The $69 Gaming PC RETURNS

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I honestly felt like they kinda shit on this card. My first gaming computer in 2014 had a gtx650, i5 3570k, and 8 gigs of ram in it. I played skyrim and titanfall on medium settings with very playable frame rates. I understand this system is bottlenecked by cpu. And maybe I'm biased since I had a 650 until I upgraded to a 970, but it's a good little card and with a little more more money, all of these games an more would have a lot better frame rates.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MichealShelton πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Linus & Riley's Bizarre Video Part 2:Network stream

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Non-profitboi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

The $69 Gaming PC RETURNS

The $69 Gaming

The $69


( Ν‘Β° ΝœΚ– Ν‘Β°)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/asallthingshouldbe πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 08 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
Says the card is only 64 W, but those SATA to PCIE 6PIN adapters have a tendency to... smoke at higher powers.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BootDisc πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 08 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Honestly, the most impressive part of this video is how well League of Legends runs on shit hardware.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FFevo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 08 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks for the idea! I am searching for a budget pc for a while now and you really helped me!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AlistoG πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anyone know of any websites similar to Newegg that offer refurbished PCs in the UK. I know Newegg has a international sector, but I'm trying to avoid expensive shipping

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Disappear-1214 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 08 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
if you're a budget gamer who's less concerned with 4k 120 Hertz and more concerned with running any games at all then this video is for you Riley here who's actually going to be doing some more work here on the LTTE channel moving forward was given the task of taking our previous $69 gaming PC which frankly was barely deserving of the title PC let alone gaming and taking it out behind the shed and putting a bullet in its head oh that's violence and looky what he found on eBay a full PC for get this $27 us 27 bucks and can it games actually yeah kind of and we're gonna show you guys how after this message from glass wire glass wire allows you to instantly see your current and past network activity detect malware and block badly behaving apps on your PC or Android device use offer code linus to get 25% off at the link below [Music] we always say that when you set out to build a PC the most important consideration is what you intend to use it for that's how you avoid spending too much or cheeping out and hurting the experience so then knowing that we weren't gonna be running shadow of the Tomb Raider with r-tx on we set out with what we hoped would be a reasonable goal running casual and eSports games like minecraft League of Legends dota 2 and csgo with overwatch for extra credit so do you want to run me through so this is a Dell Optiplex 380 beautiful machine it's got an Intel Core 2 Duo 7500 in it four gigs of ddr3 RAM and a 160 gig hard drive at 7200 RPM beautiful it didn't come with Windows 10 and a parallel port oh yeah oh yeah you need one of those oh yeah there but no oh yeah buddy drivers for everything $27 27 bucks yeah dang plus shipping right put shipping with free shipping $37 so ok ok in fairness to us though if we were in the US shipping would have been way cheaper yeah oh it actually booted up Oh see here's another quirk do you have to do it there no here's another quick you have to plug the USB the mouse into a different USB port oh and then it wears beautiful wonderful okay now op duplexes are more geared towards the corporate or education markets so while they do tend to have decent networking this guy's got gigabit which is nice to have and reliable components they lack some of the features that you would normally find in a gaming rig like a graphics card there is nary a graphics card to be found which isn't to say though that we aren't gonna try to run games on it straight out of the box so what you got there I have a crash message yeah Oh beautiful so beautiful - you've got match I got two in SLI yep even though we did find drivers for everything that doesn't mean that they're perfect none of the games we tried to launch managed to successfully open and among other probable issues we did discover that the g41 Express chipset which is this little high-tech beauty right here doesn't support OpenGL on Windows 10 now with that said I mean what kind of performance were we expecting not very good I just wanted to know you know I wanted to believe in something so anyway it's time to move on to our real plan which is installing a graphics card right which you didn't though there's a PCI Express slot here it's probably gonna be a little bit trickier than you might think yeah the only graphics cards that actually fit in the case have to be a low profile and