Corporation Founder Ray Kroc   wrote in his autobiography Grinding  It Out, The Making of McDonald's, "There's no telling what's  inside a hot dog's skin,   and our standard of quality just  wouldn't permit that kind of item." Unfortunately not everyone at McDonald's read  Kroc's book. A decade after his death in 1984,   some corporate heirs decided to foolishly go  against his wishes. In the summer of 1995,   McDonald's introduced its first-ever McHotDog  to little acclaim. Despite lackluster sales,   the chain stubbornly persisted, offering McHotDogs  off and on in a number of locations throughout the   years, only to finally discontinue them  due to an unwavering lack of enthusiasm. Setting aside Kroc's misgivings, it's a bit  surprising that hot dogs proved to be such a flop   at a burger joint. Perhaps it ultimately  came down to aesthetics. A sizzling,   char-grilled burger topped by a zesty bright  pop of orange cheese is far more visually   appetizing than a pallid, putty-colored  hot dog laying dormant in a doughy bun. In the early 60s, McDonald's restaurants  in certain markets were taking a financial   hit due to Catholics abstaining from eating  meat on Fridays. One franchisee, Lou Groen,   owned a McDonald's in Cincinnati, whose population  at the time was 87 percent Catholic. His solution   was the unsinful burger alternative of a battered  halibut and cheese sandwich. When Groen took his   idea to Ray Kroc, the latter hated the  thought of his stores stinking like fish.   But part of his reaction may have also  been due to the fact that he had his   own non-meat alternative: the Hula  Burger. This vegetarian sandwich   featured a slice of grilled pineapple with  two slices of cheese on a toasted bun. In the spirit of competition, Kroc challenged  Groen to a culinary duel. On Good Friday in 1962,   both sandwiches would be sold  side-by-side at select locations,   with the winner being added to the  McDonald's menu. At the end of the day,   the results were irrefutable: Hula Burger:  6, Filet-O-Fish: 350. The Filet-O-Fish went   on to become a nationwide best-seller,  while it was "Aloha!" time for the Hula. The Filet-O-Fish was such a winner for McDonald's  that in 2013, when the burger behemoth suffered   its first sales decline in over a decade,  it decided to take drastic measures. After   axing the president of McDonald's U.S., the  company proceeded to roll out the closest thing   imaginable to the original sandwich in the form of  McFish Bites. By then, the Filet-O-Fish's original   haddock had been swapped out for cheaper Alaskan  pollock. Shaped into snack-friendly nuggets,   McFish Bites were breaded, deep-fried, and  served with a tangy tartar dipping sauce. At the time, McDonald's was getting a  lot of flak from health advocacy groups   who accused the chain of encouraging  kids to eat junk food. In response,   McDonald's added McFish Bites to its Happy  Meals, while reducing the fries and adding   apple slices. The chain also sought to seduce  adults by offering three sizes of packaging,   the better with which to share the nuggets or  eat them on the go. Yet, despite all the ongoing   love for the Filet-O-Fish, the relative health  benefits of deep fried pollock, and the many   conveniences of bite-sized items, customers just  didn't take the bait. After their February 2013   launch, McFish Bites were discontinued  later that same year due to poor sales. McFish Bites isn't the only maritime-inspired  McDonald's meal that ended up sinking. In 2013,   a steep decline in the wholesale price of Maine  lobster led the coveted crustacean to become a   mass-market staple. It ended up washing onto  McDonald's menus in the form of the McDonald's   Lobster Roll. The "McLobster" was actually the  Golden Arches' second stab at a lobster roll,   as the first aborted attempt occurred in  1992. This time, the economics seemed more   favorable. Lower overall costs coupled with  McDonald's ability to purchase cheaper claw,   knuckle, and leg meat in high volumes allowed the  company to charge a relatively affordable $7.99   for the usually high-end delicacy.  Nevertheless, a lot of customers   weren't biting. As a Maine-based  marine biologist told The New Yorker, "If I want a lobster roll, I could  think of a dozen places between here   and the nearest McDonald's where I'd get it." The McLobster flop followed that of the  McCrab sandwich, which McDonald's hoped   would tempt crabcake-loving traditionalists in  Maryland, Virginia, and Delaware. McDonald's   crab cakes were actually handmade  to ensure lumps of crab meat were   visible. McCrab co-inventor Bernie Carr stressed  his belief that customers wanted to see the crab   meat. But they evidently didn't want to see the  McCrab, which skulked away, never to return. Although McDonald's is always on the prowl for  the next successful McProduct, some McNovelties   are less about substance and more about style.  