The 5 Master Skills Of A Fluent English Speaker

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see how we're doing all right I think we're ready for some live  action here on YouTube I am Drew Badger the   founder of and the English  fluency guide it is a pleasure to welcome you   to another live video here uh and today we are  going to be talking about the five Master skills   of affluent English speaker all right let's see  if we've got uh live rolling over here I think   chat probably is like not working like usual or  maybe it will be on let's see hopefully this is   working let me know in the chat if this is  working and hopefully we should be going   live here let's see how we're doing all right  looks like a chat is live all right very good   all right let me get this set up here so  again my screen my phone is not displaying   chat so I will take time while I'm looking at  things on my computer uh as I go through this   this should be an interesting video I've never  talked about all of these things in one video   before maybe some of them I've never even talked  about in any video but I thought this would be   interesting because I like thinking about the kind  of deeper psychology and things about language   learning rather than only uh like nouns and verbs  and adjectives and that kind of thing because a   lot of because fluency is a skill that you must  develop you really have to have the right mindset   and the right skills under the vocabulary in order  to use it fluently so that's what we'll be talking   about today all right so let me know if you have  any questions let's see as I erase the board here now it looks like the thumbnail went up  backwards for this video of course they're   like doing something silly over here but nice to  see everybody here all right hopefully yes Chad is   working it's good to see everybody here all right  so I want to get into this I will I will keep an   eye on chat as I go through this but hopefully I  can get through all five of these different things   and you'll see how they're connected and then  I'll be answering questions if people have any   uh in between these but if you have questions  about I don't know fluency or other things in   general this video should probably answer most of  those for you really I want to cover everything in   one video so people can know what to do all right  so we're going to do today what we're going to   do today is contrast uh basically two different  ways of learning or the different skills and the   different mindset that uh that people have uh the  English learner that's still struggling to speak   versus uh the let's see if we have enough space  for that okay how much space we have this goes all   the way over here okay all right so we're going to  be talking about a couple of different things so   we're going to have five spaces here so you can  keep track of everything see one two three four   and then five down here all right and so what we  have on the left this is the typical things for   we'll just say Learners uh but anyone who is still  like you would think of yourself as a learner   rather than a fluent speaker already and these  are going to be the fluent speakers over here   so flew into and I will do my best with my  handwriting I will actually try to write Less   in this video to make this a little bit easier  for everybody all right so it looks like Chad is   working let's get into this uh what you're going  to see in this video I want to show you how each   of these skills it's really two different mindsets  for Learning and by mindset I just mean the way   you think about all kinds of things related  to language learning so related to language   learning related to communication and how if  you if you start thinking more like on this   column over here rather than this one you will  really feel a lot more confident you will feel   more relaxed you will improve faster everything  just does better on this side rather than on this   one okay so it's not it's not like a bad thing if  you're over here this is kind of the natural way   that most people learn and so we're going to talk  about like kind of different ways of learning now   the last thing I will say before we get into this  list is that some of this uh some of these things   that I'll talk about they might seem a little  bit weird or odd and you might think well that   it like doesn't seem very rational or reasonable  but you have to just kind of trust me on this one   so part of what we're we're looking at over  here again these are ways of thinking and so   typically the learner way we can think  about this as there's a lot of if I can   fit this in here there's going to be fear in  this approach and there's going to be worry so a lot of Learners have various doubts  and fears and worries about things and   so that's not just about the language  that's also about themselves and being   able to communicate and so over on this  side we really want to think about trust actually I'm going to say faith I know this sounds  a little bit weird but you'll see this in a minute   you'll see why but as we go through the system  really there is it will make a lot of sense as we   go through and each of these things is connected  to the others all right hopefully this makes sense   learner for life let's go all right let's do it  all right so the first thing I want to talk about   about mindset is all about listening listening all  right now the the first thing let's see I'll put   our numbers up here let's see one two three four  and five so the first one has to do with listening   and usually what you have for Learners uh is  basically have divided attention divided attention now this marker might not be so  good let me try a different one   so divided attention and this one over  here and this is a it's a tough skill   to develop but I promise you it will it will  affect everything in your life not just your   ability to communicate uh but this is actual like  complete attention or we'll just say 100 attention now what do I mean by this when I'm talking  about attention I mean in a conversation when   you're just listening to the other person's  speak or even if you're not in a conversation   and you're listening to a lesson or something  like that so usually what happens with a learner   so someone who is not yet fluent they  have many worries about what they're   going to say or what they're going to  do or even their thinking about dinner   or you know something that's unrelated  to the conversation so you might be in   a conversation with someone and you might  be listening I don't know maybe 60 percent if you're listening about 60 to what they're  saying so your attention is focused about 60   on what they're saying and maybe maybe like 10 or  20 percent you're thinking about yourself like uh   trying to really process what they're saying or  you're thinking about what you want to say next   in the conversation there's a lot of preparation  that goes on uh in the mind of people when   they're trying to speak and again this is not just  language Learners this is really people in general   so often people will have divided attention where  they're speaking with someone but their attention   isn't really focused on the other person okay  and this is a is a really tough skill to do so   again this is not just language Learners this is  people all over but I promise you if you can have   one hundred percent attention or get like as close  to that as possible that's really going to help   you listen to other people and actually learn  more so again what happens in in the mind of a   typical learner they have divided attention mostly  because they're worried about what what they're   going to say next so they're trying to listen to  the other person that's part of this and they're   also trying to think about what they want to say  and maybe their attention is also divided uh into   something else like they're thinking about again  dinner or you know what did they do yesterday or   well I'm kind of bored with this conversation  what do I want to do instead even as you watch   this video you will notice that your attention  might shift to something else and then you'll   think oh what am I doing for dinner tonight or  what did Drew just say I wasn't listening to that   so this will happen this is a natural thing that  happens and it's it's very difficult to control   your attention because your mind is always  thinking about different things all right but   I promise you if you can really just try to do  this part of this just comes from relaxing but   also the most important part that I like to remind  Learners of is that the fluency and the learning   really comes from what the other person says so if  you're in a conversation you saying something to   the other person isn't really helping you become  a more fluent speaker what you really should be   doing especially if you're in a conversation with  a native speaker is you should be paying very   close attention really 100 percent attention to  what the other person is saying and I noticed this   in my own conversations remember I am a learner as  well so when I'm speaking with people some days if   I'm tired I'm not really trying to focus or people  say things I'm just like yeah what did you say I   don't really I'm not really paying attention to  that person very carefully all right and I noticed   that I don't learn things I don't I don't absorb  as much information but when I do really pay   attention and I make the effort just to focus on  them without worrying about what I'm going to say   I'm really just listening to the other person and  often I will find just new things I can learn some   new vocabulary new grammar structures whatever  but also I find I have better conversations with   people so when I'm not worried about what I  want to say I'm only listening to the other   person I'm really going to feel a lot better and  make them feel better too so people want to feel   listened to everybody likes to speak everybody  likes to express themselves but fewer of us are   trying to listen to the other person so there  are many good reasons to try to practice this   skill to try to develop this but I promise you uh  it's often the fear and worry that you won't know   how to respond that stops you from from really  just giving 100 to the other person by listening   all right so you have to give again this is why  I mention a little bit of trust a little bit of   faith on this side over here because this requires  you to relax and think okay I'll be fine uh maybe   I won't get to say exactly what I want to say or  something we'll cover that in just a moment but   the important thing here is that you're really  spending your time trying to listen to the other   person as best as possible so you really want  to focus your attention because that's where the   lesson is okay the lesson is not coming from you  you don't really become a more fluent speaker by   speaking I know this sounds weird but you actually  become more fluent by getting lots more input from   the other person so the more understandable  messages you get from other people the more   you will feel fluent and it's much easier to learn  those things if you're paying attention for them   okay I'm gonna go buy a chat uh make sure  everybody understands this should be going   around okay should be let's see oh my God it's  my first time on a live stream glad to hear it   all right it looks like everybody's still with me  though hopefully uh they're they're probably no   questions about this it should be pretty easy to  understand this is one of those skills where it's   easy to know what to do but hard in practice again  the mind is naturally looking for other things to   do it's always you have like a monkey mind where  you're you're constantly searching for other   things your mind wants to stay like interested in  in many things at the same time when you should   really focus all right if you have any questions  about that let me know I think everything uh makes   makes sense over