single PCIe slot card so you're gonna have a hard time finding a modern any kind of relatively modern card that fits that description so check this out this was back in the era when Intel was still trying to flip the ATX standard upside down so you notice this opens on the opposite side panel that most modern cases do so a graphics card that you put here doesn't take up this next PCI slot it'll interfere with the CPU heatsink the parallel port potentially some of these capacitors like it's just it's kind of a mess unless you get a little creative now our target graphics card for a system of this caliber would be something like a GeForce GTX 650 which you can find on eBay for anywhere from 30 to 50 bucks bringing the total cost for this machine right in line with our target plus shipping problem is that is not a single slot nor is it a low-profile card now what we could do is Dremel out this part of the case right here which which would allow us to get it to fit in there but it's a little easier if you just use a PCI Express extender it'll only cost you about five bucks you won't get like a fancy shielded one like this or five bucks but you could get something functional so oh it does fit all the way in PCI extender in card into the other end we'll just kind of sit it in there and this system has come it come and look at this has literally no extra power connectors other than a floppy power connector which we could actually like cut off and strip and then like solder on to yeah that's that's probably not a great idea and we think we've got a better solution anyway because who needs an optical drive anywho let's check this out would you look at that a SATA 2 PCI Express power adapter it can fit you just got believe Linus BAM Wow there we go building pcs is fun so that's it we can fire it up now right yes it's powered it's plugged in yep okay and we've got DVI output now and we installed everything with the power cord connected that's fine oh yeah we probably should have done that wow that is a dusty gross card yeah Wow look at that just boots up fine drivers installed and everything it's like we've done this before some things it's almost like we prepare these videos anyways moving on so once the once you once you've roused the system from its deep sleep and now we can safely attempt to play some games I'd say all right play csgo see us going look that was actually pretty quick yeah I'm going to go with BOTS don't don't subject other people yeah so what do we what settings are we running out here not a 720 720 720 low 720 low limbo low we're going right under this computer is it going that's where's he going really impressive ah I'm stuck are you it's do you need cheese Louise Oh were you using the table to cheat No yeah so we're still running at about 50 60 FPS that's actually not too shabby yeah oh no yeah see you will get some framedrops yes because with my could escape you you're gonna kill them with our poker name yeah I just I want to see what happens to our frame rate when we walk through the smoke okay Hardison we saw an initial dip down to Lake 30 it's staying in the 3540 range I mean it's usable it's usable yes okay let's stop playing there okay so yeah okay pretty good all right well that's fun oh you're oh you're gonna play with real people your teammates well against AI that's how you do it or do you want to play just training no fine well they don't have to deal with this yeah yeah we do well they just have to deal with that we're gonna lag out I don't know I was getting pretty good pain no but we're gonna close the game yeah yeah yeah where's the gun girl cambian Ezreal so does everyone else have to wait for our epic hard drive to to manage to load it yes hey we're not the slowest are we not check this out this guy's at 40% Master Yi over here dang dude Hey here we go Wow like 90 100 FPS look at those graphics not bad is this even 720p this looks like today actually you have no idea what settings this is that this looks pretty good hold on a minute can I just I'm how am I gonna kill around in here I'm gonna kill we're running it 1080 medium high Wow Oh bad guys for 70 blocks for 70 bucks yeah you can play one of the top games in the world no problem I mean can you even get like like can you even get like an old gameboy color on eBay for 70 bucks like that's kind of what I'm talking about here like that's true we're gaming for 70 bucks we haven't been killing anybody that's like yeah we should probably get on that boom boom hey let's watch this though watch this cool yeah that didn't even even with a bunch of action going on here we haven't dipped below 55 okay I think we've probably had enough yes at this point okay minecraft I should run on a potato but confess I don't know how to play minecraft oh okay okay okay there's a force can we go get the horse let's get him that's a cow well I didn't say what I said get it I didn't say kill it you said get it you're a monster what does get it mean enough what's wrong with you what if all you were trying to do was harvest kelp and smack fish in the face which I have done successfully picked up some kelp I mean that's pretty playable but watch this lioness I guess you didn't see this coming let's go down to six chunks minecraft has a lot to do with chunks okay if you don't know your chunks in Minecraft you're gonna be in trouble thank you so it's just a little bit of tuning there Minecraft 200 plus FPS yeah I was like compulsively playing overwatch for a little bit