15 Python Projects in Under 15 Minutes (Code Included)

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hey guys you were about to see 15 of the coolest Python projects I've made in the past three years I start with the most basic ones that I made a few years ago and get progressively more complicated and difficult so if you're being bored by the beginner videos skip forward a few minutes but if you want to see my progression and kind of how I got better and better through the years then definitely stay tuned for the entire video I think it's really cool to see that and some of the projects at the end I'm sure are going to impress you guys so with that being said I'll let you enjoy the video and I'd love to hear your feedback in the comments down below if you guys are interested in running or looking at any of the code that you see in this video all you have to do is go to my github there will be links for each project in the description down below go into the project and look in this readme file and click open and get pod when you do this it's gonna bring up an online IDE this is completely free and you'll be able to see a preview of the code running on the right hand side interact with it and play with it now this first project that I'm showing you is the start of my kind of graphics career if I were to say that so before this project all I've done with Python was very basic text kind of projects which I'm not going to show you because they're really boring but this was hangman made with Pi game now this was really basic but it did actually take a long time to program because I was still learning how PI games work believe it or not trying to get these circles working and stuff like that was more difficult than it looks this next project is still one of my favorites to this day and it is my version of Microsoft Paint with Python now again we had to make this in our programming class but you can see that it's a really basic kind of drawing program and I added a bunch of tools that weren't required that I was really proud of when I was younger and doing this in grade 11 so just different strokes for drawing I have this fill tool which allowed me to kind of fill different shapes as you can see here I had this replaced tool which replaced whatever color you selected with that other color that's here I had a clear and I also added an option to save my work so if I'd to go ahead and try to save my work here as paint and then I see you can see it saves up at the top here and then I can clear this and open up my work and start working on it again like that now if you try to do something enclosed when you don't have it saved will ask you if you want to save before closing you can do that and then it will close the program this next project is something that's / simple but I really wanted to show it to you guys because it kind of proves that sometimes you don't need to have a super complicated program to do something interesting and something fun which is a turtle race in Python now I actually teach programming to kids in a classroom throughout the summer and something that I usually run in the background when they're doing their free work or whatever work it is is this Python turtle race program I get each kid to pick a turtle I have it set up so you can do as many turtles as you want and at the end of the day we look at the text file that has all the scores and figure out which turtle won the most amount of races usually I'll give them a prize or do something like that but they absolutely love watching it and it's just something I wanted to show you guys because I really enjoy this program and it's kind of cool so this next project is what I call email storage so what it does is it opens up a window for you you have to type the master password in and once you do that it will bring you to this little container where you can store all of your emails and The Associated passwords passwords with them you can also add a name so for example maybe Tim and then in my email so maybe Tim at gmail.com which is not actually my email and that password 1 2 3 4 click add email it will tell you what it added and then you can see it in here now if I close the program and I go back in you can see that this email is still obviously here and one of my most proud moments with this project was I actually messed with hashing which means that the password that I have here was actually well kind of slightly encrypted it's a very basic encryption algorithm but that way you can't just read the plaintext passwords from the text file that is stored this next project I made is an a-star pathfinding visualization now right now I don't have it set to show the steps but essentially what you could do is draw a bunch of obstacles on the screen click the spacebar wait a second and it would find a path from this point to that point it should be the shortest path now this is kind of weird because it goes on diagonals because I don't have it set to have like diagonals be cost more to go to then regular blocks and that's something I want to fix but you can see how that works now if I rerun the program so just by simply doing this you can see that I can actually pick my start point and end point and if I wanted to see a visualization of how this is actually working what the computer is doing in the background I do show steps and then if I draw my path like and hit space you can see that it shows me exactly where we're looking for the next point I think it's pretty cool I'm not gonna let this run because it does take a fair amount of time to get through but you guys are welcome to play around with it on that github and get pod thing that I showed you earlier okay so this is by far my favorite project that I've ever made and this is super mini-golf in PI game with real physics in 2d now it features a full ball shop here where you can use your coins to purchase different balls then you can equip whatever ones you want and if you go ahead and select the course I only have one right now you can play mini-golf in PI game with Python now it is a few different power-ups appear like Mulligan Power Shot sticky ball and it's just like such an awesome project that I had a really fun time making it's probably about 2,500 lines of code and about I want to say maybe a hundred hours of coding because I had to do all the physics and everything completely from scratch and you guys can just see it's awesome I really like it every one that I show it to is really impressed by it and it shows you know if you put enough hard work you can make something that's really cool so this is the full kind of score sheet here and I won't play through all of it if you guys want to mess with it again it's in the github link so just click a link in the description and let me know how well you can do on my course so this project is blackjack in Python with PI game now this I probably did in my spare time over a weekend or week or whatever but essentially just blackjack where you can bet and you can play against the dealer so I'll reveal my cards here maybe I want to hit I can go ahead and hit get another card I'm at 21 so obviously I'm gonna stay and see if I can beat the dealer now in this case we actually tied but again you know you can keep playing it's a little bit glitchy it as it's not responding thing just because the way I'm running it right now but go ahead play this game and you know let me know what you guys think of it in the description down below so this next project is a PI game side-scrolling game there's not really much to say about it it's kind of just like a standard like run along the screen and avoid the obstacles I don't