here hopefully someone said  go to an English-speaking country this is not   necessary again none of the things on this list  will be about going to an English-speaking country   uh again like going to an English-speaking country  is one of those things that people think they need   because they need to be like surrounded by English  but you can be surrounded by English anywhere in   the world I mean actually it's much more efficient  with the internet to get this information than it   is to try to go and maybe even if you're living  in an English-speaking country uh without having   someone to explain things to you uh it's just  really much more efficient to to get lots of   understandable messages even like this so if  you're watching this video you will be learning   a lot from me just by getting this input even if  you don't speak all right hopefully everybody's   everybody get this click click the like button if  if this makes sense that's going to be the fastest   way for me to know even faster than you typing a  comment all right so remember listening is the key   that's like the foundation of everything so if  you can listen I promise you you will you will   feel much more relaxed you won't be worrying about  what you want to say we'll get to that but at the   the foundation of having a better conversation  and learning more is all about listening so if   you have divided attention because you're worried  about what you want to say you're feeling nervous   or you're thinking about something else try to  control that and just relax and listen okay you   have to have a little bit of trust and faith  in the approach I think everybody gets that   though all right now moving on uh so related  to this the same kind of fear and worry we're   going to have this idea connected to the next  one and the same thing over here now usually   what happens with Learners is they're trying to  force they want to have like forced for whoops I can never spell and speak at the same time  f-o-r-c-e-d forced I'm just going to say prep here so if I have a shorter word to write I can write  it more neatly so forced preparation and then   we'll contrast that with natural prep natural  preparation now again we still have this this   element of fear over here that Learners want to  try to get as much information as possible because   they never know what they're going to speak about  all right this is part of the reason uh why they   want to just like learn give me a list of you know  the hundred most common words or something like   that and that that information is really popular  for Learners because they think they need it again   it's the worry and the fear that causes them to  think that they need this information and often   what happens is they learn a lot of information  that either they don't remember it or they don't   end up using it in real conversations okay so  it's I mean there's sometimes where you might   learn something and oh you you actually get to use  it in a conversation but often that's not the case   all right so by forced preparation I mean you're  you're trying to collect as much information you   want to build a large vocabulary as quickly as  possible that's the goal and so what you do is   you try to learn as much as you can you want to  get lists of vocabulary uh and and it might not   even be about topics that are really useful or  applicable for your life and then the opposite is   to have the natural preparation where you really  kind of trust and and you relax and you have the   faith that you will get the right vocabulary when  you need it all right now this is something that   I have been practicing for a long time as a  language learner so I used to be like this   and used to think I should be trying to get as  much information as possible I really want to be   prepared for anything but the preparation actually  comes from just being aware again it's it's really   the same idea of listening of listening to kind of  like yourself listening to your life I know this   might sound like it it almost sounds like it's not  very logical advice but the truth is you can never   really be perfectly prepared for a situation  it's much better to just relax and know the   kinds of things and focus on the kinds of things  that you need for your life at that moment all   right so you really want to be focusing you'll  notice that's a trend with all these things on   this column over here so these are more again  faith-based where we're trying to think about   things and not worry so much about what we need  you really have to relax and allow these things   to happen so as an example in my own life I didn't  think when I was first coming into Japan to learn   lots of Japanese words about maternity or like you  know women you know in pregnancy and things like   that like I could have studied that like I could  have studied that but I like other things that are   related to that like it had no real use in my life  maybe there's a chance I might use some of that   vocabulary but it just really wasn't a good thing  for me to focus on but when my wife was having our   first child so my when my older daughter uh Arya  was coming along then it became important for me   to learn that vocabulary so without me trying to  force that like oh I will probably be going to a   hospital and talking with doctors and things like  that I should probably learn that vocabulary and   that's when I naturally learned that okay so you  have people following uh uh what I'm saying over   here hopefully this makes sense all right so again  the basic idea is it's it's typically like the   fear and worry that people have that drive them to  do these things over here so if you feel nervous   like you need you know security and you really  want to know every English word that's why people   love to get all that information but the people  who who actually have some trust and some faith   and and part of that is just listening like you  you listen you pay attention to what's happening   in your life so if you know you're going to be  taking a trip or you're going to be going to this   kind of restaurant or you're meeting certain kinds  of people then focus on that particular thing you   don't have to know everything I mean even native  speakers don't know everything about every bit of   vocabulary I've probably done this me showing  you this graph before but about two percent   this is not going to be a very accurate graph  but about two percent of vocabulary is needed   so this is the whole imagine all of the words in  the English language they're like I don't know 170   000 words in common use something like that this  is not an exact number but the point is only two   percent of this is used in 98 of communication in  written so like text form in magazines newspapers   or on TV shows that kind of thing so even the  word the by itself just the word the is like seven   percent of of all written communication and most  spoken communication as well all right so instead   of trying to learn everything it's much better to  just focus on the things that you need for your   life so rather than trying to get a list of you  know some you know particular idioms or something   like that you should be focused on common  situations for your life and that's where the   vocabulary comes from so you will get it naturally  if you relax and you pay attention so in the same   way that you will pay attention to things in a  conversation so you're listening to what the other   person says you should also be paying attention in  your own life to what you need so when people ask   me Drew what should I be learning right now I ask  them tell me about your life what are what's going   on in your life what vocabulary do you need what  are the situations all right so some people maybe   they need to learn uh you know one kind of topic  and some people need to learn about something else   but rather than trying to force yourself to cover  everything and then you you really don't get   fluent in much of that vocabulary at all because  you're uh just like your attention is divided your   your effort is divided among lots of different  topics or lots of different vocabulary or grammar   and you don't really get fluent in any of it so  you have a very maybe low level understanding I   talk about this and or I have talked about this  in other videos about the different levels of   vocabulary knowledge all right so you might have  just exposure to the language where you've heard   something before and then you've got awareness  where you really understand that and then you've   got ownership where you have the highest level  where you really feel confident about using   something so typically people who are using this  forced preparation approach where they're trying   to learn as much as possible they have maybe an  exposure or an awareness level of that vocabulary   but they really don't feel confident in using it  all right this is where you become confident using   the vocabulary and the great thing about this is  when you focus on this vocabulary that allows you   to speak about a wider range of things so even  if I'm learning a specific thing like the target   is I don't know maternity vocabulary I can take  that same vocabulary and often use it when I'm   talking about other things so I might use idioms  from you know relationships or other things while   I'm talking about business or while I'm talking  about sports or something like that but the point   is I know that information really well I'm fluent  in that vocabulary and so I know how to use that   when talking about other things all right let me  follow the chat here hopefully this makes sense   let's see all right so let's see uh Julian says  I'm focusing currently currently focusing on the   most common phrasal verbs I believe that if you  don't learn phrasal verbs it's pretty difficult   to get fluency yes so phrasal verbs are a very  common uh part of the English language I recommend   people learning phrasal verbs as well this is how  people are going to understand and again the this   like even learning something like phrasal verbs  that's a great thing to focus on because it can   be applied to almost anything you're talking about  so again that's a great example of something where   you would focus on that that's why we have a  whole program the visual guide to phrasal verbs   is just talking about that because this one kind  of vocabulary is so useful and it's so easy easy   to apply it to everything in life all right but  yes this is the this is the thing where we want   to to really focus on whatever that is but the  point is relax and think about what you really   need for your life now if you're if you're at like  an even higher level let's say you know a lot of   phrasal verbs already then you want to be focusing  on a particular topic whatever that is so this is   why fluent for life is structured the way it is  so people can learn with a particular topic and   really focus on that so if you need to learn  about sports maybe you're going to a baseball   game you watch the whole lesson set about you know  baseball and how the vocabulary from that can be   used in different situations it's a really great  thing just focus on one specific thing all right   so remember it's your your mind will be looking  for I need to get as much as possible but you   need to control yourself and that's why this is  a skill that's why I call these the five Master   skills so if you can do this and even if you might  not be doing it already just begin thinking like   remind yourself yourself hey am I am I trying to  just learn a bunch of vocabulary or am I actually   learning something that I can begin applying  in my own life that's really useful for me   all right uh let's see levied red says how to  reach the level of ownership watch my video   about that so I have a specific video about that  it's you should maybe look back like two or three   months but if you look at the live videos on the  channel you should see that and you should be able   to find the