Game Maker Studio Release Notes Version

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[Music] greetings and welcome back to another release notes video my name is aaron craig and there's not a whole lot to cover here besides a few interesting things to point out so first off they are adding a single sign-on using opera opera bot game maker and so it just makes sense that they're going to continue to integrate themselves into it in my opinion again this is not a bad thing opera is a big company it's got a lot of weight behind it a lot of money and they really seem to want game maker to succeed and if they want you to be able to sign in with opera sure go ahead that's okay i personally don't use opera i'm probably gonna give it a try just because uh it's i think it's worth checking out uh competition in any sense is usually a good thing and other browsers competing with chrome firefox safari it just makes them all work better so uh i'll check out opera and i'll do a video on that later but you can now sign on with that they have added support for knowledge operators in your code this one's probably a little more interesting although uh it doesn't do much because it doesn't really add new functionality it just allows you to shortcut some more complex or convoluted if statements so i'll show you how that works in just a little bit they've added some filter layer types you can use in your room i haven't talked much about the layer the filters that i have in here but they're really cool and then you also have the inspector for your room which isn't quite ready yet i think they should have kept that in there a little bit longer playing around with it i found a few unexpected things that it was doing but it's cool they put it in there because the inspector in the sequences is super useful uh then there's also just a lot of bug fixes and a few other things as well so they've got uh redefinable keys for changing for working up in the workspace which is pretty nice so now you can redefine what all of those shortcut keys do you can customize them yourself then they've got a lot of changes down here one of the nice things is if you've got a large projects thumbnail images are now loading asynchronously all that means is your project will load and you can start doing stuff instead of waiting for all of the thumbnail images which could potentially take a while in a big project and then you can see they've got a ton of bug fixes but let's jump into the two interesting things inside of here which are the knowledge operator and the room inspector so first off let's talk about what a null is in game maker knoll is essentially undefined now in other programming languages this is not the case whereas something like in c sharp null is legitimately an empty value it isn't a value it is the lack of a value in game maker undefined is actually the value of negative four and that is a specific number and that means that if you use undefined it is not null because null is the lack of a value so that's why they call it nullish and what we're doing right here is i'm just randomizing my code because i'm using a random function here that way we can see different values each time i'm setting a variable called a equal to undefined and this right here is the new knowledge operator it allows you to with two question marks to basically say hey if this first value is undefined then go ahead and run this second part it's a quick way of just saying hey i don't want this value to be undefined so if possible if it is go ahead and do this this can be a function it can be a different value it can be a different variable whatever you want inside of here so if a is undefined which it is right now if we run this we'll actually see that it comes up with a number instead so that was one run if i run it again we'll see it has another number so different values each time and it won't do that if we come in here and give it any other value now my value will actually equal a instead of running this right here and that's all it's doing another way of doing this right here is essentially saying if a is equal to undefined then you can come down here and say a equals random or a equals hi i don't know whatever you want to do in here the idea is the same that you can take this whole chunk and you can put it down to one line of code so if you can understand what this means and exactly what it works like and you can just read it and understand it it can save you a lot of time and it can also save game maker a lot of processing power and cycles this is something that could potentially come in when you're near the end of your game and you're optimizing this could be pretty useful so keep that in mind it's not perfect it doesn't really do anything new but it does make your life easier and it gives you another tool and it makes game maker i think a lot better because this is something that has been in other languages for a long time and it's great that they're putting it in here the other new thing is the room inspector so if we go over to room i've already got the inspector open but if you don't see it you can go to windows and inspector and it will show up and apparently you can have more than one which i guess makes sense i really don't want more than once i'm going to close that now the inspector over here basically just has everything that you would need to inspect objects in your room so i'm in my room i select this object i can now move it around now something that they don't have in this section right here is the alignment icons which is kind of cool so you can actually align uh your objects based in where they're at in the room that's kind of cool you can open up the editor for your objects directly from there you can also change the object that is here you can edit the object here you can make a new object uh when i click on this it creates a new object here and then in my room it replaces it but the thing is it still says object one even though it is object two and that's just kind of one of the ways that the the inspector i think acts in a way that is unusual and uh i get it because the actual name over here you can rename and it's not as important and it's what it's doing is it's replacing this object with object 2 and that's what the inspector can do inside of sequences and other things as well but i think it's just confusing if you don't know exactly what it's doing so yeah that's what i would say there uh you've got things for position scale you can change the color rotation you can flip it you can change the frame the image speed and you can edit the creation code all of those things we could already do simply by double clicking on an object but now we have those things over here in the inspector now we still can't edit the variables in the inspector so that's something that it is still lacking they did say specifically that it is still being worked on and will be added to and you can inspect more than one thing at a time and change what you're looking at so overall it's another tool you can use i think it's fine it's useful i don't know if i'll be using it in the room directly but hey i'll give it a try and we'll see what happens and that's really all there is worth talking about in this video you've got the nolish coalescence operator and the room inspector and if you want to read more check out the release notes yourself it's always good to do the reading yourself if you really want to know what's going on but what are you excited for in this update anything stand out that you're going to use let me know in the comments below if there's any new features that you're excited about let me know because i would love to hear about it and that's always fun to hear what people want from game maker and what they're working on you can also check out so that's what i've got for you today thanks for joining me keep making keep learning and i'll talk to you later [Music] you
Channel: Let's Learn This Together
Views: 378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GameMaker Studio, GameMaker Studio 2, GameMaker Studio Tutorial, GameMaker Studio 2 Tutorial, GMS, GMS 2, GMS Tutorial, GMS 2 Tutorial, LLTT, Let's Learn This Together, GameMaker 2, GameMaker Projects, game maker studio, game maker, game maker studio 2 tutorial, game maker studio 2, new game maker studio 2, Release Notes, software update, game dev software, release notes version, learn to code, cool new features, nullish operators, the inspector, indie game development
Id: HXuKRR5mrU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 30 2021
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