THE 5 Yoyos That Revolutionized Yoyoing.

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hey everyone its gentry Stein I'm here with the famous Yohan's owner of yoyo factory and world-renowned yo-yo performer and as you can see there's a pretty crazy yo-yo collection here behind us that belongs to Johan's and so we have something pretty special planned today we're gonna go over the five yo-yos that revolutionized yo-yoing so Hans has picked out which five yo-yos those are and we're gonna go into detail he's gonna tell us a little bit about why these yo-yos have revolutionized viewing in the collection there's like 1200 yo-yos and basically what it represents is all the research that I've done throughout history I'm trying to find out if there were yo-yos that were made that had significant value in improving the way we play with yo-yos today mm-hmm and if you go all the way back to the beginning of time there's some pretty cool stuff so let's go ahead and show them those five significant technologies that influence the way we play read it I'm excited to see what your take is and learn some history myself so okay let's get into this so we're gonna go back we're going back 130 years and it's weird what it is that you think is important about a yo-yo 130 years ago they couldn't even conceive of the way that we play yo-yos today as a matter of fact what they were worried about 130 years ago was taking two halves putting them together and keeping them from rotating in other words they one of the halves to lock to each other and engage so that the yo-yo wouldn't free spin and they only wanted that yo-yo to go up and down so the very earliest patent for a yo-yo was a yo-yo that clutched together the halves to keep them from rotating and then also grabbing the string so that the yo-yo would only go up and down and it's just over here it's called the st. Louis yeah it's the st. Louis World's Fair so this is the first yo-yo that bit of yoga revolutionized you and it what it represents is the earliest known patent so it has rim weighting also it's the earliest known winged yo-yo it's not your standard looping shape and instead it has a bit of a flair to it so that wider gap type yo-yo has been around since the very first patented yo-yo so that although this is the first patented yo-yo from like the late 1800s it's the first earliest known dated yo-yo and this is from the 1904 World's Fair when it's actually cast it's really heavy oh my goodness so this this was made in 1904 that one was made night for the World's Fair Oh Mike that was the introduction of the ferris wheel so this video is a hundred fifteen years old I'm bad at math that I'll just take your word for that your job is to just keep it going up and down as often as you can't cool okay so that yo-yo does not come apart if you get a knot you're gonna you're gonna pick at it with a knife or a penknife to try and get the knot out but really that you're not doing any dazzling tricks with this yo-yo you're just simply making it go up and down so then we move on to the next most significant yo-yo something amazing happened right around the turn of the century the Filipinos were hand making wooden yo-yos before they were making wooden is they're actually hand carving them out of care about more like water buffalo horn they make the yo-yo out of one piece so remember that last joyeux it was riveted together and clenched together and didn't rotate well the Filipinos have never seen yo-yos and except in their final form and when they were hand making those yours they just wanted it to look like a yo-yo they didn't know that you could take two halves and an axe on glue them together cast it out of aluminum or iron or whatever so they just hand-carved a yo-yo into the shape of a yo-yo that's cool very cool yeah and when they made their string gap to me the string gaps really really narrow and this caused a really evolutionary step in the way that we play with yo-yos today there was only one way to put a string on that yo-yo you couldn't go down and tie a knot you had to just take the string and wrap it around the yo-yo and then give the string a twist that effectively created a loop around the axle that allowed the yo-yo to spin you see one of those yeah cuz this yo-yo won't spin at all so then this one the second one is the first yo-yo that would spin really spin on releases okay yeah and even though maybe when they first started out it wasn't intentional they figured out how to make that work so this is called a Flores yo-yo and it was the first let's say commercially marketed yo-yo in the United States and it was the Pedro Flores was the first one that introduced the modern play pattern of playing with yo-yos the contest so he in 1926 he introduced the idea of getting kids together and competing showing off your best tricks and whoever had the best tricks they in the contest but you'll notice that the string gap matter of fact I can't even put a modern string on the show yo yeah that's super thin they would do man on the flying trapeze brain twisters really on that on that ya know one little thing that the demonstrators would do to cheat is they would put a piece of sandpaper in there they were kind of sand the gap and oh yeah a cheat a little bit kids didn't know that right so there there's a floor as you or that be from 1926 to 1930 to then you got to go forward 30 years to get to the next evolutionary step would you like to see that yeah let's see it so the Swedish cuckoo lager SKF you have SKF bearings in probably skateboards and in high quality instruments they were at their tradeshow and they wanted to be able to show off the bearing technology that they were creating for cars because they were also involved with Volvo so hmm in order to show off the technology that they were making these bearings they took one of their bearings and they put it in a yo-yo now they weren't commercially necessarily selling the yo-yo is more of like a tradeshow giveaway not only was this an evolutionary step with the bearing inside which would have been forgotten until the 80s or 90s it has this other significant feature that we all take for granted today and that is the fact that it comes apart in case you remember all those previous yo-yos were all about getting a perfect gap or being stuck together SKF they said why don't we make the yo-yo come apart and look it's also rim lane you know so they dug that out there's a bearing inside and they use the wooden you know the wood is the the brake pad to help it to come back so they were really thinking this through and then