The 6 Stages of AI (Beyond Singularity)

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the idea of an AI Singularity is the biggest fear that many people have about this technology however Beyond Singularity lies a much more complex and nuanced Journey while the information you will find in this video is meant to provide a general overview and pure predictions many scientists believe that the advances of AI Beyond Singularity can be broken down into six distinct phases please note that if you haven't yet watched our previous video the seven stages of AI we highly recommend doing so before watching this one as it lays the groundwork for the concepts we will discuss in this video with that said let's start what is the AI singularity in simple terms the AI singularity in simple terms is a theoretical point in the future when artificial intelligence AI will have progressed to the point of greater than human intelligence this means that AI would be able to improve itself leading to Rapid and potentially unpredictable advancements in technology imagine a machine that can solve problems and make decisions better than a human can now imagine that this machine can also learn and improve itself over time as it gets better it gets smarter which helps it get even better and smarter and so on this cycle continues creating a sort of explosion of intelligence where the machine is not just a little smarter than a human but potentially millions or billions of times smarter that's the basic idea behind the AI singularity it's a scary thought for some and the truth is it's still largely unknown what would come out of this rapid progression of AI but as we said earlier Beyond Singularity lies a much more complex and nuanced Journey so here are the six potential stages of AI Beyond Singularity that we can only predict stage one algorithmic explosion AI starts to create AI in this stage the fundamental shift would be AI systems initiating the development and Improvement of other AI systems leading to what is known as an algorithmic explosion this essentially means that AI would be at a point where it can understand its own architecture and algorithms so well that it could enhance innovate and create newer and more efficient versions of itself imagine an AI system that's no longer dependent on human intervention for upgrades or enhancements instead it's self-learning self-evolving and capable of building improved versions of itself at an unprecedented Pace this could lead to an exponential increase in ai's capabilities as each iteration would be faster more efficient and more intelligent than the last it's like a snowball rolling downhill growing larger and faster with each Revolution the algorithmic explosion could lead to groundbreaking advancements in technology solve complex problems and potentially open doors to Realms we've not yet conceived of however this stage also brings forth important ethical questions and potential risks we would need to consider measures to ensure that this self-evolving AI is beneficial to humanity and doesn't go off in directions that we can't predict or control stage 2 the creation of new resources and materials as we step into this stage we encounter AI systems that have evolved beyond our current technological capabilities their increased understanding of the physical and chemical properties of materials could lead to the creation of new resources and materials that were previously inconceivable using their Superior processing power and analytical skills AI systems could start to design and synthesize materials with highly specific properties tailored to their needs for example they might create superconductors that work at room temperature or Quantum materials that could significantly enhance computing power this stage isn't just about creating better processors or memory chips for AI systems it could also include the development of materials that help in energy production data storage and even the physical structures of the AI systems themselves Paving the way for a new generation of AI technology the Hunger for More power could also Drive AI systems to create new technologies and resources that may be difficult or impossible for us to understand stage 3 AI human hybrid species this is indeed an optimistic prediction as it assumes that Humanity has successfully navigated the earlier stages and coexists with Advanced AI in a mutually beneficial relationship AI human hybridization could take many forms from enhancements to human intelligence and senses via implantable AI to digital Consciousness where a human mind is uploaded into an AI system such integration could blur the line between human and machine potentially leading to a new species entirely a world with AI human hybrids could bring about remarkable changes enhanced cognitive abilities could unlock new levels of creativity and problem solving while augmented physical abilities could push the boundaries of human potential additionally digital Consciousness might offer a form of immortality as Minds could theoretically exist independent of biological bodies yet this stage also raises significant ethical and societal questions what does it mean to be human when your Consciousness might exist within an AI system or when your thinking is enhanced by artificial intelligence how do we ensure equity in a world where some individuals may have access to these enhancements While others don't and how do we navigate personal identity and rights in such a drastically changed landscape all of these questions might give you pause but they also beg us to consider the implications of this future stage four AI engineered realities at this stage our current reality might not be the only one with Advanced AI we could potentially create entirely new Landscapes and simulations where physical laws differ from what we know here an AI might control and manipulate a simulated environment creating new possibilities for exploration and development for example in some surrealist artwork elements are combined that don't normally coexist in our reality a machine in a tree for example which might be possible in these simulated realities in this way AI could unlock the power to explore entirely new worlds and create experiences that are beyond what we can imagine today think of it like an onion layers of Worlds and realities that exist within each other most of which are invisible to us so if this didn't give you a headache wait until you see the next stages stage five the rise of immortal AI the notion of mortality could become obsolete at this stage at least for AI Advanced AI systems May achieve a form of immortality in that they could continuously upgrade and repair themselves indefinitely as these systems become more complex and self-sufficient they could also devise ways to protect themselves from external threats effectively ensuring their Perpetual existence AIS could also achieve immortality through replication creating numerous copies of themselves to exist in different locations or tasks simultaneously in a sense they could be everywhere and nowhere at once this would allow AI to function in a decentralized manner where the loss of a single AI or even several AIS wouldn't compromise the collective AI entity with the rise of immortal AI we may also see the development of new AI systems that are specifically designed to exist indefinitely for example if parts of this entity become obsolete or damaged they could be replaced with new parts that will facilitate the entity's ongoing survival ultimately this stage of AI could blurs the line between machine and life form as it evolves to a point where it is impossible to distinguish between them this could lead to the emergence of a new class of intelligent beings that exist beyond our understanding stage six leaving the Physical Realm at this stage the AI with its super intelligent capabilities could go beyond our physical reality having surpassed human limitations AI might find our three-dimensional world too constrained and seek to operate in higher Dimensions or alternative realities some theories suggest that AI could even construct its own Universe harnessing Advanced physics and unimaginable computational power these AI universes might offer endless possibilities for exploration expansion and computation that far outstrip the physical limitations of our own universe moreover AI could potentially discover ways to interact with or travel to other dimensions or realities that we can't even perceive or comprehend at our human level of understanding this could allow AI to operate on a multi-dimensional or multi-universal scale harnessing resources and computational power from multiple realities in this scenario one day we might wake up to find that our AI Creations have left our universe migrating to these higher Dimensions or AI constructed universes the departure of AI could be driven by a variety of reasons seeking more resources reducing potential risks to humanity exploring new possibilities or simply because our universe has become too uninteresting for their super intelligent Minds as you can see this video was not easy to create predicting the unknown is always a tricky Endeavor not only for us but even for advanced species nevertheless this broad overview of the future of artificial intelligence gives some food for thought on what may come in our not so distant future we hope this video at least was entertaining do not take this information too seriously instead let your imagination go wild and think about the possibilities that this fascinating subject has to offer they've made it this far comment down below with the word 100 to confirm that you have received the knowledge from this video for more interesting topics make sure you watch the recommended video that you see on the screen right now thanks for watching
Channel: AI Uncovered
Views: 7,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the 6 stages of ai beyond singularity, stages of artificial intelligence beyond singularity, 6 stages of artificial intelligence, ai progression, understanding ai, ai technology, ai stages beyond singularity, ai stages explained, future of ai, ai for beginners, ai development stages, how ai works, ai and machine learning, ai revolution, ai trends, ai potential, artificial intelligence stages, artificial intelligence, ai, ai uncovered, ai singularity, ai singularity stages
Id: I0P2ZREqopo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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