The 5 Things We Need In Elden Ring DLC

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hey all this is redit Oscar and armored Core is over it's done it's been out for a while and there doesn't seem to be any plans for DLC or additional content which means it's time to eagerly anticipate Elden Ring's DLC it could come at any moment we have no precedent to predict this kind of thing we really don't have any idea when it's coming or when it's going to be announced because all other DLC from from software Souls games have followed a different trajectory Souls games DLC do not typically take very long to come out even in the most extreme example Dark Souls 1 the Artorias of the Abyss DLC came out 11 months or so after the game but for alen ring we get an announcement at 12 months and basically no news or acknowledgement after that typically after an announcement it's 2 months until release they they announce the game they give a release date and it's like a month or two it's always been like that if I'm remembering correctly so because this circumstance deviates so much from past examples there's really no predicting it accurately until we get more information from Bandy Namo but let's do it anyway I think it's coming next year at around the anniversary Mark 2024 that's what I think that's what I'm hoping for the DLC will get a reann uncemented the release date at the game awards and then sometime next year February is the DLC will finally release it's not much to go on but a couple of things that point to a game awards announcement is that from software has been announcing their important stuff at big events like this the armored Core 6 announcement was at a big event the Elden ring announcement was at a big event and from software already has a big history with key so it would just make sense plus Jeff Keeley has been to the from software offices recently he put out a tweet on September 26th saying it was very special to spend time with from software PR and see the brand brand new office and the team's well earned the game award statues thank you for the hospitality so he's going to have it he's he's got it it's not much but I think that's enough to convince me that the game awards will be where the from software DLC will be announced this is kind of teasing he's mentioning the game awards he's mentioning the awards that they've gotten in those Awards before from software has this good working relationship with Jeff so if they wanted to announce the DLC at the game awards they absolutely could and there's no reason for them not to want to that's a huge event there will be a lot of eyes on it if you wanted an announcement that's where you want it to be now I've seen some people speculate that the game doesn't even have to wait till next year to come out the DLC could come out sometime this year at late 20123 December November these are fans that have had an extra generous helping of copium my instinct is that they're wrong but like I said without a lot of examples I can't really say that they're wrong for sure what I can say that for me personally I don't even want it this year I don't want the Elden ring DLC coming out in 2023 this year has been more than sufficient just the big releases alone have kept me occupied throughout the year I haven't even gotten through the big and moderate sized games that looked interesting to me and I've certainly not had any opportunity to check out some of the smaller less well-known things that might peque my interest so I'm not worried about it I'm not worried about any of it I'm busy of course if it does drop I'll drop everything to play it but personally I would like some space to breathe I don't want it right now give me some time let me relax a bit towards the end of the year but now let's talk about let's speculate on what the DLC could have and what we want it to have I think the first thing it needs like the first prequisite is that it needs to be huge it needs to be gigantic and it'll probably be gig gigantic I believe they started working on the DLC on April of the same year that Elden ring was released so by the time it comes out it could be almost 2 years or more than 2 years that they've been working on it so if anything it would be surprising if it wasn't just enormous in the announcement tweet they called the DLC an expansion they didn't say DLC they called it an expansion and while there's no set in stone definition that differ differentiates an expansion from a DLC exactly I do think people have an understanding that when they say expansion they mean something big something sizable that the base game is being expanded upon to a significant degree plus the main contrivance of Elden ring is its size you walk out into limb grave you see the size of the world around you you could spend 10 to 15 hours or more in Lim Grave by itself just wandering around and being impressed at how much there is and then as you go further and further you get more and more pieces of the map and you realize man this world just keeps getting bigger it's expanding I thought I understood how big this world was but I didn't I had no idea it just keeps getting bigger you know you go into the cofra the sopa riverwell and then you go down and you see oh there's a whole underground Network you see this this cave ceiling and this what looks like