Bring Back The A Team - Reunion Episode Justin Lee Collins

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you can stop the wheels 35 for the rocks my world as a kids were the 18 Hannibal Smith I love it when a plan comes together ba Baracus Succot are you crazy wrap the Faceman fantasy is my and handling Matt Murdock they were the coolest dudes on TV and every week 15 million of us in the UK and millions more across the world watched in awe as they bunch guns come and crash their way to victory over the bad guys gets in my mission is to track down the surviving members of the 80 mr. dicks I've got just ten days to do the Nile impossible get them all in the same room together for the first time in almost 20 years can I touch a [ __ ] bloody out sorry I can hear mr. t I'm on the wrong [ __ ] paths I'd like to be able to say lover when a plan comes together but a moment my plans come in - [ __ ] British TV for kids in the early 1980s was rubbish how do you make four equilateral triangles out of six matchsticks without them it was done as [ __ ] and she couldn't understand a word of what they were saying oh we shall meet your top rerun where the Fox night no rise should fall out just composed of many more aerobatic door stinger button eggs I should blaze it tight but then came the 18 reaction with real heroes who can point like the bodies with a homemade rocket launcher and some garden vegetables rocker I'm in LA for the next ten days to try and track down Murdock ba and face the surviving cast members of the a-team let's rock Sammy come on dude man get in [Music] [Applause] rock'n'roll [Music] but in 1972 a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit these men promptly escaped from a maximum-security stockade to the Los Angeles underground today still wanted by the government they survive as soldiers of fortune if you have a problem you can find them Bolex a fox our let me go grab in 1972 a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they mustn't overnight sensation when it launched in 1983 it was a massive hit in over 100 countries observe the stars of the show into international icons [Music] but behind the scenes the show is accused of being sexist on PC and there were rumors of buster bad boy on director George Peppard and mr. t The Bodyguard search superstar that board is promoted with us I'm gettin T is gonna take an effort of rock star proportions so I'm gonna have to start my search with Dwight Schultz aka howling mad Murdock everyone thought was crazy you nuts absolutely totally maybe if I want to try and reunite Murdock with the rest of the 18 I'm gonna have to break him out of cement one key but he could he might be in a mental Oh that'd be great at their joint Schultz was actually mental and I ever go in bust him out of some mentally to take part in his show there is little still wearing his little cap and his brown bomber jacket now he's eating his own [ __ ] we've had researchers all over LA on the trail of Murdock and we discovered his to to be auditioning for a voiceover role as same studio here in Hollywood one of our team is in telephone contact with an insider who give us the nod when Murdock is in the building right definite there's Simon there's the finger we've got a groups in there Murdock from the a-team is in that building on the eighth floor recording voiceovers grabs a no idea that the J or C is gonna turn out I'm gonna [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hey hurry Zoo in hi I'm here to meet Dwight Schultz Murdock yeah no I'm taping with him yeah yeah if you could just uh I sure wouldn't buzz him because I'll just go on straight through which room is it yeah because I'm taping with the doing with him yeah Dwight Schultz is it he's expecting us and we're really late thank you hi mr. white she employment is it in here I've seen Dwight that's how you remember our grade you can I just come in there let's just win you're just going what Dwight Schultz I hate him I know I'm really sorry to interrupt my name is sir Justin I'm from Channel 4 television in England I'm doing a show called bring back the 18 you played my favorite character without a shadow of a doubt in that show you were high only Matt Murdock you gotta be kidding me no I'm not kidding you can I shake your hand sir certainly can mr. Dwight shorts everybody holding my brew doc Dwight the show is all about reuniting you know the cast in you know talking to you about the show we may be getting you together with some of the other guys I'm talking you know fakes Mandarin Benedict's can I yeah I just can I can I finish this before you finished the voiceover could I just maybe get a yes hopefully that you would agree to take part in our show bring back the 18 and you would agree also to reunite with your fellow cast members of course I'm real now mr. Dwight Schultz everybody to have the annual Dwight just to seal the deal I love you say that do you know that when a plan comes together right come on I love this there we go oh holy map mood off that's right all you love it when a plan comes together okay come on Justin good signs [Music] certified nutter howling mad Murdock was the super skilled pilot capable of flying absolutely anything this thing is supposed to fly I got no fear I got anything but Murdoch nearly didn't make the series as TV execs were going to give him the boots halfway through filming the first episode the skies backing him god save the queen why were they gonna fire you they they thought I was over the top and I am over the top I mean you know I I'm an over actor I go in that direction right I'm up there I'm intense and and they thought it was too intense too over-the-top too much and but they changed their minds yeah Brandon Tartikoff called my agent and said Dwight's dials are really good what does that mean the dials are they they test the show and they literally the audience is there with a dial and when you like the character you turn it all the way to the right and