uh the specific video for that all  right so it just it actually says that it's like   the three levels of vocabulary and you're probably  stuck here uh between awareness and ownership so   watch that video does this make any sense to  people everybody understand where we're going   so far so instead of trying this to be again you  notice how these are similar they one goes into   the other very nicely here so divided attention  you've got divided attention here with what   you're learning rather than being focused on one  particular thing all right Keiko says Hi teacher   I have a question is please don't a word that  should not be used is that a shocking word it's   very difficult for the Japanese to use please well  I typically no that's there's nothing wrong with   that please don't please don't do something like  if you're working at a museum or something and you   say like please don't take pictures over here uh  you you can there there's a more kind of passive   way to say that you can just say like photography  is not allowed at the Museum or something so often   and this is a cultural thing about Japan so if you  are if you want to say like directly to someone   like please don't take pictures that might feel  a little bit forceful to you like you feel like   you're being a little bit too strong but you can  say I'm sorry photography is not allowed here and   so that way it doesn't sound like it's your fault  or you're telling you know a customer or or like a   guest or something to do that so it please don't  do something is is perfectly fine uh and it also   depends on who you're speaking with so I might  be if I'm talking with my daughters I might just   say like stop doing that I I would I would I might  say like please don't do something typically like   a parent will begin being a little bit nicer so  if my kids are they can't sit still at the dinner   table we go out to a restaurant or something  they're climbing on the chairs the first time   I might say like please don't do that and then I  say like okay stop doing that and like I I want   to train them to like be quick about responding  to things so I will not continue to give lots of   those I'll just say stop or I will like put  them down in the seat or something like that   so these are a couple different situations  and it's important to remember the specific   situations when you think about vocabulary all  right but certainly that's fine uh to use that   so yes it's difficult because the nuances of the  languages on both on both sides don't don't much   you probably mean match for that m-a-t-c-h they  don't match yes again it depends on the situation   and this is why I often teach people pretty  much every video is really reminding you that   the vocabulary by itself doesn't mean anything  you have to be connecting that vocabulary with   a situation so are you speaking with customers  where you need to be a bit more polite are you   speaking with children where you can be a bit more  specific and like command them to do something all   right sayudi again uh what do you do when you come  across good expressions or vocabulary in real time   conversations with native speakers I always take  mental notes about those and they are gone by the   time uh the conversation ends often what I will  do this is a great thing but like I will bring   that into the conversation so like uh today I was  just like uh I was trying to remember like the   Japanese word for extension cord so like a power  a power chord and then uh like I was I was I asked   somebody hey can I have like an extension cord  what do you call that and so I was asking that and   then I will just to help me remind myself of that  thing I will talk about that specific vocabulary   so I will have a conversation about the vocabulary  I will say wow that was a really interesting word   like oh I didn't know you could do that so I get  excited about the language and that gives me the   opportunity to use it and try to like repeat it  in the conversation to make it more memorable   um and I can also say like is there another  way to say that so I I kind of turned it into   a lesson but not like I'm asking them to be a  teacher it's more of a fun kind of game thing   all right so if you can't just remember it maybe  you hear something I would I would highlight that   in the conversation it's okay to do that nobody's  going to be upset most people will be happy if you   you're interested in the language so if I use like  you know some weird expression and you understand   what I mean you're like oh wow I've never heard  that before you could have a conversation about   that specific word or just talk about it  for a little bit hopefully that makes sense   all right do we need to focus on particular group  of words so speak fluently I'll talk about that   in just a moment but so far the point is to is  to really think and listen to yourself listen   to your surroundings listen to your life and  that just means to pay attention to the things   that are interested or interesting to you so  what is useful and important for you at this   moment in your life without trying to think  like well what what vocabulary will I need   next week or what vocabulary will I need like  two years from now don't worry about that all   right so that's the it's the worrying side  over here that will that will cause you to   think about that it's much better just to pay  attention hey right now I work in a restaurant   I should probably learn a lot of useful  vocabulary about working in a restaurant   it's pretty easy all right but you don't have to  think well maybe next year I'll take a trip to a   mountain and I need to learn this like don't worry  about that learn the vocabulary you need for your   life right now all right the human mind again it's  the worrying all of the things over here about   like fear and worry and doubt and the things over  here are just it's all about trust and openness   and you allow yourself to get that vocabulary when  you need it you should know what you need for your   life all right so just listen to that all right  hopefully this makes sense yeah it makes sense   what up Drew just got here hello from Brazil nice  to see everybody over here let's see all right   seems we need to yeah okay so remember I'll  talk a little bit about more like the kind   of way we focus on things uh in just a  moment but hopefully this makes sense   you'll notice the foundation of this like  instead of having fear and worry again we   want to have trust openness relaxation because  those are the things that will help us learn   also but help us speak all right so let's keep  going over here uh so what what we notice like   again these things blend very easily into the  next step for each of these skills so when you   have forced preparation what you're trying to do  is collect as much information as possible and   it usually as wide as you can so you get a like a  vocabulary list of as many things as possible and   so we have like typically we have like a focus  on individual lessons I'll just say individual so individual lessons and here we're talking  about building Networks thank you [Music] now I've given a similar lesson about this but  uh like a couple times but I'd like to do this   again I know many new people watch my videos  and so hopefully they can all learn about this   as well so if I imagine I'm trying to teach you  like a new word in an alien language so I begin   let's say I have a flash card so this is a flash  card number one over here and I'm just going to   show you one thing and I draw something on  it like this let's see here so I draw this and I teach you the word let's just say awk now  it's it's going to confuse people like okay or   something we'll do we'll do uh we'll do um okay  so this is not a real word this is not English   I'm just using this as an example in an A in an  alien language if I'm trying to teach you an alien   language I use an alien language because people  from all over the world watch these videos and   I don't want to use like only Japanese or French  or something like that because the lesson is less   helpful now if I show you a picture of this and I  say um so the word the the target word is um and   I show you this you have a like a pretty general  idea of what I'm talking about I'm probably not   talking about a car or something else you can  have a general idea of what I mean by this so   just in the chat right now tell me what you think  this word means in the alien language let me know   all right this is just a little experiment uh and  an example of how Learners and teachers are often   thinking differently about information all right  so let me know what you think this is what is   um what does that mean all right let's go  be quick so we can get through this let's   go let's go all right this should be a  pretty easy uh thing if you can guess   what that is what do you think this is let's  see someone's there it says drance is a chair anyone else is on chair do I mean chair when I  mean this all right let's see uh uh Gertrudis   is a chair Visa is a chair also a couple people  said a chair okay so again as a teacher I know   what I mean by this word but you might not now  you can look at this and all means chair now   I'm going to give you another lesson so imagine  this is just like a lesson by itself all right   so I give you a picture of something and I tell  you what the word is and you think well it must   mean chair so a couple of people had that idea  uh now I'm going to give you something different now I give you the second lesson here and  something a little bit different in the   picture now what do I mean by um um what do  you think um means does it still mean chair   do you think it still means chair does  it mean something else what do you think now these are not the best uh pictures  over here we got uh let's see spot spot   I don't know if that if that meant let's  see what Furniture table so we got a table   and Furniture what is put like Fern over  here so I can write quickly Furniture table   all right and now let's say  I I do something else here um so this would be lesson three what do you think  I mean by that well things yeah it could be things I wouldn't make it that difficult  but I suppose it could be things yes now I know you can uh please forgive  me uh if these pictures are not very   good I'm just trying to do them very quickly  uh but hopefully this makes sense What would   all right good thinking  over there interesting draw all right so wood wood a couple different people  said would um isn't that interesting isn't that   interesting so again I know what I'm talking about  but do you when people are teaching a lesson and   when you learn a language as as a child in your  native language this is how you're really learning   you don't really get one lesson and learn much  from it because your parents might say something   and you don't really understand what that means  and I explain this typically like a Target so at first you get something like um and and  you can imagine in your mind you're trying to   understand what this word means and maybe you  have like I kind of think it means something   like like it doesn't mean animal I'm guessing  like it's not an animal of some kind so your   mind is like well it's not animal over here that's  a completely different thing but you still don't   know exactly what I'm talking about and so the  answers here they show that people don't really   understand because again like without me really  making it clear and without you getting a number   of examples it's really difficult to understand  something in English all right or in the alien   language and this is why most people teach using  translations so the opposite when I talk about   individual lessons is you will just get a single  lesson about something and the teacher will just   give you a translation of what that means and  so you will think oh okay like all means you   know whatever that is in your native language  all right now in this example uh by um