okay is this gonna get you back on me uh yeah maybe I think I'm gonna make it to Championships here tonight this year this is gonna take you all the way well I thought it just turned off the ground did you do the graphics card is just loose in there oh my gosh oh yeah there's a missing plate try that dressing blade that'll do it you know what I bet if we ripped off one more blade that wobble would go away let's maybe not do that right now right but then it would wobble anymore so we're at 720 60 vsync off everything most most everything off well low low low low low let's do mr. heroes is there actually a delay when I shoot or like is that just an animation or what like what do you mean oh you I have to leave the target yeah you do oh crap well that wasn't working I can't see if you press through whoa oh no you're dead no I'm not dead it's over now it's not over now yeah when you see when you see me it's over oh yeah jump - for your life did I get one I got one I got one oh I didn't get a kill yeah I got an assist okay what's this what do I do your zenyatta now now you're a robot telling me the name of the character and like what type of brain they are press e when you see them shift is like a left click back here I've had enough of this this is a bad this is a bad experience bad overwatch code bad experience and you're the worst overwatch okay wait so the frame rates forgetting aren't gonna blow anyone away especially as we get two morons newer more demanding titles and we're basically limited to 720p and in many cases low details if we want things to run smoothly but like if you're a high school student or something this can be had for less than a hundred bucks if you get like a gray market Windows 10 key or you can otherwise get one on the cheap so you I mean you throw some emulators and stuff on here and this is a pretty freakin adequate experience adequate is the right word to use yeah there are a few things we could do on the cheap to make it a lot better like an SSD would be a great upgrade and all you'd really need is an extra SATA cable since there is an extra port on a motherboard but you would need a SATA power splitter to do that yeah just make sure that if you're splitting one of the SATA power connectors you split the one that's going to the hard drive now as opposed to splitting the one that's going to your graphics card even if your graphics card isn't super demanding we're we're still kind of adapting power cables which isn't necessarily the best thing yeah and if that's not enough you could still throw in eight gigs of ram and a 750ti or a 950 which might even get you playable frame rates at 1080p because again we were at 720p at low you might end up cpu bottlenecks though fortunately though this motherboard should be compatible with cheap quad core 775 processors like the Q 6600 which you can get for as little as five or ten bucks or even free in just like a bargain bin in some case and you can throw that day be under there this cooler I'll handle it just fine and even if you made all of those upgrades you'd still be in the like $200 neighborhoods so all in all a pleasantly surprising end result and while I can't say that you guys will have an identical experience because buying used hardware on eBay is always a bit of a gamble there's also no reason to think that you couldn't build something similar i mean hey if riley someone who isn't qualified to review the RT x 2080 can do it so can you great work Riley oh you know what's not a laughing matter our sponsor ting ting is the mobile carrier that is focused on customer service and satisfaction first don't speak to a robot you get put through directly to a person and you pay only for what you use the average ting bill is just twenty three bucks a month per device and if you're stuck in a contract and switch to ting they'll cover 25% of your cancellation fee up to $75 they've got lower mobile data rates than ever before at just $10 a gig beyond the second gig and you guys can head over to Linus 2018 ting comm to try out their savings calculator today go there and when you sign up at our link you'll also get 25 bucks in service credit or towards a new device so guys thanks for watching if you disliked this video or you dislike Riley personally hey and hit that button yeah but if you liked it hit like get subscribed or maybe consider checking out the link to where the pilots wear to bed the day thank you Wow where to buy the stuff we featured at the link in the video description if you guys want to see more Riley on ltte guys hit that thumbs up button we will be paying close attention and leave a comment letting us know how you thought he did cuz honestly I thought this was awesome this is an amazing guy I did too for like 50 to 80 bucks depending on configuration not the video oh are you really gonna play more overwatch on this yeah well you've you've you've ranked me down I gotta get back up you know alright I also linked in the video description is our merch storage has closure it's like this one and our community forum which you should definitely join love ya
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 3,660,383
Rating: 4.9141135 out of 5
Keywords: cheap, budget, gaming, pc, computer, dell, optiplex, intel, ebay, used, $100, $69, overwatch, counter strike, global offensive, league of legends, esports, title, game
Id: ZAFuawsN-1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 07 2018
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