when you don't turn it all the way the left and my dials were off the charts even when they just heard my voice he said they turn the dials all the way to the right they crank it way up right so then they wrote me back in so to what do you remember when you find out who the other who your fellow actors were gonna be playing the part oh yes I won't be see I would imagine you were well aware of pep art well to realize I was gonna work with Peppard and was it was just a thrill and I walked into the trailer the makeup trailer the first time and I said mister pardon my name is Dwight Schultz how are you he says yes I am George Peppard and I'm not a very nice man that is so help me God that is what he said to me his opening loyalty I am durable and I am not a very nice man when I was a kid watching this show I remember the stories would occasionally come out that maybe you all didn't get along yeah I think it was it you know he was a movie star yeah George was a movie star and I mean it in the best and worst sense I'll tell you this is this is George in a nutshell if you had a gun on the set George would look at the look at the gun he'd walk off and come back with a bigger one we are slightly right that's amazing isn't it yeah it is well but that's movie stars Hollywood is a place of ego and I think it created a lot of problems in tensions between George and T did they not get home not later they didn't I don't think George ever accepted the fact that T was the star of the show do you think mr. C really wants the big strategy I think he was the draw I think T was the big draw there is no question about it he was very famous and people wanted to see what mr. T was gonna be doing on television and do you think that narcs pepper he couldn't really get his head around the fact that he was George Peppard an old Hollywood star that's right who's this new guy with the crazy fool in a mohawk in the chains that's right that's right I think George was the movie star of the actor and he wanted to be the star of the 18 so I'm gonna go after mr. t obviously I says I would I mean I would like mr. t to be part of this you know reunification of the 18 yes the odds of getting him involved or probably long probably I'm gonna be somewhat intimidated because very suppose the question is is he an as intimidating off can be really yes he can be could also be very sweet is she quite easy to upset well I wouldn't say upset I mean I you know he just won't talk to you he just peed just dismiss you he can be very dismissive really yeah sure legend coming up I'm going round in circles looking for dirt Benedict the face developed and they were their face from 18 excuse me I'm really sorry to bother you you aren't mr. Joe Benedict's aunt I'm on a mission to get some answers from this guy but getting through to him is driving me to despair we're here for mr. T there's absolutely no way we're getting into this place they're following us off basically I'm in LA trying to reunite the cast of the greatest American TV show of the 1980s my favorite show as a kid the a-team can I see it it's been a great start with howling mad Murdock already on board but it shocked me the stories of conflict between George Peppard and T the only way to get to the bottom of all that is to find the man who plays ba Baracus the Aging's original king of playing everyone's warned us that getting to tea is like a mission impossible but the Hollywood gossip reckon he'll make a surprise appearance in a glitzy awards show tonight so the jlc is going undercover to get him well it's a big night in our Hollywood tonight we're on our way to the Latin Grammy Awards I'm all stupid up as you can see I got me boats hang on and maybe with a bit of luck mr. t will be here we don't have any official invites but I reckon I've got the right look to slip through the door hi hey how you doing are you going to the Grammys yeah you want to be in it we've all got a press passes on but that's not the press credentials for here we've box together some fake press passes to blog our way onto the red carpet but it's not fooling security and it looks like I'm gonna have to sweet talk my way in yeah apparently mr. T's gonna be here tonight when they're with him how things are like I love mr. CJ mr. - yeah isn't it even ready yeah oh I love mr. C what's he like you know what he's real he's just down her really yeah hide she's loud he's very loud still the way he is on TV is the way he is in real life really yes it's gonna be here tonight who's there mr. t boots you gotta be kidding me man oh where let me go find them can we go with you I don't have credit extra credentials what credentials do I have arrival credentials there it's as I've done can you help us with this I've got my permit my film permit there seems to be some confusion as a fellow 18 fan we both love to start to run out and if you can do that for me I'll introduce you the team I've struck lucky bonding with a fellow 18 fan who works for the awards show maybe he can get me Rhone security [Music] time is running out we've heard mr. tears at the venue but without the right pass I can't even get through the gates mr. T's has gone in mr. T's in there yeah mr. T's he's expecting us so how do we get in there I flown over 5,000 miles to get here and I'm so close my cab let T slip away so I'm gonna have to resort to some bare-faced lying with the powers-that-be we're here for mr. t mr. t and sorry we can't help you whether we have a permit with here from zero television we have a conscience that's not your pad yeah I know this Alice told me but he said we needed to come up here to swap more pass no we don't have any moisture on your list I'm sorry we can't help you right now okay we're on your list though close the door [Music] I've got to be honest that was a massive kick in the nuts and I have a sinking feeling getting to mr. t it's going to be way harder than I first thought it's a new day and as I'm still a long way off getting mr. T I've