I mean   Furniture now I'm just giving you a translation in  English I could give you many more but the point   is that the actual way you should be learning is  the network is what creates the the memorable and   understanding or memorable and understandable  lesson in your mind so yes I could be talking   about furniture I could be talking about the  material as well like if I also gave you another   like if I had like here's like a tree uh and  I've got you know something and I show an arrow   pointing to some pieces of of you know like some  wood planks or something then you would be like   wow okay now I really got it I know exactly what  he's talking about he's talking about the material   okay now what people are usually doing in  like the kind of like fear-based and like   the hurry way of trying to learn a language is  the only way really to do this is to just try   to get one lesson you get a translation  and then you move on to the next thing   okay but you really can't remember it  and you don't really understand it like   a native speaker and it's the understanding of  it like a native speaker that gets you fluent   all right now notice something else it's really  interesting about this I could I could give you   these cards in a different order I could give you  these cards in a different order so instead of   one two three four so let's say um so maybe I'm  I actually mean Furniture but let's say the the   target word is wood instead now I might begin  with this one like begin with number one and   then maybe two three four something like that but  the order of those things also makes a difference   but in general it's the network it's all  of them together that improve your fluency   is everybody is everybody getting this idea so I'm  trying to help you re try to basically remind you   of how you learned your native language and even  how you learn things now in your native language   because this is it typically you get one example  of something you might hear a new word or grammar   point or something and you probably don't really  remember it this is where I talked about before   in that previous video about getting exposure  to the language so if I just tell you something   like this and I don't give you a translation  of it that's how you're learning it in your   native language you really just have to try to  understand like do I do I really feel confident   about my understanding of a particular word so  when you try to get individual lessons like this   where you think of one thing like did I really  understand that someone told me this means chair   and now I just need to remember that or it means  wood or furniture or whatever the word is but it's   really the network that gets you fluent it's  the network that helps you understand like a   native speaker now this is just one example  this is what I call naturally varied review   this is just one example of this another one  is actually hearing the same vocabulary from   different speakers so you might hear one person  say something and another person says the same   thing all right so even if you remember something  a teacher in a lesson might be speaking very   clearly but maybe in real life conversations  you hear something and it's not so clear   so someone instead of saying um and being very  clear about it you hear something else like   um and you're like what would it what did that  person say I couldn't hear it very well and this   is why you need to get lots of different examples  to really make that vocabulary or grammar or   whatever to make that clear in your mind hopefully  this makes sense let me see if uh people but   I don't understand what you mean with home again  yes so Nils is just asking something and then like   let me explain that again I really want to make  sure people understand this when you're learning   a language even as a native speaker learning your  native language and you don't get a translation of   something you will probably not understand what it  means like you might you might kind of get it like   if again we have like a Target where you think  okay maybe it's a thing maybe it means would maybe   it means this you have a general idea of what it  means so you might have let's say like 80 percent   confidence that you understand what a word  means but this confidence level goes up as   you get more examples of something all right so  when I'm like just right now for this example   um is not a word in English it's like a  word in an alien language that I'm just   making up for this example just just so you can  remember what it feels like to to learn this way   so om like the the meaning of it for me right now  means Furniture so I'm giving you these different   examples I just added this one as an example if  I mean would so if I mean wood I would probably   not be like teaching it in this way I would  take like the order of these and change them   I would give you this one first but even if  I change the order it's all of them together   that make that vocabulary very strong in your  mind all right let me know if that makes sense   all right uh so next what does the cat ruin all  the ohm in the house mean in the alien language   yeah so in that in that case like if if the word  I'm actually trying to teach you is Furniture then   like yes I would just keep showing you more pieces  of furniture and I would probably show you those   pieces of furniture with different materials so  you might have a plastic chair or a metal table   or a a stone bookshelf or something like that  so that's how I'm making it very clear for you   that I'm not talking about the material I'm  talking about the thing and so this is It's   why it's very important as a teacher for me to  understand the way people think about vocabulary   all right and this is why I give a bunch  of different examples again this is why we   designed Frederick like this so Frederick the  app when it's teaching you vocabulary we give   you four different uh slightly varied images for  what each word means so you can start learning   that and it's a lot easier to understand with  the network than it is with just one example   all right so when people are trying to get as many  lessons as possible really the only way to do this   is with translations and the translations stop you  from speaking because you're trying to think about   translations in your conversations instead of  thinking about like okay I need to understand this   in English and now I can use it fluently all right  but when you're building networks notice how these   things are connected to each other because I'm  I'm I have like the idea of natural preparation   I naturally want to just focus on this particular  group of words just like I'm doing here I'm trying   to build a network whatever that vocabulary  is it could be working at a restaurant or it   could be even buying food at a restaurant so  I'm ordering food whatever but I'm building   a network just about this thing I'm not trying  to learn about every different thing and learn   it very quickly and then forget what I learned I  want to spend time focusing on that information   okay hopefully that makes sense let's see  over here Audrey you look just like Tom Hanks   yes I continue I made a whole video about Tom  Hanks actually uh so people can watch that uh how   can I build a network of something more abstract  for example the phrasal verb get over uh so uh   Julian I think you have uh the visual guide to  phrasal verbs in your account and you see how   how we use those different things so you would  get let's say we have just just focusing on the   word get so phrasal verbs with get just by itself  like you have in the program and so you can hear   and see and understand different examples of like  what it means to get something so it could mean   taking a position you were controlling something  you were receiving something but typically it's   moving from one position to a different position  like it's moving from someplace else to you or you   are moving to take that position okay so that's  the the basic idea of get by itself now as we   go a little bit deeper we might have like a get  up or get down or get something like that to get   over whenever we're talking about these different  things as we get more examples of that and in the   program we can't give like thousands and thousands  of examples because it's really not necessary but   you can typically find those things by yourself  like if you go to Google and we want to look at   like 10 different uh contexts for get up or get  over what was the word you asked uh yeah so get   over so get over like I could have a physical  thing where like I'm on this side of of a wall   and I need to get over the wall so I need to get  from one position to the other it's the same idea   of me taking a different position so I'm in this  position here I'm taking a different one all right   and so as you get these these different examples  of get then you really feel strongly about get   even just the word by itself but you will also  like if you have get up or get over or get down   it's the same thing so if I imagine I'm sleeping  and I get up like now I'm like oh I'm moving from   a lower position to a higher position all right  it's the same basic idea so I can get I can have   many examples of get I could have many examples  of get up also so I could have get up like I'm   telling someone to get like to a physical higher  location like I'm I'm standing let's say I have   uh I'm standing up here and my friend is down here  I say hey get up here get up here so I'm telling   him like he's not waking up he's not asleep in  this example but he's coming up here he's taking   moving from this position to this position up  here getting that position but you notice like   if I try to explain this to you in your native  language it's a lot less helpful because you're   just getting a translation is the same thing  of like okay it's it's difficult to help you   understand something here's a translation but you  don't really get it you don't really get it all   right so notice I'm giving you an even different  use of get here like to understand something so   we're moving from a position of not understanding  to a position of understanding something ah now   I got it I understand and as you hear all of  these different contexts just by focusing on one   word like that it will really help you understand  that thing and you can get this information you   know by yourself even we have a like a video  about git uh on on the YouTube channel yeah   and as well again like the like you'll find this  in fluent for life in the visual guide to phrasal   verbs all of those examples are about focus  and trying to give you naturally varied review   all right let me know if that makes sense all  right Niels has got that all right let's see   Drew how about the word rip how can we manage the  different meanings well again you want to take   these things and you would hear them in different  situations so when does something get ripped so   if I take a shirt or something I might like if I'm  like the Incredible Hulk I'm going to rip my shirt   so I take something like that to rip something all  right so I might rip you might look at a physical   example and this is why uh in the visual guide to  phrasal verbs and even in fluent for life we try   to give physical examples of things you can see  how they work the same way native children are   getting those examples so you might see something  like rip and then you just see that thing in   different contexts and and as you hear these just  like the idea of get you really develop a strong   understanding the same way a native understands  the word now a native is like not they probably   won't explain this the same way I'm explaining  it because I've spent 20 years thinking about   this stuff but this is kind of subconsciously  what's happening to natives when they think   about getting something like oh I just got a job  so there was like a position over here and I took   that position where I