The 7 Deadly Sins As Star Wars Characters

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the seven deadly sins are wrath Envy gluttony greed cide lust and sloth which Star Wars characters exemplify these sins the most let's find out starting with wrath wrath also known as anger manifests itself in individuals who spurn love and opt instead for feelings of hatred and Fury with a strong desire for vengeance there's no character in Star Wars that embodies this sin better than Anakin Skywalk but how did Anakin's wrath take hold of him so quickly which would cause him to fall to the dark side well we first see Anakin give in his anger when he has a dream that his mother was in danger he went to Tatooine to investigate it turns out that she was kidnapped by tuskan Raiders Anakin sneaks into the tuskan Raider Village only to find his mother barely clinging to life there's nothing Anakin can do and shme dies in his arms he gives into his wrath and Slaughters the entire Village all of them were murdered men women and children it's at this very moment that Anakin realizes he can't control things to save others when he begins to dream of padme's death then desperation starts to set in what can he do to save her the Jedi continued to tell Anakin that he must let go of his emotions and attachments but you see because he was taken away from his mother at the age of 9 years old which was much older than most for sensitive children he still held that familial attachment to her I miss he couldn't let go of that the Jedi in his point of view kept him away from her which caused her death and now events were repeating themselves with Padme letting go wasn't an option for them but Palpatine as a friend and a mentor offered a different path good is just a point of view after all when it came down to it he knew he couldn't kill cyas because cyas was the only one that had the way to save padne Anakin couldn't bear to go through the pain of losing someone close him again and so he gave into his wraft Once More by kneeling and submitting himself as cious apprentice he fully turned to the dark side he became Darth Vader who his wrath itself just like Anakin this next character had things happen happened to him that he couldn't control but instead of attempting to suppress his sin Envy he allowed it to Define him Envy is an extreme kind of jealousy where one has an obsessive desire for someone else's status abilities or situation the character that embodies this sin is Darth Maul Maul is a tragic story after his defeat at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi Maul was thought dead by the Jedi unbook to everyone he was clean to life finally he was saved and reborn on dotham but he was a shell of his former self mul had lost everything his position status and power he was cast aside by cyas and replaced by Lord tyris laul was envious of Dooku but also of the Sith and their power Kenobi took all of these opportunities away from Maul and since Maul knew he had little chance of getting them back for himself he chose to take what he could from Obi-Wan in his Envy he wanted nothing more than to torture everyone and see him suffer just as he did Maul let his Envy consume him entirely as he went to extreme lengths such as taking the entire world of mandalo just so he could lure Kenobi out in the open only to murder Obi-Wan's love that just sa you see Maul envied Obi-Wan because Obi-Wan had everything Maul could have ever wanted Obi-Wan had love in dutes satin a Brotherhood in the Jedi Order and he had a brother and an apprentice in Anakin scow Maul desperately wanted an apprentice someone he could pass his knowledge on to who could carry on his legacy in this way he envied Cid's role as Master we see this in Maul's training of saage but cidus took that from him too Maul himself said the Sith took everything from me ripped me from my mother's arms murdered my brother used me as a weapon and then cast me aside abandoned me once I had power no I have nothing Maul had already been taken from his mother at Birth then then cidus abandoned him who was the closest thing Maul had to a father figure and as if that wasn't enough cidus murdered Maul's brother and a princess brother mul had nothing left all taken away at the hands of Darth cidus which is no surprise considering Darth cidus is the person who embodies our next sin gluttony gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires typically we think of gluttony as referring to a literal overc consumption of food but this sin can also refer to to the inordinate desire to gain power or overindulgence in material Goods that is far beyond what one person needs while cidus could easily be a candidate for all the seven deadly sins since he quite literally embodies evil itself there's no denying that he has a special taste for power it all started when cidus murdered his old Master Darth pagus Palpatine craved more power than just being someone's Apprentice he wanted to be the master but being the most powerful dark lord of the Sith wasn't enough either so he set his plan into motion he constructed the nabo crisis just to get himself the role of supreme Chancellor of the Republic with no regard to the cost of life and then he contrived the threat of a pending separatist Invasion using his Apprentice Count Dooku the entire Clone War was orchestrated to eliminate the Jedi with the completion of Order 66 nothing stood in