The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Game Development - Part 2 -- Getting Into the Right Mindset

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so before we jump into coding itself i want to talk about the kind of mindset you need to have to succeed and the way to approach coding especially if it's something that you've done before and it didn't work out it was too hard you struggled you quit and maybe now you're trying again or even if it's the first time let's talk about how to approach this so that you can actually succeed and start becoming a programmer coder game developer or whatever it is you want to do with coding so the way i like to look at it is coding is kind of a puzzle so the languages we're going to be using and the languages that really you'll be using anywhere are already made for you yeah they're being improved upon and adding new features but for the most part everything you're going to want to do has already been done and that means that what you need to do now is figure out how to put it together so if you want to move a certain way or add a certain feature those the actual language the code itself is there and you don't need to do anything to it you just have to figure out how to use it there's syntax there's grammar there's libraries there's there's a lot of different stuff but in the end you got to come up with the best way to put it all together to create what you want to make so for me i look at it as a big puzzle and i turn that into a game because i enjoy doing puzzles it's just part of who i am if you're not very good at puzzles that's okay look at it a different way maybe look at it as a game you're trying to play you just got to rank up the skill you have and learning to use a certain language so coding is another language even though it's in english and it's going to look pretty familiar there's not going to be any strange words necessarily in there uh it's another language and what that means is you've got to be practicing so when we go into this don't just watch follow along with what i'm doing type it out don't copy and paste don't put it on a second monitor and just do something in the background while you listen to me you're not going to get anything out of that if you want to learn spanish or french or japanese you can't just listen to someone talk it or teach it it won't work you'll learn one or two things but that's not going to be enough if they drop you in the country and say hey good luck fend for yourself same thing when it comes to programming there are so many tutorials and a lot of great ones out there but if you don't actually do it it doesn't matter you're not going to learn you're not going to remember it you're not going to know how to do it yourself and that's the really big key here is going into coding practice it yourself once you get a concept down take the time and experiment with it if you learn how to move a player or to jump around take the time to really understand it and then wonder what would happen if you did x or y what if you jumped higher or farther what if you increased the gravity so that maybe when you jump the world moves i don't know there's there's unlimited possibilities when it comes to games and coding the thing is that you just need to learn how to do it so practice what we're doing don't just watch don't just listen and come at it from a perspective that it's a skill you gotta learn everything we're gonna do is people have just learned okay uh there are some people who might be more inclined to it some people who think a little more logically like a computer but at the end of the day it's a skill and if you want to be great at coding and game development and make your own games then just practice because no one out there is great who didn't put in the time and effort so we're going to go into it we're going to start doing some coding we're going to start with some mini games we're going to just kick it off really really easy to not overwhelm and we're just going to start with the absolute basics of how game maker works and some of the things you need to know to just run a project and see it in action but keep those things in mind follow along practice and don't get discouraged if you don't get it right away it's a skill when i started out i'll talk about my journey as we go but let's just say i did not start out confident or really even able to do much coding at all it took me a lot of years and a lot of struggle which is why i feel like i can talk about this with some confidence because i understand how hard it is to get into programming especially if it's something that you've struggled with in the past so practice follow along and no it's just a skill if you do it enough you will get it things will click into place even if at first it doesn't make any sense stick with it and it will so i look forward to seeing you in the next video and let's jump right into it [Music] you
Channel: Let's Learn This Together
Views: 226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GameMaker Studio, GameMaker Studio 2, GameMaker Studio Tutorial, GameMaker Studio 2 Tutorial, GMS, GMS 2, GMS Tutorial, GMS 2 Tutorial, LLTT, Let's Learn This Together, GameMaker 2, GameMaker Projects, game development, absolute beginners, absolute beginners guide, beginners guide, getting into the right, getting into the right mindset, the right mindset, success and failure, what you believe, best mindset for success, your abilities, job interview, basketball game, suceed
Id: Ub5W0FXv4TA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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