received something like a  present but that's what it means to get something   so understanding get like a native we don't we  don't get that from just getting a translation   notice I'm using get again and again in slightly  different ways it's all naturally varied review   all right does everybody get it does everybody get  this do you get it are you getting what I'm giving   you do you get it all right uh let's see learning  like a baby how much time getting fluency needs   uh using this method excuse me uh it basically  as long as you need to like to feel that aha   moment in your mind so if I'm teaching you like my  goal is to try to give you that feeling as fast as   possible and then even then you probably should  be getting more examples of like understanding   something so I could I could give you like a one  minute lesson about any vocabulary and then just   to help you remember it and feel more confident  about it in conversations I would have you listen   to that in a real conversation I would have you  listen to that from different people describing   that same word or using that same word so the  the understanding is usually pretty quick if   you understand like I'm teaching you here and then  maybe just a little bit of review like maybe the   next day you're hearing it this is why we organize  fluent for life the way it is so all the lesson   sets are structured so that you're listening  to something you learn it like a native but you   continue to hear it in different ways throughout  the lesson or you might see it or read it or watch   it in a video something like that and so the point  is to focus on something to hear things again and   again in different ways or from different speakers  or in different tenses at different times whatever   even at different speeds okay so it doesn't take  long to to understand when you learn this way   and again again the goal of fluency is to get  to that point of that aha moment like ah now   I got it I got it I understand I got it you get it  all right do you get it now you got it so get you   will hear this word a lot a very common word and  this is why I try to cover this I've covered this   actually many many times in lessons uh same thing  with like have so get and have because they can   they can have like slightly different meanings and  as you as you learn all of these through different   examples rather than trying to get translations  but this is the power of building networks because   if you build a network around the word get and  you really understand that then you can start   using get what whatever the the conversation  it doesn't matter what you're talking about   so you know what talking about like to get over  so uh Julian mentioned get over before so I   gave you the example of like here's a wall  I'm on this side of the wall I need to get   to this position over here now there are a few  ways I could do that I could maybe I could get   like I could get through this thing maybe if I  break a hole in this wall I could get through it   or I could try to get over the wall now we take  a physical idea of this and then we have a more   figurative meaning of like let's say I was dating  a girl for a while and we broke up so to break up   that's another phrasal verb to break up to break  into different pieces all right so we split up   all right so if I'm over here and now like the  thing that I need to get over is like my sadness   about that so I'm thinking about this girl every  day oh I wish we were still together you know   I need to get over her okay I need to I need to  forget about that I need to move on with my life   okay so it's like an obstacle or something that  it's it's I can't I can't make forward progress   I need to get over that so you often hear this  in movies where people talk about like getting   over a relationship we're talking about moving on  just like we might get over a wall all right and   as you get and you notice how you you get these  examples from me and your mind is like ah like   now I understand that's that's the whole point I'm  trying to give you as many aha moments as possible   all right but let me know uh if people did  not get this learning the second language and   uh relearning the word the world yeah so again  what we're trying to do instead of uh learning   individual words because we're because we're  scared we're nervous we want to learn as many   things as possible we actually want to build our  Network it's the network the network that gets you   fluent all right it's just another way of talking  about naturally varied review all right let's keep   going here so we want to get through four and five  but let me know if anything so far does not make   sense hopefully I'm getting this get over it can  be something like to give up something too yeah   it's basically like like forgetting something and  moving on or moving away from that thing to get   over something you can also get over a sickness  okay so same thing the sickness is the obstacle   we need to get you know I can I can get over that  thing but again I can also get through that thing   same idea so I need to get over my sickness notice how these things they easily blend from one  end to the other so if we have divided attention   and we're trying to learn too many things we  don't remember them very well and that's why   we don't speak but if we have focused attention  and we just relax and let the things come to us   as we need them and we build the networks we need  then we're naturally building fluency very easily   I've just like proved that right in this video all  right let's see uh unisa got it glad to hear it   all right moving on so we'll do uh number four  right here now notice as as we keep doing this   look at this again each one of these things Blends  naturally into the next one so we have like rigid so a rigid vocabulary and a flexible so again notice how each one of these things  Blends into the next one they lead from one   to the next so rigid vocabulary something that's  rigid like this marker is rigid if I if I put a   lot of pressure on it I might snap the marker  I might break the marker but my hand is very   flexible it's flexible like that and so what we  want to do is as we build Networks we really feel   a lot more confident about our vocabulary because  we have different ways of saying different things   so I just gave you the example before I could get  over something or I could get around it I could   get through that different thing all right these  are different ways of expressing the same basic   idea so I want I have a problem or an obstacle or  something I need to to you know I need to solve   that problem so I can get over that problem I can  get around that problem I can get through that   problem somehow all right but when you learn this  way when you try to get individual lessons you   only get one thing you don't feel very confident  about it so you need to get a translation this   gives you a very rigid vocabulary and this is  really what gets people stuck in conversations   because they have only basically one way of saying  something so they have one idea this thing means   this so this thing in English means this in in my  native language and if I forget that thing oh no   that's where I get stuck and this causes a lot of  frustration in conversations okay but the flexible   vocabulary comes from building the network you  learn lots of different ways of expressing things   again like people will tell me about my programs  or whatever they might watch one lesson of   something and think like like I didn't get fluent  it's like well you don't you don't get fluent from   one lesson all right you can't get fluent from an  individual lesson it's really difficult to do that   because the mind doesn't work that way like the  mind is looking for lots of different pieces of   information to make something understandable all  right it's the same reason that you have two eyes   okay or two years so if you take your hand and  cover one of your eyes and you try to look at   something you can see generally where it is just  like this target up here I can see generally like   I know there's something in front of me but I  can't tell how far away it is I need to open both   of my eyes to know exactly where that thing is so  if I have only one eye it's like getting only one   lesson but if I have like you know many eyes like  this that's how I really know I can I can focus   and know exactly where something is all right  and that's why we have two ears same idea so if I   cover one of my ears and can't hear something very  well I know there's a general area where a sound   is coming from but it's it's much easier if I have  two ears I can find that much better it's called   triangulation so I'm making a triangle between my  eyes and a Target or my ears and a Target triangle   all right so you make sure everybody's getting  this uh you're really a great coach not only a   teacher you give me self-confidence I appreciate  that glad to hear all right yes I'm glad to hear   that's helpful remember it begins with with faith  I know I know this sounds like a weird word to   use about language learning but you really must  relax all right the reason we do this is because   we can't possibly like try to figure out like  everything that's happening or be prepared for   everything it's just not possible but what we can  do is get very good at listening and get very good   at being prepared for the right situations when  they happen and it's it's just a very natural   process but it's it's kind of the opposite from  what we are told to do so almost like all advice   about things is like you want to be on this side  over here the natural the natural like everyday   common advice about things is like try to learn as  many words as you can here's how to learn like 20   000 words or something but you don't want to  do that you want to actually just focus on the   things that you need for your life and then you  build the networks around those that gives you a   flexible vocabulary okay all right Dan G says it's  basically about forgetting your native language   and creating the mindset a native speaker uses  yeah but just remember this is the same thing   you do in your native language as well so it's  it's like applying the mindset and the learning   strategy of your native language to English that's  all you're doing all right so we're not we're not   giving you like any any new strategy really it's  just it's reminding yourself like these are the   things you do naturally like when you're in your  everyday life you're typically not trying to learn   a bunch of random vocabulary for something in  the future unless you're maybe you want to like   become a lawyer and so you're going to school you  need to study a particular you know test like the   bar exam or something in that case you would be  focusing on that building your networks around   that so that's the the natural thing you would be  doing but typically you don't just get like random   lessons of vocabulary that that you don't do  anything about that doesn't people don't do that   in their in their native language so you don't  need to do it in English either okay I promise   you and this is again like I mentioned Faith up  here and I continue to to repeat that word because   it you must you must let go you must relax and  allow these things to come to you and be focused   on that thing as you're learning it and it's very  difficult like if you're if you're thinking like   often uh I I talk about stuff like this because I  have to teach people these things before they join   my programs because if they don't they will be  expecting like well it's it's not what I expected   I want I want like you know give me a translation  give me tell me what this means and and like you   don't you don't get fluent that way it's not how  you get fluent all right you get fluent like this   so as you get more information you absorb these  things naturally and that's how you start using   them like a native speaker so when you understand  