The Abandoned Heritage Railway - Will it ever see trains again? #disused #railway

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[Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] hello everyone so you're joining me I'm really glorious sunny day it's April the 3rd and I've come to an area of South Yorkshire which I didn't plan to come but I happened to be in the area so I thought I'd come and have a look and we'll see what we can find Brampton over there else go over there so right now I'm part of the former track bed which goes off towards else open in 1850 and lasted until 1984. soon after it was reopened as part of the elska Heritage Center but it's got a bit of an uncertain future at the moment with nothing happening since early 2020 before the first covid um outbreak and lockdowns so I'm going to show you a little shot over there you can just make out there a set of buffers and some track sat there but it's not connected to anything there's a few bits of rail further up I'm gonna go around here and see if we can get a better shot of that now just there there appears to be some kids Park equipment so whether that's part of I don't know what that's part of but this is fenced off I can't get to that track I'd like to have seen it but it does look as if there is no way on so there we are found a way around and this looks like well this has clearly never been used at all some of it's been taken away hopefully not stolen but it's an easy walk around and there's the set of buffers just there and sadly it looks like it's in a state of disrepair in a sense that there's not going to be anything done with this in the near future all sorts of land around there kids play Park equipment and I think there's a Morrisons over there because that used to be a colliery just there I believe I'm going to follow this up a little way and see what we can find there's this little section then this bit is absent but it does come back again let's scramble over this ballast and get you there a little bit quicker there you go so there's just random bits of rail Chuck there and the track does carry on so let's have a little Ponder and a Wanda what is going on down here and see what we can find [Music] thank you and it's really weird because you can just walk freely onto your blast two or three different locations where he's just open it's not fenced off people are walking on here all the time looks like there's quite a camera on the track coming up I could make for quite an interesting photograph just down there you might be able to pick it up already let me show you what's going on behind so the buffer stops I just start a site around that corner I can just make them out you might be able to see some green vents just there there's another Crossing and people have been walking along here you can see on both sides quite regular looks like there's been a bit of grass and weed been trimmed down recently the no sign of actually I mean look how Rusty this round is [Music] incidentally over there that was caught in wood collary and that was sulk in 1873 an official closure came in 1985. I'm coming up to a road crossing here I think it is old Smithy road I'll double check that I will see how we can progress after that so we may have to get off the track bed and walk back on the pathway just to the side of me in a moment [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] so yeah it is time to leave the track battle over now but what a beautiful part that was it's Smithy Bridge Lane this is and it is indeed fenced off so I'm going to cross the river the Little Brook down there and follow the other path alongside and see if we can pick up this track bed a little bit later and through that look you can see the root going further towards elsica but we can't walk along this section for the time being right it's a team one we're going to follow the former elska Canal towards the Elsa Heritage Center this is a lovely example of a bracelet try and get out of the sun's glare beautiful isn't it and there's a flow of water going through there so it's hard to believe this was a canal with this constant flow going through it so let's tell you about and I'll show you so that's where we came from that is the railway just behind those bushes just there and we're gonna go through here and we'll follow the canal for a little while let's see if we could actually get up so close to the railway again we'll also past the site of elsika main colliery opened and sunk in 1903 and lasted until 1983 and this was also part of a huge complex of calories and mines and pits around this area as well as other Industries and also the beneficiary of the Railway we've just been following and we're going to look for again so this is numbered as Lot number two it's got itself a nice little duck and a Moorhead just there and it's very very wide it looks like it is full depth capacity just there they've put in a Cascade look where the lock Gates would have once been and that's when it flows into what is more like a brook than a canal now the canal further up looks like it's in water doesn't it so I'm quite interested to have a good look at this and follow it for a little longer so this is Lot number two and we should actually find locks three and four further up [Music] so now we're going to lose the canal temporarily and it's been corvetted underneath the water is relatively clear I can see the bottom the brook is just there and that is going to go under the road bridge there and our Railway is just on that embankment above you might see a straight