The 7 BEST TIPS for MELEE in Solo Shuffle - World of Warcraft PvP Guide

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Welcome to our guide from melee DPS where we're going to be showing you the seven things you need to start doing immediately in Solo Shuffle today's video will cover a wide range of topics with everything designed to directly improve your rating no matter where you're starting from but before we get into it be sure to check out skill cap if you truly want to climb rating in WoW Arena we're the only service that offers a money back guarantee if you don't gain at least 400 rating while actively using our website we do this because our service is proven to work and if it doesn't you don't pay learn more at the end of the video or click the link in the description below anyway back to the guide now I know what some of you might be thinking skill cap they're just gonna tell us to do more damage and not die well that's not bad advice but we wanted to give you something more practical in fact our first tip might be something overlooked or underestimated by the majority of players and it's all about camera work now why is this important you might be asking well the limiting feature of melee is the inability to control positioning you must go and follow wherever your target goes which means your field of vision can already feel limited to demonstrate this we have a little quiz for you take a look at this player's screen of course there's a lot to take in and now look at this one now which do you think is better for PVP we hope that we all agree on the second one the key here is the ease of accessing important information which can be done with a quick glance take a look again at the UI from our first clip it's actually pretty minimal but everything is scaled up which makes the viewing angles really cramped and even though this might sound like a personal preference if you have an over polluted interface or play with a zoomed in camera you'll have a way harder time quickly spotting your teammates positioning and more importantly checking if you're in your healer's line of sight take this case for example here we see a player with a really zoomed in camera making it really hard to note their own healer's positioning or have a good grip on what's happening in the game this mistake can easily lead to tunnel vision and can be the reason behind most line of sight and overextending losses a quick way to fix this is by increasing your field of view and having a wider camera angle all while getting into the habit of constantly checking your teammate's positioning and what they're doing here for instance we have a clear view of our healer which lets us know if it's safer to push in this allows us to pay attention to the enemies like realizing when they want to push in for cc or noticing if anyone's in a position to be easily punished without good camera work you can easily miss out on win conditions and even worse it might be the main reason you're losing with that in mind we move on to our next tip making good use of our add-ons and don't worry we promise not to make this boring but you know in the case that you do want a complete breakdown on this topic we already have an entire video dedicated to setting up your UI add-ons allow you to make the best decisions just look at this situation without add-ons and answer who is the best kill Target and the correct answer is I don't know we can't see their defensives exactly that's the point now look again with add-ons way easier right now we can actually quickly see that the Rogue is on stun Dr and they still have evasion and vanish making them the worst Target we can also see that the priest doesn't have life swap Dome of light Rapture only one charge of pain suppression and no stun Dr and the warrior doesn't have enraged regeneration with that in mind we can clearly see that whoever doesn't receive the last charge of pain suppression will be the right kill Target to attack it's a free win cool right kind of feels like playing chess and that was a Checkmate that even Magnus Carlson would be proud of because of all this we'll recommend you play with two very key add-ons especially as a melee omnibar and Omni CD and in the case of omnibar you should periodically check on all the enemies defensives and use that information in your decision making to select targets and spot win conditions remember a slightly tankier class with no defensives is always a better kill Target than a squishier class with all their cooldowns if you want to learn more about setting up omnibar for PVP we have an entire course dedicated to it on our website and lastly for Omni CD we recommend to track your teammates defensives and taking those in consideration before deciding to push in and play aggressive a great thing especially when we think of solo Shuffle since there's no communication and that brings us to our next question how do you know when to push in and when to pull back well there's actually a correct answer to that question and is something we need to have in consideration at all times checking Omni CD is just one step we need to take but we need to do more now to start off let's make clear when it's a good time to push in and the most straightforward answer is to do