the language naturally you can use the language   natural all right any questions about that  hopefully all right Keiko says thank you so much   I'm relieved to hear that I think I used it in  the wrong way uh or used it in the wrong situation   with the wrong person because I was so angry  sorry about that wow so this is what I love about   Japanese people they can be really angry but still  say the word please yes and maybe I guess if you   were speaking you can tell me more uh Keiko about  your particular situation but yes if we're being   polite then maybe we want to say please don't do  something but if you're really angry at someone   you say stop like don't ever do that don't do that  to me or don't do that whatever you know this is   the the kind of thing that we would say to kids  but usually after we give them like hey here's   a here's a quick like warning about something be  careful don't do that don't test me so I will say   this as a dad like so my younger daughter Noel is  particularly like always trying to trying to see   what she can do so she might take you know a pen  or something or like spoon or whatever and tap   on the table and I would say uh thank you Noel  please don't do that so I give her one warning   and then and then she will look at me and she  will like tap the table again and I'm thinking   I say okay fine and I come over and just you know  take the take the spoon or whatever from her so   I'm being polite but I'm being firm at the same  time so if I just say please don't do that please   don't do that and this is just important you know  parenting advice or whatever if you tell your   kids to not do something and then you don't stop  them then then they won't listen to you all right   but I won't go it won't go off on that I am not  relaxed that is the problem yes so I know a lot of   people Nils especially I was talking with a German  guy uh two days ago so like an older guy I think   probably like maybe 60 or 70 years old German guy  I like you know very like German and we talked   about like cultural differences and he was talking  about like part of this like the the rigidness uh   typically in in German like German culture German  design so it it creates a lot of amazing things   but remember the that we we like to think that  we that we can like figure out something if we   have a problem or there's something wrong with our  life or whatever uh and that and that causes us to   worry about things all right but I'll give  you like another quick exercise about this   just to make this point because a lot of people  it's like they can't let it go they have to be   thinking like well what's going to happen in this  situation where they worry about different things   so let's say for an example uh people might do  something like this so let's say they have a   problem or they have a decision they might  make and so they would have like the pros   uh and the cons so these are things like what's  a good reason to do something or a good reason   to not do that thing so maybe I have to move  I have an opportunity to move to a different   country all right for for some reason so a pro is  like maybe I get to experience new things or maybe   I get paid more or something like this and so I  list these different reasons up here and then the   cons so the things that are negative maybe like  well I have to leave my family and maybe I don't   know I don't like the I don't know the language or  something like that so people will will think like   this and it's it's in this same kind of column  of of how can I uh like how can I how can I feel   like comfortable because I've thought of enough  of these things all right now the truth is that   like we don't really make decisions like this  really it's a it's a feeling we get we we do all   of these different things we write the pros and  the cons and then we're just like all right well   how do I feel about that and the reason we do that  is because it's impossible to get a correct answer   from something like this it's impossible all  right the reason it's impossible is because like   here's what happens today we don't know what like  decisions will happen like as a result of that   it's just it's it's just too too many things  are possible you know we we call these like   the consequences of our actions so this is the  we might be able to see this like if I do this   then this happens all right and maybe we can see  if this happens then this happens over here but   we can't see like 20 steps in the future it's  impossible and so you have to just you have to   get much better at like relaxing into making  decisions like this so you can think a little   bit about this but I I don't really spend much  time doing this personally because it's it's   impossible to know if you made a good decision or  not using using this method all right I'm kind of   going off on a tangent over here but hopefully  this makes sense all right so do your kids uh   speak Japanese better than they do English uh  yeah I think they're they're Japanese is better   than their English because they spend more time  in the day getting understandable messages in   Japanese so my daughters uh both go to school  and so they will be getting like every day the   teachers and other friends and things like that  uh they're using that so they only really get   English from from me at home and like you know  their their mother speaks English as well or if   they're watching some TV shows or something so I  have to be very specific and very focused about   how I teach them so if I only have like an hour  or something with my kids then I have to give   them a lot of good lessons to make sure they can  learn that but they are much better than often   kids I will see who have like they don't speak any  English at all so even if one of their parents is   an English speaker the kids don't really speak  much English all right so they would be better   if I could have like even more time with them but  I have to have to make sure I give give them that   how do you all greetings from uh Somaliland as  you see there hello practice makes perfect yes   again like the practice that I'm talking about  the practice you get is when you're building a   network of the different vocabulary that you need  that's the real practice you get the practice is   not about trying to learn words very quickly and  then repeat those to yourself or to other people   okay so we want to build the network and it's  it's again like I showed with that example of   ohm you know that the the alien word that  means furniture or I just said it means   Furniture it could mean wood or something but  if I'm teaching you different things uh then   you will learn them naturally as you get more  examples but you have to trust that process   you have to think like if if the first lesson  I'm not quite clear on it many people will just   quit they're just like okay I don't I don't get  something I don't understand it uh and so like I   just need a translation give me a translation you  have to control yourself you have to relax you   have to let it happen okay it's the same way you  got fluent in your native language remember when   you were young you would hear some vocabulary and  you were like I don't really know what that means   like I've heard that but I don't I have a general  idea of what it might mean but I don't know for   sure and so I need to hear that thing and as  you hear it again and again there is a moment   where you're like now I got it and that's where  you can start using it fluently that's where you   really feel confident about the vocabulary so the  confidence comes naturally as you go through this   process it's really about relaxing and listening  and allowing that stuff to come to you without you   trying to force that okay so you got to relax  especially the Germans watching this video   all right let's see uh practice makes perfect  no pain no gain let's study no no no way   again I don't want people to feel like this is  a this is a difficult process this is where all   the pain is over here all right the gain is over  here so the the pain comes from like trying to do   something that's not really working where you're  like okay I keep learning more words but why am   I not speaking more fluently is because you're  probably doing this you're not getting enough of   the few things that you do need and you're getting  too much of stuff that you don't need at all right   so let's finish this up uh so number five what is  the the kind of natural conclusion of all of this   and the natural conclusion is that you should be  focusing and continuing uh along the process so   we like just basically uh I guess the best way  to best way to say it is to stick with the plan and this is where we're going to jump  from like from one thing to the next thank you so and by this I'm talking about how people learn  all right so as you continue once you understand   this is what you should be doing just keep doing  it that's it that's all you have to do just keep   doing it so what happens with this is like this  all of this stuff it never really gets you fluent   and that's why people try lots of different stuff  to get fluent they're like well maybe I should   sing some songs or maybe I should I don't know I  should like write stuff why while I'm standing on   my head or something all right so they jump from  approach to approach and they think that something   like well I must be special there must be a  different way that I should be doing something   this is this is the this is the conclusion  this is what people believe and so they try   different things now as an example like this same  process happens in business so let's say you have   someone who wants to start a business they might  try a bunch of different things they're jumping   from one idea to the next maybe today I try to  sell ice cream and tomorrow I'm trying to sell   I don't know like weather balloons or something  and and I think like the like the money is coming   from the ice cream or the weather balloons or  whatever else I'm doing what I'm doing uh but   it's actually the process that that builds wealth  it's not it's not like the particular thing I'm   selling now there might be some things that are  good and sometimes or whatever like people don't   usually have horse carriages now so you don't have  like little whips to whip horses that's something   people probably wouldn't buy but in general if  you stick with the plan of like of how business   actually works and and providing good value to  people you're probably going to do very well   it's just can you continue doing it or not so the  natural thing that happens with people like all of   these different things it's almost like two sides  of ourself and I know this is this all sounds   a little bit like woo-woo or weird or something  maybe uh for a language lesson but I promise you   like if you can if you you kind of get attuned to  this if you feel this if you recognize this about   yourself if you think like I feel nervous like  you you can feel that oh this is like an actual   feeling I have like I'm I'm trying to study  everything I feel overwhelmed I'm not really   remembering what I learned it's because you're  doing things on this side of the like the this   this way of thinking so you can do both of these  things but it takes a little bit of time a little   bit of practice to train yourself to do this but  it really just begins with having 100 attention   so while you're listening to a lesson  or you're listening to a person you're   speaking with even in your native language  you can you can practice these things as well   so if you're listening to your friend while  they're talking about something try to take   care not to think about what you're going to say  next or what you're uh you know what your laundry   is doing or dinner or something like that try  to give 100 attention because you're not worried   about what's going to happen next like you just  you know it will naturally take care of itself   all right so