stars and again your mind is blown you have no idea how large this game actually is that was a big point to Elden ring and typically in the DLCs they take the best parts of what was good in the main game and refine those things in the best way that they can for the DLC so given all this this DLC isn't going to be a piddly $15 DLC no this is going to be a $40 at least expansion I'm really expecting it just to be enormous so I'm thinking an entire new Zone with at least two large Legacy dungeons Legacy dungeons bigger even than the ones that they have in the base game bigger than storm Vil l l h how do you hang on bigger than Lendale I forgot how to pronounce it for a minute bigger than lendo I want bigger and better than that storm Vil and leendo are among my favorite dungeons that from software has ever made they are really great examples of why from software is the king of level design when it comes to this kind of game apart from the Legacy dungeons there should also be one or two smaller explorable areas something like M castle that's not really a legacy dungeon but it's somewhere in between and then of course all the mini dungeons like the caves and the tombs and and all of that this is probably a unpopular opinion but I like the mini dungeons I think the mini dungeons are fine for me it's an excuse just to do more things I like the gameplay in Elden ring and the mini dungeons give me an excuse to engage engage in more gameplay if anything I wish they were longer and harder they remind me of the Chalice dungeons from bloodborne another unpopular thing that I liked a lot I liked the Chalice dungeons because I liked navigating these Sy looking environments it's one of the few situations in which I would use the coins like the the prism stones to Mark locations that I've been before so I can explore locations I haven't been before actually I also did that in the Subterranean shunning grounds which I like a lot I don't know if that area is considered a legacy dungeon by the community on its own or if it's part of lendelle but if it's its own legacy dungeon it's one of my favorites you know I can already hear the booze I can already hear people booing I can already see people typing in their comment section you know what screw you guys I hope there's tree Sentinels everywhere I hope the mini dungeons are bigger and more expansive harder to navigate more tedious less fun I hope there's Crucible Knights on every corner I hope there's alterated tree Spirits in every all right another thing we need is more weapons in Dark Souls 3ii in the ring of City DLC they gave us some of the nicest weapons in that in that DLC including all of my favorite stuff the ringed Knight spear the ring knight sword the aqua marine dagger that stuff was great for anybody that doesn't know the aqua marine dagger was little dagger that you could hold down the weapon art button to transform its move set from the normal dagger move set into a completely unique Straight Sword move set and it looks like a little lightsaber crystal it was so cool the move set was completely its own and when I used it it wasn't that popular in PvP so I would use it for duels and invasions and since it wasn't that popular people weren't accustomed to its move set it was so much fun for the really cool unique weapons in the DLC what I would like is something like the aquamarine dagger that transforms its move set like this actually it's almost like a trick weapon now that I think about it from bloodborne in that its attack style shifts radically depending on which form of it you're using so I want something like this and I want spell slinging weapons I want swords and stuff that can cast spells like we had in Dark Souls II you know in Dark Souls III and in Dark Souls 2i there were specific weapons that could also be used as spell tools my favorite weapon in Elden ring is the caran night long sword I love that sword it looks fantastic it has a very cool unique R2 and it has a glint Stone in the sword so from its appearance to its description to the fact that it actually has a glint Stone in the sword the way staffs do I was positive that it would be able to cast spells with it maybe even have it have the effect where the sword likee spells would do more damage if you cast it with the sword but no no it's stuck to carrying Grandeur and that's the only Ash of War it can have it scales with strength and intelligence which is not great so in the DLC I definitely want this corrected like the curve sword in Dark Souls 3 that cast pyromancies the heel pick that cast sorceries give me a shield that does Miracles and while from sers at it they should make my favorite sword stronger carrying grander needs to do more damage I think it should have more hyper armor it should scale almost entirely with magic and it should let me change the ash of War at at least to only other Ash of wars that are caran related at least in that way I could pretend that it's casting a spell I could pretend that the sword has different types of magic and actually speaking of magic we need more of certain types of magic and weapons associated with that type of magic there's currently only one Madness weapon in the game and a shield I guess that you could use as a weapon if you wanted to the madness build people are constantly complaining about it and I