line that is the embankment of our elsika Railway I'm gonna climb some steps I've got to go over the road but I believe I can carry on the root of the canal on the other side so there's our track bed looking back towards Brampton where we began and we've approached tingle Bridge Lane and it's fenced off but looking at it again you could just walk straight onto it so I might actually just make my way back that way although it is gates at the other end isn't it there's the crossing lot fenced up on both sides so it's back onto the canal we're going to follow that for a little while over tingle Bridge Lane we'll find it again just down there on the right we've got the Brook on the left and the railway is out of sight the other side of these bushes and the brook there's the canal down here look got a little weird going down into the pipe call that we saw on the other side so we've got another Cascade just there a lot which would have formed another lock lock number three on this route now over there would have been Heming field coloring and that has been in development around about the 1840s that's a very very old pit and it lasted until 1983 and finally became demolished around about 1987. still pretty close to the railway that is awesome over there I can still see the tracks through the bushes Canal nice lot of water in there some beautiful properties along here too isn't there another peculiar little structure look just up from the road bridge we've just come along now that looks really really old but it doesn't look wide enough to take boats through in that little Gap does it so what would this purpose have been has this been extended did it used to be aware after the canal closed answers on the postcard for that one [Music] thank you [Music] thank you now as well as the railways serving hemingfield colliery so did the Oscar canal and if I go down here this is a canal look you'll see there's a bit of stone just there and there's Stone just there and this is the junction into a basin for the collary and believe it or not this Basin still exists all this area just here there's a stone wall over the back now in the distance we've got the old winding wheel for the colliery and a few buildings and I believe there's a pump house over there too could be wrong we'll go and look at that in a little while if I go over here look there's a bit going in there a docking area to serve the coloring and where that docking area ends the track bed runs straight across and there here is another docking area which potentially would have had boats waiting in there before they went over to that area to receive the coal I absolutely love this there's so much history and it's such a shame I've just been talking to a really kind gentleman that told me about the railway and its current situation or what he believes is going on this Railway needs to be reopened again I really hope it does and also back at the junction of the Colorado Basin there used to be a stone bridge we're going over was to take the towing path off towards where the Elsa Heritage Center now stands and the canal barges would have gone underneath collect their goods you can actually bring you around the other side as well so the Canal's over there there's one of the small docks there now we can bring you this way and I can show you where the Trap bed crosses just here so I can show you that in a moment be nice to be reacquainted with that again and you could assume a flow of water used to come from the Collier under the railway and feed the canal Basin and then also the canal too and there we are reacquainted with the track bed again now there's the former pit buildings just there look it's a winding wheels are just there and all manner of buildings I wouldn't mind having a visit of that there's the track bed looking in the direction that we're going so we should meet up with that again in the very near future that I believe is open on Sundays and bank holiday wonders thing I'm gonna come back and have a look around it [Music] [Music] [Music] now poking the camera through there you can see that darkened area the brook is going to disappear and be coveted under the railway track so now it is going to be Canal Railway Brook so we should be able to walk right next to the Trap bed again and get a better look at that because I've missed seeing the railway a little bit although I do love my canals so the Trap bed look is right there it's not really overgrown so that's really Pleasant it's just grass but it's very Rusty the canal on the other end is it a far worse state at this point right now it's just like a marshy Wasteland look at that Far Cry from what get what this was so this I believe was the fourth lock nice and narrow Stone walled you can see there's a bit of a weird just there where Gates would have been even the gap for stop playing just there in the event of it needed to be drained yeah you can see it look there's stone wall all the way along there and I can just make out there where it's exactly the same so we've come across our fourth lock and still very much close to the railway hugging as tightly on the left-hand side we're going to Veer off right now and I can see a church Spire in the distance so we must be getting closer to our destination oh would you look at that it's a nice little stone called that there isn't it so that's going to go into the railway that's got a head off in that direction that looks really really good but far too rough and deep at the moment the other end of it is just there that's extraordinary isn't it I think that