decided to set my sights on the face [Music] after some exhaustive great work we've come up with a cunning plan and with everything now in place it's time to calm the a-teams con man you know charge food really yeah you're happy for me to risk getting thrown out of the building the face man was a silver-tongued sex God yes even I'd have thought him anta C is my middle name his gift of the Galvan we got him the latest but more importantly liked anything the 80 needed to help beat the bad guys I know I have a certain flair for persuasion the smooth-talking bastard like sample times in half nine it's half past nine in the morning we've flown Dirk Benedict aka the face man from the 18th flown over from Montana we've brought him over on a ruse he thinks he's here for a meeting about a big new project sometime this afternoon he's not obviously he's not expecting me he's not expected to be ambushed we're gonna run in and we're gonna hit the face walking wrong hey come on let's get the face man because through the Diwali party with Jesus or destroy it okay what there's a left left left Lucifer for restaurants terrestrial [Music] yeah I'm looking for Dirk Benedict and their face from eating no stairs there are guys is after Benedict Custer bonus assertively Oh rocking wrong excuse me I'm really sorry to bother you are mr. dirt benedict's yes you are Dirk Benedict aka fates from the 18 dirt my name is Justin I'm from channel 4 New England we are a long way from home I'm a long ass doing a show could bring back the a-team and of course you are big part of the show you remember the 18 I do I do it thank God I start bad as I remember I was big in that jar I've carried this you don't see it can I'd sit you think I'm sure thank you there is this alright cuz it's a little nerve-wracking let me cut to the chase Dirk would you win you were faced my hating for four years between music quite good at this you know but I'm not used to being ambushed well this is brilliant because are you gonna bring us back I am doing this bring back show called bring back the a-team I would love to reunite you with your fellow cast actually if you can if you can get some of the guys back together oh I would I would join you come on I love it when a plan comes together good times [Music] having charmed all those knickers off on the show I'm hoping the face might spill his beans on white no female stars lasted more than one series I'm also gagging to find out about the fisticuffs between the late George Peppard and mr. t how much fun was it being a part of the 18 was so much fun it was it was a guys show was male-driven it was written by guys it was directed by guys acted by guys it was about what guys do we talked the way guys time we were the boss we were the god we were we smoked when we wanted we shot guns when we wanted we kissed the girls and made them cry when we wanted it was the last truly masculine show do you think I'll go on record as saying that yeah male-driven it's all the feminization of television is complete it's all watched by women it's you remember we were written for women when guys on a talk the way women want guys to talk they don't talk like guys it's just the this this feminist fantasy so so you think in the 18 back then you were all mean real guys it was a real guy shot my guns and it was women kids love boys liked us and older girls like this moms like to watch us cuz we were guys and women like to watch guys I'm sorry I know that's kind of a sexist statement but they like it's kind of it was kind of appealing was George Peppard be so confident so sure off camera were you guys did that kind of sense of you know testosterone kind of prevail well late Thursday's I occasionally dress up but other than that pretty much the thing is I mean there were a couple of big female characters in that show we had Amy first of all and then of course amy was replaced by Tanya Pramod Amy Melinda Cooley she gathered to be a guy right and I pleaded with her to play the girl no she wanted a gun she wanted a fist fight she wanted to come through the door I said that's what Tina's yes what you're which does yeah so I think that's not what she was drawn to well the character you don't know although we were blamed for it I just one day found out she was complaining a lot so I know they and we were a hit she we're number one show and they didn't need that and I think they just thought you know this is Harrison do you think mr. t became the star of the show and George Peppard didn't like that because part of course was the Hollywood guy pepper did not realize what a big star mr. T was before the show he did rocky yeah it's like a really big deal it's a huge food was huge film and he was huge in it and he was had this great story from rags to riches when we go shoot he was mobbed he was mobbed and I did buy the George yeah I think it did which was sad I remember stories at the time where George wouldn't talk directly to t so if he needed to say something to see what kind of maybe do it through you George would say to me Dirk would you tell the man with the gold the next time we do this I would appreciate it if he could say his line a little sooner and I go okay and once there I'm in the middle once there I'm in there this cause I go t George was to know if Nick and T's going but I would do it I go cuz it was it was yes our son George would ask me to do it so I go t George what's the next time you did you say line a little faster if he was going tell mr. football I ain't no actor but I'll try I'll try my best I said George he's gonna try he's gonna do his best okay that's crazy it's crazy it's funny can we do this so you coming along to the reunion I'll be there come on a ka templates and face pack you'll have security to keep all the fans away absolutely well I love T fans away you'll never ambush mr. t and live to talk about it you don't think I'm gonna get you no no way forget it you would be surprised I think you have a better chance of getting