Sidious way of Galactic domination he had control of the force politics and the entire Galactic economy but even this wasn't enough City didn't just want to be in control of the entire galaxy he wanted complete dominance he wanted all of his subjects to gravel living in cost fear his plan build the Death Star a project of this scale strip entire planets of their resources the labor required to build it enslaved Millions the sheer cost of the credits needed collapsed entire banking sectors this is gluttony at its finest and even after its destruction cidus went ahead and tried to build a second death star thankfully for the rest rest of the Galaxy cyas had an untimely death at the hands of Darth Vader but Cy's gluttony didn't stop there palp planned to explore and invade the unknown regions once he was through with the Rebellion he was fascinated by Grand Admiral Thon and his people the chis cidus wasn't satisfied with ruling the known Galaxy he wanted domination over everything that existed but this wouldn't be possible in a normal human's lifetime which is why in his gluttony he planned to achieve immortality cidus wished for more life than was possible for normal he would be he invested billions of credits into cloning technology at Mount ttis his plan was at the time of his death his Spirit would go to inhabit one of these clones in this way he could live indefinitely and this plan ended up working Palpatine was resurrected once again and using his puppet snoke he nearly succeeded in dominating the Galaxy you might be thinking that Palpatine seems to exemplify greed more than gluttony however greed is defined as the desire for material wealth or gain completely ignoring the realm of the spiritual Palpatine definitely didn't ignore spirituality as he was one of the most powerful force sensitive beings of all time but one of Ci's pawns that set his plan into motion does embody greed perfectly and that person is nuke gunray of the Trade Federation the Trade Federation was known as one of the wealthiest most Cutthroat business enterprises in the galaxy and naturally the company embodied the traits of its leader the Trade Federation already had a monopoly on hyperspace shipping lanes particularly in the midr The Republic saw this Monopoly and its Senators voted on a new bill which would impose a tax on these shipping lanes new gunr thought this would be too costly for the Federation it would take a small Chunk from their already soaring profit margins however neimoidians are Master tacticians often cowardly at heart new gunr didn't see a logical way out for the Federation until Darth cidus gave him a solution blockade Nebo my Lord is that legal I will make it legal to The Republic it seemed like an extremely irrational move by the Federation they would almost certainly lose and lose their trade license and presumably much of their profits in the process kiss your trade franch goodby but in his greed n gunray believed in what Palpatine had to say by blockading the planet he would dissuade the weak and bureaucratic Senate from taxing his trade routes so he carried through with the plot simply on account of greed he starved and killed thousands of nabo citizens in concentration camps all because n gunray wanted to force the of nabo into signing a treaty making their occupation legal even after this scheme failed new gunray still stood to profit by making the Trade Federation part of the Confederacy of independent systems new gunray realized the Federation had passed the point of no return it could never go back to the way things were under his leadership so instead he opted to join in in an allout Galactic conflict the Republic wants to tax us let's destroy the Republic war is a big business after all and N Gun raided all of this on account of sheer greed and paid with his life another man who was a pawn of Darth cidus embodies our next sin which is pride pride is an excessive belief in one's own abilities and achievements it has been called the sin from which all others arise and the most deadly of all the sin the man that exemplifies Pride the most is Imperial director Orson krennic kennick was the director of advanced weapons research for the Imperial military a prestigious and important position one that he took much pride in because of the status and power that came with it he achieved this position because of his lofty aspirations and Ambitions he took pride in his own ability which he made sure to make known to all of his superiors granting him promotions through the Imperial ranks the EMP but suddenly krennic became infinitely more important when he took charge of the Monumental Stardust project the code name for the construction of the Death Star critic was now one of the single most vitally important and influential individuals in the entire Empire and he knew it upon the death star's completion and its initial testing we see kic's immense Pride as he attempts to take all of the credit we stand here amidst my achievement not yours never mind the countless Engineers like gayen erso that planned the actual project or the millions of workers and droids it took to build the thing it was all about him this was kren's achievement critic's Pride was so vast that even Lord Vader took notice when he summoned krennic to Mustafar Vader had intended to speak to krennic to make sure that the Death Star would be kept a secret but KR had no respect for the dark