know I had fun making it if any of you guys have been subscribed for a long time and I mean like a really long time you will have remembered me making this video as a tutorial series it's still up on my channel now if you guys are interested in learning how to make something similar similar to this I will or on the github you'll be able to see a link to the video for it so this next project is the python snake game now you guys can see you really well why would it made something like this because you know python and snakes go really well together if you guys fall in my twitter you would have heard that joke already but anyways this actually remember programming at the airport on my way home from school so this was a pretty quick code for me probably took me about two hours I think I finished it up on the plane on my way back and anyways if you'd like to see a tutorial on how to create this actually have one on my channel and you'll be able to see that being that github link for the project and another classic game which is Tetris so again if you guys have been skirt subscribe to the channel maybe since like about 10,000 subscribers you've probably seen this video tutorial just a really simple basic Tetris game in Python I added some tweaks to this version just to make it a little bit smoother and fix up some bugs you know nothing really more to say then this is Tetris so this is another project that I actually really like and it's sudoko so I'm actually a big Sudoku player I like to play on my phone a lot when I'm bored and I would say I'm pretty good so actually what I ended up doing was first creating an algorithm that could solve any Sudoku board for me and then what I did is created a nice GUI and allowed me to play the game so maybe I want to try to put like a number here I can pencil it in just by clicking the number in the box I can delete it by hitting the Delete key on my keyboard and then if I'm ready to submit my answer what I can do is hit enter and if it's correct it will go in now if I try to put one here I get X on the bottom of my screen saying that I got that wrong now if I want to fill in the board I'm done playing or I give up I can click the spacebar and I can watch this nice little graphical representation of how the algorithm actually works go ahead and solve the Sudoku board for me now again I'm getting these weird errors just because of the way that I'm running this program through subline text but usually this just works fine and you know you can see the board filled in so this next project I'm showing you right away does not look like Python but it's actually my python discord bot now this has been a work in progress for a long time and I'm constantly updating it but some of the cool features it has is commands like scoreboard which show you the top users in beach discord server by messages so you can see these are some of my staff members here that have like 5,000 ages and whatnot you can look up individual user messages I mean you can read these commands you can wrap users if they've been doing a good job and helping you out in the server and then I also have this FAQ channel which uses a nice machine learning algorithm and you can tag the bot and just ask you basic questions about myself so like hello I bought hi there how can I help you could be like how old is Tim at not bought Oh at BOTS and then it will answer with appropriate answers and these aren't hard coded responses it's a machine learning model so it does a decent job at kind of picking that up but if you guys want to test this out and have a look at the bots definitely join my discord server and become a part of the community so this next project is probably one of the most advanced projects I've ever worked on and this is what I actually did when I screamed for 18 hours straight coding if you haven't seen that yet you should definitely check out the stream I'll try to leave a link to in the description but remind me if I don't where I created an online multiplayer chess game now you can see here that if I run two games and I'm just running this localhost right now that I can actually play against myself in chess now this seems like well why would we have them on the same computer well this actually works on a server client kind of system which means that you can run the server on any computer on the world and is around the world and then you can play these games from different computers so I actually did a follow-up livestream to when I created this project where I hosted the game on my own server and I played against for like 20 or 30 of you guys on the stream which was a lot of fun and you can also check that one out on my channel but again really cool project this with you sockets Python threading all kinds of crazy modules and I think I did this in I don't even know what month I didn't send maybe like February or something like that but it was a big hit and I'm gonna show you guys later another live stream I did where I created a cool project similar to this so I'm sure most of you guys already note this is but this is a tower defense game made with Python and PI game and I did this in 12 hours with no breaks it's about 1500 lines of code so let me show it to you so I'm sure most of you guys have already seen this but essentially it is just like a standard tower defense game you can buy towers on the side you're using your currency you can upgrade them if you have enough coins or stars by doing that you can toggle the music on and off and then you can buy these utility towers which allow you to strengthen things like damage and range of the towers that you place to have the wave to start running you click this pause and play button and this took a ton of work but a massive thank you to everyone that was in the stream because even today I still think about it it was a lot of fun and I'm definitely planning on doing another one if you want to see another one let me know what I should make in the comments down below and quick sidenote unfortunately you won't be able to run this project because the assets I use in here are premium paid assets which means I can't release them for free on github alright so this is the last and most recent Python project I made which was probably about a few days ago and this is a live facial detection and recognition program now I promise you it's not just labeling this Tim it actually works on other images and if you don't believe me you can go check out my Twitter where I do a little bit of a longer video on kind of how it works but this is cool this may have always wanted to make it just uses the facial detection module in Python and I don't know I think it's pretty interesting as you guys can see here so with that being said I'm going to wrap up the video here I hope I gave you guys some ideas and inspiration for some Python projects and if you did enjoy the video please make sure you hit that like button and subscribe to the channel to see all the future stuff that I'm going to be creating finally if you're not already join the discord server follow me on Twitter go to my Instagram all of that fun stuff and with that being said I will see you guys in another video
Channel: Tech With Tim
Views: 1,707,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech with tim, python projects, python projects examples, example python programs, example python applications, python projects for intermediate, python projects for beginners, python project ideas, python, good python projects, example python projects, learn python
Id: OXi4T58PwdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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