George people part I've got more chance of getting pet part than I've got of getting mr. t right that's not good good luck pal the face has blown me away with his revelations about the eighteen and while mr. t must hold most of the answers I'm sure in the meantime the women will have plenty of dirt that needs dishing in season one there was a character called Amy she was dropped after that for a season and replaced by an actress called Marla Heasley there she is she was stunning played a character called Tanya Baker she also lasted only one season this show was testosterone soaked was all about the cocking bulls and the women didn't seem to get on very well with the men so I'd like to find out why and I'd like to find out what the experience was like working on the a teen for a young actress so we've got our researchers on it and we understand it on a Sunday morning she does her shopping in the Beverly Hills region so we're gonna go out there if I find her I think it's gotta be softly softly don't go erin in because she may not want to talk about the 18 so let's go in soft let's turn on the jlc charm I'll work me magic and I see if we can get her on board because seriously when I turn it on women go to [ __ ] I hurry you rock and roll you maybe you wanna what did you not tell me are you Marla Jesus or a great-looking guy I'm not Jesus my more of a John the Baptist rock and roll I love it my publicity stunt isn't glory Morna directly to me so I have to sniff write myself genome or the guy's genome Marla from the 18 easily what I know Oh God do you love him I'll enough mr. teen I'm gonna try and find him for you now I like when he said I pity the fool I love you too across this street let's go can we walk is this jaywalking am i jaywalking I think I'm Jane your kids don't stay at least and cross don't jaywalk on jaywalking you look like Michael J Fox has anyone ever told you that has anyone ever told me man I do love doing Teen Wolf he was greatly Teen Wolf was neat and I'm sorry about the cheeks I'm sorry look can I have everybody else on this point on things person yet very disappointed famous person where where that could be her name mara Marla Marla oh my god excuse me really really sorry to bother you and happen to be more analogy [Applause] Sonia Baker in the 18 yeah I'm doing a show called bring back the 18 for the UK I'm completely serious and I wonder if you wouldn't mind giving me a few moments maybe so they were sit down to a chat about the show and also I'm wondering if you'd be up for maybe reuniting with your fellow cast members the surviving members of course mr. t voice Schulz Murdock face turret Benedict this isn't a joke would you be up for talking to me and soon with you seriously come on I love it I love it this is great I've got the annual road where's the owner with the book Marla just to uh to seal this deal would you mind look what happier come on would you like my book that would be great just anywhere randomly across the port's face no no it's up to you Marla Heasley aka Tanya basically a teen I love it when a plan comes together come on [Applause] [Music] Marda play foxy reporter Sonia Baker who worked for the Fab Four's their Informer and linked with the outside world she was brought in to replace Amy triple-a Alan and spent most of her time acting the coxey's to keep the bad guys off the trail of the 18 but like her predecessor Marla was dropped after just one series [Music] why do you think you only stayed for one season was it your decision no no no I think probably George fought it he didn't I don't think he really wanted I really don't think that he thought that a girl wasn't even my first day of work I showed up my call was at 5:00 in the morning I put my things away my trailer I went to the makeup trailer I maybe made it to the makeup trailer like it a minute after 5:00 and George was in the makeup trailer now his call I don't think was still 7:00 but he was there and he looked at his watch he said you're a minute late I went oh okay I was young and I was really happy to be on the show but that scared me he was serious he was very serious he was really serious he said when you're finished with your makeup I would like to talk to you please come to my trailer I said okay really so you went to sew his trailer and he said have a seat I said okay you said I just want you to know that we don't want you on the show he said we don't want you on the show he said none of the guys want you here he said the only reason you're here is because the network and the producers want you for some reason they think they need a girl it's your first day on the job they're scared to death yeah you're scared anyway I'm their sister George Peppard when he did that that's that just you know devastated me and that's the reason I ended up getting off the show actually the last day of work my very last day he took me aside and he said you know I'm sorry this is your last day but remember what I said the very first day that we didn't want a girl has nothing to do with you he said you were very professional he said but no reason to have a girl so you up for the reunion yeah absolutely [ __ ] get everyone together absolutely morally you'll be gonna be there what are you doing that could somehow bring pop art back would you say a few things to him bring the ghost over yeah the spirit of petty things that we couldn't compete you know what we could all have a seance why huh oh come on and bring bring back George [Music] don't feel anything Ollis suggestion of a sales has got me thinking but this be the way to reach the main man George Babar and ask him about his time on the 80 nose up big Hummer do you see that so is this it sigh yeah okay this is a Madame francesca psychic to the stars in the tank full of cooks apparently this lady is one of the kookiest so let's go in meet madam Fran and see if she can bring back the pair part it's gonna be art she's never seen the [ __ ] show before a man with a bad-boy