lord initially in his pride of his recent achievement he only wanted to make sure the emperor was aware of his accomplishment so that krennic would be promoted and exalted after all a man of his caliber and Brilliance only deserved such praise or that's how krennic saw Vader saw right through krennic's prideful facade and put him in his place be careful not to choke on your aspirations director krennic wasn't careful not to choke on his aspiration and pride he let his pride consume and control his every action which is what led to his end by the hand of his own super weapon another character that literally died from choking is Jaba the Hut who is the character that embodies lust lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body specifically sexual desires when you look at jaa's lifestyle you can see lust in everything he does Jaa kept various female slaves in his Palace for his Rabel and for himself this mainly included scantly dressed twx and eventually Princess Leia Orana herself it turns out Jaba had a serious fetish for human some of these slaves were presumably concubines and prostitutes for Jaba himself and his cronies and some were dancers as a source of entertainment in the palace part of this wasn't strictly sexual in nature though it was also about Jabba's lust for power humiliating these slaves was a projection of his dominance it was an impressive show of control for his numerous bounty hunters and Associates to show that Jaba could possess and humiliate the most beautiful women in the Galaxy just for the sake of it Jaba also enjoyed this humiliation process which is yet another of his sick fetishes we see a progression of this with Leia in one scene Leia tells Jaba how detestable he is and how she'll never give into and then the next time we see her she's dressed in a golden bikini chained to Jaba then Jaba tries to execute her closest friends and love interest in front of her enjoying the spectacle of watching her in obvious Agony he repeatedly pulls her toward him with a chain so she can't see the action and if his slaves ever cross the line in this humiliation process as we see with the KAC Ula he could just feed them to one of his powerful creatures like the rancor or the sarlac Jaba also heavily indulged in other bodily Pleasures such as eating creatures aive or dabbling in spice and other drugs and hallucinogens and of course Jaba lusted after money the most Jaba could have easily dismissed minor debts that people owed to him like Han Solo when a man like Han had debts to be paid to Jabba Jaba made sure that all of Hut space and his bounty hunters were aware of it we clearly see from Han's manorisms toward the situation that he knew there was no escaping his debt with Jaa back plus a little extra I just need a little more time he would pay the money and interest back to Jaba in full or he would pay with his life and the same is true for countless others that did business with the crime Lord once captured they were brought before him in his Palace on Tatooine because of course Jaba can't really move so you might think he'd be a good candidate for our last sin which is sloth sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work it's similar to laziness or the lack of putting forth appropriate efforts Jaba still gets a lot done even from his mostly sedentary lifestyle the character that embodies sloth the most actually is Luke Skywalk I know what you're thinking how could an incredible Jedi Master like Luke represent set one of the seven deadly sins well nobody is perfect we all have flaws and Luke's flaws come out more pointedly than most you see for starters Luke was slothful in his failure of training Ben solo Luke didn't dedicate enough of his time and resources to his relationship with Ben and the rest of his apprentices because of this when Luke had a vision of Ben solo destroying the new Jedi Order Luke made the wrong decision rather than face the confrontation headon and talk to Ben Luke obiously tried to murder Ben because that was the easy way out his sloth got the better of him and then even after all of that Luke still had an opportunity to work alongside Leia and Han to try to make things right to quash the coming Darkness instead of taking responsibility for his actions and trying to make things right he exiled himself and decided to hide away from the continent once again he took the easy way out he could have put in the work physically and spiritually through the force to Win Ben back the light or to confront the darkness headon in the looming conflict even after Ray comes to the the island to try to convince him to come back Luke still doesn't budge this pattern of avoidance in Luke is a clear indicator of sloth controlling life
Channel: Master Eli
Views: 38,096
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Keywords: star wars, star wars theory, sith, star wars explained, star wars lore, star wars sith, revenge of the sith, lego star wars, sith lords, sith code star wars, sith species star wars, ancient sith, star wars: revenge of the sith, star wars revenge of the sith clips, sith order, star wars 4k, 4k star wars, top 7 most powerful sith lords in star wars, sith empire, sith wars, star wars the acolyte, the acolyte trailer, the acolyte trailer 2024, star wars the acolyte trailer
Id: dtgjL42VC94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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