we cannot it's it's impossible for  us to try to plan everything and figure everything   out so we relax we just we we just we have to  have to we call this word like to surrender to the   process you just you just let it happen all right  and so if you apply that this is a systematic way   of of understanding this idea but I promise you  if you can do this you will feel much better you   will feel more relaxed and this will be not just  for language learning but for your life in general   all right let's see if anybody has any questions  about this uh but that is basically the lesson   hopefully uh you understood that all right let's  see here so I hope the moments is coming you would   say the moments are coming yeah and so as you  learn the more you focus on something the the   faster like that that thing will come to you  so you really want to get the understanding   and and this is the kind of natural order of steps  that you would follow to to reach that all right   uh let's see in this way low pain more gain yes  this is this is the natural way the pain the pain   often comes from from trying to to to not do  this I know it's very hard I've told the story   before about how there was a uh like a man I think  a Korean man who bought one of my programs for his   wife but his wife really wanted translations and  so like she was still stuck over here and so if   you can if you can make the mental switch to this  over here especially if this way is not working   so often this way is not working for for people  this is what this is how they find me so they've   been trying things and they're looking online  like how do you get fluent how does this work   and like ah okay this is you know I I admit this  is kind of a crazy language lesson it's different   certainly from from what most people are teaching  because this is really what you need to get fluent   all right let's see uh thank you sir for the  motivation you just gave us I got all what   you just explained my last question how can I  improve my speaking skills as I don't have any   speaking Partners all right so great question  another common question notice on this like I   don't mention anything about speaking with other  people as a way to get fluent that's not part   of this process at all and so a lot of Learners  are they're still thinking over here about what   I need to do in order to become a fluent speaker  but the fluency doesn't work like that it's the   actual opposite of of pretty much everything over  here it's the opposite when you do it the natural   way so just like I talked about before like the  the number one thing the first thing that you   learn is about divided attention and this is  where you're thinking about what you want to   say in a conversation because you think you need  to speak in the conversation in order to become   more fluent but I've already shown you in this  video like as I've given you different examples   of something it's your understanding that gives  you the fluency and what we're really trying to   do we we want to have uh like no doubt about what  we're saying we want to feel confident we want to   feel relaxed about things and the only way to  do that is to get more we're trying to get more   naturally varied review where we're getting lots  of examples of things we're getting understandable   messages rather than translations all right and  so you don't need to speak in order to become   more fluent speech is the result of getting all  these examples because if we try to speak before   we feel confident about something we're not really  improving we're just repeating information we've   heard but we're not really expressing something  like we really understand it so you don't have   to have a person in your life to speak you can  be living on a mountain by yourself not speak   with anyone and still become more fluent it  just means you're understanding the language   more so that when you do speak when you do have  an opportunity to communicate or you're writing   or something then you will use the vocabulary  fluently all right remember that you probably   spend most of your day not speaking most of  your day even in your native language you're   just getting lots of information from other people  like watching TV or TV shows or news or reading   newspapers or something like that most of it is  not you speaking but you're still learning more   information and as you learn more you feel  more confident about talking about something   okay so don't worry about not having again like  I don't mention anything about having someone to   speak with because it's not necessary to do that  all right uh let's see uh how can one uh how can   one get naturally varied review from Peppa Pig or  Paw Patrol good example uh so if you're looking   for something like let's say there's a PAW  Patrol episode about a particular thing maybe   like there's a an episode there there's there's  the kind of natural uh example of the vocabulary   that you hear again and again as you watch a  bunch of episodes of it so just like you could   watch a bunch of episodes of friends and you hear  certain words or phrases again and again that's a   kind of General way to improve and so like in Paw  Patrol uh like uh like one of the characters or or   a couple of them they say like Paw Patrol is on a  roll and like they're they're talking about like   you know continuing to do something or they're  moving in some way like there's a physical idea of   like rolling in a v in a vehicle to some location  but it also means they're like continuing to be   successful and so there's like Forward Motion  all right as you get those different examples   or you might even have like like Rider needs us  like that's a like a phrase you will hear again   and again in the show and it's it's teaching you  at specific grammar point it's like oh this this   thing needs that other thing uh and so you can  get specific with like let's say there's a TV   show about them I don't know cooking something you  might want to also watch something else about like   some other you know like it could be a cartoon  or even could be a live person talking about   making something so some episodes are are like  more specific about I don't know maybe like some   weird thing like they go into space or something  like that but look for more information that's   about that same topic so it might not be coming  from the same source so it might not all be Paw   Patrol videos or Paw Patrol whatever but you  can certainly look at like other TV shows that   follow that same thing so it's same thing with  Peppa Pig or whatever so as you watch a bunch of   episodes of something you will naturally get that  vocabulary but you can also focus on a particular   topic from an episode and then maybe you get that  from different different TV shows or other sources   like just regular YouTube videos I talked in the  uh I don't know what video it was a recent live   video about how to get fluent with TV shows and  I talk more about this idea to watch that video   all right uh Drew let's see how many lessons in  your program how long should we study each lesson   please as Bruno uh if you're talking about fluent  for Life uh there's eight it's over eight years   worth of content in that program and so you've got  like I mean many years of content that you could   focus on uh the the way to go through the lessons  is again just like we're covering everything right   here we want to be focusing on a particular lesson  set for a whole month and I know this sounds like   a lot of time people like oh like I don't want  to review give me like individual lessons about   like a whole bunch of different stuff but then you  don't remember it you can't use it fluently so you   have to control yourself you have to go through  the process of like of learning more about the   about the information going deeper into it hearing  it from different people and so you would focus on   one lesson set for a month and you go through each  day learning in a different way with all of the   lessons and that's how you do it and so as far as  the amount of lessons as I mentioned there are 100   it's eight years worth of content but 100 lesson  sets in the program and so you can choose what   you learn with so the reason we give you so much  content is because people have different needs   just like I talked about the natural preparation  over here so you don't want to force yourself to   learn about something like I'm not going to be  as a teacher okay today guys we're going to talk   about how to fix motorcycles and maybe you don't  care about fixing motorcycles and yes you can   learn some vocabulary there that will be helpful  in other situations but it's much better to learn   with something you're really interested in so we  have like uh lesson sets about sales and marketing   lessons about taking care of pets lessons about  all kinds of things like business or academic life   or being a lawyer or whatever lots of different  things so that people can focus on the specific   information they want but as you go through one  set you will feel yourself becoming more fluent   within that first 30 days and then you just repeat  that process that's how it works all right uh and   also like if you're not in the program you can  click on the link in the description below this   video to learn more about that uh and the link  for Frederick is down there as well uh let's see   and uh cab Deli if I'm pronouncing that correctly  uh personal imaginative thoughts often dominate   the mental focus and attention so best how to deal  with this yeah so often you might be like I am not   an expert about like how to how to calm the monkey  mind but I know that like often we get signals   about the things we should focus on and so if I  feel like I'm naturally interested in something   like me personally I like I don't know let's  say I like uh I don't know today like raising   goldfish that's like a passion of mine all right  it's not really but just as an example but my dad   he says like well there's no future in goldfish  you need to become a lawyer or something like that   so there like he is the kind of rational mind  telling me like what I should do to make money   and I'm thinking like well I really like goldfish  or whatever now I can probably figure out a way   to make money with goldfish if that's what I'm  talking about but this is a way for controlling   your mind is actually to like to to allow the  like the strongest Focus to feed that and so   maybe you you probably know this maybe you've  heard this before the word flow or the phrase   Flow State or you could we also describe this as  being like in the Zone in the zone in a flow state   it just means like where you're you're naturally  providing focus into some area or whatever that   is and you don't get distracted by other things  so this could happen while you're playing a sport   or while you're learning about something or while  you're in a conversation so it's almost like time   stops and you just naturally get absorbed in  that information and this happens if the more   you start listening to yourself so you kind of  listen to your body you can feel what you're   interested in and also like what what the things  you need in your life are so if you hear I don't   know somebody like in your life is is talking  about moving or you keep getting like signals   about that usually they start very quiet and they  get louder over time but if you listen to those   things and you don't and you don't let the kind  of natural thoughts happen of like well what's   what's going to happen if we do this that's the  kind of natural the fears and worries that come   out when we start start living this way so I want  you to be living and learning this way as well   all right let me know if that makes sense all  right uh let's see Richard says 100 all right   hand cake was this I got glad to hear it with  a lovely smiley face all right like Eunice says   perfect I appreciate your help teach you your  lessons are really helpful for me