The 8 Greatest Guitar Tones. EVER.

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today i'm gonna do my best to match and demonstrate the eight greatest guitar tones of all time now obviously your list might be a little bit different than mine but i bet we'll share at least one in common so i invite you to leave a comment down below what do you think is the most recognizably awesome guitar tone in the entire pantheon of music history there's certainly a lot to choose from and some of my choices may surprise you now as far as how i'm gonna go about achieving these guitar tones well the best thing for me to do would be to somehow transform into these guitar players and use their hands because as we know tone is in the fingers but it's also in the gear and yet sometimes gear is unattainable in that it could be too rare vintage or just too expensive well today i have a tool that is going to help me achieve all of these amazing guitar tones this is the spark from positive grid it is an amazing little amp that can work well as a practice amp as well as a studio tool and honestly for the 299 dollar price tag it pays for itself just when you plug it in i mean you can use it as an interface as i'll demonstrate and you can use it for so many other things which i'm going to outline in a future video but for now check out the link down below i highly encourage you to look at the spark if you are in need of a great little amp that is not only perfect for in-room use but also for studio recording or just inspiration these tones are all built into the amp they're all free i really can't stress enough how awesome this is so thank you to positive grid for sponsoring today's video let's get into the eight greatest guitar tones of all time and we're gonna start with the most recent tone on the list as far as historical context the burning room tone [Music] so let's open up the old spark app and connect to the app oh yeah alright so as you can see all the knobs are bypassed right now on the amp itself i could turn on the amp if i wanted to but i don't need that because i am actually monitoring it through my speakers that right there is worth the price of admission for this thing so we are going to start with a tone that kind of inspired this video and these are all built into the app you can also find tens of thousands of more tones in the tone cloud dancing in the room i think you know what song this tone is emulating slow dancing in a burning room i mean there's a reason that every guitar player tests a strat in the neck split position with this riff [Music] oh okay that one works right out of the [Music] box [Music] what if we put on a little drive what does that do oh okay we got a booster here [Music] let's turn up the gain on the amp a little [Music] that is pretty awesome man you know the thing about this song is everyone always tests out if you got the slow dancing tone with the verse but what about the chorus [Applause] [Music] tone number one of the eight greatest guitar tones ever check so what i'm going to do next is go to the tone cloud this is where tens of thousands of tones have been uploaded by various users of the spark and some famous rock stars apparently as well you can see who uploaded what uh let's see hendrix obviously i'm gonna go ahead and just download this so now it should be yep here it is immediately i have a guitar tone [Music] whoa that does sound like hendrix definitely the are you experienced iteration of hendrix's tone where it's like [Music] you can really feel it with that swipe i always kind of look for just like with the slow dancing in a burning room you have like a reference note for me if i'm looking for a real authentic purple haze sound i would say that swipe on the thick e string awesome sounding man is this like a so it's just a a drive oh no no fuzz so the drive spot is filled with a fuzz pedal we got a noise gate on here it's this mod a little bit of chorus nice didn't think didn't think to add that i really when i think jimi hendrix guitar tone purple haze comes to mind right away and of course you have the octavia effect for the guitar solo but really that meaty grind is what i associate most with hendrix you think about that whole album let's actually turn off the gate by swiping up so we can get a little feedback you know where i'm going with this [Music] [Applause] just out of curiosity what's the delay doing here [Music] [Music] tone number two check [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] wow yeah my attempted eruption after not playing it for a long time uh this sounds again i don't really know what i have to do differently here it's all pretty much straight on the money the mod here another digital chorus this is interesting so i would think there would be a phaser so if i hold on the mod i can change this that looks like an mxr phaser to me [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] eruption era 1984 one of the most iconic guitar sounds of all time tone number three check [Music] so this metallica tone my favorite is from the master of puppets era [Music] that sounds legit it's like a mesa triple wreck maybe or something along those lines but it has a tube driver in front of an already distorted mesa sounding amp works for me i mean the cool thing about these tones is you can kind of see what they have here selected that you may want to add into the tone so obviously this is a spot on sound for that master puppets era i don't think we would need a compressor it's already really distorted but check what the delays got going on here because we can easily get some lead sounds with this guitar tone leper messiah anybody one of the most underrated metallica sounds ever put on that neck pickup put on some delay boom master of puppets tone done [Music] well this is delightful and again just like the burning room lick it's important to play past the intro and play the other parts of the song to really get a feel for the tone but this is absolutely one of the most iconic clean guitar tones ever i mean from the first notes i mean how many other guitar riffs can you just name and all you hear is an octave and actually the funny thing about that riff little insider information in case you didn't know there's two guitar parts during that intro i'll leave it up to you to determine what's going on in those two guitar parts i think maybe my friend paul david's figured it out maybe go check his channel if you're curious but yeah man like this sounds great and the thing like i mentioned about this we have the kind of hendrixy obviously fruschante little flourishes here and this would work you know for any strat tone really if you're looking for that sweet strat sound i could foresee using this in a lot of different situations [Applause] [Music] tone number five chick [Music] brian may obviously we know a big fan of ac30s uh vox amps of course and he played a guitar sort of shaped like this really anytime he's playing you can just feel that sweetness that round smooth warmth in the sound of his guitar [Music] [Music] playing [Applause] that does have a nice richness i mean it's crazy how i can just tap something and automatically have a guitar tone that's almost identical well obviously i don't have brian may's hands but it just like makes you feel right there and i don't have to spend any money to buy whatever the hell he was playing i mean that is really impressive there i mean i i didn't think a brian may sound would necessarily be able to be accomplished [Applause] [Music] i mean this is awesome this is awesome tone number six check [Music] all right full disclosure i test these guitar tones out before i just start playing them just to make sure they're spot on which they are this one is really really spot-on i mean that little bit of slapback a tiny bit more gain maybe push this up a little [Applause] [Music] yeah i mean [Music] [Applause] i mean this sounds really really awesome especially in the room that's another thing that's kind of hard to convey with video is i'm turning these on with the amp but you're only hearing the recorded into my computer through the amp as the amp is like the basically the interface but i play these in the room with the amp and they sound just as good it's not like a post-processing thing so fun fun things tone number seven [Music] check [Music] what all right i'm pulling the gate off [Applause] [Music] here [Music] [Music] [Applause] wow dude that's my favorite tone yet i mean listen again the burning room test the first note the red hot chili peppers the first note this the first note that's gonna be for the love of god especially after that note comes in and and just you know taking out the gate obviously it's not very practical if you take it out unless you're doing something like this but i mean check out the sustain [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey wow [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well there you have it my friends i think we can go ahead and check that last tone off the list the eight greatest guitar tones of all time let me know what you think in the comments about not only the tones that i outlined in this video but also a guitar tone i may have missed or that you think should have been included on this list maybe there will be a part two who knows but all i can tell you is that the positive grid spark is an amazing little amp and i appreciate them sending it my way and sponsoring this video make sure you check the link down in the description and order one if you're interested in any of these sounds now if you'll excuse me i'm gonna go play more with that for the love of god tone that was amazing until next time [Music] you
Channel: Music is Win
Views: 898,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: positive grid spark, Tyler Larson, Tyler Larson guitar, Tyler Larson music is win, greatest guitar tones, greatest guitar tones ever, slow dancing in a burning room guitar tone, eruption guitar tone, John Mayer guitar tone, Eddie Van Halen guitar tone, metallica guitar tone, James Hatfield guitar tone, John frusciante guitar tone, under the bridge guitar tone, purple haze guitar tone, Jimi Hendrix guitar tone, Steve Vai guitar tone, for the love of god guitar tone
Id: EII_U0miPhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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