so when you have defensives to trade if you have your main defensive CD and a PVP trinket ready you're always pretty safe here is where our Omni CD recommendation comes into play as this doesn't only apply for your personal cooldowns there might be situations where you're completely out of defensives but your healer still has a lot of CDs to trade and yes those situations are still good times to push do keep in mind that being a melee means that you sometimes have to use defensives in order to stay aggressive and deal damage SO trading them effectively also translates to more overall pressure and damage dealt ideally you're using your defensives to stay in the fight instead of pulling out on the flip side there are bad times to push though we first need to have in mind that some burst or setup base specs like Frost death knight or subtlety Rogue don't have to be pushed in a hundred percent of the time since they rely more on bursty setups instead of consistent damage for those specs sometimes it's the best play to hug a pillar and only ever play during your CCS or your burst nonetheless some situations also demand you to stay back in line of sight the enemies such as when your healers under crowd control or to respect a strong ranged burst or the most common situation which is when your team is out of defensives pulling back and hugging a pillar until your cooldowns back can be the game winning move not sold yet take this example for instance here we follow an arms Warrior facing two casters on the Grand Arena and after trading his Die By The Sword he's given the chance to stay behind the pillar and respect the enemy pressure yet he refuses and wanders away from his teammates which is a death sentence if we've ever seen one well that probably settles that matter right now let's follow up to our next tip and that is when you are in never stop doing damage and yeah we know this does sound obvious but you'd be surprised to see how this doesn't happen in practice let's think about a relatable experience here how many times have you been in a situation where you're trying to kill a hunter or a Mage and all they're doing is running away and kiting to Narnia so you're stuck there waddling in the center of the map doing a whopping zero DPS feels like you aren't impacting the game at all right now we're not saying you shouldn't ever Chase your enemies here especially if you're close to a Kill instead while chasing you want to be maximizing your damage by tab targeting whoever you can along the way fortunately though there is an easy fix while waddling around and chasing your kill never stop doing damage everything matters you could be killing totems on your way hitting the enemy patter of course on the ideal scenario hitting a player while you're on your way to your actual Target anything that demands healing or takes away utility from the enemy team or at the very minimum help you generate resources can be the difference between you winning the game or not if you're only tunnel visioning one target all game you're nerfing your own DPS and as we all know damage is King in Solo Shuffle but even in moments where you feel like you can't connect to your target there is usually something you can hit now with that covered let's move to our next melee tip in probably the most common issue we see all around Target selection here's the thing most solo Shuffle games start like this pick the squishiest Target and train them the whole time this this is where you run into some issues even though this seems like the right thing to do although we highly recommend having an initial Target that's easy to kill or that gives you the most uptime being flexible and willing to swap to the right targets mid game is key to climbing raiding as a melee take this clip for example we're following a 1.9 K sub Rogue who got lucky and is playing with a mage they opt for the enemy arms Warrior as their initial Target but pay attention on how the enemy boomkin starts to play overly aggressive positioning himself on top of their team even using a bark skin for no reason which should be a green light to swap targets even though the warrior was the plan in the starting room the Druid is now the juiciest Target this is why we stress monitoring omnibar to check on defensive cooldowns as a melee because it instantly tells you who's the most vulnerable it's not anything complicated and it really doesn't require super in-depth game knowledge if someone had has no defensives left and are in a vulnerable position you should be willing to deviate from your initial plan this goes hand in hand with our suggestion to maximize damage by doing drive-by attacks on targets while you're getting kited sometimes you have to just accept the fact that you can't connect to someone and that's totally fine if it means you can recognize a new Target to start cleaving now this even includes being willing to swap healers because damage is so high healers will often have to burn all of their defensive super fast in the first minute of the game this is especially true if the enemy team is a melee cleave if you see the enemy healer has no defensives left they can be a fantastic Target at worst you won't kill them but at best it means you now have the ability to cleave down