think they're right there should be more but I don't think there should should be that many more just a few more maybe two two more madness weapons I was going to say three but no they don't deserve three there's also a severe lack in certain types of spells and incantations I think there should be at least one new spell or incantation for every type of spell and incantation but some of them need them more than others for example maybe there could be a few more caring sorceries or regular sorceries but they already have a lot whereas briers of sin spells only have two and those are already not great they're difficult to synergize with since they use Faith there's only four blood incantations they definitely could use some more I really like the blood flame aesthetic and I'd make a build around it if there were more blood flame spells or weapons to work with the same thing is true for the black flame incantations and weapons they just need more I'd also be okay with more ways of inflicting death blight I know that it's overpowered and it would probably be abused in PvP if there were lots of sources and it was particularly strong but it never really got its day in the sun in the base game there's not there was never really a way to inflict that on people that was either overpowered or even effective apart from that one glitch with the emulation so I'd be happy to see death blight even if it starts off being overtuned and they have to reain it in in future updates I think that's it for the incantations and weapons basically add things to categories that are neglected right now now let's talk about PVP for PVP what I want is simple it's what I've always wanted it's what I continue to want I want covenants and I want at least one area maybe one of the large Legacy dungeons in which you can get solo host invaded it'd be optimal if they also took the time to increase the number of participants possible in a single game so in Dark Souls 3i you could be invaded by three people I think maybe even four people I think three people maybe was the Max and with the Phantoms that you could get on your side a game could have potentially six people you know what I miss fight clubs I miss fight clubs in Dark Souls II you could go to areas specifically after pontiff Sullivan and people would drop their red signs there hosts would use the dried finger and summon tons of phantoms as enemies to fight there was an etiquette around it that most people respected nobody just attacked the host the Phantoms would go into the ring and fight each other while the other Phantoms and the host spectated it was great sometimes you'd have a particularly skilled player go through five or six Phantoms at a time before he goes down or sometimes the host thinks he's a badass and he summons people specifically so he can fight them one at a time while people in the background wait you can't really do that anymore more with the way Elden ring set up the game I think you can only have two Red Phantoms in at a time and that's not a fight club that's nothing another benefit of this large player count is the actual Covenant Invasion areas so you had the Aldrich faithful and the fen's Watchdogs in Dark Souls II and if you enter those areas you'll start getting invaded by members of those covenants now the way that the covenants worked is that Covenant members were way less strong than hosts levelwise that's always true for Invaders they're likely to be of a lower level than you but it's especially true for covenants the game will potentially match you to people that are far higher level than you are so the best area for this was the aldrid faithful area Because by the time you get to that area you're not in the low levels anymore your build is more or less getting there or settled you're at the point where everybody's doing big damage so what people would do is You' have a host sometimes he'd go by himself more often he would bring a friend or two and they'd progress into the level and then they'd use the dried finger so they get constantly invaded by Aldridge faithful and it was a game they try and kill as many of the Aldridge faithful as they can and invading these types of people was the most fun I've ever had in Dark Souls PVP there is nothing like the feeling of coming into one of these invasions saying that there's already a fight breaking out going down to it to try and kill a Phantom or the host but things don't go well your fellow Invaders die you run back to the silver Knight enemies at the top and use them as either a deterrent or if they're going to push through anyway use them to try and kill off an enemy as they're fighting you in the silver Knights and you do this to buy time for more Invaders to get summoned often when the host is at a disadvantage he'll run back to the start and try and summon more Phantoms he'll equipped the thing that summons the blue Phantoms and so these fights could take could last forever could last forever and if you're skilled Invader you can survive several waves of of reinforcements before you finally take down one or two or three or or kill the host it was the best and nothing comparable exists in alen ring this is not good so what I'm hoping for is covenants like we had in Dark Souls 3i where there is a section in a legacy dungeon that is a covenant Invasion area and