The 5 Reasons Being An Electrician Sucks

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what's up everybody my name is spencer welcome to american electrician on today's video we're going to be talking about the my least favorite things as an electrician you know last time we did a video about my favorite things there are also my not so favorite things and we're going to talk about those on this video if you're an electrician or in the trades feel free to let me know how you feel about this plan on getting some hate uh probably somebody saying wow i can't believe you don't enjoy getting up at 4am every day so uh to that guy appreciate you hope you're doing well god bless all that fun stuff but that is one of the things uh you do have to get up early sometimes it's earlier than not um sometimes you don't have to get up to six sometimes you have to get up at like 3 30 um or work a night shift or whatever something like that that's not as common but getting up super early is one of those things the other thing is work environment not the people that's not what i'm talking about i've always enjoyed my people that i worked with always loved had much love for him uh it was great but cold if it's outside you're cold or hot one or the other you know those are two things that you just can't get away from if you're building a new building it's gonna be cold or it's gonna be hot there's like two months out of the year where it feels good unless you're in a different place than i am i'm in indiana um it's one or the other uh other than for like three weeks in between where it's nice can't help it it is what it is you get used to it um you can dress for it if it's cold if it's hot you really can't dress for it um but really even if it's cold you can't dress for it it's whatever you get used to it the other thing with work environment is if you're working inside in an existing building there is a very large potential that it's a factory and that it's disgusting um you know there's places that aren't but i would say for the most part you know there's a lot of greasy factories um or if they're not greasy everywhere they're gonna be greasy where you're going because nobody else goes there ever it's going to be covered in all kinds of dust and dirt and all kinds of nasty stuff like that especially in the ceiling you just get dirty right not a huge deal honestly not something i ever really cared for except for a few places that were downright uh terrible did not enjoy those but aside from those you know really like those forges and stuff like that it's really not terrible definitely not the most comfortable work environment though if that's something that bothers you you're going to be dirty pretty much every day now aside from that there are periods of time where you have to work very long hours especially towards the end of the job if somebody isn't managing it correctly and putting enough man hours on it early so that you are caught up and when it comes time to finish everything out you're not struggling to get everything done this is a very common thing and at the end of a job you have to work 50 60 hours a week pretty pretty fairly and on top of that you know there's a good chance that you're traveling 45 minutes an hour depending on where you're at you know if you're in a city going from one side of the city to the next is like an hour and a half during the wrong time of day so you add those on top of that on top of those hours it does become quite taxing depending on where you work you don't have much of a say of the location i do like that the location changes that's a bonus for me but it's also not always a bonus because you don't know where you're going to be going you don't know where you're headed you don't know how long the drive's going to be next week and you're praying that you don't randomly get stuck two hours away from home because it's it happens so aside from that you know traveling i never traveled some people love to travel not me not for me sir never got stuck in that position though that is mostly for companies who travel and you'll know about it beforehand honestly the gripes that i have about electrical work are not big deals there's not a lot of things like that they're just things that you need to know before you go into it and if you're not that type of person and you don't want to deal with it then don't do it but really those things are all pretty well like you can put up with them um it's a great skill to have i've got a ton of videos on things that i do like i'll tag that video up here and also uh another video on how to enter the electrical apprenticeship check that out if you are interested but that's it for me you guys i'm out thank you guys so much i'll see you on the next one
Channel: American Electrician
Views: 125,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ELECTRICIAN, american electrician, apprentice, apprentice electrician, apprenticeship, bad things about being an electrician, become an electrician, becoming an electrician, electrical apprentice, electrical apprenticeship, electrical school, electrician apprentice, electrician apprenticeship, electrician courses, electrician podcast, electrician school, electrician show, electrician vlog, how to become an electrician, journeyman electrician, mad electrician, master electrician
Id: en7JKEfYT64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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