might be worth a revisit in the future we've had a lot of rain the previous week so obviously I'm not going to do it today but it's something to come back to at a later point isn't it but that's a cracking little Stone Bridge isn't it that's WAFF Road up there really nice carrying the brook down now this is the same Brook we've just been looking at further down where it was that cover and it went really really deep and narrow now it's really really shallow but really really wide I need to cross off road just up there to continue on my journey along this transpennine Trail towards elskin so just a little way up here I'm hoping to find Cobden lock on the opposite side was Elsa main colliery that will come into view where that was once we get past these trees so that was the other side of those trees that was the main corollary buildings all over there and the railway is just outside just there over here I'm hoping to find this lock because I believe there are still some lock Gates present there we go look complete with complementary rubbish bag and that doesn't matter the gates are there and they're intact it's the first one we've seen along this canal during its entire Journey when we got on it there we go nice steady trickle of water going through making its way further down the canal if we look over here the canal is in waters it probably has always been since it originally opened and we've got an overflow look just about there so it's nice to see a part of this canal looking exactly as it did back in the day of operation foreign [Music] foreign ly moved away from the canal still very close that's over there and I'm walking right alongside the railway track there look not seen a train since early 2020 or maybe even late 2019 because the season might not have even kick-started before kovid closed everything down in late March 2020. so there's a bit of a base in just here and the canal does appear to come to the abrupt end but the track bed continues on for a short while and I'm hoping we can still get into the Heritage Center at this time of day and just have a little look around and this was indeed Elsa Canal basin opening in 1798 and lasted until 1928 taking its way all the way back to the Dern and Duff canal so almost 100 years since this closed 95 years to be exact [Music] ly [Applause] thank you [Music] and there's the pull pass through there that else could do colliery I believe was erected and in operation by 1795 and decommissioned in the 1920s [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] and very sadly it is all closed off and it is such a beautiful sight you've just seen footage of a diesel Sean's locomotive which was most likely used on one of the colors and an old Great Western break van look at the steps up to the Footbridge just hoping that he gets happy passengers and Families once again I can show you the view of the station just there over the other side of the fence I mean it looks in amazing Condition it's lovely isn't it but what is really really sad and I've only just noticed that all the track has been lifted at the station that is really really disappointing why could it have just not been left at least as a static display to fall The Shed just a little what an absolute waste no track going in there whatsoever that station is an absolute beautiful place what a bit of History just gone to waste [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] Reservoir and see the over spill coming down which is nice to see because in a week or so if we have a few more days like this it probably won't be overflowing so I'll take you to the top for our video my farewells now this Reservoir it was purpose built for the Barnsley Canal the Barnsley Canal was completed in 1798 and this was completed four years earlier in 1794 I believe since 1996. it's been registered as a part of natural beauty for wildlife something along those lines anyway here's the over spill we've just stood down there in that corner and you can see that gentle flow of water going over the top now apologize for any glare but there's your Reservoir just there quite a bit of wildfowl on there and some stunning views too so I do hope you have enjoyed this video it's been quite a lot in this hasn't it we've got the abandoned Railway of the elska Heritage Railway we've got Elsa Canal also abandoned look at a swamp in some places but looking like it was only in use yesterday in others we've seen that abandoned lock with the lock Gates the Heritage Center and finished off just here Reservoir built in 1794 for the barsley canal which I believe is gonna be for another day I'm gonna try and follow the Barnsley Canal a later date because I think it is pretty good and there's some nice bits to cut along there too please like subscribe comment below suggestions below as well thank you and goodbye [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Trekking Exploration
Views: 81,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disused railway, railway walk, abandoned railway, engine shed, trekking exploration, railway explore, martin zero, disused railways uk, disused railway lines, trekking towpaths, abandoned railway tracks, railway history, abandoned railway line, south yorkshire, elsecar, heritage centre, colliery, abandoned, yorkshire disused railway, railway track, elsecar canal, drone, abandoned railway bridge, abandoned railway stations uk, abandoned railways uk, closed, preserved railway
Id: uVeL7fiUav0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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