before you kill the boss of this section you can be invaded whether you have a phantom or not here's the thing I miss getting invaded as a solo player that doesn't Co-op very much there's not really any opportunity for you to get invaded properly we do have the taunter tongue but that's useless to me that's not what I want you see there's a difference a proper Invasion happens by surprise it happens when you're not expecting it this is how it's supposed to be it happens in an inopportune moment you're already struggling dealing with the enemies that are in front of you you're low on healing low on flasks it's the first time that you've done this dungeon and this is the furthest that you've gotten you don't know how far till the next sight of Grace and as you're trying to finish off the enemies in front of you you see it at the bottom of your screen you've been invaded by enormous father 32 you need to hurry up and deal with these enemies here you don't know where he is you don't know where he spawns at you kill the NPCs and now you have to make a decision do you push forward into the level hoping that the next sight of Grace is nearby do you go back and fight him in an area that's clear of enemies or maybe you go back to the last bonfire that way at least if you die your souls will be right there maybe you decide to hide as a piece of furniture and set up an ambush and try and get the advantage in the fight or you could post up in an area where you think that the enemy will walk by a ledge that you can knock him down from see that's an invasion that's what invasions look like in my day day and that's still what invasions look like if you have a co-op partner but if you're solo you're not you don't have that you have the tantress tongue if you're using the tantress tongue that's not an invasion because you're inviting them in you're just dueling at that point it's the duel where both people are allowed to heal if I wanted to duel I'll go to the arena I don't want to duel I want to get up I want to get into interesting encounters I want to lose I want to be inconvenient I want to get ambushed I want to have to deal with Annoying Invaders that hide behind enemies and I also want to win I want to get into a situation where I'm at a disadvantage where I got ambushed where I'm surrounded by NPCs and the Phantom and then sometimes I get through it I kill the Phantom I kill the NPCs I get through the situation I overcome the Ambush and look I'm not asking for the entire DLC to be that way I'm not even saying a whole Legacy dungeon that'd be cool maybe but no not even even a whole Legacy dungeon one section one level inside the Legacy dungeon one spot where I can get what I want and be invaded as a solo host that's all I'm asking for okay let's talk about the most important thing the story what do we want out of the story I've heard a lot of different things that people have mentioned they want Micha DLC they want Godwin they want Melina they want to go back to the past they want to fight a radon in his prime things like that and all that sounds very nice but it's not what I'm worried about I don't actually care about the particulars of what's going to be in the DLC I trust that from software and Miyazaki will do a good job with that the only thing I want is very specific I want answers I'm a large lore Enthusiast when it comes to Elden ring and dark souls and I think I have a very good understanding of Dark souls's theme its story but the same as not not true for Elden ring that has me very confused I don't know at least I don't think I know what the big ideas of Elden ring are I don't think they're the same as the ones in Dark Souls I think the story of Elden ring is metaphorically representing something and I don't know what that something is because I don't know what each element of that representation is supposed to be what I'm hoping for the DLC is that it makes things a lot more clear through either intentionally making things more clear or just by giving us more information we can extrapolate better we can make connections that we couldn't make before just the fact of there being more item descriptions more bosses more things to see it can finally allow me to make the connections in my head that I need to actually extrapolate the story The the theme now I've often heard from people that maybe the DLC isn't going to give us answers it'll just present more questions it'll be even more confusing and there there's this idea that the DLCs are always like that I don't know how common this impression is in the community but I definitely hear it quite a bit and it's untrue it's wrong the DLCs to souls games always 100% of the time reiterate the themes of the main game and make the central theme easier to understand in Dark Souls II that was explicitly what it was trying to do in interviews before the DLC came out Miyazaki talked about how the DLC was specifically representing the main theme of the main game from a different perspective so that you could contrast the two and extrapolate the main story of really the whole series what what was going on with the whole series the final dlc's by his own admission were trying to make the series easier to understand it it wanted people to get the point if they hadn't gotten it yet the Dark Souls 2 DLC was the same way when they introduced