Case in point: the McDLT. By the time the 80s   rolled around, McDonald's was apparently receiving  complaints about the swamp-like ecosystem that   emerged after placing soggy vegetables onto an  otherwise crispy burger and toasted bun. Its   seemingly brilliant solution was to completely  overhaul the burger biome by creating the McDLT. A pioneering example of user-friendly,  interactive food, the McDLT was a McDonald's   burger with the typical lettuce and tomato,  but deconstructed via a specially designed   Styrofoam container with two compartments. One  contained the toasted bottom bun and grilled   burger while the other held the top bun, cheese,  toppings, and condiments. The idea was that you   could assemble your own burger right before  taking a bite out of it. In doing so, you'd   preserve the textural integrity of both the hot,  grilled components and the fresh, crispy ones. Alas, the McDLT also featured some notable design  flaws. Lumping the cheese in the cool compartment   prevented it from melting deliciously on top  of the burger. And even in the gas-guzzling   Reagan years, all that nasty Styrofoam was already  considered environmentally unfriendly. Ultimately,   not even Jason Alexander singing the praises  of the McDLT could stave off rapid extinction. "Could be the best tasting  lettuce-and-tomato hamburger ever!" Sometimes it pays to stick to what you know  best, which McDonald's should've realized   when it decided to infringe upon KFC's hallowed  territory with the launch of the Mighty Wing.   Originally introduced in 1990, Mighty Wings  were discontinued in 2003 before plans were   laid for an epic comeback in 2013. Following a  year of testing and tweaking, McDonald's was so   sure that its revived poultry product would fly  that it stocked up on 50 million pounds of wings. "Actually I think it tastes a little bit  like KFC, is what I would compare it to." Yet despite all the careful prep work, Mighty  Wings suffered from hewing a little too true   to their name. Aside from significantly heavy  breading, the wings were also apparently too   mighty spicy for some tastes. Ultimately, though,  the wings' main failure were their mighty prices.   At more than $1 per wing for orders under  10 wings, the price wasn't exactly the   most competitive on the market. In the end,  sales were so dismal that McDonald's was left   literally holding the bag, a bag that  was filled with 10 million frozen   bone-in chicken wings. Franchises tried to  mitigate their losses by holding clearance sales.   Many reduced the prices of their wings to 60  cents, which turned out to be a mighty good deal. McDonald's has clearly had its share of faulty  products and packaging, but one of its most   epic failures was due to a very bad case of PR. On  paper, the McAfrika seemed like an unthreatening,   if unoriginal, new product. It consisted  of a standard cheese-topped beef patty   accompanied by tomatoes and salad,  sandwiched between two wedges of   nutritious pita. There wasn't anything vaguely  African about the sandwich aside from its name,   and that's exactly why all hell broke loose.  The McAfrika was launched in 2002 in Norway,   one of the wealthiest countries on the  planet, in the midst of a severe famine   in southern Africa that had devastated  the lives of about 12 million people. Without having tasted it, outraged  Norwegians, including fundraising and   aid agencies, referred to the poorly named  burger's launch as "distasteful." Activists   protested outside McDonald's restaurants in  Oslo by distributing to customers "catastrophe   crackers," the protein-packed biscuits that were  being donated to starvation victims. In response,   McDonald's Norway attempted damage control by  allowing aid agencies to place collection boxes   and fundraising posters in restaurants where the  offending burgers were being sold. Eventually, the   company got around to actually discontinuing the  McAfrika, only to re-release it as the "McAfrica"   during the 2008 Beijing Olympics, along with the  McEurope, McAmerica, McAsia, and McAustralia. But   a spelling change wasn't exactly enough to  redeem this politically incorrect sandwich. Another infamous case of a theoretically  appetizing product combined with a disastrous   marketing campaign was the Arch Deluxe. Having  already won over young consumers with Happy Meals,   McDonald's set its sights on an  increasingly aging American population   in search of more sophisticated, adult  offerings. The Arch Deluxe was a basic   burger dressed up with fancy fixings such as  peppered bacon and a stone ground mustard sauce.   To emphasize its adult credentials,  McDonald's spent some big boy bucks,   to the tune of $200 million, on touting  "the burger with the grown-up taste". To entice gourmands, one commercial  featured McDonald's Executive Chef   Andrew Selvaggio preparing the burger  from a sleek, gourmet kitchen bereft of   any grease. To underscore the sandwich's  supposed maturity, another spot featured   6-year-old rappers reacting to the burger  with a synchronized shout of disgust. "Want an Arch Deluxe?" "Yuck!" Alas, the adults in the room were ultimately  put off by the combination of the Arch Deluxe's   unreasonably high calorie count and price.  By the time the Arch Deluxe was removed from   the menu in 2000, it had become one of the  most expensive flops in fast food history. Check out one of our newest  videos right here! Plus,   even more Mashed videos about your  favorite foods are coming soon.   Subscribe to our YouTube channel and hit  the bell so you don't miss a single one.
Channel: Mashed
Views: 304,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mashed, mashed food, mcdonalds, history of mcdonalds, fast food, fast food chain, big mac, ronald mcdonald, kfc, pizza hut, spaghetti, fettuccine alfredo, pasta, hot dog, filet o fish, mcfish, lobster, styrofoam, jason alexander, wings, mcafrika, food, restaurants, mcdlt, crab cakes, fast food restaurants, mcdonalds food, mcdonalds health, pizza, mcspaghetti
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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