reputation George Peppard starred in some of the major Hollywood blockbusters of the sixties before moving into TV in the 70s he was originally cast as Blake Carrington in dynasty but was sensationally sir and replaced by Jon Forsyte after full nights with the producers first choice James Coburn was unavailable for the role of Hannibal Smith so pepper was eventually given the job as the cigar-chomping leader of the 18 the master of disguises and a [ __ ] brilliant minstrel don't reach for anything unless you want to see everybody's brains all over the rug was he happy on the a-team was that experience a happy experience for him it hit more vibrations listen please such arises speaking Lea speaking she had to be quiet sorry we did not want to leave they didn't wanna leave you no he did not the show was canceled in 1987 it was the number-one show in the world Annie parastone and he's travelling through the night thinking why was the next it was the number one shot yes do you think if only we can get an answer to that question for him he'll be able to move on yes are you serious yes can you ask him what he thinks about mr. t you're not gonna speak anymore you've told me whatever you want to tell you me to tell you what a nice lady was shot Mary yes it's your dinner [Music] the set set is coming up the spirit of George Peppard leads me to the co-creator of the 18 excuse me but the roots of mr. team remains as rocky as ever bloody out sorry my mission is to bring back the cast of the a-team and get them in the same room together for the first time in nearly 20 years so far and for howling mad Murdock signed up Sonia Baker is on board and Ladykiller faces promise to come if he's not soup is he shagging however time's running out and I'm still no closer to mr. t along the way I've uncovered some seriously heavy [ __ ] about the 18 and undetermined to track down mr. teeth to find out what went on between him and pepper for the last few days I've been staking out mr. Chiu's production company with no joy has their end any attempts to talk to him or his representatives on the phone have been fruitless ie without fruits people are giving me different numbers and I'm being hither thither forget I'll come back what about mr. t take us to mr. T's oh [ __ ] I've even hired a top tour guide to find his house but that's got me absolutely nowhere bloody ow sorry I'm on the wrong [ __ ] bus I'm beginning to feel like general Fulbright one of the military whose mission was to track down the a-team and bring them to book nothing like a reunion to bring old friends together epic but 18 were continually on the run from the US military most notably Colonel Decker Colonel Lynch and general Fulbright's all of whom famously failed to catch them I love it when a plan comes together Jack King great Fulbright he's the one I want to talk to as he worked with pepper before the 18 and was brought in to defuse tension between him and mr. t Fulbright also has a special claim to fame I've got a number for Jack King aka general bull Fulbright so let's give it a ring see if it checks out obviously if he answers I'll just put the phone straight down do a little bit of every breathing first hello is that the Jack King residence it is is that the Jack King as in general bull Fulbright from the 1800s wonder if you can help me out please that is Canadian one four seven one in America that's where Jack English she going to McCool yeah [Music] hammerstein okay good cameras down you don't have any permissions who it's a film here that's cool and it seems there are there's like an armed response unit in the area and they will confiscate our equipment we would possibly be arrested and quite possibly bummed if we were found to be filming right there's a security guard did chef mace she was ready with a makes you see she was ready with a mace and she had bumming in her eyes you could tell that hey how are you I'm looking for a roach remember the 18 the show the 18 I'm looking for Jack King he played general ball yeah going that way he died in the 18 apparently not in real life oh my god sorry munch did you think I meant he was dead in real life no he's not dead real life because I decided what today no thank you we'll follow you you go on we'll follow you we'll follow you go on we'll follow you you've got you've got a great ass there's nothing wrong with you but just follow her Sam please that's it just give her a little nudge Sam just go bit closer mate put on your bit of pressure if you could speed up that would be great ramp it having made friends with the lady with the big fat ass we've asked her to go ahead and smooth things over for us at the residence of mr. Jack and mrs. Apache King hello hello hello my name is Justin I'm from channel 4 in England hello would you be Apache I am Apache what a great name thank you I was expecting a Native American Indian oh well hereis eject gift he's not here could you tell us where he might be he's at the golf club is he yeah where's the golf club ok can you point us in the direction yeah sure maybe you could come with me I'll go with you oh I'm rain oh yeah let me get let me get bow in the house ok and bow in the x-bow gets it okay ready I'm ready what okay rock'n'roll yeah there he has spitting balls that's him in the blue t-shirt loser boy now he's gonna be wondering who is this big hairy guy with my lovely wife right what's this guy doing he'll probably come after me with a 9-iron there's checking aka general Fulbright Jackie I have a surprise for you you're not gonna believe this Oh Jack Jack how you doing I'm really sorry to interrupt your golfing lesson that's okay listen Jack my name's Justin I'm from channel 4 in the UK okay I'm doing a show called bring back the 18 the great show DHS of course you were be part of the show map now what I would dearly love is to maybe get you together with some of your old eighteen team mates for a reunification would you be up for that maybe getting together with with