Alia Alia doesn't beat around the bush at all basically just tells you what the theme of the game is all of the DLCs are like this they have always been like this and I think there's a good chance Elden ring will be like this as well just from how long it's been and the size I expect it to be because with the Elden ring lore there's just so many gaps there's so much confusion so much disagreement on what exactly even is going on like forget about the themes forget about the things that I care about just explicitly what's happening there's disagree ment about even that I'm not convinced that America didn't have anything to do with the night of the black knives and I'm not convinced that she did either I have no idea there's evidence for both sides with how big I expect the DLC to be and the fact that they started development soon after they finished Elden ring I think the DLC was always planned and that it will make things a lot more clear there is a expansion sized hole in Elden Ring's heart that needs to be filled now I admit I might be coping this whole brand could be cope because I didn't understand Elden Ring's theme its story after examining it for many hours I slunk away defeated and so my hope is that maybe it was uninterpretable maybe the in the key information just wasn't there and we've all been spinning around in circles and so maybe I wasn't stupid for not getting the story maybe the the key elements of the story that I'm looking for weren't in yet and they plan to put them in in the DLC and so if the DLC comes out and and it does elaborate on the story and I get it I will feel very redeemed I will feel very very redeemed if that happens finally the last thing I want bosses I want strong difficult bosses I want the DLC to be brutally difficult the DLC is always take into account that you're at the end game really and so I want the bosses that populate this this endgame DLC area to just be so hard with at least one being even more difficult than melenia ooh they should also have a boss that's one of the big spectacle bosses they have gotten a lot better at the spectacle bosses over the years in Elden ring they had Reichard and reichard's the best example of that kind of Boss they've ever done in armored Core 6 they did the worm boss fight and while I don't think that matches up to reard it's still nowhere near as good as as rard it's a good interesting deviation of the same kind of concept where the boss fight is more cinematic than it is technical finally I want whatever is the final boss of the DLC to be the best boss from software has ever made in one of the souls games in the ring City DLC for Dark Souls 3 that was Gail Gail was really great his move set in the first phase his second phase boss transition I think he even has a third phase some somewhat but it's not a cut scene transition and for many people Gail is their favorite boss it's the best boss one of the most memorable the fight and the scenes are beautiful they're difficult they're cinematic they're memorable it is not a wonder that so many people like a gale I want something similar for the DLC boss I want to make a poll after the game comes out and ask what's the best Soul's boss and I want that boss to win I want that boss to win I want most people to come to a consensus that that is the finest boss they've ever made in a lot of ways I think I want Dark Souls 3's DLCs again for example Madar would also be a cool boss to have something like Madar from Dark Souls 3i's ring City DLC what I like about Madar is that there's not really a point in bringing Phantoms to the Mader boss fight if you bring Phantoms to the Mader boss fight you are more likely to lose madir is difficult but he's also very predictable his hit boxes are very tight and if you're by yourself and he's only focusing on you then the boss fight is very manageable but he's so huge his health is so high and he does so much damage that if you bring Phantoms and those Phantoms scale him up so that his HP is higher and they draw his aggro so that his attacks become unpredictable and weird you're much more likely to die and all of your Phantoms are very likely to die they're all going to die leaving you by yourself dealing with a much higher HPD version of this boss so from bosses I want the hardest boss ever the best boss ever a cinematic rard like boss and something like Madar that's extremely difficult and more so the more people you bring honestly I just want the DLC to transform Elden ring into the best game of all time the DLC for Souls games in my opinion can't be separated from the quality of the base game in a lot of them especially Dark Souls 2 the DLC makes the base game better you can't remove them when you're judging their quality it's why I've been so reticent to scale Elden ring to say whether it's my favorite or not because the DLC isn't here yet and historically the DLC is the best part of any Souls game so fundamentally I guess my hope for the DLC is that that tradition continues that the DLC is the best of Elden ring and then some and that's the end of this video as always thank you very much for watching [Music]
Channel: Ratatoskr
Views: 135,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UM_W8hLbM6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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