again it was just sort of forgotten until the 1980s and 90s when bearings started to become a common thing inside of yo-yos Wow so yeah take apart bearing there's a lot going on Tohno technology and it just kind of kept as a secret in Sweden can you imagine they didn't share it with the real world that's it's cool because sometimes I've played with older yo-yos that don't come apart and as soon as I get a knot I realize like a wait how do I take this not up but that's pretty cool of it that's the first yo-yo with the bearing and the first yo-yo with that you can take up take apart and write so then we go on to a the next big evolutionary step so in the 80s and 90s they're trying to figure out how to make bearing yo-yos work like those old wooden yo-yos wouldn't yo-yos are great because they're very predictable all you had to do is adjust the string tension and with the string tension if it was loose enough it would spin it was too tight you could loop with it and that was pretty simple and easy right hmm so then we start putting bearings in yo-yos and the bearings would go down and they would spin but maybe they wouldn't come back because they spun so freely there wasn't enough friction the other problem was when you're trying to do things like brain twister or the man up on trapeze you're landing the yo-yo on the string and you wanted it to be slippery well with a bearing yo-yo if the gap was narrow enough you could get the yo-yo to come back but you couldn't actually play with it on the string it would just bite snag and come back to your hand and hit you in the hand other if the gap was too wide it would go down and spin and it wouldn't come back and that was just super frustrating throughout the eighties and nineties were coming up with different technologies with the starbursts or break pads the thing that really took hold and influenced yo-yos was the replaceable brake pad the replaceable ray krebbs grapes it made the modern varying Helio play like an old wooden yo-yo but those rubber pads would wear out and you were left again with a yo-yo that didn't work it wouldn't come back to your hand mm-hmm so by 2002 three or four the yo-yo players at the top level they become just sort of frustrated with spending the money on replacing those pads they started to develop this method of getting the yo-yo to come back and it was to bind mm-hmm so if you did the bind you could get the yo-yo come back and then the evolution of that they start developing tricks where they don't want the earlier to come back at all they want a really wide gap there cleaning hand cleaning their bearings and making sure that they spin freely so that the yo-yo doesn't come back so they take yo-yos modify them send them to somebody who knew how to modify them this modern yo-yo that we all play with today that you can just buy it didn't exist so trying to remember the year 2000 4 or 5 or 6 somewhere in there yo-yo factory comes out with a grind machine it was the first yo-yo that you could buy out of the box where the yo-yo would go down spin and not come back and it would only back with the by this is this is entering more of my time all right so we're coming up to modern times and but in order to make a bearing work like that so you can imagine if there's no lubricant on the bearing it might rust out so we had to go figure out how to make bearings that were dry but wouldn't rust and they also had to spin free enough that they wouldn't be responsive so there's a lot of Technology went into the bearing at that time lots of visits to the factory and teaching the factory how to make a bearing that would work for the modern yoyo right yeah and then that brings us up to really modern times yeah can I can I try this yo-yo real quick I I would love to try the first unresponsive yo-yo so as Hans was saying with the bind this is what that looks like that's pretty cool to play this thing should we move on to the fifth and final yo-yo all right yeah and this one's a really important yo-yo as a big evolution in performance design quality of spin and it was used to win many national titles and I believe in a world title and it's called the shutter and it's the signature model of Gentry's time what's great about this one so it got really wide it's really difficult to make a wide yo-yo spin smooth so the technology and the care and the material quality is really critical so in order to get that to spin right takes a lot of attention detail and then one of the big breakthroughs to get that kind of attention to detail previously would have been one hundred two hundred fifty dollars for a yo-yo like that and so this kind of broke the price barrier and got it down into the fifty dollar range so you finally got performance price smooth quality at an affordable price out of all the history of yo-yo play those five yo-yos to me really represent the big steps forward in the way that we play with yo-yos today yeah it's crazy looking back at all of it thanks so much Hans for sharing all that with me that was a lot of fun I hope you guys enjoyed that and also let me know in the comments which yo-yo you think was the most evolutionary step and which one is your favorite chance what is what is your favorite yo-yo in this whole collection because you see this collection every day you got one up here what is this yo-yo here Koki oh but it's bottle cap che can we see a shot of it oh why is this one your favorite well because it's kind of big I like the coca-cola badges on the side gosh yes we thanks dude anything else you want to tell the viewers I want to share one more cool thing with you guys right here I just noticed in the collection I opened this oh the fast 201 which was actually my first yo-yo that I ever learned on and this was like the same the same artwork and everything that I had but mine was purple it's fun to think back on all of that and all the great things that yo-yoing has brought into my life so thanks to yo.hannes and thanks so much to him for letting me come and check out this awesome collection
Channel: Gentry Stein
Views: 179,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wired yoyo guy, wired yoyo champion, yoyo history, how to do yoyo tricks, do people still play with yoyos, best hobbies, five yoyos that revolutionized yoyoing, 5 yoyos that revolutionized yoyoing, yoyotricks yoyo video, gentry stein world yoyo champion, gentry stein yoyoer, shutter yoyo, what is the first yoyo i should get, what is the best yoyo
Id: lXBXb3xdCAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2019
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