The A-Team Set up Decker | The A-Team

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help you sir Colonel Harrison Smith Pentagon inventory section yes sir [Music] well gentlemen into battle he says it like it's a joke this ain't no joke man this whole thing is crazy hanal I can't believe I'll let you talk me they coming on this base better close the door be yeah arette you messed up you had visitors at the warehouse we had to take the stuff so we decided to hang out at your beach house by the way you're running out of food down here Lieutenant Harnett yes I'm Lieutenant Parks this is Colonel Harrison Swift Pentagon inventory section Colonel we've been sent here to look through your files uh Sergeant Barker there will be examining them and I believe you know Corporal Brown who's been asked to show us around let's see the records this man missed Colonel dismissed Lieutenant yes [Music] sir man seems to have a problem Hannibal yeah they get like that when they think you've been reading their mail we're going to lose him we got someone on them the wind goes out the gate that's my queue please don't lose me Murdoch gotcha [Music] [Applause] I'm telling you Han these books are very sloppy Harnet couldn't hide it if he's trying to swipe typewriter ribbons much less weapons we're going to deliver him wrapped in a bowl hey Hannibal look no how they know he was tipped or it was a trap or both oh boy I hate situations like this you go in trying to help Mankind and uh all of a sudden you realize you're adjusting your Halo in a two-way mirror Smith this is Decker lady your lucky eye of manners you wouldn't like to hear what I say to people who lie to me it's over Smith you've lost I was having such a nice day don't worry he'll give us a minute just like he always does you've got 30 seconds to give up your weapons before we open fire got to give him credit he's learning there's the warehouse guys let's see what's in it take [Music] cover hold your fire they got purpal [Music] brown I want them and I want them bad move out colon deer sir telephone sir who is it he says his name is Colonel Smith says you know him trace it yes sir Decker here hello Decker how's tricks get smart Smith you and your people are at the bottom of a well and the only way up is past me anything you say CD just thought you ought to know you're chasing the wrong guys har Net's got the guns not us you blew it pal oh by the way good luck with the trace they're running the tray sir dismissed if they don't get it I want a listing of every phone in every building on this base you understand me every building yes sir dismissed sure you don't want one I can't I'd like to drive remember well I didn't think you'd be leaving so soon I didn't say I was look why don't you uh make yourself comfortable I got a call to make okay okay but I only have so much patience good I'll miss you we went to an army base and decided to follow a soldier home when he picked up a pretty girl now right now he has no idea that we're playing a harmless little joke and that our entire candid Murdoch audience can hear every word now let's listen in and have some real fun yeah George Harnet ah Lieutenant we were starting to wonder when you were going to call you owe me money friend 500 Grand you owe us jerk we saved you those guys at the warehouse were shooting back I mean we could have been hurt you try not paying me Shaw and I'll blow your cover listen genius what about you if you rang the bell they'd know you were out in the Halls between classes too and then you ain't no a student no more listen nobody rips me off especially some too bit like you okay say pretty please and then maybe you can come on down and get your money well I guess the labs on him because what Mr hanet doesn't realize is that the candid Murdoch has been recording the whole thing boy I sure as heck wouldn't want to be in his army boots what's wrong bad news with a small business problem so what's say we just uh kick back and relax what's that thing honey nice car big flashy smile and this little number tucked in my collar so what are you Army intelligence CIA what I don't know what you're talking about lover I'm just looking for some fun so what lover you made a big mistake you may as well talk talk now hold it I think that it might help to take the safety off this time thank you Tony Murdoch Tony will be back later to teach you how to play with guns but first I have an important message you're in deeper than you know oh yeah I think we're doing real fine especially since I'm going to lock you in a trunk a size of you know and then I'm going to eat the key we got the whole thing on tap machacho you've been selling Hardware you never should have been selling to guys with Shifty nostrils we know they ripped you off at the warehouse too we know everything is you facing a pretty bleak future pal howy ma'am uh nothing to fret about here this is just a little civil defense matter this fellow here has volunteered to be citizen victim for a day and he's pretending that he has contracted a highly contagious highly toxic Intergalactic virus and we just caught him away to be steamed pressed and hot waxed you registered the vote only got about 10 minutes School 231 right around the corner tell them I sent you Ferguson's the name Eagle Street all right Captain dad now you have a choice you can either tell us where your friend Shaw hid the goodies or this G and I going to pretend it's our honeymoon and we going to drag you like a tin can now start talking [Music] FAL truck is not here here it comes [Music] [Music] [Music] what is going on what is this looks like fog rolling in fog here how could this be I don't know a coldfront of some kind [Music] [Music] what is it what is happening um it is um very uh how do you say not very usual um peros we are having from time to time fog I want to leave immediately not without the copilot to watch the equipment cuz we are zero zero umbre it is true I I need someone to monitor for me the the transponder and and Power Systems uh I I can't see the runway anymore tell them to send out the co-pilot um tell them we want no more fuel we are leaving immediately now he says no more fuel we are leaving send the co-pilot okay okay Hannibal I'm on my way [Music] uh nasty bit of weather outside uh isn't it yes [Music] for [Music] all right let's get this baby up how I can't see anything uh right right uh Tara Tara I I think we need the field F lights mate here it goes [Music] the field fog lights [Music] mate okay let's go let's go now all right let's get moving [Music] all right tower we are beginning our [Music] [Music] I know this is a bit unusual but it is the new RAF F RS that's a good uh good power setting [Music] [Music] you you better get your men buckled up buckle [Music] up V1 R it well you better get buled up I'm almost it full power [Music] now be [Music] [Music] what is this what's going on out here don't move or I'll kill him let me out let me [Applause] out I remember you guys you're The A Team boy is that music to our ears [Music] la
Channel: The A-Team
Views: 188,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The A-Team, A Team, A Team Movie, Full Episode, Classic TV, A Team TV Series, A-Team Intro, A-Team Theme Song, John Hannibal Smith, George Peppard, Hannibal, Howling Mad Murdock, Dwight Schultz, Howling Mad, B.A Baracus, Mr. T, Mr T, Templeton Faceman Peck, Dirk Benedict, Faceman, Shut Up Fool, I love It when a plan comes together, 1980s TV, TV Show, A-team Van, GMC Vandura, Amy Allen, Melinda Culea
Id: TLCis9C7Ojs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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