some of the others I'm talking Murdock face hopefully mr. t who knows well [ __ ] yeah excuse yes that's fine you'll be up for that sure be over there you go come on can we just seal this deal that I've got an 80 manual if you could sign that for us Jack that'd be brilliant you could sign it Jack King or maybe just the ganger Jack I love it when a plan comes together I add it to Jack King everybody come on the Giga working order every thank you in a series famously riddled with machine-gun bullets and bank full of explosions the running jokes that nobody actually died with one exception [Music] in the final series the 18 were caught and later working on the site their old enemy Bulldogs during a mission the general took a bullet and became the only character to meet his maker of the aging [Music] general bull Fulbright come on all right oh yeah jack gets in I love it I love it your character was pretty unique in the show because the a-team was famous for no one ever died yeah that's a nobody ever is a kids show yes they shot 10,000 machine guns in every room and throw bombs and grenades but nobody got killed well except me except you in the last show I got shot in the back but you must have thought yourself at the time how unlucky can I be no one ever dies in the a-team Wi-Fi god I know don't you know how hammy actors are yeah kid every actor wants done really Oh someone's knowledge to die for it takes 15 minutes ago I probably milk mine no I probably milked by a little bit there oh you're so pretty good soldiers I'm glad we ain't it help on this see sight actors love to die especially in that episode life and you know we just found my daughter and a team saved her from all these bad guys and then I get killed the bad guys killed me Jackie worked with pepper and when he was a leading man in Hollywood's but on the 18 it was mr. t became the main man wasn't it he absolutely yeah he became the real star of the show yeah now when T became the phenomenon did that affect the writing of the show did the producers and the writers get together and go look mr. T's the star let's start making his part bigger let's start well absolutely we want in the show around him well listen when 20 million people started tuning in and they get 20 million letters and they're watching t they're gonna write for him that's just common sense what do you think my chances are of getting the 18 back together it might be pretty hard have you found T I have a 20 well then I'd be hard but guy you gotta find him well the whole team of researchers on it trying to track 9 mr. T and as yet we've not come close T if you can hear me show up okay you listening to this T thanks for watching and people would love it and they need to see you again and so do I so general Fulbright is up for the reunion which is great news I'm no closer to mr. t and the stress of it is bringing me out at Ives I still don't know why the biggest show of the 80s got canceled and what was really going on between T and pepper so it's time to try and talk to the man at the top we're in Pasadena it's very late at night we're looking for the residence of a mr. Stephen Jay Canal the creator of the 80 as a kid I remember seeing a pipe smoking beardyman every week on the end credits turns out he's one of the most powerful men in American TV with a string of hits to his name including 21 Jump Street and the Rockford Files as the head honcho of the 18 he should be able to come up with some answers and maybe even help you find mr. et 12:20 we're looking for Sam I'm guessing he probably lives behind the game what 12:20 that's it spin it round Sam just sit and wait for him to do brought some snacks I'm starving according to his office Carol is out of town did not do home till the early hours but I'm running out of time so I'm just gonna sit out until he gets back we've been waiting here for over seven hours I'm dying for a [ __ ] and there's still no sign of camel all the houses have armed security and I'm getting twitchy we know camel is very proud of the show so hopefully you won't set the dogs on us when we jump in there's a limo Sammy there's a limo right we got a limo is he turning in he's turning in to talk funny this is it this isn't just zip this isn't convent let's go come on come on boys Sammy excuse me excuse me excuse me hello I'm really sorry bother you even beyond mr. Steven Jake canal with you my name is Justin I'm from California and I'm doing a show called bring back the 18 it's my favorite show I'm not kidding it was the biggest show of the 1980s I know but they're still there has never been a show like it since it I know it's been nearly 20 years would you mind could I talk to you I've been sat out there all morning and I would love to I'm covered in pigeon [ __ ] Steven is that right I can walk in okay there's no one security you're not gonna take me down they're not going to take me down having agreed to an interview Kamel invites me in for a chance I want to know why apart from Jack King nobody ever died and as part of my promise to peppered spirits I need to know why the a-team got canceled the thing I always remember is that no one died yeah everyone always remembers this nobody ever died in the xviii two reasons for it one is that it was an 8 o'clock show and I felt a sense of responsibility not to be killing people in an 8 o'clock show and then it started to get funny I mean sorry that we started to laugh we we once bought a helicopter crash from a James Bond movie we went out and gray Bell Jet Ranger and we use it as the heavies helicopter and at the end Murdoch is that they're chasing Murdoch down a canyon and he pulls up and this guy doesn't and he flies this thing smack right into the clay we cut to the stock footage that we bought this expensive shot we bought from the James Bond movie and boom nothing explode then we cut to the floor down below the cliff and we dropped you know a whole bunch of flaming wreckage and out of this flaming wreckage come to