I wish you   all the best and Happy Father's Day ah yes it's  uh Father's Day any fathers out there uh Happy   Father's Day if you're watching this uh yesterday  so I'm already I'm already the day after Father's   Day but I had a nice nice uh Father's day with my  family yesterday I went to the there was a Nils   you will appreciate this and my German friends  out there there was an Oktoberfest in Nagasaki   this past week so they had it in June instead of  October I don't know why they do that but it was   great I had a lovely uh I had some German German  beer it was delicious all right uh let's see   m-h-e-r Mar if I'm pronouncing that correctly hi  Drew can you tell us the importance of consistency   in learning a language yeah so again that's the  last step down here so I could just put like being   consistency I like to say to like stick with the  plan just to give you a more natural native way   of saying this but this just means once you know  what works keep doing it that's all you have to   do it's like the easiest thing in the world like  ah once you know like if I get fluent in English   the way I get fluent in my native language I will  become a fluent speaker it's it's just it's it's   like I I've never had anyone prove that that this  doesn't work never like not once not one person   ever has given me a good argument as to why this  would not work not one but I do have people that   will be like either lazy or they will just like  they really stick to these things and they feel   they really have to learn this way over here and  so I can't I can't fight people all I can say is   look like if this way is not working for you try  this instead all right so I I don't know anybody   who gets fluent by doing these things but many  people continue to do them all right but I can't   stop anybody I can only do this and this is what  I do personally for myself as a language learner   all right so I'm I'm also doing these doing these  things and it's like oh like wow I figured out how   to learn I should continue doing that all right  same thing all right uh let's see so flow state   is when you're concentrating on one thing so much  that you can't get distracted easily yes that's   a basic idea to be in a flow state so it can  happen while you're doing something physically   or while you're doing something else whatever  all right roderico nice to see you again true   in a typical week I'll speak in my mother tongue  for no more than half an hour and I'm still fluent   just because I'm constantly getting in contact  with meaningful content in that language yes and   so this is why I remind people it's like hey just  remember you're not speaking most of the day even   a person who is a professional speaker like me  I'm not even I'm not I wouldn't call myself a   professional speaker I don't go out and and  give speeches or whatever uh but even that I   don't spend much time doing that at all most of  my day is just like listening and learning stuff   and then when I have an opportunity I will  speak but it's amazing what happens when you   start following like following this system you  let it naturally happen you will automatically   find ways like hey I just learned that vocabulary  and here it is now I have an opportunity to use   it in a conversation it's amazing how that happens  but you just have to relax and allow it to happen   you can't try to plan it all out in advance I know  that's the natural thing but it's really just like   the fear and worry that drives you for that if  you'd like to stop doing that the way to do it   is just to remember it's it's not possible to have  complete control over that I think like the whole   planet right now is a little bit messed up because  we have like there's so much fear and worry in the   in kind of like the world generally people want to  try to control everything but if you can relax and   let it happen like natural things will happen and  usually you will be successful as a result of that   uh let's see Duran says can I do two or more  lessons in a day will still follow the monthly   plan since one lesson may only take 15 minutes a  day is that advisable uh if you if you want to try   to do that it's okay but I would I would caution  you like even if you feel like you know something   like you could try to do more but if you're not  really feeling like you're remembering it more   then it's probably not a good idea to do that so  I know it seems like like kind of a slower process   where you're focusing and you really want to get  more information if you have a lot of time I would   recommend like adding more to the lesson sets  so as an example if you're going to follow one   lesson uh I would get more outside information for  that so if the lesson set is about uh I don't know   fashion or whatever then watch some YouTube videos  about people talking about fashion so get more   information about that particular topic that's a  better idea that will help you focus more and give   you a lot more naturally varied review than just  what we cover in the lesson set so we can't cover   everything that's not possible but uh but you can  add your own information on top of the lessons   that will make the lessons more valuable all right  so I would I would recommend you do it that way   uh Eunice again less is more stay tuned for more  tips with you good luck with everyone see you take   care all right Neil says that is great glad  to hear it love to see the hearts and smiley   faces over there our links is how much time  can it take while the quantity of information   turns into the quality of speech I mean relaxing  version well again like if you if you've learned   anything from me in videos I don't know how many  videos of mine you've seen but the the fluency can   actually develop like almost instantaneously if  you understand something so again I'm trying to   give you the aha moment and the aha moment is  like is the moment of understanding where you   feel you really own something and now you feel  confident using it so as an example like in   Japanese for for like years I had trouble with the  difference between like let's say like Monday uh and I was just like oh man I can't like why can't  I figure this out like logically I understand what   this is but like and it's it's so similar but  I can't I just couldn't get it and then finally   I got the aha moment just it was just the right  example at the right time and that helped me so   typically if you're learning by yourself like  you might have those instances where you're   trying to learn something and it feels like  it's taking forever like you feel like it's   ah like I don't get it I don't understand what  this is and so what I try to do as a teacher I   want to I want to get like the lessons that  seem like they've been most helpful for for   the most number of people and then give those  things as quickly as possible so that you're   trying to move through those and you get the aha  moment as fast as you can uh and again like even   in for people in fluent for life if they still  have questions they just post in the comments   or send us an email and we answer that and most  people are like ah now I got it okay so that's   how you would get the information and it really  can happen very quickly when you learn that way   all right uh let's see and then cake it with more  smiley faces look at that all right well I think   uh my time is almost finished here but hopefully  this makes sense I recommend you go back and watch   this again if you started late so the video will  be available on the YouTube channel you can watch   it there but hopefully I keep repeating myself  but hopefully you understand this this makes sense   um this way over here like you were it's going to  feel like there's a lot of pain for very little   gain over here this weighs much easier lets you  relax like you kind of let life come to you as it   needs to come to you all those things will happen  and this took me a while to understand as as like   a just like a person and a learner but I promise  if you try these things especially this one   this is the easiest thing you can do right now  in your life uh it's also the most difficult   so this one but about trying to give attention to  the things that you were giving attention to so   if you're in a conversation with someone give them  your attention I know it's hard to not think about   the laundry or whatever like this this mind will  will come into your mind it will say what about   the laundry I said don't worry about the laundry  laundry will be okay you know I kind of have my   it's like in my life this is more like my wife  over here will give me this stuff and so I have   to my wife and I work well together because we  have this blend so I have to teach her about this   and she's like well you know you gotta make sure  you wash your hands you know so she reminds me   about this stuff but I say like look you know it's  there's a lot we don't know and it's much better   if we kind of relax and let it happen all right  so I think when you're there uh let's say oh look   we've got a few more comments uh very quickly Tran  says speaking of rip uh that's what Drew's brand   of shirt are you wearing it fits you nice LOL ah  okay well just regular you know I can't really   find uh shirts I'm looking for t-shirts here in  Japan people need to send me some some T-shirts   I'm definitely not going to rip this t-shirt but  like girl like I could or I could probably maybe   try to try to rip it over here all right a lot of  pain for a little gain I think that was like that   yes is that an idiom well the idiom is no pain no  gain and that's typically like for this but the   the the kind of pain that comes from this process  is just getting your mind it's reminding yourself   hey relax relax I don't need to study 10 000  words I need to study 10 words and know them   very well and in any area of your life like this  is the successful way that a few people are doing   and this is the difficult way that most people are  doing doesn't matter if it's business or language   learning or learning like a sport or anything like  that just relax relax remind yourself to relax   all right Neil says thank you and thanks for the  great lesson as always I'm enjoying your programs   yes I'm glad to hear it yes so sayudi started with  uh the visual guide to phrasal verbs I believe   all right thank you drew says dran yes relax  get more information remember this is another   thing you can think about like if you're still  not understanding something then go get more   information about that thing don't move on to the  next topic or whatever if you're like yeah I don't   really get it like it just means you need more  review of that topic but when you get that aha   moment that's where you really feel excited you're  like yes I finally got it just like this for like   I was like well look at that I got it now now I  can use it and I feel confident about that all   right but it's not because I like repeated the  word again and again I just uh now I understand   what that means all right all right if uh anybody  has more questions it looks like that's the end of   this lesson but thank you very much for joining me  if you would like to please like the video click   that little like button I should see like some  little likes going on click that like button click   that like button let YouTube know that you enjoyed  this so more people can find videos like this that   help them get fluent and also you can click on the  links in the description below this video to learn   more about Frederick and fluent for life they  all follow these same principles and they will   help you get flown much faster have a fantastic  day and I'll see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: EnglishAnyone
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Id: 1T1CIHxsfx4
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Length: 95min 30sec (5730 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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