multiple targets if the DPS decide to stack speaking of healers we have a tip that every melee should know and adapt in their game plan and that's to sometimes play goalkeeper for your healer by now you probably heard the phrase hit the closest wizard on a stream or found this out yourself in those match-ups against double Caster your options can feel limited but sometimes the best thing you can do is just hit whatever Caster is closer to your team's pillar it's no wonder that this strategy became popular due to its Effectiveness and the main idea behind it is protecting your healer the main issue when playing against double Caster is that they can easily Bay you across the map which leaves you stranded in nowhere while your healer needs to role play Jason Bourne to cross the arena in instead by always swapping targets and hitting whoever pushes forward and is closest to your healer you're able to keep a really solid formation making it really hard for the enemy to land CC this game plan of playing goalkeeper usually gives an edge for the melee team since you'll be able to out pressure the enemy team and have a higher chance at winning the defensive battle either by ooming the enemy healer or killing through raw damage when dampening ramps higher to wrap things up we have our last and final tip nonetheless crucial for overall melee success making good use of your Gap closers and Mobility in any PVP meta being able to have good uptime on your target has always been key however while PVP keeps becoming closer and closer to a PVE war of whoever can do more damage and put the enemy team through endless pressure having a Mobility Advantage is even more crucial than ever before and let's be honest sometimes it can become overwhelming keeping up with all the Shimmer charges ports gateways and rescues that the enemies have to work with it's at the point where it feels like one misuse of a Mobility spell turns you into a walking dummy waiting 30 seconds for your next Gap closer while getting owned or even worse having that sore feeling when you press all your burst on someone just to be completely guided and denied because he did so while your Mobility was still on cooldown take this clip for example here we are following a warrior really eager for combat to the point of committing two key Gap closures with heroic leap and charge right at the get-go while he can could easily walk their mounted or simply charge when in range oh and a quick tip remember to always use your lowest cooldown Mobility spell first as it'll also come back prior to a longer CD One nonetheless we also see another mistake when he connects and it's pretty common between beginner and intermediate melee players it's not slowing the enemy instantly and because of this we see that the Warlock is able to quickly get away which leads the warrior to use his second charge well we all probably know what happens when you get so far behind in the Battle of Gap closers versus Mobility as the enemy warlock is up a port and a Gateway from the warrior getting free range and precious seconds of essentially hitting a Target dummy until a charge comes off CD in our suggestion here is always having a really high uptime on your slows on the enemy and get into the habit of acting second on the mobility Warfare this means that whenever you can you want to wait for the enemy to Port blink or roll prior to you using your death grip Shadow step or Harpoon essentially putting you a full cooldown ahead of your target fixing this matter is not an easy task and will definitely require some self-control and some planning ahead which can be hard in the chaos of solo Shuffle alright guys before we wrap this up we want to tell you a little bit more about skill cat we're the only website that promises you will gain at least 400 rating while using our guides instead of needing to waste all that time painfully figuring out PVP on your own skill caps has streamlined the entire process and is guaranteed to deliver results our website features epic class courses that teach you the exact fundamentals needed to climb and wow Arena and in the time it takes to get a solo Shuffle pop you can learn Advanced skills in our master and minutes guides we also have hundreds of solo Shuffle commentaries where expert players teach you the secret strategies in order to beat the toughest lobbies so if you want to see real rating gains and achieve your goals this season check out using the links below anyway guys that wraps up today's guide we want to thank you all for watching and we'll see you soon foreign
Channel: Skill Capped WoW PvP Guides
Views: 31,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragonflight, world of warcraft, dragonflight tier list, dragonflight pvp, dragonflight guide, wow pvp, wow best class, 10.0.7 dps tier list, 10.0.7 pvp tier list, 10.0.7 tier list, patch, 10.0.7, solo shuffle, wow dragonflight tier list, wow pvp changes, wow pvp tips, wow dragonflight, wow solo shuffle guide, solo shuffle guide, melee tips, dragonflight melee guide, wow pvp melee, arms, survival, rogue, ret, feral, enh, windwalker, ww, dh, dk, wow melee guide, wow melee pvp
Id: IXeujT1tLxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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