stuntmen and they get up and they go your K Fred I love it that's my favorite 18 non death Stephen could I ask you about George and mr. t did the relationship completely break down between paparazzi you know a little bit at the end of their you know I mean it wasn't the happiest I've ever been amber wasn't the most unhappy Saudi them did he ever know Stephen it when the show was originally pitched that mr. t was the one that was you know you always wanted to know there was some animosity or and you know antipathy about that obviously George I think with a little miffed yeah you know this the Hollywood star who's this guy with the Mohawk yeah and and you know he's the trained actor and yeah yeah I get that I mean I understood that any yeah eighteen memorabilia Steven that you care when the series ended almost none of the props or costumes recaps although Steven got to hold on to one of the icons of the show so these are the chains that you have made for mr. t in the show why come on let me get me why I'm wearing mr. T's chains you know that is heavy I'm doing you better than that does it doesn't get any better fool pity the poor fools a bit of a fool by some amazing in I learned a proper you look at these kidney won't see this but where mr. T's changed come on rock and roll rock and roll coming up a surprise visitor comes knocking at my door my clearin macaron coming he's coming I can hear mr. T but will anyone turn up for the reunion and someone should please somebody just show up I've almost come to the end of my mission to bring back the surviving cast of the greatest TV show of the 1980s the 18 so far I've got Murdock mr. Dwight Schultz everybody hone in my Brunel the face man Dirk Benedict listen security I know please Maura he's Lee aka Tony Baker come on and the only man to snuff it on the show general bull Fulbright's nadir yeah rock and roll I'm still missing the main man mr. t aka ba Baracus for nine days I've been handing him like a first-class smoker bloody out sorry but so far my plans have been going nowhere but up the creek of [ __ ] and fast I said dead end nothing at all but then I get a phone call that's brilliant thank you so it's 10 hours to go before my 18 reunion is pissing down with rain in Los Angeles but you know what I don't care because this morning I got a call from mr. T's agent and after resigning myself to the fact that we weren't gonna get him it seems that there's a glimmer of hope I can sniff the team we still went on game but there's a chance that the Mohawk may turn up we've been told mr. t is a hectic filming schedule today but if he finishes early he may be able to spare just 15 minutes to talk to us [Music] his agent has suggested we go to a low-key hotel near mr. T's home all we can do is get ready and pray that he turns up so mr. t tell me what was it like being in the eighteen about that part she tapes [Music] phone dream is a ambrus the phone I don't hello stairs got a phone is here brilliant mr. t will be here in five minutes setting this [ __ ] all talking to me ba Baracus was the 80s gold encrusted brick [ __ ] he was the toughest guy on the planet whose only fear was flying the best murder plugging in the air with their crazy sucker a small prick was the only thing to get this big badass on an aeroplane [Music] they always fall on the horn beats me like an earring right here I'm coming he's coming I can hear mr. t I can hear mr. t yes sir brother I'd like that was that the white snake nicely Wow took me long time to read there you know I'm not good reader where we go here there I'm just so happy man I never never met a camera in like mr. t first shots of fate playing the boxer clubber Lang in rocky 3 he was spotted by US TV executives who decided to face a new show around him and so came about the 80 starring sergeant ba Baracus nice VA the flat tempered multi-skilled greasemonkey with a string of caps phrases which sweat play games across the country I'm a real shot leaves here and I'm getting tired of crazy rap you were the first one to be brought on board that part was written especially for you I was only getting 18 didn't audition really really all the other guy's head audition they wanted you right from the very plan for my character my character not the league at not Hannibal my character ba Baracus bad attitude Baracus you know don't take no stuff you know did you have any say in the casting of your fellow 18 members did you know who else was gonna play those parts mmm had how about George Peppard is Hannibal he was brought in after you yeah after me or me I have to me see joy at first there was gonna be another Hannibal he had wanted a cup of the guy first he wanted our man Flint James James cortman yes yes yes it is you George you got the part - George had just got kicked off a dynasty I heard George - George had departed the other guy had here Georgia attitude problem that you keep them off and matter of fact it was the one of the producers 18 and saw George walking down the street is a George you know called me and string him up a little because George was a drunken the sodium brought him in and in what not straighten him up a little bit got the part and you know remember when you first met that part maybe I first met him I read my first met him it was weird like it because he had attitude like you know he didn't respect me at first you know and when I met him I say how you doing yeah I didn't say nice I'm still cool you know yeah you know I just pick him - who me what not bust you you know are we on the same team they may have been on the same team but Roy seems star mr. t clearly aren't so George Peppard in the fame stakes the world went mad for who became an international celebrity even the White House wanted a slice of the action for most of us mr. Dean was the 80 he became a global icon launching his own merchandising books videos and even a pop career with three of his own red hot rap [ __ ] all right you were hugely hugely popular do you think that George did did he wrestle with that do you find that quite hard to deal with he was basically a second banana he was the lead on the show before the fan was they will come to him Hannibal Hannibal where's ba you know he got pissed you know me you know and then it didn't other stuff you know see George want to be this then he hired a PR firm here and we're not then they told him on the People magazine he wanted a People magazine cover they say it see he just kept on running into mr. t which me I mean trying to escape me right and he said no we won't get your cover by yourself if you can get mr. t we get your cover trust me crazy everywhere you go at mr. t back again the kids handle Hannibal where's ba was it just the fact that you were more popular than pet part that bothered him or was there a bit more to it you know mainly because he found out that I was make more money than he was oh really that's what it was so you were making more money on the show and he found out about it at one time I was a third highest paid guy on the NBC why every time my agent comes to the cent we got another deal for mr. t we got somebody else when it came that came to get me to the White House I had told the guys I say man nothing to go to the White House hey guys on the set didn't want to believe it didn't they see me next day a picture on the thing Nancy Reagan sitting on my lap kissing me you know and then I made a joke I say yeah that are upset the Klan yes indeed yeah Ku Klux Klan don't like that white woman on mr. t lap I'm just bad black man yes yes you know so you see you know it's back to my success I'm a black guy you sort of mean I'm a black guy on the set they white people Ronnie we got a call it like we see it but um I'm working on the show no other black men working on that shovel swing oui oui I had a black standing first um daddy would using a white stunt double it would put a black glove on him and stuff like that you are kidding they would put those makeup on him and whatnot from a distance they were treating for medicinal stuff like that are you serious when I saw your brother see what was the idea behind all the gold in the the gold chains it was symbolic of my African heritage when my black ancestors was brought over across the United States from Africa they were shackled by a neck they wrists and the ankles and steel chains after no steel change to go to symbolize the fact that I'm still a slave only my price tag is higher we love you mr. C thank you brother thank you so much mr. C so after 10 days of sweating cobs over it I finally got to meet the T the question is will he or anyone else of the caste turn up for my reunion at the world-famous Friars Club of Beverly Hills the cast of the a-team haven't been in the same room together for almost 20 years and I'm beginning to wonder if it was too much to ask I'm gonna give it I mean our way obviously I'm happy to sell fat orange and champagne until I mean someone show please somebody just show up but just what I thought it was all going tits up Dwight shorts aka howling mad Murdock arrives and saves the day our shorts aka howling mad Murdock welcome thank you is this real it's real sure you promise I swear well thank you I can't believe yeah your drink some of this - thank you you look at your little nose for me I am a bit shy a little nervous for me this is a little nervous calm down calm down it's gonna be okay now go ahead take a breath okay after a pep talk from Dwight it's not long before a fellow member of the a-team turns up the smoothest member of the cast the clothes the ladies that's your Annie I haven't I haven't seen you for well it's not too long it's been a while yeah you look great doing yeah you look better of course I do it's Myrtle I know thanks no make it let me see this typical I have to I have to fight the camera I was always taller I was pretty nervous when a customer it's this way really yes trying to get here we always did we don't win a British George Peppard might not have wanted her on the 18 but the reunion wouldn't be the same without Marla Heasley aka Tony Baker the only time I ever appeared at the National Enquirer you were never seen there was a rumor that we were having a thing and it was because I asked you is accuser right exactly and my name is only time my name is ever been was with Marlon lucky dogs it's the Gator this time do not be bad how you doing better for seeing you general Fulbright has got the only body to show his face bill knocking aka the a-teams Colonel Lynch thank you for coming sir Lance Legault aka Colonel Decker means it's a fall turnout for the US military [Music] [Applause] guys excuse me I'm sure you had this man finally I've got a special surprise for the 18 thank you so much for coming it's a real pleasure to see you George Peppard son Christian was only a young boy when the show was being filmed but he was very popular with the members of the cast [Music] there's the face by up at the bar still working his magic on Sonia Baker nothing changes all right we haven't got mr. t he couldn't make it George Peppard is sadly no longer with us but since the show ended almost 20 years ago then no one has achieved this I've done it dat rock on a Saba volleyball what a feat makes solving the mysteries surrounding the works of Leonardo da Vinci sound like a walk in the park Saturday night at 7:00 next night love is Big Brother the story to the ones that got together Maxwell Saskia Helen Paul Kemal and kinga [Music]
Channel: SupercarJunkies
Views: 674,610
Rating: 4.8217759 out of 5
Keywords: A team, A-Team, A Team, A - Teaam, BA, BA Baracus, Hannibal, peck, templeton peck, Howling mad murdock, hannibal smith, murdock, justin lee collins, the a team full, video, videos, the a team full videos, team, the a team full video
Id: EJJ_eYc0fdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 5sec (3605 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 26 2018
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